/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) 1993-1995 Southeastern Universities Research Association, * Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility * * This software was developed under a United States Government license * described in the NOTICE file included as part of this distribution. * * Stephen A. Wood, 12000 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23606 * Email: saw@cebaf.gov Tel: (804) 249-7367 Fax: (804) 249-5800 *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Description: * Test code executor * * Author: Stephen Wood, CEBAF Hall C * * Revision History: * $Log: thTestExecute.c,v $ * Revision 2011/03/03 20:09:01 jones * Add check for 64bit by looking for LP64 * * Revision 2007/09/10 21:32:47 pcarter * Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX * * Revision 1.2 2003/02/21 20:55:25 saw * Clean up some types and casts to reduce compiler warnings. * * Revision 1.1 1998/12/07 22:11:13 saw * Initial setup * * Revision 1.13 1996/08/01 01:33:31 saw * Add trig functions. Print block name on errors. Allow floating arguments * for mod (%). * * Revision 1.12 1995/08/03 13:56:00 saw * Add single argument functions * * Revision 1.11 1995/02/14 16:53:12 saw * Make compatible with OSF/Alpha (64 bit pointers) * * Revision 1.10 1994/10/03 12:39:45 saw * All "/" (division) has real result. New op "//" has integerized result. * * Revision 1.9 1994/07/21 20:46:50 saw * Make some POP and PUSH stuff more portable * * Revision 1.8 1994/06/13 13:26:55 saw * Add some divide by zero checking * * Revision 1.7 1994/06/03 21:12:19 saw * Use memcpy for stack manipulation * * Revision 1.5 1994/02/10 18:40:25 saw * Typecasting of sp and pc pointer while incrementing or decrementing * doesn't work for ANSI C (Silicon Graphics). Rewrote some POP and PUSH * macros and other codes for this (presumably) non-posix case. * * Revision 1.4 1993/12/02 21:33:17 saw * Fully allow the use of doubles in test expressions * * Revision 1.3 1993/11/22 20:42:12 saw * Add return of status codes on thExecuteCode * * Revision 1.2 1993/05/11 17:58:13 saw * Add copyright and header * */ #include #include #include #include "daVar.h" #include "th.h" #include "thUtils.h" #include "thTestParse.h" #include "thInternal.h" #include "cfortran.h" static DAINT stack[1000]; /* The stack */ /* Execute Test Package Pseudo Code code is first instruction, codelimit is pointer to location after last instruction. */ #ifdef __sgi #define NOTPOSIX #endif #if defined(hpux) || defined(__sun) #define USEMEMCPY #endif #ifdef __DECC #define USEMEMCPY #endif #if (defined(__osf__) && defined(__alpha)) || defined(__LP64__) #undef USEMEMCPY #define NOTPOSIX #define POINTER64 #endif #ifdef USEMEMCPY #define PUSHPOINTER(x) memcpy(((void **)sp)++, (void *)&x, sizeof(void *)) #else //#define PUSHPOINTER(x) *((DAINT **)sp)++ = x //#define PUSHPOINTER(x) *(DAINT **)sp = x; (DAINT **)(sp = (DAINT *)(DAINT **)((DAINT **)sp + 1)) #define PUSHPOINTER(x) *(DAINT **)sp = x; sp = (DAINT *) (DAINT **) ((DAINT **)sp + 1) //#define PUSHPOINTER(x) *(DAINT **)sp = x; sp = (DAINT *) ((DAINT **)sp + 1) #endif #ifdef NOTPOSIX /* Can't use --() constructs, must decrement stack pointer manually */ # ifdef POINTER64 # define SAVEINT(x) **((DAINT **)(sp-2)) = x; sp--; sp-- # define SAVEFLOAT(x) **((DAFLOAT **)(sp-2)) = x; sp--; sp-- # define SAVEDOUBLE(x) **((DADOUBLE **)(sp-2)) = x; sp--; sp-- # define FETCHIARRAY(x) x = *(*(((DAINT **)sp)-1) + index); sp--; sp-- # define FETCHFARRAY(x) x = *(*(((DAFLOAT **)sp)-1) + index); sp--; sp-- # define FETCHDARRAY(x) x = *(*(((DADOUBLE **)sp)-1) + index); sp--; sp-- # else /* 32 bit pointers */ # define SAVEINT(x) **((DAINT **)(sp-1)) = x; sp-- # define SAVEFLOAT(x) **((DAFLOAT **)(sp-1)) = x; sp-- # define SAVEDOUBLE(x) **((DADOUBLE **)(sp-1)) = x; sp-- # define FETCHIARRAY(x) x = *((DAINT *) *(sp-1) + index); sp-- # define FETCHFARRAY(x) x = *((DAFLOAT *) *(sp-1) + index); sp-- # define FETCHDARRAY(x) x = *((DADOUBLE *) *(sp-1) + index); sp-- # endif #define POPDOUBLE(x) x = *((DADOUBLE *)(sp-2)); sp--; sp-- #define POPFLOAT(x) x = *((DAFLOAT *)(sp-1)); sp-- #define POPINT(x) x = *((DAINT *)(sp-1)); sp-- #define PUSHDOUBLE(x) *((DADOUBLE *)sp) = x; sp++; sp++ #define PUSHFLOAT(x) *((DAFLOAT *)sp++) = x; #define PUSHINT(x) *((DAINT *)sp++) = x; #else //# define SAVEINT(x) **(--(DAINT **)sp) = x //# define SAVEFLOAT(x) **(--(DAFLOAT **)sp) = x //# define SAVEDOUBLE(x) **(--(DADOUBLE **)sp) = x # define SAVEINT(x) sp = (DAINT *) (DAINT **) ((DAINT **)sp - 1); **(DAINT **)sp = x # define SAVEFLOAT(x) sp = (DAINT *) (DAFLOAT **) ((DAFLOAT **)sp - 1); **(DAFLOAT **)sp = x # define SAVEDOUBLE(x) sp = (DAINT *) (DADOUBLE **) ((DADOUBLE **)sp - 1); **(DADOUBLE **)sp = x //# define FETCHIARRAY(x) x = (*(*(--(DAINT**)sp) + index)); //# define FETCHFARRAY(x) x = (*(*(--(DAFLOAT**)sp) + index)); //# define FETCHDARRAY(x) x = (*(*(--(DADOUBLE**)sp) + index)); # define FETCHIARRAY(x) sp = (DAINT *) (DAINT **) ((DAINT **)sp - 1); x = *(*(DAINT**)sp + index); # define FETCHFARRAY(x) sp = (DAINT *) (DAFLOAT **) ((DAFLOAT **)sp - 1); x = *(*(DAFLOAT**)sp + index); # define FETCHDARRAY(x) sp = (DAINT *) (DADOUBLE **) ((DADOUBLE **)sp - 1); x = *(*(DADOUBLE**)sp + index); #ifdef USEMEMCPY #define POPDOUBLE(x) ((DADOUBLE *)sp)--; memcpy((void *)&x,(void *)sp,sizeof(DADOUBLE)) #define POPFLOAT(x) x = *(--(DAFLOAT *)sp) #define POPINT(x) x = *(--(DAINT *)sp) #define PUSHDOUBLE(x) memcpy(((DADOUBLE *)sp)++,(void *)&x,sizeof(DADOUBLE)); #define PUSHFLOAT(x) *((DAFLOAT *)sp)++ = x; #define PUSHINT(x) *((DAINT *)sp)++ = x; #else //#define POPDOUBLE(x) x = *(--(DADOUBLE *)sp) #define POPDOUBLE(x) sp = (DAINT *) (DADOUBLE *) ((DADOUBLE *)sp - 1); x = *(DADOUBLE *)sp //#define POPFLOAT(x) x = *(--(DAFLOAT *)sp) #define POPFLOAT(x) sp = (DAINT *) (DAFLOAT *) ((DAFLOAT *)sp - 1); x = *(DAFLOAT *)sp #define POPINT(x) x = *(--(DAINT *)sp) //#define PUSHDOUBLE(x) *((DADOUBLE *)sp)++ = x; #define PUSHDOUBLE(x) *(DADOUBLE *)sp = x; sp = (DAINT *) (DADOUBLE *) ((DADOUBLE *)sp + 1) //#define PUSHFLOAT(x) *((DAFLOAT *)sp)++ = x #define PUSHFLOAT(x) *(DAFLOAT *)sp = x; sp = (DAINT *) (DAFLOAT *) ((DAFLOAT *)sp + 1) #define PUSHINT(x) *((DAINT *)sp)++ = x #endif #endif #define GETNEXTINTP (((DAINT *)pc)++) #define GETNEXTFLOATP (((DAFLOAT *)pc)++) #define GETNEXTDOUBLEP (((DADOUBLE *)pc)++) #define GETNEXTPOINTERP (((DAINT **)pc)++) thStatus thExecuteCode(char *blockname,CODEPTR code, CODEPTR codelimit) { #ifdef PHILDEBUG #ifdef NOTPOSIX #warning Phil says NOTPOSIX! #else #warning Phil says not NOTPOSIX! i.e. POSIX!! #endif #ifdef POINTER64 #warning Phil says POINTER64! #else #warning Phil says not POINTER64! #endif #ifdef USEMEMCPY #warning Phil says USEMEMCPY! #else #warning Phil says not USEMEMCPY! #endif #endif register CODEPTR pc; CODE rawopcode,opcode,ltype,rtype,lrtypes; DAINT nargs,result; register DAINT *sp; DAINT i,il,ir,*pi; DAFLOAT f,fl,fr,*pf; DADOUBLE d,dl,dr,*pd; DAINT index; sp = stack; pc = code; while(pc < codelimit){ /* printf("PC=%x, Op code %x, Stack=%x, SP=%x\n",pc,*pc,stack,sp);*/ rawopcode = *pc++; if(rawopcode >= OPLP){ /* New style */ ltype = (rawopcode & OPLEFTTYPEMASK) >> 8; rtype = (rawopcode & OPRIGHTTYPEMASK) >> 4; /* lrtypes = opcode & OPLRTYPEMASK;*/ opcode = rawopcode & OPCODEMASK; switch(opcode & OPGROUPMASK) { case OPPUSHGROUP: /* Pushes */ switch(opcode) { #ifdef USEMEMCPY void *tmpptr; #endif case OPPUSHINT: /* Float included in pushes */ if((rawopcode & OPRESTYPEMASK) == OPRDOUBLE){ /* printf("sp=%x, pc=%x\n",sp,pc);*/ #ifdef USEMEMCPY memcpy((void *)&d,((DADOUBLE *)pc)++,sizeof(DADOUBLE)); PUSHDOUBLE(d); #else #ifdef __sgi PUSHDOUBLE(*((DADOUBLE *)pc)); pc++; pc++; #else PUSHDOUBLE(*(DADOUBLE *)pc);/*phil*/ pc = (CODEPTR) (DADOUBLE *) ((DADOUBLE *)pc + 1); #endif #endif /* printf("sp=%x, pc=%x\n",sp,pc);*/ } else { PUSHINT(*pc++); } break; case OPPUSHPINT: /*Push a pointer*/ #ifdef USEMEMCPY PUSHPOINTER((memcpy(&tmpptr,(((DAINT **)pc)++),sizeof(void *)) ,tmpptr)); #else PUSHPOINTER(*(DAINT **)pc); /*phil*/ pc = (CODEPTR)(DAINT **) ((DAINT **)pc + 1); #endif break; case OPPUSHINTP: /*Push what a pointer points to */ if((rawopcode & OPRESTYPEMASK) == OPRDOUBLE){ #ifdef USEMEMCPY memcpy(&tmpptr,(((DAINT **)pc)++),sizeof(void *)); d = *(DADOUBLE *) tmpptr; #else d = **(DADOUBLE **)pc;/*phil*/ pc = (CODEPTR) (DADOUBLE **) ((DADOUBLE **)pc + 1); #endif PUSHDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/ } else { #ifdef USEMEMCPY memcpy(&tmpptr,(((DAINT **)pc)++),sizeof(void *)); PUSHINT(*(DAINT *) tmpptr); #else PUSHINT(**(DAINT **)pc);/*phil*/ pc = (CODEPTR) (DAINT **) ((DAINT **)pc + 1); #endif } break; case OPPUSHFUNCTION: /*Push a intrinsic function code */ PUSHINT(*pc++); break; } break; case OPEOLGROUP: sp--; /* Should empty the stack */ if(rtype == OPRDOUBLE) sp--; /* Double is two entries on stack */ break; case OPLINDEXGROUP: if(opcode==OPLFARG) { if(rtype==OPRINT) {POPINT(i);} else if(rtype==OPRFLOAT) {POPFLOAT(f);}/*phil*/ else {POPDOUBLE(d);}/*phil*/ POPINT(index); /* Pop the function code */ switch(index) { case 0: /* abs */ if(rtype==OPRINT) { if(i<0) i = -i; PUSHINT(i); } else if(rtype==OPRFLOAT) { if(f<0.0) f = -f; PUSHFLOAT(f);/*phil*/ } else { if(d<0.0) d = -d; PUSHDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/ } break; case 1: /* sqrt */ if(rtype==OPRINT) d = i; else if(rtype==OPRFLOAT) d = f; if(d>=0) d = sqrt(d); else { fprintf(STDERR,"Test block %s: sqrt(%f)\n",blockname,d); d = 0; } PUSHDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/ break; case 2: /* exp */ if(rtype==OPRINT) d = i; else if(rtype==OPRFLOAT) d = f; d = exp(d); PUSHDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/ break; case 3: /* sin */ if(rtype==OPRINT) d = i; else if(rtype==OPRFLOAT) d = f; d = sin(d); PUSHDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/ break; case 4: /* cos */ if(rtype==OPRINT) d = i; else if(rtype==OPRFLOAT) d = f; d = cos(d); PUSHDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/ break; case 5: /* tan */ if(rtype==OPRINT) d = i; else if(rtype==OPRFLOAT) d = f; d = tan(d); PUSHDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/ break; } break; } if(rtype==OPRFLOAT) { /* Floating point index */ POPFLOAT(f);/*phil*/ index = floatToLong(f); } else if(rtype==OPRDOUBLE) { /* Double */ POPDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/ index = floatToLong(d); } else { POPINT(index); } index -= ((opcode & 0xF000) == 0x1000 ? 0 : 1); /* ltype should always be == restype */ if(opcode == OPLINDEX || opcode == OPLINDEXB){ if(ltype == OPRDOUBLE) { FETCHDARRAY(d);/*phil*/ PUSHDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/ } else if (ltype == OPRFLOAT) { FETCHFARRAY(f);/*phil*/ PUSHFLOAT(f);/*phil*/ } else { FETCHIARRAY(i);/*phil*/ PUSHINT(i); } } else { /*pointer on stack*/ sp--; #ifdef POINTER64 sp--; #endif if(ltype == OPRDOUBLE) { /* *((DADOUBLE **)sp)++ = (*((DADOUBLE **)sp)+index);*/ /* The following works better on the alpha */ pd = *((DADOUBLE **)sp); pd += index; PUSHPOINTER(pd);/*phil*/ } else { /* Assume INT and FLOAT the same size */ /**((DAINT **)sp)++ = (*((DAINT **)sp)+index);*/ /* The following works better on the alpha */ pi = *((DAINT **)sp); pi += index; PUSHPOINTER(pi);/*phil*/ } } break; case OPEQUAL: /* Big ugly matrix of type conversions */ if(rtype==OPRINT) { POPINT(i); if(ltype==OPRINT) { SAVEINT(i); /* Save result in result variable *//*phil*/ PUSHINT(i); /* Put result back on stack */ } else if(ltype==OPRFLOAT) { f = i; /* Convert to floating */ SAVEFLOAT(f); /* Save variable *//*phil*/ PUSHFLOAT(f); /* Put back on stack *//*phil*/ } else { /* if(ltype==OPRDOUBLE) */ d = i; SAVEDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/ PUSHDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/ } } else if(rtype==OPRFLOAT) { POPFLOAT(f);/*phil*/ if(ltype==OPRINT) { i = floatToLong(f); SAVEINT(i); /* Save result in result variable *//*phil*/ *sp++ = i; } else if(ltype==OPRFLOAT) { SAVEFLOAT(f); /* Save variable *//*phil*/ *sp++ = *(DAINT *)&f; } else { /* if(ltype==OPRDOUBLE) */ d = f; SAVEDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/ PUSHDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/ } } else { /* if(rtype==OPRDOUBLE) */ POPDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/ if(ltype==OPRINT) { i = floatToLong(d); SAVEINT(i); /* Save result in result variable *//*phil*/ *sp++ = i; } else if(ltype==OPRFLOAT) { f = d; SAVEFLOAT(f); /* Save variable *//*phil*/ *sp++ = *(DAINT *)&f; } else { /* if(ltype==OPRDOUBLE) */ SAVEDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/ PUSHDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/ } } break; case OPLOGGROUP: /* Logic and Bit operations */ case OPSHIFTGROUP: /* Logic and Bit operations */ if(rtype==OPRINT) { POPINT(ir); } else if(rtype==OPRFLOAT) { POPFLOAT(f);/*phil*/ ir = floatToLong(f); } else { POPDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/ ir = floatToLong(d); } if(ltype==OPRINT) { POPINT(il); } else if(ltype==OPRFLOAT) { POPFLOAT(f);/*phil*/ il = floatToLong(f); } else { POPDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/ il = floatToLong(d); } switch(opcode) { case OPLOGOR: *sp++ = il || ir; break; case OPLOGXOR: *sp++ = (il != 0) ^ (ir != 0); break; case OPLOGAND: *sp++ = il && ir; break; case OPBITOR: *sp++ = il | ir; break; case OPBITXOR: *sp++ = il ^ ir; break; case OPBITAND: *sp++ = il & ir; break; case OPSHL: *sp++ = il << ir; break; case OPSHR: *sp++ = il >> ir; break; } break; case OPCOMPGROUP: /* Logic comparisons */ /* Result of Add amd MUL groups should now always be double */ case OPADDGROUP: /* Add and Subtract */ case OPMULGROUP: /* * / and % */ if(rtype==OPRINT) { POPINT(ir); dr = ir; } else if (rtype==OPRFLOAT) { POPFLOAT(fr);/*phil*/ dr = fr; } else { POPDOUBLE(dr);/*phil*/ } if(ltype==OPRINT) { POPINT(il); dl = il; } else if (ltype==OPRFLOAT) { POPFLOAT(fl);/*phil*/ dl = fl; } else { POPDOUBLE(dl);/*phil*/ } if(rtype!=OPRINT || ltype!=OPRINT){ switch(opcode) { case OPISEQUAL: *sp++ = dl == dr; break; case OPISNOTEQUAL: *sp++ = dl != dr; break; case OPISLT: *sp++ = dl < dr; break; case OPISGT: *sp++ = dl > dr; break; case OPISLE: *sp++ = dl <= dr; break; case OPISGE: *sp++ = dl >= dr; break; case OPADD: d = dl + dr; PUSHDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/ break; case OPSUB: d = dl - dr; PUSHDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/ break; case OPTIMES: d = dl * dr; /* Need to deal with overflow */ PUSHDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/ break; case OPIDIV: /* printf("OP=%x\n",rawopcode);*/ if(dr == 0.0) { fprintf(STDERR,"Test block %s: %f/0.0\n",blockname,dl); d = 0.0; } else { d = dl / dr; /* Need to deal with overflow and div 0 */ } *sp++ = floatToLong(d); break; case OPDIV: if(dr == 0.0) { fprintf(STDERR,"Test block %s: %f/0.0\n",blockname,dl); d = 0.0; } else { d = dl / dr; /* Need to deal with overflow and div 0 */ } PUSHDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/ break; case OPMOD: d = fmod(dl,dr); PUSHDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/ break; } } else { /* Both left and right are int */ switch(opcode) { case OPISEQUAL: *sp++ = il == ir; break; case OPISNOTEQUAL: *sp++ = il != ir; break; case OPISLT: *sp++ = il < ir; break; case OPISGT: *sp++ = il > ir; break; case OPISLE: *sp++ = il <= ir; break; case OPISGE: *sp++ = il >= ir; break; case OPADD: *sp++ = il + ir; break; case OPSUB: *sp++ = il - ir; break; case OPTIMES: *sp++ = il * ir; /* Need to deal with overflow */ break; case OPIDIV: /* printf("At OPIDIV all int branch\n");*/ if(ir == 0) { fprintf(STDERR,"Test block %s: %d/0.0\n",blockname,il); *sp++ = 0; } else { *sp++ = il / ir; } break; case OPDIV: if(ir == 0) { fprintf(STDERR,"Test block %s: %d/0.0\n",blockname,il); d = 0.0; } else d = dl / dr; /* Need to deal with overflow and div 0 */ PUSHDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/ break; case OPMOD: *sp++ = il % ir; /* Need to deal with overflow and div 0 */ break; } } break; case OPUNARY: /* Unary Operators */ switch(opcode) { case OPNEG: if(rtype==OPRINT) { i = -(*--sp); *sp++ = i; } else if (rtype==OPRFLOAT) { f = *(DAFLOAT *)(--sp); f = -f; *sp++ = *(DAINT *)&f; } else { POPDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/ d = -d; PUSHDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/ } break; case OPNOT: case OPCOMP: if(rtype==OPRINT) { POPINT(i); } else if(rtype==OPRFLOAT) { POPFLOAT(f);/*phil*/ i = floatToLong(f); } else { POPDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/ i = floatToLong(d); } i = (opcode == OPNOT ? !i : ~i); *sp++ = i; break; } break; default: fprintf(STDERR,"Test block %s: Operator %x not yet implimented\n", blockname,opcode); break; } /* Terminates switch */ } else { /* terminates if(rawopcode >=OPLP) *//* Old Style, May not work anymore */ switch(*pc++) { case PUSHI: *sp++ = *pc++; break; case PUSHS: *sp++ = *((DAINT *) *pc++); pc++; /* Skip variable name */ break; case PUSHFTOIS: *sp++ = floatToLong(*((DAFLOAT *) *pc++)); pc++; /* Skip variable name */ break; case PUSHITOFS: *sp++ = *(DAINT *)&f; pc++; /* Skip variable name */ break; case POPS: *((int *) *pc++) = *--sp; /* printf("Putting result %d into %s\n",*sp,(char *) *pc);*/ pc++; /* Skip variable name */ break; case tGATE: nargs = *pc++; /* printf("GATE: nargs=%d\n",nargs);*/ result = ((*((DAFLOAT *) sp-3) >= *((DAFLOAT *) sp-2)) && (*((DAFLOAT *) sp-1) > *((DAFLOAT *) sp-3))); sp -= nargs; *sp++ = result; break; case tEQ: nargs = *pc++; result = (*(sp-1) == *(sp-2)); sp -= nargs; *sp++ = result; break; case tAND: result = 1; for(nargs = *pc++;(nargs > 0) && result; nargs--){ result = (*(--sp)) != 0; } sp -= nargs; *sp++ = result; break; case tIOR: result = 0; for(nargs = *pc++;(nargs > 0) && !result; nargs--){ result = (*(--sp)) != 0; } sp -= nargs; *sp++ = result; break; default: fprintf(STDERR,"Test block %s: Opcode %d not defined\n", blockname,*(pc-1)); } /* printf("Stack depth %d\n",sp-stack);*/ } } if(sp != stack){ fprintf(STDERR,"\n"); fprintf(STDERR,"Original SP %x\n",stack); fprintf(STDERR,"\n\n\n\n"); fprintf(STDERR,"Final SP %x\n",sp); fprintf(STDERR,"Items left on stack = %d\n",sp-stack); return(S_FAILURE); } return(S_SUCCESS); }