subroutine b_add_neighbors(cell_index,ncell,nbad,ncellmax,ix,iy,x,y,E,A,bad,abort,err) implicit none save logical abort character*(*) err character*15 here parameter(here='b_add_neighbors') integer cell_index,ncell,ncellmax,nbad integer ix(ncellmax) integer iy(ncellmax) real x(ncellmax) real y(ncellmax) real E(ncellmax) real A(ncellmax) logical bad(ncellmax) integer ix0,iy0 integer irow,icol,icell c logical found_any include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn' include 'bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn' include 'bigcal_geometry.cmn' abort = .false. err=' ' !found_any = .false. ix0 = ix(cell_index) iy0 = iy(cell_index) c$$$ write(*,*) 'searching for neighbors around cell (ix,iy,E) = ', c$$$ $ ix0,iy0,E(cell_index) c check that center cell coordinates are in range!! if( .or. .or. iy0 .gt. 56 .or. .or. $ ( ) goto 101 if(iy0 .le. 32) then c Check cell to the immediate left, if it exists if( then irow = iy0 icol = ix0 - 1 icell = icol + 32*(irow-1) if(icol .ge. 1) then if(bigcal_all_good_det(icell).gt.b_cell_cut_prot) then ncell = ncell + 1 ix(ncell) = icol iy(ncell) = irow x(ncell) = bigcal_all_xcenter(icell) y(ncell) = bigcal_all_ycenter(icell) E(ncell) = bigcal_all_good_det(icell) bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = 0. A(ncell) = bigcal_all_adc_det(icell) bigcal_all_adc_det(icell) = 0. * the following condition should only be true if we are calling b_find_clusters a second time from * gep_check_bigcal: if(bigcal_bad_chan_list(icell)) then bad(ncell) = .true. nbad = nbad + 1 bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = -1. endif !found_any = .true. else if( $ bigcal_bad_chan_list(icell).and. $ (.not.bad(cell_index)).and. $ bigcal_all_good_det(icell).eq.0.) then c if one of the nearest neighbors is in the bad channel list, add it to the cluster so that we can c continue to build up the cluster around it. However, if the cell in question is itself bad, don't add c nearest neighbors if they are also in the bad channels list. That way, if e.g. a whole/half/quarter row c is bad, we don't add that whole section of bad channels, just the ones that have nearest neighbors with a hit. ncell = ncell + 1 nbad = nbad + 1 ix(ncell) = icol iy(ncell) = irow x(ncell) = bigcal_all_xcenter(icell) y(ncell) = bigcal_all_ycenter(icell) E(ncell) = bigcal_all_good_det(icell) bad(ncell) = .true. bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = -1. endif endif endif c Check cell to the immediate right, if it exists if( then irow = iy0 icol = ix0 + 1 icell = icol + 32*(irow-1) if(icol.le.32) then if(bigcal_all_good_det(icell).gt.b_cell_cut_prot) then ncell = ncell + 1 ix(ncell) = icol iy(ncell) = irow x(ncell) = bigcal_all_xcenter(icell) y(ncell) = bigcal_all_ycenter(icell) E(ncell) = bigcal_all_good_det(icell) bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = 0. A(ncell) = bigcal_all_adc_det(icell) bigcal_all_adc_det(icell) = 0. * the following condition should only be true if we are calling b_find_clusters a second time from * gep_check_bigcal: if(bigcal_bad_chan_list(icell)) then bad(ncell) = .true. nbad = nbad + 1 bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = -1. endif !found_any = .true. else if( $ bigcal_bad_chan_list(icell).and. $ (.not.bad(cell_index)).and. $ bigcal_all_good_det(icell).eq.0.) then c if one of the nearest neighbors is in the bad channel list, add it to the cluster so that we can c continue to build up the cluster around it ncell = ncell + 1 nbad = nbad + 1 ix(ncell) = icol iy(ncell) = irow x(ncell) = bigcal_all_xcenter(icell) y(ncell) = bigcal_all_ycenter(icell) E(ncell) = bigcal_all_good_det(icell) bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = -1. bad(ncell) = .true. endif endif endif c Check one cell down, if it exists if( then irow = iy0-1 icol = ix0 icell = icol + 32*(irow-1) if( then if(bigcal_all_good_det(icell).gt.b_cell_cut_prot) then ncell = ncell + 1 ix(ncell) = icol iy(ncell) = irow x(ncell) = bigcal_all_xcenter(icell) y(ncell) = bigcal_all_ycenter(icell) E(ncell) = bigcal_all_good_det(icell) bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = 0. A(ncell) = bigcal_all_adc_det(icell) bigcal_all_adc_det(icell) = 0. * the following condition should only be true if we are calling b_find_clusters a second time from * gep_check_bigcal: if(bigcal_bad_chan_list(icell)) then bad(ncell) = .true. nbad = nbad + 1 bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = -1. endif !found_any = .true. else if( $ bigcal_bad_chan_list(icell).and. $ (.not.bad(cell_index)).and. $ bigcal_all_good_det(icell).eq.0.) then c if one of the nearest neighbors is in the bad channel list, add it to the cluster so that we can c continue to build up the cluster around it ncell = ncell + 1 nbad = nbad + 1 ix(ncell) = icol iy(ncell) = irow x(ncell) = bigcal_all_xcenter(icell) y(ncell) = bigcal_all_ycenter(icell) E(ncell) = bigcal_all_good_det(icell) bad(ncell) = .true. bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = -1. endif endif endif c Check one cell up: if going up one row puts us in RCS section, c then check closest column according to ixclose_prot!!!! if( then irow = iy0 + 1 icol = ix0 if(irow.le.32) then icell = icol + 32*(irow-1) if(bigcal_all_good_det(icell).gt.b_cell_cut_prot) then ncell = ncell + 1 ix(ncell) = icol iy(ncell) = irow x(ncell) = bigcal_all_xcenter(icell) y(ncell) = bigcal_all_ycenter(icell) E(ncell) = bigcal_all_good_det(icell) bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = 0. A(ncell) = bigcal_all_adc_det(icell) bigcal_all_adc_det(icell) = 0. * the following condition should only be true if we are calling b_find_clusters a second time from * gep_check_bigcal: if(bigcal_bad_chan_list(icell)) then bad(ncell) = .true. nbad = nbad + 1 bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = -1. endif !found_any = .true. else if( $ bigcal_bad_chan_list(icell).and. $ (.not.bad(cell_index)).and. $ bigcal_all_good_det(icell).eq.0.) then c if one of the nearest neighbors is in the bad channel list, add it to the cluster so that we can c continue to build up the cluster around it nbad = nbad + 1 ncell = ncell + 1 ix(ncell) = icol iy(ncell) = irow x(ncell) = bigcal_all_xcenter(icell) y(ncell) = bigcal_all_ycenter(icell) E(ncell) = bigcal_all_good_det(icell) bad(ncell) = .true. bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = -1. endif else icell = bigcal_prot_maxhits + bigcal_ixclose_prot(icol) if(bigcal_all_good_det(icell).gt.b_cell_cut_rcs) then ncell = ncell + 1 ix(ncell) = bigcal_ixclose_prot(icol) iy(ncell) = irow x(ncell) = bigcal_all_xcenter(icell) y(ncell) = bigcal_all_ycenter(icell) E(ncell) = bigcal_all_good_det(icell) bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = 0. A(ncell) = bigcal_all_adc_det(icell) bigcal_all_adc_det(icell) = 0. * the following condition should only be true if we are calling b_find_clusters a second time from * gep_check_bigcal: if(bigcal_bad_chan_list(icell)) then bad(ncell) = .true. nbad = nbad + 1 bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = -1. endif !found_any = .true. else if( $ bigcal_bad_chan_list(icell).and. $ (.not.bad(cell_index)).and. $ bigcal_all_good_det(icell).eq.0.) then c if one of the nearest neighbors is in the bad channel list, add it to the cluster so that we can c continue to build up the cluster around it nbad = nbad + 1 ncell = ncell + 1 ix(ncell) = icol iy(ncell) = irow x(ncell) = bigcal_all_xcenter(icell) y(ncell) = bigcal_all_ycenter(icell) E(ncell) = bigcal_all_good_det(icell) bad(ncell) = .true. bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = -1. endif endif endif else ! center cell is in RCS section c check one cell to the left, if it exists: if( then irow = iy0 icol = ix0 - 1 icell = bigcal_prot_maxhits + icol + 30*(irow-33) if( then if(bigcal_all_good_det(icell).gt.b_cell_cut_rcs) then ncell = ncell + 1 ix(ncell) = icol iy(ncell) = irow x(ncell) = bigcal_all_xcenter(icell) y(ncell) = bigcal_all_ycenter(icell) E(ncell) = bigcal_all_good_det(icell) bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = 0. A(ncell) = bigcal_all_adc_det(icell) bigcal_all_adc_det(icell) = 0. * the following condition should only be true if we are calling b_find_clusters a second time from * gep_check_bigcal: if(bigcal_bad_chan_list(icell)) then bad(ncell) = .true. nbad = nbad + 1 bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = -1. endif ! found_any = .true. else if( $ bigcal_bad_chan_list(icell).and. $ (.not.bad(cell_index)).and. $ bigcal_all_good_det(icell).eq.0.) then c if one of the nearest neighbors is in the bad channel list, add it to the cluster so that we can c continue to build up the cluster around it nbad = nbad + 1 ncell = ncell + 1 ix(ncell) = icol iy(ncell) = irow x(ncell) = bigcal_all_xcenter(icell) y(ncell) = bigcal_all_ycenter(icell) E(ncell) = bigcal_all_good_det(icell) bad(ncell) = .true. bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = -1. endif endif endif c check one cell to the right, if it exists: if( then irow = iy0 icol = ix0 + 1 icell = bigcal_prot_maxhits + icol + 30*(irow-33) if(icol.le.30) then if(bigcal_all_good_det(icell).gt.b_cell_cut_rcs) then ncell = ncell + 1 ix(ncell) = icol iy(ncell) = irow x(ncell) = bigcal_all_xcenter(icell) y(ncell) = bigcal_all_ycenter(icell) E(ncell) = bigcal_all_good_det(icell) bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = 0. A(ncell) = bigcal_all_adc_det(icell) bigcal_all_adc_det(icell) = 0. * the following condition should only be true if we are calling b_find_clusters a second time from * gep_check_bigcal: if(bigcal_bad_chan_list(icell)) then bad(ncell) = .true. nbad = nbad + 1 bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = -1. endif ! found_any = .true. else if( $ bigcal_bad_chan_list(icell).and. $ (.not.bad(cell_index)).and. $ bigcal_all_good_det(icell).eq.0.) then c if one of the nearest neighbors is in the bad channel list, add it to the cluster so that we can c continue to build up the cluster around it nbad = nbad + 1 ncell = ncell + 1 ix(ncell) = icol iy(ncell) = irow x(ncell) = bigcal_all_xcenter(icell) y(ncell) = bigcal_all_ycenter(icell) E(ncell) = bigcal_all_good_det(icell) bad(ncell) = .true. bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = -1. endif endif endif c check one cell up, if it exists: if( then irow = iy0 + 1 icol = ix0 icell = bigcal_prot_maxhits + icol + 30*(irow-33) if(irow.le.56) then if(bigcal_all_good_det(icell).gt.b_cell_cut_rcs) then ncell = ncell + 1 ix(ncell) = icol iy(ncell) = irow x(ncell) = bigcal_all_xcenter(icell) y(ncell) = bigcal_all_ycenter(icell) E(ncell) = bigcal_all_good_det(icell) bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = 0. A(ncell) = bigcal_all_adc_det(icell) bigcal_all_adc_det(icell) = 0. * the following condition should only be true if we are calling b_find_clusters a second time from * gep_check_bigcal: if(bigcal_bad_chan_list(icell)) then bad(ncell) = .true. nbad = nbad + 1 bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = -1. endif ! found_any = .true. else if( $ bigcal_bad_chan_list(icell).and. $ (.not.bad(cell_index)).and. $ bigcal_all_good_det(icell).eq.0.) then c if one of the nearest neighbors is in the bad channel list, add it to the cluster so that we can c continue to build up the cluster around it ncell = ncell + 1 nbad = nbad + 1 ix(ncell) = icol iy(ncell) = irow x(ncell) = bigcal_all_xcenter(icell) y(ncell) = bigcal_all_ycenter(icell) E(ncell) = bigcal_all_good_det(icell) bad(ncell) = .true. bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = -1. endif endif endif c check one cell down, if it exists: if going one cell down puts us in protvino c section, then check closest column according to ixclose_rcs!!!! if( then irow = iy0 - 1 icol = ix0 if( then icell = bigcal_prot_maxhits + icol + 30*(irow-33) if(bigcal_all_good_det(icell).gt.b_cell_cut_rcs) then ncell = ncell + 1 ix(ncell) = icol iy(ncell) = irow x(ncell) = bigcal_all_xcenter(icell) y(ncell) = bigcal_all_ycenter(icell) E(ncell) = bigcal_all_good_det(icell) bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = 0. A(ncell) = bigcal_all_adc_det(icell) bigcal_all_adc_det(icell) = 0. * the following condition should only be true if we are calling b_find_clusters a second time from * gep_check_bigcal: if(bigcal_bad_chan_list(icell)) then bad(ncell) = .true. nbad = nbad + 1 bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = -1. endif ! found_any = .true. else if( $ bigcal_bad_chan_list(icell).and. $ (.not.bad(cell_index)).and. $ bigcal_all_good_det(icell).eq.0.) then c if one of the nearest neighbors is in the bad channel list, add it to the cluster so that we can c continue to build up the cluster around it ncell = ncell + 1 nbad = nbad + 1 ix(ncell) = icol iy(ncell) = irow x(ncell) = bigcal_all_xcenter(icell) y(ncell) = bigcal_all_ycenter(icell) E(ncell) = bigcal_all_good_det(icell) bad(ncell) = .true. bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = -1. endif else icell = bigcal_ixclose_rcs(icol) + 32*(irow-1) if(bigcal_all_good_det(icell).gt.b_cell_cut_prot) then ncell = ncell + 1 ix(ncell) = bigcal_ixclose_rcs(icol) iy(ncell) = irow x(ncell) = bigcal_all_xcenter(icell) y(ncell) = bigcal_all_ycenter(icell) E(ncell) = bigcal_all_good_det(icell) bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = 0. A(ncell) = bigcal_all_adc_det(icell) bigcal_all_adc_det(icell) = 0. * the following condition should only be true if we are calling b_find_clusters a second time from * gep_check_bigcal: if(bigcal_bad_chan_list(icell)) then bad(ncell) = .true. nbad = nbad + 1 bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = -1. endif ! found_any = .true. else if( $ bigcal_bad_chan_list(icell).and. $ (.not.bad(cell_index)).and. $ bigcal_all_good_det(icell).eq.0.) then c if one of the nearest neighbors is in the bad channel list, add it to the cluster so that we can c continue to build up the cluster around it ncell = ncell + 1 nbad = nbad + 1 ix(ncell) = icol iy(ncell) = irow x(ncell) = bigcal_all_xcenter(icell) y(ncell) = bigcal_all_ycenter(icell) E(ncell) = bigcal_all_good_det(icell) bad(ncell) = .true. bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = -1. endif endif endif endif 101 continue c add_neighbors = found_any return end