subroutine b_matrix_accum(abort,err) implicit none save character*14 here parameter(here='b_matrix_accum') logical abort character*(*) err include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn' include 'bigcal_tof_parms.cmn' include 'gen_run_info.cmn' include 'gen_event_info.cmn' include 'bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn' include 'b_ntuple.cmn' include 'gep_data_structures.cmn' include 'gen_data_structures.cmn' include 'hms_data_structures.cmn' integer irow,icol,jrow,jcol,icell,jcell integer best,ihit,jhit real Ee,ei,ej real PI parameter(PI=3.14159265359) real Mp parameter(Mp=.938272) abort=.false. err=' ' c c$$$ mintdiff = 0. c$$$ c$$$ if( then c$$$ do i=1,ntrigb c$$$ if(i.eq.1.or.abs(gep_btime(i)-gep_btime_elastic).lt.mintdiff) then c$$$ btrigt = gep_btime(i) c$$$ mintdiff = abs(gep_btime(i)-gep_btime_elastic) c$$$ endif c$$$ enddo c$$$ else c$$$ btrigt = gep_btime_elastic c$$$ endif c$$$ c$$$ breftime = bigcal_end_time - btrigt if( then c for monte carlo-based calibration we are happy with using only events where there is one cluster c corresponding to one electron if(nvtrk_mc.eq.1.and.pid_mc(1).eq.3.and.bigcal_all_nclstr.eq.1) $ then c check rough position agreement (cell positions only! reconstructed positions may be bad) if(abs(bigcal_all_clstr_xcell(1,1)-xgeant(1)).le.10..and. $ abs(bigcal_all_clstr_ycell(1,1)-ygeant(1)).le.10) then Ee = egeant(1) bigcal_nmatr_event = bigcal_nmatr_event + 1 do ihit=1,bigcal_all_clstr_ncell(1) irow = bigcal_all_clstr_iycell(1,ihit) icol = bigcal_all_clstr_ixcell(1,ihit) if(irow.le.bigcal_prot_ny) then icell = icol + bigcal_prot_nx*(irow-1) else icell = icol + bigcal_rcs_nx*(irow-1-bigcal_prot_ny) $ + bigcal_prot_maxhits endif ei = bigcal_all_clstr_ecell(1,ihit) bigcal_vector(icell) = bigcal_vector(icell) + ei / Ee do jhit=1,bigcal_all_clstr_ncell(1) jrow = bigcal_all_clstr_iycell(1,jhit) jcol = bigcal_all_clstr_ixcell(1,jhit) if(jrow.le.bigcal_prot_ny) then jcell = jcol + bigcal_prot_nx*(jrow-1) else jcell = jcol + bigcal_rcs_nx*(jrow-1-bigcal_prot_ny) $ + bigcal_prot_maxhits endif ej = bigcal_all_clstr_ecell(1,jhit) bigcal_matrix(icell,jcell) = bigcal_matrix(icell,jcell) $ + ei*ej / (Ee**2) enddo enddo endif endif ! this was called from GEp reconstruction after selection of best track!!! c$$$ else if( c$$$ $ gen_event_trigtype(5).eq.1) then c Ee = gebeam - gep_Q2_H / (2.*.938272) ! E' = E - Q^2/2Mp, Q^2 as measured by HMS else if( then Ee = gep_E_electron best = bigcal_itrack_best c check event selection cuts for calibration: dx, dy, and ctime: c also check elastic cut: This is crucial!!! c c write(*,*) 'track time =',bigcal_track_time(best) c$$$ write(*,*) 'dx,dy,dt,dpel,dth,dph=',bigcal_all_clstr_x(best)-gep_bx_expect_H, c$$$ $ bigcal_all_clstr_y(best)-gep_by_expect_H,bigcal_track_time(best)-bigcal_window_center, c$$$ $ (gep_p_proton-gep_pel_htheta)/hpcentral,bigcal_track_thetarad(best)-gep_etheta_expect_h, c$$$ $ bigcal_track_phirad(best)-gep_ephi_expect_h if(abs(bigcal_all_clstr_x(best)-gep_bx_expect_H).lt. $ gep_bcalib_cut_dx.and.abs(bigcal_all_clstr_y(best) - $ gep_by_expect_H).lt.gep_bcalib_cut_dy.and.abs( $ gep_ctime_hms-gep_ctime_cal).lt.gep_bcalib_cut_ctime.and. $ abs(gep_pel_htheta-gep_p_proton)/ $ .and.abs(bigcal_track_thetarad(best)-gep_etheta_expect_H).lt. $ gep_bcalib_cut_theta.and.abs(bigcal_track_phirad(best)- $ gep_ephi_expect_H+PI/2.).lt.gep_bcalib_cut_phi.and. $ $ gep_bcalib_cut_ehms(2)) then c write(*,*) 'writing event to calib. matrix' bigcal_nmatr_event = bigcal_nmatr_event + 1 do ihit=1,bigcal_all_clstr_ncell(best) irow = bigcal_all_clstr_iycell(best,ihit) icol = bigcal_all_clstr_ixcell(best,ihit) if(irow.le.bigcal_prot_ny) then icell = icol + bigcal_prot_nx*(irow-1) else icell = icol + bigcal_rcs_nx*(irow-1-bigcal_prot_ny) $ + bigcal_prot_maxhits endif ei = bigcal_all_clstr_ecell(best,ihit) bigcal_vector(icell) = bigcal_vector(icell) + ei / Ee do jhit=1,bigcal_all_clstr_ncell(best) jrow = bigcal_all_clstr_iycell(best,jhit) jcol = bigcal_all_clstr_ixcell(best,jhit) if(jrow.le.bigcal_prot_ny) then jcell = jcol + bigcal_prot_nx*(jrow-1) else jcell = jcol + bigcal_rcs_nx*(jrow-1-bigcal_prot_ny) $ + bigcal_prot_maxhits endif ej = bigcal_all_clstr_ecell(best,jhit) bigcal_matrix(icell,jcell) = bigcal_matrix(icell,jcell) $ + ei*ej / (Ee**2) enddo enddo endif endif return end