subroutine b_calc_physics(ABORT,err) implicit none save character*14 here parameter(here='b_calc_physics') logical ABORT character*(*) err include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn' include 'bigcal_tof_parms.cmn' c include 'gen_units.par' include 'gen_constants.par' include 'gen_data_structures.cmn' include 'gen_event_info.cmn' include 'gep_data_structures.cmn' include 'hms_data_structures.cmn' include 'bigcal_hist_id.cmn' integer i,j,k,ntrack,itrackmax,nprot,nrcs,nmid integer irow,icol,icell real E,x,y,z,t,R,L,tof,Rperp real xrot,zrot real thetadeg,thetarad,phideg,phirad real Sinth,Costh real m_e real mom,beta,c,eloss,gamma,log10betagamma real maxetot real edx,edy,edz,vx,vy,vz c integer ilow,ihigh c logical last_time ntrack = 0 ABORT=.false. err=' ' Sinth = BIGCAL_SINTHETA Costh = BIGCAL_COSTHETA R = BIGCAL_R_TGT m_e = mass_electron c = speed_of_light c$$$ nprot = 0 c$$$ nrcs = 0 c$$$ nmid = 0 c this routine also fills many standard histograms if( then do i=1,bigcal_all_nclstr ntrack = ntrack + 1 c nprot = nprot + 1 x = BIGCAL_ALL_CLSTR_X(i) y = BIGCAL_ALL_CLSTR_Y(i) E = BIGCAL_ALL_CLSTR_ETOT(i) if( call hf1(bid_bcal_ixclust, $ float(bigcal_all_clstr_ixmax(i)),1.0) if( call hf1(bid_bcal_iyclust, $ float(bigcal_all_clstr_iymax(i)),1.0) if( call hf2(bid_bcal_rowcolclust, $ float(bigcal_all_clstr_ixmax(i)),float(bigcal_all_clstr_iymax(i)),1.0) if( call hf1(bid_bcal_xclust,x,1.0) if( call hf1(bid_bcal_yclust,y,1.0) if( call hf1(bid_bcal_xmom,bigcal_all_clstr_xmom(i),1.0) if( call hf1(bid_bcal_ymom,bigcal_all_clstr_ymom(i),1.0) if( call hf1(bid_bcal_ncellclst,float(bigcal_all_clstr_ncell(i)),1.0) if( call hf1(bid_bcal_nxclust,float(bigcal_all_clstr_ncellx(i)),1.0) if( call hf1(bid_bcal_nyclust,float(bigcal_all_clstr_ncelly(i)),1.0) if( call hf2(bid_bcal_nxny,float(bigcal_all_clstr_ncellx(i)), $ float(bigcal_all_clstr_ncelly(i)),1.0) if( call hf2(bid_bcal_xy,x,y,1.0) t = BIGCAL_ALL_CLSTR_T8CUT(i) if(bigcal_all_clstr_ncell8(i).gt.0) then if( call hf1(bid_bcal_tmean,t,1.0) if( call hf1(bid_bcal_trms,bigcal_all_clstr_t8rms(i),1.0) endif c correct every track for energy loss. BigCal is always electron arm c need to set up eloss params for BigCal absorber! xrot = x * Costh + R * Sinth zrot = -x * Sinth + R * Costh if( then ! correct angles for HMS vertex: vx = gbeam_x vy = gbeam_y vz = hszbeam edx = xrot - vx edy = y - vy edz = zrot - vz L = sqrt(edx**2 + edy**2 + edz**2) thetarad = acos(edz/L) thetadeg = 180./tt * thetarad phirad = atan2(edy,edx) phideg = 180./tt * phirad else L = sqrt(xrot**2 + zrot**2 + y**2) c all length units are cm thetarad = acos(zrot/L) thetadeg = 180./tt * thetarad phirad = atan2(y,xrot) phideg = 180./tt * phirad endif c if(last_time) then if( call hf1(bid_bcal_theta,thetadeg,1.0) c endif c if(last_time) then if( call hf1(bid_bcal_phi,phideg,1.0) c endif gamma = E / m_e beta = sqrt(max(0.,1. - 1./gamma**2)) if( beta = 1. log10betagamma = log(beta*gamma) / log(10.) if(gtarg_z(gtarg_num).gt.0) then call total_eloss(3,.true.,thetarad,log10betagamma,eloss) else eloss = 0. endif c for now, set eloss to zero for monte carlo analysis! c$$$ if( then c$$$ eloss = 0. c$$$ endif E = E + eloss c if(last_time) then if( call hf1(bid_bcal_eclust,E,1.0) c endif c increment energy sum irow = bigcal_all_clstr_iymax(i) icol = bigcal_all_clstr_ixmax(i) if(irow.le.32) then icell = icol + 32*(irow-1) else icell = icol + 30*(irow-33) + bigcal_prot_maxhits endif b_all_run_Esum(icell) = b_all_run_Esum(icell)+E b_all_run_Enum(icell) = b_all_run_Enum(icell)+1 mom = sqrt(max(0.,E**2 - m_e**2)) beta = mom/E if(mom.eq.0.) beta = 1. tof = L/(beta*c) c Rperp = L*sin(thetarad) BIGCAL_TRACK_THETARAD(ntrack) = thetarad BIGCAL_TRACK_THETADEG(ntrack) = thetadeg BIGCAL_TRACK_PHIRAD(ntrack) = phirad BIGCAL_TRACK_PHIDEG(ntrack) = phideg BIGCAL_TRACK_ENERGY(ntrack) = E BIGCAL_TRACK_TIME(ntrack) = t BIGCAL_TRACK_XFACE(ntrack) = xrot BIGCAL_TRACK_YFACE(ntrack) = y BIGCAL_TRACK_ZFACE(ntrack) = zrot BIGCAL_TRACK_PX(ntrack) = mom * sin(thetarad) * cos(phirad) BIGCAL_TRACK_PY(ntrack) = mom * sin(thetarad) * sin(phirad) BIGCAL_TRACK_PZ(ntrack) = mom * cos(thetarad) BIGCAL_TRACK_BETA(ntrack) = beta BIGCAL_TRACK_TOF(ntrack) = tof bigcal_track_tof_cor(ntrack) = tof - bigcal_tof_central c write(*,*) 'tof correction = ',tof - bigcal_tof_central BIGCAL_TRACK_COIN_TIME(ntrack) = t - bigcal_track_tof_cor(ntrack) c increment some efficiency sums: do irow=bigcal_all_clstr_iylo(i), $ bigcal_all_clstr_iyhi(i) if(irow.le.32) then do icol=bigcal_all_clstr_ixlo(i,2), $ bigcal_all_clstr_ixhi(i,2) icell=icol+32*(irow-1) if(bigcal_prot_good_det(icell).gt.b_cell_cut_prot) $ then b_all_run_clst_good(icell) = $ b_all_run_clst_good(icell) + 1 else b_all_run_clst_bad(icell) = $ b_all_run_clst_bad(icell) + 1 endif enddo else do icol=bigcal_all_clstr_ixlo(i,3), $ bigcal_all_clstr_ixhi(i,3) icell=icol + 30*(irow-33) + bigcal_prot_maxhits if(bigcal_rcs_good_det(icell-bigcal_prot_maxhits) $ .gt.b_cell_cut_rcs) then b_all_run_clst_good(icell) = $ b_all_run_clst_good(icell) + 1 else b_all_run_clst_bad(icell) = $ b_all_run_clst_bad(icell) + 1 endif enddo endif enddo enddo bigcal_phys_ntrack = ntrack endif return end