subroutine b_find_clusters(ncluster,nmaximum,ABORT,err) implicit none save character*16 here parameter (here= 'b_find_clusters') logical ABORT character*(*) err include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn' include 'bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn' include 'bigcal_gain_parms.cmn' include 'bigcal_tof_parms.cmn' include 'bigcal_geometry.cmn' integer i integer ihit integer irow integer icol integer icell,jcell integer ixmax,iymax,ihitmax,nmaximum integer ncluster,ncellclst,icellclst,nbadlist integer ixlo(0:2),ixhi(0:2),iylo,iyhi,lengthx,lengthy real emax,ecell,esum,asum,xmom_clst,ymom_clst integer ix2max,iy2max,celldiffx,celldiffy logical found_cluster integer cluster_temp_irow(bigcal_clstr_ncell_max) integer cluster_temp_icol(bigcal_clstr_ncell_max) real cluster_temp_ecell(bigcal_clstr_ncell_max) real cluster_temp_acell(bigcal_clstr_ncell_max) real cluster_temp_xcell(bigcal_clstr_ncell_max) real cluster_temp_ycell(bigcal_clstr_ncell_max) logical cluster_temp_bad_chan(bigcal_clstr_ncell_max) real xcenter,ycenter,xcell,ycell real copyreal integer copyint logical copybool abort=.false. err=' ' c Strategy: Find Maximum, then build cluster around it using "add_neighbors" c nmaximum = 0 c ncluster = 0 c initialize cluster trimming parameters if user hasn't defined something reasonable: if( $ max(bigcal_clstr_ncellx_max,7)) then bigcal_clstr_nxmom_max = 2 endif if( $ max(bigcal_clstr_ncelly_max,7)) then bigcal_clstr_nymom_max = 2 endif if( $,7)) $ then bigcal_clstr_nxecl_max = max(2,bigcal_clstr_nxmom_max) endif if( $,7)) $ then bigcal_clstr_nyecl_max = max(2,bigcal_clstr_nymom_max) endif 102 continue found_cluster = .false. emax = b_min_emax ixmax = 0 iymax = 0 ihitmax = 0 icellclst = 0 ncellclst = 0 nbadlist = 0 do icell=1,bigcal_clstr_ncell_max cluster_temp_irow(icell) = 0 cluster_temp_icol(icell) = 0 cluster_temp_ecell(icell) = 0. cluster_temp_acell(icell) = 0. cluster_temp_xcell(icell) = 0. cluster_temp_ycell(icell) = 0. cluster_temp_bad_chan(icell) = .false. enddo c it should never happen that we find a max in a channel that is in the bad channels list c because the routine that initializes the bad channel list zeroes the calibration constant, c so regardless of the adc value, the "ecell" value should be zero! do ihit=1,bigcal_all_ngood irow = bigcal_all_iygood(ihit) icol = bigcal_all_ixgood(ihit) ecell = bigcal_all_ecell(ihit) if( then emax = ecell ixmax = icol iymax = irow ihitmax = ihit endif enddo c check that max is at least one block away from the edge if( $ .not. ( ) then nmaximum = nmaximum + 1 icellclst = icellclst + 1 ncellclst = ncellclst + 1 c initialize all "bad cluster" flags to false bigcal_edge_max(nmaximum) = .false. bigcal_not_enough(nmaximum) = .false. bigcal_too_long_x(nmaximum) = .false. bigcal_too_long_y(nmaximum) = .false. bigcal_below_cut(nmaximum) = .false. bigcal_above_max(nmaximum) = .false. bigcal_second_max(nmaximum) = .false. c check for maximum at edge condition: if(iymax.eq.1.or.ixmax.eq.1.or.iymax.eq.56.or.( $ ixmax.eq.30).or.ixmax.eq.32) then bigcal_edge_max(nmaximum) = .true. endif cluster_temp_irow(icellclst) = iymax cluster_temp_icol(icellclst) = ixmax cluster_temp_xcell(icellclst) = bigcal_all_xgood(ihitmax) cluster_temp_ycell(icellclst) = bigcal_all_ygood(ihitmax) cluster_temp_ecell(icellclst) = bigcal_all_ecell(ihitmax) cluster_temp_acell(icellclst) = bigcal_all_adc_good(ihitmax) bigcal_all_ecell(ihitmax) = 0. bigcal_all_adc_good(ihitmax) = 0. bigcal_all_iygood(ihitmax) = 0 bigcal_all_ixgood(ihitmax) = 0 bigcal_all_ygood(ihitmax) = 0. bigcal_all_xgood(ihitmax) = 0. if(iymax.le.32) then icell = ixmax + 32*(iymax-1) else icell = ixmax + 30*(iymax-33) + bigcal_prot_maxhits endif bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = 0. if(bigcal_bad_chan_list(icell)) then bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = -1. nbadlist = nbadlist + 1 cluster_temp_bad_chan(icellclst) = .true. endif !write(*,*) 'found max, adding nearest neighbors' c this is the nearest-neighbors adding loop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 103 call b_add_neighbors(icellclst,ncellclst,nbadlist,bigcal_clstr_ncell_max, $ cluster_temp_icol,cluster_temp_irow,cluster_temp_xcell, $ cluster_temp_ycell,cluster_temp_ecell,cluster_temp_acell, $ cluster_temp_bad_chan,abort,err) if(abort) then call g_add_path(here,err) return endif icellclst = icellclst + 1 if(icellclst.le.ncellclst) goto 103 !write(*,*) 'finished adding nearest neighbors' c end of the nearest-neighbors adding loop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! c 105 continue c now subject clusters to a series of checks. If all are passed, add cluster c to the array!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if( then bigcal_not_enough(nmaximum) = .true. goto 104 endif c if at least two cells, sort cluster array in order of decreasing energy: do icell=1,ncellclst do jcell=icell+1,ncellclst if(cluster_temp_ecell(jcell).gt.cluster_temp_ecell(icell) $ )then ! switch positions in the array copyint = cluster_temp_icol(icell) cluster_temp_icol(icell) = cluster_temp_icol(jcell) cluster_temp_icol(jcell) = copyint copyint = cluster_temp_irow(icell) cluster_temp_irow(icell) = cluster_temp_irow(jcell) cluster_temp_irow(jcell) = copyint copyreal = cluster_temp_ecell(icell) cluster_temp_ecell(icell) = cluster_temp_ecell(jcell) cluster_temp_ecell(jcell) = copyreal copyreal = cluster_temp_acell(icell) cluster_temp_acell(icell) = cluster_temp_acell(jcell) cluster_temp_acell(jcell) = copyreal copyreal = cluster_temp_xcell(icell) cluster_temp_xcell(icell) = cluster_temp_xcell(jcell) cluster_temp_xcell(jcell) = copyreal copyreal = cluster_temp_ycell(icell) cluster_temp_ycell(icell) = cluster_temp_ycell(jcell) cluster_temp_ycell(jcell) = copyreal copybool = cluster_temp_bad_chan(icell) cluster_temp_bad_chan(icell) = cluster_temp_bad_chan(jcell) cluster_temp_bad_chan(jcell) = copybool endif enddo enddo c$$$ write(*,252) 'ncell=',ncellclst c$$$ do icell=1,ncellclst c$$$ write(*,251) '(ix,iy,E)=(',cluster_temp_icol(icell),', ', c$$$ $ cluster_temp_irow(icell),', ',cluster_temp_ecell(icell), c$$$ $ ')' c$$$ enddo c$$$ 251 format(A11,I2,A2,I2,A2,F8.5,A1) c$$$ 252 format(A6,I2) c compute length in x and y. Start with y, and then treat x differently depending on whether c cluster has section overlap. Also accumulate esum iylo = 57 iyhi = 0 ixlo(0) = 33 ixhi(0) = 0 ixlo(1) = 33 ixlo(2) = 31 ixhi(1) = 0 ixhi(2) = 0 esum = 0. asum = 0. do icell=1,ncellclst irow = cluster_temp_irow(icell) icol = cluster_temp_icol(icell) if( iyhi = irow if( iylo = irow if( ixhi(0) = icol if( ixlo(0) = icol if(irow.le.32) then if( ixhi(1) = icol if( ixlo(1) = icol else if( ixhi(2) = icol if( ixlo(2) = icol endif c intelligently calculate the cluster energy sum: c restrict how far away from the maximum we can be to include c a block in the sum: if(abs(irow-cluster_temp_irow(1)).le.bigcal_clstr_nyecl_max) $ then c 1. max in Prot and current block in RCS if(cluster_temp_irow(1) then if(abs(icol-bigcal_ixclose_prot(cluster_temp_icol(1))) $ .le.bigcal_clstr_nxecl_max) then esum = esum + cluster_temp_ecell(icell) asum = asum + cluster_temp_acell(icell) endif c 2. max in RCS and current block in Prot else if(cluster_temp_irow(1).gt.32.and.irow.le.32) then if(abs(icol-bigcal_ixclose_rcs(cluster_temp_icol(1))) $ .le.bigcal_clstr_nxecl_max) then esum = esum + cluster_temp_ecell(icell) asum = asum + cluster_temp_acell(icell) endif c 3. both blocks in same section else if(abs(icol-cluster_temp_icol(1)).le.bigcal_clstr_nxecl_max) $ then esum = esum + cluster_temp_ecell(icell) asum = asum + cluster_temp_acell(icell) endif endif endif enddo if( then c$$$ write(*,*) 'WARNING: cluster contains at least one'// c$$$ $ 'channel from the bad channels list' c$$$ write(*,*) 'bypassing normal cluster checks' goto 106 ! don't subject a cluster containing channels from the bad list to c the same checks as a cluster with no bad channels, just add it to the cluster array and move on. endif lengthy = iyhi - iylo + 1 c$$$ write(*,253) 'length y = ',lengthy c$$$ c$$$ 253 format(A11,I2) if(iylo .le. 32 .and. iyhi .ge. 33) then ! cluster overlaps section boundary! lengthx = max(ixhi(1)-ixlo(1)+1,ixhi(2)-ixlo(2)+1) else ! cluster doesn't overlap! lengthx = ixhi(0) - ixlo(0) + 1 endif c$$$ write(*,253) 'length x = ',lengthx if( then bigcal_not_enough(nmaximum) = .true. goto 104 endif if( then bigcal_too_long_x(nmaximum) = .true. endif if( then bigcal_too_long_y(nmaximum) = .true. endif if(bigcal_too_long_x(nmaximum).or.bigcal_too_long_y(nmaximum)) $ then c goto 104 endif if( then bigcal_below_cut(nmaximum) = .true. goto 104 endif if( then bigcal_above_max(nmaximum) = .true. goto 104 endif ix2max = cluster_temp_icol(2) iy2max = cluster_temp_irow(2) celldiffy = int(abs(float(iy2max - cluster_temp_irow(1)))) if( then if(cluster_temp_ecell(2)/cluster_temp_ecell(1).gt.b_min_2max(1).and. $ cluster_temp_ecell(2).gt.b_min_2max(2)) then bigcal_second_max(nmaximum) = .true. c goto 104 endif else if( then if(cluster_temp_irow(1).eq.32.and.iy2max.eq.33) then celldiffx = int(abs(float(ix2max - $ bigcal_ixclose_prot(cluster_temp_icol(1))))) else if(cluster_temp_irow(1).eq.33.and.iy2max.eq.32) then celldiffx = int(abs(float(ix2max - $ bigcal_ixclose_rcs(cluster_temp_icol(1))))) else celldiffx=int(abs(float(ix2max - cluster_temp_icol(1)))) endif if( then if(cluster_temp_ecell(2)/cluster_temp_ecell(1).gt.b_min_2max(1).and. $ cluster_temp_ecell(2).gt.b_min_2max(2)) then bigcal_second_max(nmaximum) = .true. c goto 104 endif endif endif c IF WE'VE MADE IT TO THIS POINT, IT SHOULD MEAN THAT ALL THE CLUSTER CHECKS WERE PASSED!!! c SO FILL THE CLUSTER ARRAY!!! c ALTERNATIVELY, IT MAY MEAN THAT THERE IS AT LEAST 1 BADLIST CHANNEL IN THE CLUSTER, AND WE c DON'T WANT TO STOP CLUSTER FINDING BECAUSE OF IT! IF A BADLIST CHANNEL IS ADJACENT TO THE MAXIMUM, c IT IS LIKELY THAT WE WILL FIND IT, BUT IF A BADLIST CHANNEL SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE MAXIMUM, THERE IS c ONLY A SMALL CHANCE OF FINDING A MAXIMUM NEXT TO IT, DEPENDING ON B_MIN_EMAX 106 found_cluster = .true. ncluster = ncluster + 1 bigcal_clstr_keep(ncluster) = .true. bigcal_all_clstr_ncell(ncluster) = ncellclst bigcal_all_clstr_ncellx(ncluster) = lengthx bigcal_all_clstr_ncelly(ncluster) = lengthy bigcal_all_clstr_nbadlist(ncluster) = nbadlist bigcal_all_clstr_iymax(ncluster) = cluster_temp_irow(1) bigcal_all_clstr_ixmax(ncluster) = cluster_temp_icol(1) bigcal_all_clstr_iylo(ncluster) = iylo bigcal_all_clstr_iyhi(ncluster) = iyhi do i=0,2 bigcal_all_clstr_ixlo(ncluster,i+1) = ixlo(i) bigcal_all_clstr_ixhi(ncluster,i+1) = ixhi(i) enddo xmom_clst = 0. ymom_clst = 0. xcenter = cluster_temp_xcell(1) ycenter = cluster_temp_ycell(1) do icell=1,ncellclst bigcal_all_clstr_iycell(ncluster,icell) = $ cluster_temp_irow(icell) bigcal_all_clstr_ixcell(ncluster,icell) = $ cluster_temp_icol(icell) bigcal_all_clstr_ecell(ncluster,icell) = $ cluster_temp_ecell(icell) bigcal_all_clstr_acell(ncluster,icell) = $ cluster_temp_acell(icell) bigcal_all_clstr_xcell(ncluster,icell) = $ cluster_temp_xcell(icell) bigcal_all_clstr_ycell(ncluster,icell) = $ cluster_temp_ycell(icell) bigcal_clstr_bad_chan(ncluster,icell) = $ cluster_temp_bad_chan(icell) xcell = cluster_temp_xcell(icell) ycell = cluster_temp_ycell(icell) ecell = cluster_temp_ecell(icell) c acell = cluster_temp_acell(icell) c intelligent cluster moment calculation: restrict how far away from the maximum c we allow blocks to be in order to include them in the calculation c i.e., "trim" the clusters down to size if(abs(cluster_temp_irow(icell)-cluster_temp_irow(1)).le. $ bigcal_clstr_nymom_max) then if(cluster_temp_irow(1).le.32.and.cluster_temp_irow(icell) $ .gt.32) then if(abs(cluster_temp_icol(icell)- $ bigcal_ixclose_prot(cluster_temp_icol(1))).le. $ bigcal_clstr_nxmom_max) then xmom_clst = xmom_clst + ecell*(xcell-xcenter)/esum ymom_clst = ymom_clst + ecell*(ycell-ycenter)/esum endif else if(cluster_temp_irow(1).gt.32.and.cluster_temp_irow(icell) $ .le.32) then if(abs(cluster_temp_icol(icell)- $ bigcal_ixclose_rcs(cluster_temp_icol(1))).le. $ bigcal_clstr_nxmom_max) then xmom_clst = xmom_clst + ecell*(xcell-xcenter)/esum ymom_clst = ymom_clst + ecell*(ycell-ycenter)/esum endif else if(abs(cluster_temp_icol(icell)-cluster_temp_icol(1)).le. $ bigcal_clstr_nxmom_max) then xmom_clst = xmom_clst + ecell*(xcell-xcenter)/esum ymom_clst = ymom_clst + ecell*(ycell-ycenter)/esum endif endif endif do ihit=1,bigcal_all_ngood if(bigcal_all_iygood(ihit).eq.cluster_temp_irow(icell) $ .and.bigcal_all_ixgood(ihit).eq.cluster_temp_icol(icell)) $ then ! zero this hit so it won't be used again bigcal_all_ecell(ihit) = 0. bigcal_all_adc_good(ihit) = 0. bigcal_all_iygood(ihit) = 0 bigcal_all_ixgood(ihit) = 0 bigcal_all_ygood(ihit) = 0. bigcal_all_xgood(ihit) = 0. endif enddo enddo bigcal_all_clstr_xmom(ncluster) = xmom_clst bigcal_all_clstr_ymom(ncluster) = ymom_clst bigcal_all_clstr_etot(ncluster) = esum bigcal_all_clstr_atot(ncluster) = asum if( then ! use xcenter + xmom bigcal_all_clstr_x(ncluster) = xcenter + xmom_clst bigcal_all_clstr_y(ncluster) = ycenter + ymom_clst endif c$$$ if( then c$$$ call b_print_cluster(ncluster,abort,err) c$$$ if(abort) then c$$$ call g_add_path(here,err) c$$$ return c$$$ endif c$$$ endif if( then call b_print_cluster(ncluster,abort,err) if(abort) then call g_add_path(here,err) return endif endif c$$$ else c$$$ if(ixmax.eq.1.or.iymax.eq.1.or.iymax.eq.56.or.ixmax.eq.32.or. c$$$ $ ( then c$$$ nmaximum = nmaximum + 1 c$$$ bigcal_edge_max(nmaximum) = .true. c$$$ bigcal_not_enough(nmaximum) = .false. c$$$ bigcal_too_long_x(nmaximum) = .false. c$$$ bigcal_too_long_y(nmaximum) = .false. c$$$ bigcal_below_cut(nmaximum) = .false. c$$$ bigcal_above_max(nmaximum) = .false. c$$$ bigcal_second_max(nmaximum) = .false. c$$$ c$$$c zero ecell and adc good for hit array, but leave detector array untouched c$$$ c$$$ bigcal_all_ecell(ihitmax) = 0. c$$$ bigcal_all_adc_good(ihitmax) = 0. c$$$ c$$$ goto 102 c$$$ c$$$ endif endif 104 continue if( goto 102 bigcal_all_nclstr = ncluster bigcal_nmaxima = nmaximum return end