subroutine b_rebuild_cluster(clust) implicit none save logical badi, badj integer clust,icell,jcell,i,j integer rowi,rowj,coli,colj,row,col real ecell,xcell,ycell,xmom,ymom real ei,ej,ai,aj,xi,xj,yi,yj real xcenter,ycenter,xdiff,ydiff real esum,asum real xpar(6),ypar(6) include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn' include 'bigcal_shower_parms.cmn' logical abort character*80 err c PURPOSE: c this routine assumes that the cell array for cluster iclust has c already been filled, but maybe one or more of the energies has changed c as a result of a guess using HMS info and elastic kinematics when a c channel is in the "bad channels" list. c So re-sort the cluster in order of decreasing energy, and re-calculate c cluster quantities related to the energies in the cells. c this routine gets called from the gep_check_bigcal routine which is a c subroutine of gep_physics. If the HMS predicts that electron should have c hit BigCal at a certain place, then gep_check_bigcal looks for c channels in the vicinity of the expected electron that are in the c bad channel list. If it finds any, then it will guess what the energy c should have been in those channels based on a fit to the shower shape c using the HMS-predicted energy and position of the expected electron. c If there are any clusters in the vicinity containing the same channels c from the bad channel list, then this routine reevaluates those clusters c based on the energy that was "guessed" for the channels in question. if( return esum = 0. asum = 0. do icell = 1,bigcal_all_clstr_ncell(clust) ei = bigcal_all_clstr_ecell(clust,icell) ai = bigcal_all_clstr_acell(clust,icell) rowi = bigcal_all_clstr_iycell(clust,icell) coli = bigcal_all_clstr_ixcell(clust,icell) xi = bigcal_all_clstr_xcell(clust,icell) yi = bigcal_all_clstr_ycell(clust,icell) badi = bigcal_clstr_bad_chan(clust,icell) do jcell = icell+1,bigcal_all_clstr_ncell(clust) ej = bigcal_all_clstr_ecell(clust,jcell) aj = bigcal_all_clstr_acell(clust,jcell) xj = bigcal_all_clstr_xcell(clust,jcell) yj = bigcal_all_clstr_ycell(clust,jcell) rowj = bigcal_all_clstr_iycell(clust,jcell) colj = bigcal_all_clstr_ixcell(clust,jcell) badj = bigcal_clstr_bad_chan(clust,jcell) if( then ! switch everything: bigcal_all_clstr_ecell(clust,icell) = ej bigcal_all_clstr_acell(clust,icell) = aj bigcal_all_clstr_xcell(clust,icell) = xj bigcal_all_clstr_ycell(clust,icell) = yj bigcal_all_clstr_ixcell(clust,icell) = colj bigcal_all_clstr_iycell(clust,icell) = rowj bigcal_clstr_bad_chan(clust,icell) = badj bigcal_all_clstr_ecell(clust,jcell) = ei bigcal_all_clstr_acell(clust,jcell) = ai bigcal_all_clstr_xcell(clust,jcell) = xi bigcal_all_clstr_ycell(clust,jcell) = yi bigcal_all_clstr_ixcell(clust,jcell) = coli bigcal_all_clstr_iycell(clust,jcell) = rowi bigcal_clstr_bad_chan(clust,jcell) = badi endif enddo enddo do icell=1,bigcal_all_clstr_ncell(clust) esum = esum + bigcal_all_clstr_ecell(clust,icell) asum = asum + bigcal_all_clstr_acell(clust,icell) enddo bigcal_all_clstr_iymax(clust) = bigcal_all_clstr_iycell(clust,1) bigcal_all_clstr_ixmax(clust) = bigcal_all_clstr_ixcell(clust,1) bigcal_all_clstr_etot(clust) = esum bigcal_all_clstr_atot(clust) = asum xcenter = bigcal_all_clstr_xcell(clust,1) ycenter = bigcal_all_clstr_ycell(clust,1) xmom = 0. ymom = 0. do icell=1,bigcal_all_clstr_ncell(clust) xdiff = bigcal_all_clstr_xcell(clust,icell) - xcenter ydiff = bigcal_all_clstr_ycell(clust,icell) - ycenter ecell = bigcal_all_clstr_ecell(clust,icell) xmom = xmom + xdiff*ecell/esum ymom = ymom + ydiff*ecell/esum enddo bigcal_all_clstr_xmom(clust) = xmom bigcal_all_clstr_ymom(clust) = ymom c also re-calculate shower coordinates: row = bigcal_all_clstr_iymax(clust) col = bigcal_all_clstr_ixmax(clust) if(row.le.32) then do i=1,6 xpar(i) = bigcal_prot_xpar(col,i) ypar(i) = bigcal_prot_ypar(row,i) enddo else do i=1,6 xpar(i) = bigcal_rcs_xpar(col,i) ypar(i) = bigcal_rcs_ypar(row,i) enddo endif bigcal_all_clstr_x(clust) = xcenter + xpar(1)*atan( $ xpar(2)*xmom**4 + xpar(3)*xmom**3 + xpar(4)*xmom**2 + $ xpar(5)*xmom + xpar(6)) bigcal_all_clstr_y(clust) = ycenter + ypar(1)*atan( $ ypar(2)*ymom**4 + ypar(3)*ymom**3 + ypar(4)*ymom**2 + $ ypar(5)*ymom + ypar(6)) c$$$ write(*,*) 'REBUILT CLUSTER#',clust,' after guessing energies '// c$$$ $ 'for channels in the bad list:' c$$$ call b_print_cluster(clust,abort,err) return end