subroutine b_calc_cluster_time(ABORT,err) implicit none save character*19 here parameter(here='b_calc_cluster_time') include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn' include 'bigcal_tof_parms.cmn' include 'gep_data_structures.cmn' include 'bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn' logical abort character*(*) err c the main purpose of this routine is to fill the timing related variables in the c cluster array. Maybe later we will use this routine to actually "trim" hits with bad timing c off of the clusters. For starters, we will calculate the mean time for a cluster based on c the values of all unique TDC channels, separately for sums of 8 and sums of 64. We will c also calculate the rms value. If a unique TDC channel has more than one hit, then we c choose the value closest to bigcal_window_center as the best value!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! integer iclust,icell,i integer i8,n8,i64,n64,n8cut,n64cut integer irow,icol,irow8,icol8,irow64,icol64 integer icell8,icell64,ihit8,ihit64 integer jcell8,jcell64,jhit8,jhit64 real meant8,rmst8,mintdiff,meant64,rmst64,tdiff,thit real meant8cut,rmst8cut,meant64cut,rmst64cut real t8sum2,t64sum2,t8sum,t64sum real t8sum2_cut,t8sum_cut,t64sum2_cut,t64sum_cut real btrigt,breftime real e8sum,e64sum,e8,e64 integer ihitmin logical overlap_row abort=.false. err = ' ' c first calculate a reference time: mintdiff = 0. if( then do i=1,ntrigb if(i.eq.1.or.abs(gep_btime(i)-gep_btime_elastic).lt.mintdiff) then btrigt = gep_btime(i) mintdiff = abs(gep_btime(i)-gep_btime_elastic) endif enddo else btrigt = gep_btime_elastic endif breftime = bigcal_end_time - btrigt c corrections to hit times should have lined them up with the TRIGGER time, so c after calculating the correction to the hit times and finding the cluster time, c we should then simply add the walk correction of the trigger time to the cluster time: c write(*,*) 'breftime = ',breftime do iclust=1,bigcal_all_nclstr n8 = 0 n8cut = 0 n64cut = 0 n64 = 0 e8sum = 0. e64sum = 0. meant8 = 0. rmst8 = 0. meant8cut = 0. rmst8cut = 0. meant64 = 0. rmst64 = 0. meant64cut = 0. rmst64cut = 0. t8sum2 = 0. t64sum2 = 0. t8sum = 0. t64sum = 0. t8sum_cut = 0. t8sum2_cut = 0. t64sum_cut = 0. t64sum2_cut = 0. do icell=1,bigcal_all_clstr_ncell(iclust) ! we start with the maximum irow = bigcal_all_clstr_iycell(iclust,icell) icol = bigcal_all_clstr_ixcell(iclust,icell) irow8 = irow if(irow8.le.32) then icol8 = (icol-1)/8 + 1 else if( then icol8 = (icol-1)/8 + 1 else icol8 = icol/8 + 1 endif endif icell8 = icol8 + 4*(irow8-1) if(bigcal_tdc_det_ngood(icell8).gt.0) then if(n8 .eq. 0 ) then ! first channel with a tdc hit n8 = n8 + 1 n8cut = n8cut + 1 bigcal_all_clstr_nhit8(iclust,n8) = $ bigcal_tdc_det_ngood(icell8) bigcal_all_clstr_irow8(iclust,n8) = irow8 bigcal_all_clstr_icol8(iclust,n8) = icol8 bigcal_all_clstr_s8(iclust,n8) = bigcal_tdc_sum8(icell8) e8 = bigcal_tdc_sum8(icell8) ihitmin = 0 c for the first channel, take the hit which is closest to the trigger time: do ihit8=1,bigcal_tdc_det_ngood(icell8) thit = bigcal_tdc_good_det(icell8,ihit8) bigcal_all_clstr_tcell8(iclust,n8,ihit8) = thit tdiff = abs(thit - breftime) if(ihit8.eq.1) then mintdiff = tdiff ihitmin = ihit8 else if( then mintdiff = tdiff ihitmin = ihit8 endif endif enddo thit = bigcal_tdc_good_det(icell8,ihitmin) e8sum = e8sum + e8 t8sum = t8sum + thit t8sum2 = t8sum2 + thit**2 t8sum_cut = t8sum_cut + thit*e8 t8sum2_cut = t8sum2_cut + (thit*e8)**2 else ! make sure this is a unique TDC channel!!!! do jcell8=1,n8 if(irow8.eq.bigcal_all_clstr_irow8(iclust,jcell8) $ .and.icol8.eq.bigcal_all_clstr_icol8(iclust,jcell8)) $ then ! not unique, exit the if-block goto 101 endif enddo if (n8 .eq. 10) goto 101 ! mkj c if we make it to here without jumping out of this if-block, then c the tdc channel is unique!!!! n8 = n8 + 1 if( then write(*,*) 'problem, more than 10 unique TDC'// $ ' channels found for cluster ',iclust, $ '(irow,icol) = (',irow,icol,'), (nx,ny)=(', $ bigcal_all_clstr_ncellx(iclust), $ bigcal_all_clstr_ncelly(iclust), $ '), unexpected!' goto 101 endif bigcal_all_clstr_nhit8(iclust,n8) = $ bigcal_tdc_det_ngood(icell8) bigcal_all_clstr_irow8(iclust,n8) = irow8 bigcal_all_clstr_icol8(iclust,n8) = icol8 bigcal_all_clstr_s8(iclust,n8) = bigcal_tdc_sum8(icell8) e8 = bigcal_tdc_sum8(icell8) c take hit with min. time difference relative to moving average of cluster do ihit8 = 1,bigcal_tdc_det_ngood(icell8) thit = bigcal_tdc_good_det(icell8,ihit8) bigcal_all_clstr_tcell8(iclust,n8,ihit8) = thit tdiff = abs(thit - t8sum_cut/e8sum) if(ihit8.eq.1) then mintdiff = tdiff ihitmin = ihit8 else if( then mintdiff = tdiff ihitmin = ihit8 endif endif enddo thit = bigcal_tdc_good_det(icell8,ihitmin) t8sum = t8sum + thit t8sum2 = t8sum2 + thit**2 if(abs(thit - t8sum_cut / e8sum ).le.b_timing_cut) then n8cut = n8cut + 1 e8sum = e8sum + e8 t8sum_cut = t8sum_cut + thit*e8 t8sum2_cut = t8sum2_cut + (thit*e8)**2 endif endif endif 101 continue irow64 = (irow-1)/3 + 1 if(irow.le.32) then icol64 = (icol-1)/16 + 1 else icol64 = icol/16 + 1 endif icell64 = icol64 + 2*(irow64-1) if(mod(irow-1,3).eq.0 then overlap_row = .true. else overlap_row = .false. endif goto 104 103 overlap_row = .false. 104 continue if(bigcal_ttrig_det_ngood(icell64).gt.0) then if(n64.eq.0 ) then ! first trig. tdc channel with a hit n64 = n64 + 1 n64cut = n64cut + 1 bigcal_all_clstr_nhit64(iclust,n64) = $ bigcal_ttrig_det_ngood(icell64) bigcal_all_clstr_irow64(iclust,n64) = irow64 bigcal_all_clstr_icol64(iclust,n64) = icol64 bigcal_all_clstr_A64(iclust,n64) = $ bigcal_atrig_good_det(icell64) bigcal_all_clstr_sum64(iclust,n64) = $ bigcal_atrig_sum64(icell64) e64 = bigcal_atrig_good_det(icell64) if(e64.eq.0.) e64 = bigcal_atrig_sum64(icell64) do ihit64=1,bigcal_ttrig_det_ngood(icell64) thit = bigcal_ttrig_good_det(icell64,ihit64) bigcal_all_clstr_tcell64(iclust,n64,ihit64) = thit tdiff = abs(thit - breftime) if(ihit64.eq.1) then mintdiff = tdiff ihitmin = ihit64 else if( then mintdiff = tdiff ihitmin = ihit64 endif endif enddo thit = bigcal_ttrig_good_det(icell64,ihitmin) t64sum = t64sum + thit t64sum2 = t64sum2 + thit**2 e64sum = e64sum + e64 t64sum_cut = t64sum_cut + thit*e64 t64sum2_cut = t64sum2_cut + (thit*e64)**2 else ! must check if unique trig. tdc channel do jcell64=1,n64 if(irow64.eq.bigcal_all_clstr_irow64(iclust,jcell64) $ .and.icol64.eq.bigcal_all_clstr_icol64(iclust,jcell64)) $ then goto 102 endif enddo if (n64 .eq. 6) goto 102 ! mkj c if we make it to this point without jumping out of the if block, then c the trig. tdc channel is unique!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! n64 = n64 + 1 if( then write(*,*) 'problem, more than 6 unique TTDC'// $ ' channels found for cluster ',iclust, $ '(irow,icol) = (',irow,icol,'), (nx,ny)=(', $ bigcal_all_clstr_ncellx(iclust), $ bigcal_all_clstr_ncelly(iclust), $ '), unexpected!' goto 102 endif bigcal_all_clstr_nhit64(iclust,n64) = $ bigcal_ttrig_det_ngood(icell64) bigcal_all_clstr_irow64(iclust,n64) = irow64 bigcal_all_clstr_icol64(iclust,n64) = icol64 bigcal_all_clstr_A64(iclust,n64) = $ bigcal_atrig_good_det(icell64) bigcal_all_clstr_sum64(iclust,n64) = $ bigcal_atrig_sum64(icell64) e64 = bigcal_atrig_good_det(icell64) if(e64.eq.0.) e64 = bigcal_atrig_sum64(icell64) do ihit64=1,bigcal_ttrig_det_ngood(icell64) thit = bigcal_ttrig_good_det(icell64,ihit64) bigcal_all_clstr_tcell64(iclust,n64,ihit64) = thit tdiff = abs(thit - t64sum_cut/e64sum) if(ihit64.eq.1) then mintdiff = tdiff ihitmin = ihit64 else if( then mintdiff = tdiff ihitmin = ihit64 endif endif enddo thit = bigcal_ttrig_good_det(icell64,ihitmin) t64sum = t64sum + thit t64sum2 = t64sum2 + thit**2 if(abs(thit - t64sum_cut / e64sum).le.b_timing_cut) then e64sum = e64sum + e64 n64cut = n64cut + 1 t64sum_cut = t64sum_cut + thit*e64 t64sum2_cut = t64sum2_cut + (thit*e64)**2 endif endif endif 102 continue if(overlap_row) then ! also check previous overlapping sum64 channel icell64 = icell64 - 2 irow64 = irow64 - 1 goto 103 endif enddo bigcal_all_clstr_ncell8(iclust) = n8 bigcal_all_clstr_ncell64(iclust) = n64 meant8 = t8sum / n8 rmst8 = sqrt(max(0.,t8sum2 / n8 - meant8**2)) if(n8.eq.0) then meant8 = 0. rmst8 = 0. endif c write(*,*) 't64sum,t64sum2,n64=',t64sum,t64sum2,n64 meant64 = t64sum / n64 rmst64 = sqrt(max(0.,t64sum2 / n64 - meant64**2)) if(n64.eq.0) then meant64 = 0. rmst64 = 0. endif meant8cut = t8sum_cut / e8sum rmst8cut = sqrt(max(0.,t8sum2_cut / e8sum - meant8cut**2)) if(n8cut.eq.0) then meant8cut = 0. rmst8cut = 0. endif c write(*,*) 't64sum,t64sum2,n64=',t64sum,t64sum2,n64 meant64cut = t64sum_cut / e64sum rmst64cut = sqrt(max(0.,t64sum2_cut / e64sum - meant64cut**2)) if(n64cut.eq.0) then meant64cut = 0. rmst64cut = 0. endif bigcal_all_clstr_t8mean(iclust) = meant8 bigcal_all_clstr_t64mean(iclust) = meant64 bigcal_all_clstr_t8cut(iclust) = meant8cut bigcal_all_clstr_t8cut_cor(iclust) = meant8cut + $ gep_btime_corr - breftime bigcal_all_clstr_t64cut(iclust) = meant64cut bigcal_all_clstr_t8rms(iclust) = rmst8 bigcal_all_clstr_t64rms(iclust) = rmst64 bigcal_all_clstr_t64cut_cor(iclust) = meant64cut + $ gep_btime_corr - breftime enddo return end