C-- sane_cwn.inc Glen Warren 8/03 C-- C-- Define variables for output ntuple. Note that all output variables are C-- prefixed with 'cwn_'. C-- Block to track particles entering a volume (currently setup for particles C-- entering calorimeter. All variables prefixed with cwn_p_ integer*2 max_part ! max number of particles parameter(max_part = 20) integer*4 cwn_p_ng,cwn_p_ne,cwn_p_np ! number of gammas, e-,e+ real*4 cwn_p_gx,cwn_p_gy,cwn_p_ge ! gamma x,y and energy real*4 cwn_p_ex,cwn_p_ey,cwn_p_ee ! e- x,y and energy real*4 cwn_p_px,cwn_p_py,cwn_p_pe ! e+ x,y and energy COMMON /particles/cwn_p_ng,cwn_p_ne,cwn_p_np, 1 cwn_p_gx(max_part),cwn_p_gy(max_part),cwn_p_ge(max_part), 2 cwn_p_ex(max_part),cwn_p_ey(max_part),cwn_p_ee(max_part), 3 cwn_p_px(max_part),cwn_p_py(max_part),cwn_p_pe(max_part) C-- Variables related to the thrown particle real*4 cwn_E ! energy of thrown particle real*4 cwn_p ! momentum real*4 cwn_xsn ! cross section real*4 cwn_xsnr ! radiated cross section real*4 cwn_asym ! physics asymmetry real*4 cwn_th ! polar angle w.r.t. beam real*4 cwn_ph ! azimuthal angle w.r.t. beam real*4 cwn_u ! array of vertex coordinates real*4 cwn_part ! particle type using my notation, not GEANT real*4 cwn_z ! protons of thrown target nucleus real*4 cwn_n ! neutrons of thrown target nucleus real*4 SRx ! Target x plot in LAB frame real*4 SRy ! Target y plot in LAB frame real*4 normrate ! Rates/yields CC real*4 F1tot ! F1 CC real*4 Rtot ! R=sigma_L/sigma_T COMMON /thrown/cwn_E,cwn_p,cwn_xsn,cwn_xsnr 1 ,cwn_asym,cwn_th,cwn_ph,cwn_u(6), 1 cwn_part,cwn_z,cwn_n,SRx,SRy,normrate CC 1 cwn_part,cwn_z,cwn_n,SRx,SRy,normrate,F1tot,Rtot C-- Variables related to the recon particle integer*4 nclust integer*4 ncell(5) real*4 cwn_E_r(5) ! energy of thrown particle real*4 cwn_th_r(5) ! polar angle w.r.t. beam real*4 cwn_ph_r(5) ! azimuthal angle w.r.t. beam real*4 cwn_x_r(5) ! corrected x-position real*4 cwn_y_r(5) ! corrected y-position real*4 cwn_z_r(5) ! corrected z-position real*4 cwn_Q2_r(5) ! corrected Q^2 real*4 cwn_xb_r(5) ! corrected x_Bjorken real*4 cwn_W_r(5) ! corrected W real*4 cwn_x_ur(5) ! uncorrected x-position real*4 cwn_y_ur(5) ! uncorrected y-position real*4 cwn_z_ur(5) ! uncorrected z-position real*4 cwn_th_ucr(5) ! uncorrected polar angle w.r.t. beam real*4 cwn_ph_ucr(5) ! uncorrected azimuthal angle w.r.t. beam integer cer_h(5) ! Cerenkov status COMMON /RECON/nclust,ncell,cwn_E_r,cwn_th_r,cwn_ph_r, 1 cwn_x_r,cwn_y_r,cwn_z_r, 1 cwn_Q2_r,cwn_xb_r,cwn_W_r, 1 cwn_x_ur,cwn_y_ur,cwn_z_ur, 1 cwn_th_ucr,cwn_ph_ucr,cer_h C-- Energy loss and Cerenkovs generated in Pb-Glass, energy loss in various C-- detector volumes, Cerenkov photons in gas Cerenkov integer*4 max_blocks ! Maximum number of Pb-Glass blocks changed to I4 OR 10/6 parameter(max_blocks = 2000) real*4 cwn_dedl ! Energy loss in volumes following Eloss integer*4 cwn_cerphot ! number of Cerenkov photons in gas Cerenkov integer*4 cwn_nb ! number of blocks in which energy was deposited integer*4 cwn_bx ! x index of block that fired integer*4 cwn_by ! y index of block that fired integer*4 cwn_bg ! number of Cernkov photons in block that fired real*4 cwn_be ! energy deposited in block that fired COMMON /blocks/cwn_dedl(6),cwn_cerphot,cwn_nb,cwn_bx(max_blocks), 1 cwn_by(max_blocks),cwn_bg(max_blocks),cwn_be(max_blocks) C-- List of good Cerenkov photons in the gas Cerenkov as determined by the C-- ltrace code. Do not confuse these arrays with the cg_ defined earlier. integer*2 max_cer ! maximum number of Cerenkov photons parameter(max_cer = 1000) integer*4 cwn_cergood ! number of good photons real*4 cwn_cg_x ! x position of good Cerenkov photons real*4 cwn_cg_y ! y position real*4 cwn_cg_xp ! x "slope" (or tangent or angle?) real*4 cwn_cg_yp ! y "slope" COMMON /cerenkov/cwn_cergood,cwn_cg_x(max_cer),cwn_cg_y(max_cer), 1 cwn_cg_xp(max_cer),cwn_cg_yp(max_cer) c c ihodoLuc - hit Lucite number c ihodoHit - Hit nuber in hodoscope c pHodo(ihodoHit) - Momentum in Hodoscope c cxHodo(ihodoHit) - X normal vector c cyHodo(ihodoHit) - Y normal vector c czHodo(ihodoHit) - Z normal vector c xHodo(ihodoHit) - X coordinate c yHodo(ihodoHit) - Y coordinate c zHodo(ihodoHit) - Z coordinate c eLosHodo(ihodoHit) - Energy lost in Hodoscope c tdcHLeft(max_part),tdcHRigh(max_part), c adcHLeft(max_part),adcHRigh(max_part) -digitalization for right and left PMT c integer*4 ihodoHit, ihodoLuc(20) real*4 pHodo(20),cxHodo(20),cyHodo(20),czHodo(20) real*4 xHodo(20),yHodo(20),zHodo(20) real*4 timeHodo(20), eLosHodo(20) real*4 tdcHLeft(20),tdcHRigh(20),adcHLeft(20),adcHRigh(20) COMMON/HODO/ihodoHit, ihodoLuc, , pHodo, cxHodo, cyHodo, czHodo, , xHodo, yHodo, zHodo,timeHodo, , eLosHodo, tdcHLeft, tdcHRigh, , adcHLeft, adcHRigh ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc integer*4 itrackY1Hit,itrackY1Bar(20) real*4 y1Track(20),zY1Track(20) real*4 timeY1Track(20), tdcY1Track(20) COMMON /TRACKY1/itrackY1Hit,itrackY1Bar,y1Track, , zY1Track,timeY1Track, tdcY1Track integer itrackY2Hit,itrackY2Bar(20) real*4 y2Track(20),zY2Track(20) real*4 timeY2Track(20), tdcY2Track(20) COMMON /TRACKY2/itrackY2Hit,itrackY2Bar,y2Track, , zY2Track,timeY2Track, tdcY2Track integer itrackX1Hit,itrackX1Bar(20) real*4 x1Track(20),zX1Track(20),ptrack(20) real*4 timeX1Track(20), tdcX1Track(20) COMMON /TRACKX1/itrackX1Hit,itrackX1Bar,x1Track, , zX1Track,ptrack,timeX1Track, tdcX1Track integer ipartc real*4 Ec,Xvr,Yvr integer nnc,nncA real*4 Emaxc,Etotc,Etot9c integer ixmaxc, iymaxc integer iE3pp,iE3pm,ie3mp,ie3mm common/ENCOR/ipartc,Ec, Xvr,Yvr, , nnca,nnc,Etotc,Etot9c,Emaxc, , ixmaxc,iymaxc,iE3pp,iE3pm,ie3mp,ie3mm integer ipartc1 real*4 Ec1,Xvr1,Yvr1 integer ixmaxc1, iymaxc1 real*4 Eyxc(5,5) common/ENCOR1/ipartc1,Ec1, Xvr1,Yvr1, , ixmaxc1,iymaxc1,Eyxc