subroutine b_calc_shower_coord(ABORT,err) implicit none save character*19 here parameter(here='b_calc_shower_coord') logical ABORT character*(*) err include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn' include 'bigcal_gain_parms.cmn' include 'bigcal_geometry.cmn' include 'bigcal_shower_parms.cmn' include 'bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn' include 'gen_data_structures.cmn' integer i,j,irow,icol,icell,ibin,xsector,ysector,foundbin,section real x,y real xmom,ymom,xcenter,ycenter,xdiff,ydiff,xshift,yshift real xpar(6),ypar(6) real mlo,mhi,binwidth,frac,frachi,fraclo,sizex,sizey real tmax real Ecrit parameter(Ecrit=.015) ! critical energy for TF1 lead glass in GeV real X0 parameter(X0=2.74) ! rad length in cm for TF1 lead glass c all clusters are already sorted in order of decreasing amplitude, so cell 1 is the maximum do i=1,bigcal_all_nclstr if( then xcenter = bigcal_all_clstr_xcell(i,1) ycenter = bigcal_all_clstr_ycell(i,1) xmom = bigcal_all_clstr_xmom(i) ymom = bigcal_all_clstr_ymom(i) irow = bigcal_all_clstr_iycell(i,1) icol = bigcal_all_clstr_ixcell(i,1) if(irow.le.32) then xmom = xmom / bigcal_prot_size_x ymom = ymom / bigcal_prot_size_y sizex = bigcal_prot_size_x sizey = bigcal_prot_size_y else xmom = xmom / bigcal_rcs_size_x ymom = ymom / bigcal_rcs_size_y sizex = bigcal_rcs_size_x sizey = bigcal_rcs_size_y endif c write(*,*) 'xmom,ymom=',xmom,ymom xsector = (icol-1)/8 + 1 ysector = (irow-1)/8 + 1 section = xsector + 4*(ysector-1) c write(*,*) 'xsector,ysector=',xsector,ysector !first do x binwidth = (bigcal_xmap_mmax(section) - bigcal_xmap_mmin(section)) / $ float(bigcal_xmap_nbin(section)) mlo = bigcal_xmap_mmin(section) c write(*,*) 'binwidth=',binwidth if( $ bigcal_xmap_mmax(section)) then xdiff = xmom * sizex endif do ibin=1,bigcal_xmap_nbin(section) mhi = mlo + binwidth if(mlo.le.xmom.and.xmom.le.mhi) then ! cluster is in this bin c write(*,*) 'mlo,mhi,xmom=',mlo,mhi,xmom if( then fraclo = bigcal_xmap_xfrac(section,ibin-1) else fraclo = 0. endif frachi = bigcal_xmap_xfrac(section,ibin) c linearly interpolate frac within this bin frac = fraclo + (frachi - fraclo)/(mhi - mlo) * (xmom - mlo) c write(*,*) 'fraclo,frachi,frac=',fraclo,frachi,frac xdiff = (-.5 + frac)*sizex c write(*,*) 'xdiff=',xdiff c jump out of the loop once we find the right bin goto 101 endif mlo = mhi enddo 101 continue !then do y binwidth = (bigcal_ymap_mmax(section) - bigcal_ymap_mmin(section)) / $ float(bigcal_ymap_nbin(section)) mlo = bigcal_ymap_mmin(section) if( $ bigcal_ymap_mmax(section)) then ydiff = ymom * sizey endif do ibin=1,bigcal_ymap_nbin(section) mhi = mlo + binwidth if(mlo.le.ymom.and.ymom.le.mhi) then ! cluster is in this bin if( then fraclo = bigcal_ymap_yfrac(section,ibin-1) else fraclo = 0. endif frachi = bigcal_ymap_yfrac(section,ibin) c linearly interpolate frac within this bin frac = fraclo + (frachi - fraclo)/(mhi - mlo) * (ymom - mlo) ydiff = (-.5 + frac)*sizey c exit the do loop when we find the right bin. goto 102 endif mlo = mhi enddo 102 continue c$$$ xshift = bigcal_shower_map_shift(1) + (xcenter + xdiff)* c$$$ $ bigcal_shower_map_slope(1) c$$$ yshift = bigcal_shower_map_shift(2) + (ycenter + ydiff)* c$$$ $ bigcal_shower_map_slope(2) c for shower map-based reconstruction, use a very CRUDE model for the incident-angle distortion, c so we don't have to do lots of simulations and come up with parameters... c according to Particle Data Group's "Passage of Particles Through Matter", an approximate formula for tmax, c the depth in radiation lengths at which the energy deposition peaks in electromagnetic cascades, is given by: c tmax = 1.0 * (ln y + C) where y = E/Ec, E is electron energy, Ec is critical energy, and C = +.5 for photon c showers, and -.5 for electron showers. Assuming electrons, then, tmax for lead-glass can be found as follows: c X0 of TF1-0 lead glass (from Charles' note) X0 = 2.74 cm, Ecrit = 15 MeV, therefore, tmax for electrons = c tmax = ln(E'/15 MeV) - 0.5 c BigCal measures the energy of the cluster. Large error, but smaller error on the logarithm: c This is a small correction of at MOST 2 cm tmax = X0 / sqrt(2.0) * max(0.,log(bigcal_all_clstr_etot(i) / Ecrit) - 0.5 ) ! tmax in cm. x = xcenter + xdiff y = ycenter + ydiff if( then xshift = tmax * x / sqrt(x**2 + bigcal_r_tgt**2) ! sin(thetax) of incident electron yshift = tmax * y / sqrt(y**2 + bigcal_r_tgt**2) ! sin(thetay) of incident electron else xshift = 0.0 yshift = 0.0 endif bigcal_all_clstr_x(i) = xcenter + xdiff - xshift bigcal_all_clstr_y(i) = ycenter + ydiff - yshift else xcenter = bigcal_all_clstr_xcell(i,1) ycenter = bigcal_all_clstr_ycell(i,1) xmom = bigcal_all_clstr_xmom(i) ymom = bigcal_all_clstr_ymom(i) irow = bigcal_all_clstr_iycell(i,1) icol = bigcal_all_clstr_ixcell(i,1) if(irow.eq.1) irow = 2 if(irow.eq.56) irow = 55 if(irow.le.32) then if(icol.eq.1) icol = 2 if(icol.eq.32) icol = 31 do j=1,6 xpar(j) = bigcal_prot_xpar(icol,j) ypar(j) = bigcal_prot_ypar(irow,j) enddo else if(icol.eq.1) icol = 2 if(icol.eq.30) icol = 29 do j=1,6 xpar(j) = bigcal_rcs_xpar(icol,j) ypar(j) = bigcal_rcs_ypar(irow-32,j) enddo endif xdiff = xpar(1) * atan(xpar(2)*xmom**4 + xpar(3)*xmom**3 + $ xpar(4)*xmom**2 + xpar(5)*xmom + xpar(6)) ydiff = ypar(1) * atan(ypar(2)*ymom**4 + ypar(3)*ymom**3 + $ ypar(4)*ymom**2 + ypar(5)*ymom + ypar(6)) bigcal_all_clstr_x(i) = xcenter + xdiff bigcal_all_clstr_y(i) = ycenter + ydiff endif enddo return end