# # $Log: Makefile.Unix,v $ # Revision 2007/09/10 20:08:01 pcarter # Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX # # Revision 2007/08/07 18:50:57 puckett # Don't want CTP Root trees anymore # # Revision 1.21 2004/07/08 20:04:33 saw # CTP ROOT trees will be compiled in if ROOTSYS is defined. # Build dummy CTP ROOT tree commands when ROOTSYS not defined. # # Revision 1.20 2004/07/02 18:50:00 saw # Add ability to compile CTP root code. To use, make sure the ROOTSYS # environment variable is set and comment out the line "ROOTSYS=". # # Revision 1.19 2004/02/26 14:58:29 jones # For now , comment out parts dealing with ROOT. # # Revision 1.18 2003/02/21 20:53:34 saw # Force rebuilding of files derived from daVarRpc.x more often. # # Revision 1.17 1999/11/04 20:34:03 saw # Alpha compatibility. # New RPC call needed for root event display. # Start of code to write ROOT trees (ntuples) from new "tree" block # # Revision 1.16 1998/12/08 15:40:45 saw # Force daVarRpc.h to be built. # # Revision 1.15 1998/12/07 22:11:08 saw # Initial setup # # Revision 1.14 1998/12/01 14:09:09 saw # (SAW) Misc fixes # # Revision 1.13 96/11/07 20:19:37 20:19:37 saw (Stephen A. Wood) # (SAW) Add SunOS and AIX compatibility # # Revision 1.12 1996/09/04 14:27:44 saw # (SAW) Add switches for OSF (Alpha) and some stuff for # Linux (NFSDIRECTORY fixes) # # Revision 1.11 1996/04/29 18:28:53 saw # (SAW) New makefile style # # Revision 1.10 1996/01/16 15:27:20 cdaq # (SAW) Add hash table name lookup # # Revision 1.9 1995/07/28 14:12:36 cdaq # (SAW) SGI/IRIX compatibility # # Revision 1.8 1995/04/06 20:08:28 cdaq # (SAW) Fix typo in a RPCGEN line # # Revision 1.7 1995/03/13 19:46:01 cdaq # (SAW) Add linux compile flags # # Revision 1.6 1994/11/23 15:35:29 cdaq # (SAW) Make a libctpclient.a, add NOFNMATCH for ultrix # # Revision 1.5 1994/10/11 18:31:42 cdaq # (SAW) Add thClient # # Revision 1.4 1994/08/18 04:21:48 cdaq # (SAW) Add makereg.c # # Revision 1.3 1994/08/04 03:49:08 cdaq # (SAW) Add gethit facility (thGethit.c) # # Revision 1.2 1994/06/14 17:54:01 cdaq # (SAW) Add report generator (thReport.c) # # Revision 1.1 1994/04/15 20:28:27 cdaq # Initial revision # # To disable compilation of CTP Root Trees, make sure that the environment # variable ROOTSYS is undefined, or uncomment "#ROOTSYS=" line below. # The same must be done in EXE/Makefile ROOTSYS= NEWSTYLE = 1 #Only append to CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS the first time through ifeq ($(MAKELEVEL),2) ifeq ($(MYOS),Linux) ifeq ($(F77COMPILER),Absoft) CFLAGS = -DNOF77extname -DAbsoftUNIXFortran # -DAbsoftUNIXFortran for cfortran.h else ifeq ($(OSEXT),TEST) override CFLAGS += -Df2cFortran -b i486-linux -pg # -Df2cFortran for cfortran.h else # CFLAGS = -g -Df2cFortran -b i486-linux -O # -Df2cFortran for cfortran.h override CFLAGS += -Df2cFortran # -Df2cFortran for cfortran.h endif endif override CXXFLAGS += -fno-exceptions -fPIC endif ifdef ROOTSYS override CFLAGS += -DROOTTREE override CXXFLAGS += -I$(ROOTSYS)/include endif endif ifeq ($(MYOS),Linux) # -k generates K&R C # RPCCOM=rpcgen -b -k RPCCOM=rpcgen -b endif include ../../etc/Makefile ctp_sources = thTest.c thTestParse.c thTestExecute.c thHandlers.c thParm.c \ thUtils.c thLoad.c thGroup.c thHist.c thReport.c thGethit.c \ daVarRegister.c daVarRpcProc.c daVarHandlers.c daVarServ.c \ daVarRpc_svc.c daVarRpc_xdr.c daVarHashLib.c thTree.c ctpclient_sources = daVarRpc_xdr.c daVarRpc_clnt.c thClient.c lib_targets := $(patsubst %.c, libctp.a(%.o), $(ctp_sources)) \ $(patsubst %.c, libctpclient.a(%.o), $(ctpclient_sources)) ifdef ROOTSYS cxxsources = thRootStuff.cpp lib_targets := $(patsubst %.c, libctp_root.a(%.o), $(ctp_sources)) \ $(patsubst %.c, libctpclient_root.a(%.o), $(ctpclient_sources)) \ $(patsubst %.cpp, libctp_root.a(%.o), $(cxxsources)) endif sources = $(ctpclient_sources) $(ctp_sources) makereg.c bin_targets = makereg install-dirs := lib bin ifeq ($(MYOS),IRIX) CC = gcc CFLAGS = -DNOFNMATCH RPCCOM=rpcgen endif ifeq ($(MYOS),OSF1) CC = cc -verbose CFLAGS = -DNOFNMATCH RPCCOM=rpcgen endif ifeq ($(MYOS),HPUX) CC = gcc ifeq ($(OSEXT),TEST) CFLAGS = -Dhpux -D_HPUX_SOURCE -Dextname -g -pg # for gprof else CFLAGS = -Dhpux -D_HPUX_SOURCE -Dextname -g endif ARFLAGS = frv RPCCOM=rpcgen endif ifeq ($(MYOS),ULTRIX) CC = gcc CFLAGS = -DNOFNMATCH RPCCOM=/usr/site1/rpc/rpcgen endif ifeq ($(MYOS),SunOS) CC = gcc ifeq ($(OSVERSION),4) CFLAGS = -O -DNOFNMATCH else CFLAGS = -O endif RPCCOM = /usr/bin/rpcgen endif ifeq ($(MYOS),AIX) CC = gcc CFLAGS = -O -Dextname RPCCOM = rpcgen endif ##library: libctp.a ##$(LIBROOT)/libctp.a: $(libctp_members) ifdef NFSDIRECTORY ../%.c : $(NFSDIRECTORY)/CTP/%.c ln -s $< $@ ../%.h : $(NFSDIRECTORY)/CTP/%.h ln -s $< $@ ../%.x : $(NFSDIRECTORY)/CTP/%.x ln -s $< $@ .PRECIOUS: ../%.c ../%.h ../%.x endif makereg: makereg.o ifdef ROOTSYS thRootStuff.o: ../thRootStuff.cpp $(CXX) -o$@ -c $(CXXFLAGS) $< endif RPCDEPENDS_RULE = echo "$(subst .d,.o,$@): \ ../$(subst .d,.c,$@) ../daVarRpc.h" >$@ # Include ../daVarRpc.h as a dependency to force it to be made before # dependencies on non-autogenerated sources are done daVarRpc_xdr.d: ../daVarRpc.h echo remaking $@ $(RPCDEPENDS_RULE) daVarRpc_clnt.d: ../daVarRpc.h echo remaking $@ $(RPCDEPENDS_RULE) daVarRpc_svc.d: ../daVarRpc.h echo remaking $@ $(RPCDEPENDS_RULE) daVarRpc.d: ../daVarRpc.h echo remaking $@ touch $@ ../daVarRpc_xdr.c: ../daVarRpc.x ../daVar.h daVarRpc_xdr.d $(RM) $@ (cd .. ; $(RPCCOM) -o $(@F) -c daVarRpc.x) ../daVarRpc_svc.c: ../daVarRpc.x ../daVar.h daVarRpc_svc.d $(RM) $@ # (cd .. ; $(RPCCOM) -o $(@F) -m daVarRpc.x) # work around a bug in rpcgen present in Mac OS X 10.4: (cd .. ; $(RPCCOM) -o temp_svc.c -m daVarRpc.x; sed -e 's/extern/static/g' temp_svc.c > $(@F); $(RM) temp_svc.c) ../daVarRpc_clnt.c: ../daVarRpc.x ../daVar.h daVarRpc_clnt.d $(RM) $@ (cd .. ; $(RPCCOM) -o $(@F) -l daVarRpc.x) ../daVarRpc.h: ../daVarRpc.x ../daVar.h $(RM) $@ (cd .. ; $(RPCCOM) -o $(@F) -h daVarRpc.x) include $(sources:.c=.d) ifdef ROOTSYS include $(cxxsources:.cpp=.d) endif