C-- sane_misc.inc Glen Warren 8/03 C-- C-- Miscellaneous variables used internally and not part of the beam line C-- simulation package. Some of these will be copied to other variables C-- to be outputed to an ntuple. C-- Define some volume numbers for certain elements. BE CAREFUL IF YOU CHANGE C-- THE GEOMETRY AS THIS MAY CHANGE THE VOLUME NUMBER. This could be done C-- more intelligently. integer*2 vol_hodo integer*2 vol_gain integer*2 vol_ecal integer*2 vol_veto integer*2 vol_cgas integer*2 vol_magn ! JDM integer*2 vol_fty1 ! JDM integer*2 vol_ftx1 ! JDM integer*2 vol_fty2 ! JDM parameter(vol_hodo = 2) parameter(vol_gain = 3) parameter(vol_ecal = 4) parameter(vol_veto = 5) parameter(vol_cgas = 8) parameter(vol_magn = 23) ! JDM parameter(vol_fty1 = 27) ! JDM parameter(vol_ftx1 = 28) ! JDM parameter(vol_fty2 = 29) ! JDM C-- miscellaneous variables related to SANE physics geant that are not C-- part of the beam line simulations package. real*4 EE,pp,xsn,xsnrad,uu(6),vv(6),th,ph,asym real rate integer*4 part,zz_t,nn_t,tgt_num,tgt_num1 COMMON /UEVENT/EE,pp,part,zz_t,nn_t,xsn,xsnrad,uu,vv,th,ph,asym,tgt_num COMMON /URATE/rate COMMON/TARGET_NUM/tgt_num1 C-- array of e-,e+, gammas that enter or leave a volume. Array originally C-- developed for looking at particles leaving the gas Cerenkov, hence the gc_. C-- Currently is looking at particles leaving the gain sheet. These are used C-- to fill the ntuple in the PARTICLES block, which are particles that enter C-- the calorimeter. integer tot_gc ! max number of particles to track per event parameter(tot_gc=20) integer num_gc ! actual number of events integer gc_part(tot_gc) ! particle type real gc_x(tot_gc) ! particle x position real gc_y(tot_gc) ! particle y position real gc_eng(tot_gc) ! particle energy COMMON /GC/gc_eng,gc_x,gc_y,gc_part,num_gc C-- General integer numevts integer magcnt ! Counting hits killed due to hitting magnet - JDM integer keptevts ! Counting kept events with real kinematics NK 02-01-11 COMMON /MINE_I/numevts,magcnt,keptevts ! magcnt added 5/18/07 -JDM integer*4 nt_geant,nt_pmc data nt_geant,nt_pmc/10,15/ integer*4 iteration ! iteration number of simulation run integer*4 particle common /runinfo/iteration,particle C-- Target related integer*2 num_tgts parameter(num_tgts = 4) integer*2 z(num_tgts),n(num_tgts) c integer*2 z(3),n(3) data z/1,2,7,6/ C-- data n/0,2,8/ C-- Change to define as 14N data n/0,2,7,6/ c COMMON /TGTSHT/z,n,num_tgts C-- Energy loss and Cerenkov photons generated in Pb-Glass and C-- photons generated in gas Cerenkov. real*8 dEBloc(vert_blocks,horz_blocks) ! energy loss in Pb-Glass blocks integer*4 photBloc(vert_blocks,horz_blocks) ! photons in Pb-Glass blocks integer*4 HitFrontY1(133) ! Bar hits in first front tracker plane -JDM integer*4 HitFrontX1(73) ! Bar hits in third front tracker plane-6/19/07 integer*4 HitFrontY2(133) ! Bar hits in second front tracker plane real*8 LocFrontY1 ! Z Location of first front tracker plane real*8 LocFrontX1 ! Z Location of third front tracker plane real*8 LocFrontY2 ! Z Location of second front tracker plane -JDM integer*4 HitLucHodo(28) ! Bar hit in Lucite hodoscope - JDM -6/20/07 C real*8 XLucHodo ! X position of Lucite hit C real*8 LocLucHodo ! Z location of lucite hodoscope integer*4 photGood ! photons in gas Cerenkov real*8 ELoss(10) ! energy loss in various volumes ! (1) = cerenkov gas ! (2) = hodoscope ! (3) = gain sheet ! (4) = Pb-glass ! (5) = pion veto wall ! (6) = all others ! (7) = front hodoscope - JDM COMMON /MINE_RR/dEBloc,ELoss,LocFrontY1,LocFrontX1,LocFrontY2 COMMON /MINE_II/photBloc,photGood,HitFrontY1,HitFrontX1,HitFrontY2 + ,HitLucHodo