* PROGRAM Engine *-------------------------------------------------------- *- Prototype C analysis routine *- *- This is the analysis shell for CEBAF hall C. * It gets all of its instructions via the CTP package *- Loops through data until it encounters an error. *- *- Created 18-Nov-1993 Kevin B. Beard, Hampton Univ. * $Log: engine.f,v $ * Revision 2009/09/17 20:24:14 jones * call sane_close_scalers() * * Revision 2009/09/16 21:47:37 jones * Define SANE_FIELD_ANGLE_PHI , ANE_BETA_ANGLE_PHI , SANE_HMS_ANGLE_PHI * Set SANE_BETA_ANGLE_THETA = bigcal_theta_deg * Set ANE_HMS_ANGLE_THETA = htheta_lab * Create new varaibles SANE_HMS_FIELD_THETA,SANE_HMS_FIELD_PHI * Create new variables SANE_BETA_FIELD_THETA,SANE_BETA_FIELD_PHI * * Revision 2009/09/02 13:30:57 jones * eliminate definition of variables that are not used * * Revision 2009/05/04 20:54:24 jones * Modified so that syncfilter will work * * Revision 2009/04/23 19:24:11 jones * For runs 72532-72583 set event type 1 equal to event type 6. * * Revision 2009/03/31 19:33:00 cdaq * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 2009/02/16 00:16:10 cdaq * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 2009/02/11 22:58:44 cdaq * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 2008/11/17 20:52:33 cdaq * Added call to h_tofcal_endrun * * Revision 2008/10/26 18:59:13 cdaq * fixed trginit call * * Revision 2008/10/26 18:53:06 cdaq * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 2008/10/26 18:49:04 cdaq * trginit moved * * Revision 2008/09/26 21:03:18 cdaq * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 2008/01/08 22:50:36 cdaq * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 2007/11/10 20:17:56 brash * Added FPP information to the gep coincidence ntuple * * Revision 2007/10/31 22:49:56 cdaq * added end-of-run call to b_fill_eff_hists * * Revision 2007/10/23 13:25:35 cdaq * commented out diagnostic message * * Revision 2007/10/22 18:38:59 cdaq * adjusted HMS FPP histos * * Revision 2007/10/22 14:50:37 brash * Fixed typo in loop surrounding gepid_gep_evtype * * Revision 2007/10/20 19:56:08 cdaq * Added filling of event type histogram * * Revision 2007/10/19 14:57:08 cdaq * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 2007/10/19 00:15:20 cdaq * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 2007/10/10 13:13:24 puckett * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 2007/09/13 04:02:17 brash * Implement some minor changes to fix Mac OS X runtime errors ... ejb * * Revision 2007/09/12 19:18:46 puckett * fixed incorrect usages of array index of gen_run_enable * * Revision 2007/09/10 20:33:37 pcarter * Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX * * Revision 2007/09/07 16:04:35 puckett * updated bigcal monte carlo reconstruction to include protons. * * Revision 2007/08/27 19:01:38 puckett * Added call to BigCal calibration in engine.f * * Revision 2007/08/07 19:02:22 puckett * added run number substitution for tree filenames * * Revision 2007/06/26 16:36:45 puckett * latest changes for monte carlo analysis, latest fixes for cluster finding routine * * Revision 2007/06/20 18:26:32 puckett * Added BigCal Monte Carlo analysis capability * * Revision 2007/06/04 14:56:05 puckett * changed hit array structure for trigger related signals * * Revision 2007/05/15 02:55:01 jones * Start to Bigcal code * * Revision 2004/07/09 14:12:46 saw * Add function calls to fill CTP ROOT Trees * * Revision 2004/06/30 19:31:49 cdaq * Add call to g_examine_picture_event (DJG) * * Revision 2004/06/18 11:24:11 cdaq * Fixed so that runstats works under Linux * * Revision 1.41 2004/05/27 23:51:28 jones * Initialize EoF = .false. * * Revision 1.40 2004/05/27 22:01:55 jones * Comment call to g_analyze_scalers when there is an event 129 * ( a CODA 1.4 scaler event). * * Revision 1.39 2004/05/19 21:33:52 jones * Initialize physics_events=0 * * Revision 1.38 2004/05/11 18:29:27 jones * Add ability when using syncfilter to skip events if "skip_event" * is set to true in g_analyze_scaler_bank.f * * Revision 1.37 2003/12/19 17:45:31 jones * a) Fill gscaler_skipped and gscaler_saved only when using syncfilter * b) Fixed bug with skipping events for low beam current. Make sure it * only works when using syncfilter * c) Clean up output about syncfilter effects * * Revision 1.36 2003/12/17 15:10:56 jones * fix problem in sync filter part * * Revision 1.35 2003/09/05 21:49:12 jones * Merge in online03 changes (mkj) * * Revision 1.34 2003/04/03 00:30:28 jones * Add call to s_cal_calib ( V. Tadevosyan) * * Revision 1.33 2003/03/24 22:49:41 jones * Changes for HMS calo calibration. Include hms_calorimeter.cmn and add call * to h_cal_calib at end of run if hdbg_tracks_cal .lt. 0 * * Revision 2003/09/04 20:30:48 jones * Changes for running with syncfilter (mkj) * * Revision 2003/08/14 00:42:23 cdaq * Modify to be able to write scaler rates for each read to a file (mkj) * * Revision 2003/06/26 12:38:11 cdaq * add write statement when genable_sos_satcorr .ne. 0 (mkj) * * Revision 2003/04/21 23:45:58 cdaq * Modified so only one message about scaler kludge is printed. (MKJ) * * Revision 2003/04/14 18:02:06 jones * Modified so that engine will not analyze events until after first scaler read. * * Revision 2003/04/09 02:47:00 cdaq * Update readout code to ignore HV and EPICS events when searching for run_info event * * Revision 2003/04/03 01:02:44 cdaq * match main branch apr-02-2003 * * Revision 2003/03/25 03:03:40 cdaq * match main brach mar-24-2003 * * Revision 1.32 2003/02/21 14:51:13 jones * Added line to call s_fieldcorr subroutine * * Revision 1.31 2003/02/15 17:11:45 jones * Eliminated STOP command when run info event found after starting the analyze physics events. Just wrote out comments to let the user decide what to do. * * Revision 1.30 2003/02/12 20:30:59 jones * Initialize variable 'problems' to false ( E. Brash) * * Revision 1.29 2002/12/20 21:55:23 jones * Modified by Hamlet for new HMS aerogel * * Revision 1.28 2002/09/24 20:10:34 jones * Added calls to subroutines h_fieldcorr.f and g_apply_offsets.f * * Revision 1.27 1999/11/04 20:35:14 saw * Linux/G77 compatibility fixes * * Revision 1.26 1999/06/10 14:30:35 csa * (JRA) Cleanup, handling of go_info event * * Revision 1.25 1999/02/23 16:47:30 csa * (JRA) Changes to scaler event handling and cleanup * * Revision 1.24 1998/12/01 16:01:48 saw * (SAW) Close preproc output file at end of run * * Revision 1.23 1996/11/08 15:40:09 saw * (JRA) Add analysis of epics events. * * Revision 1.22 1996/09/04 15:33:43 saw * (JRA) Assorted changes and diagnostics * * Revision 1.21 1996/04/29 19:19:04 saw * (JRA) Corrections * * Revision 1.20 1996/01/24 16:11:10 saw * (JRA) Change evtype to registered gen_event_type. Refresh statistics * file at a time interval rather than event interval * * Revision 1.19 1996/01/16 21:12:41 cdaq * (JRA) Add tcl run statistics display * * Revision 1.18 1995/10/09 19:59:00 cdaq * (JRA) Improve event counting for periodic dumping. Dump pedestal data * at end of run. * * Revision 1.17 1995/09/22 19:39:13 cdaq * (SAW) Move g_ctp_database from g_init_filenames to here. Process all * CTP command line vars after every ctp file read so that command line * overrides everything. * * Revision 1.16 1995/07/27 19:45:40 cdaq * (SAW) f2c compatibility changes. Only shutdown ntuples at very end. * ctp command line variables override at every oportunity *- * Revision 1.15 1995/05/11 19:02:23 cdaq * (SAW) Add ability to set CTP variables from the command line * * Revision 1.14 1995/04/01 20:12:58 cdaq * (SAW) Call g_proper_shutdown instead of dump_hists for periodic hist dumps * * Revision 1.13 1995/03/13 18:11:05 cdaq * (JRA) Write scaler report when histograms are dumped at intervals * * Revision 1.12 1995/01/31 21:12:17 cdaq * (SAW) Add gen_run_hist_dump_interval for in run hist dumping. Add commented * out code to query user for # of event and hist dump interval. * * Revision 1.11 1994/11/22 20:12:01 cdaq * (SAW) Change "" to " " so this would compile under ultrix. * * Revision 1.10 1994/10/19 20:40:29 cdaq * (SAW) Add handling of RPC requests * * Revision 1.9 1994/07/07 15:28:29 cdaq * (SAW) Move check for scaler event to proper place * * Revision 1.8 1994/06/26 02:07:03 cdaq * (KBB) Add ability to analyze selected subset of events. Add evcount stats. * (SAW) Add call to scaler analysis * * Revision 1.7 1994/06/17 03:35:00 cdaq * (KBB) Upgrade error reporting * * Revision 1.6 1994/06/15 14:27:30 cdaq * (SAW) Actually add call to g_examine_physics_event * * Revision 1.5 1994/06/07 18:22:58 cdaq * (SAW) Add calls to g_examine_physics_event and g_examine_control_event * * Revision 1.4 1994/04/15 20:31:25 cdaq * (SAW) Changes for ONLINE use * * Revision 1.3 1994/03/24 22:02:12 cdaq * Reorganize for online compatibility * * Revision 1.2 1994/02/11 18:32:06 cdaq * Split off CTP variables registration from initialize routines * * Revision 1.1 1994/02/04 21:04:59 cdaq * Initial revision * *- *-------------------------------------------------------- c program engine c IMPLICIT NONE SAVE external jishft, jiand, jieor character*6 here parameter (here= 'Engine') logical ABORT,EoF character*800 err,mss include 'gen_filenames.cmn' include 'gen_craw.cmn' include 'gen_run_info.cmn' include 'gen_event_info.cmn' include 'gen_run_pref.cmn' include 'gen_routines.dec' include 'gen_scalers.cmn' include 'gen_data_structures.cmn' include 'hms_data_structures.cmn' include 'sos_data_structures.cmn' include 'sane_data_structures.cmn' include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn' include 'bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn' include 'bigcal_filenames.cmn' include 'gep_hist_id.cmn' include 'hms_calorimeter.cmn' !for HMS calorimeter calibration include 'sos_calorimeter.cmn' !for SOS calorimeter calibration logical problems, finished_extracting integer total_event_count integer physics_events integer analyzed_events(0:gen_max_trigger_types) integer sum_analyzed,sum_analyzed_skipped integer recorded_events(0:gen_max_trigger_types) integer skipped_badsync_events(0:gen_max_trigger_types) integer skipped_lowbcm_events(0:gen_max_trigger_types) integer sum_recorded integer num_events_skipped integer i,since_cnt,lastdump integer mkj,ii integer rpc_pend ! # Pending asynchronous RPC requests c common /aevents/ analyzed_events c character*80 g_config_environmental_var parameter (g_config_environmental_var= 'ENGINE_CONFIG_FILE') integer*4 jishft,jiand,jieor integer ierr integer*4 status integer*4 evclose character*132 file character*20 groupname c character*132 system_string real*4 ebeam,phms,thms,psos,tsos,ntarg c real*4 calangledeg,rcal,ycal real*4 instrate,avrate integer start_time,lasttime integer lasttime2,tdiff,report_incr integer time integer*4 preprocessor_keep_event external time c integer*4 skipped_events_scal,tindex real*8 delta_time c real*8 omega * * *-------------------------------------------------------- * print * print *,' Hall C Proudly Presents: PHYSICS Analysis Engine' print * c ncalls_calc_ped = 0 total_event_count= 0 ! Need to register this lastdump=0 physics_events=0 skipped_events_scal = 0 do i=0,gen_max_trigger_types analyzed_events(i)=0 recorded_events(i)=0 skipped_badsync_events(i)=0 skipped_lowbcm_events(i)=0 enddo sum_analyzed=0 sum_analyzed_skipped=0 sum_recorded=0 num_events_skipped=0 rpc_on=0 ! RPC servicing off by default rpc_control=-1 ! If RPC on, don't block by default call g_register_variables(ABORT,err) if(ABORT.or.err.ne.' ') then call G_add_path(here,err) call G_rep_err(ABORT,err) If(ABORT) STOP err= ' ' ENDIF g_config_filename = ' ' call engine_command_line(.false.) ! Set CTP vars from command line * call G_init_filenames(ABORT,err,g_config_environmental_var) if(ABORT.or.err.ne.' ') then call G_add_path(here,err) call G_rep_err(ABORT,err) If(ABORT) STOP err= ' ' ENDIF !write(*,*) 'after processing engine config file, gen_run_enable=', c $ gen_run_enable !write(*,*) 'after processing engine config file, gen_bigcal_mc=', c $ gen_bigcal_mc call engine_command_line(.false.) ! Set CTP vars from command line * * If there is a g_ctp_database_filename set, pass the run number * to it to set CTP variables * !write(*,*) 'processing CTP database' if(.not.ABORT.and.g_ctp_database_filename.ne.' ') then call g_ctp_database(ABORT, err ,gen_run_number, g_ctp_database_filename) IF(ABORT) THEN call G_add_path(here,err) endif ENDIF c write(*,*) 'b_ntuple_max_segmentevents=',b_ntuple_max_segmentevents !write(*,*) 'after processing ctp database file, gen_run_enable=', c $ gen_run_enable !write(*,*) 'after processing ctp database file, gen_bigcal_mc=', c $ gen_bigcal_mc c initialize CTP ROOT trees: substitute run number into filename!!!! if(.not.abort) then call g_tree_init(abort,err) if(abort) then call g_add_path(here,err) endif endif !write(*,*) 'CTP database file processed' call engine_command_line(.false.) ! Set CTP vars from command line call G_decode_init(ABORT,err) if(ABORT.or.err.ne.' ') then call G_add_path(here,err) call G_rep_err(ABORT,err) If(ABORT) STOP err= ' ' endif g_data_source_opened = .false. !not opened yet g_data_source_in_hndl= 0 !none call G_open_source(ABORT,err) if(ABORT.or.err.ne.' ') then call G_add_path(here,err) call G_rep_err(ABORT,err) If(ABORT) STOP err= ' ' endif c * * if preprocessor on, open event file * if(g_preproc_on.ne.0)then g_preproc_opened=.false. !not opened yet g_preproc_in_hndl=0 !none IO opened call g_preproc_open(ABORT,err) if (ABORT.or.err.ne.' ')then call G_add_path(here,err) call G_rep_err(ABORT,err) if (ABORT) STOP err=' ' endif write(6,*)'Opened CODA event file for preprocessor output' endif finished_extracting = .false. problems = .false. syncfilter_on = .false. insync = 0 EoF=.false. if(gen_bigcal_mc.ne.0) goto 666 ! skip run info event loop DO WHILE(.NOT.problems .and. .NOT.ABORT .and. .NOT.EoF .and. & .NOT.finished_extracting) mss= ' ' g_replay_time=time()-start_time call G_clear_event(ABORT,err) !clear out old data problems= problems .OR. ABORT if(mss.NE.' ' .and. err.NE.' ') then call G_append(mss,' & '//err) elseif(err.NE.' ') then mss= err endif If(.NOT.problems) Then call G_get_next_event(ABORT,err) !get and store 1 event problems= problems .OR. ABORT if(.NOT.ABORT) total_event_count= total_event_count+1 EndIf if(mss.NE.' ' .and. err.NE.' ') then call G_append(mss,' & '//err) elseif(err.NE.' ') then mss= err endif * * Check if this is a physics event or a CODA control event. * if(.not.problems) then gen_event_type = jishft(craw(2),-16) !write(*,*)'gen_event_type = ',gen_event_type !write(*,*)'gen_MAX_trigger_types = ',gen_MAX_trigger_types if(gen_event_type.le.gen_MAX_trigger_types) then recorded_events(gen_event_type)=recorded_events(gen_event_type)+1 if (gen_event_type.ne.0) sum_recorded=sum_recorded+1 write(6,*) "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" write(6,*) "Whew, I feel much bettter now" write(6,*) "However, you might want to know that I've hit a physics event" write(6,*) "In my run info event loop and THAT SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN!!!" write(6,*) "KILL ME!!! KILL ME NOW!!!!!" endif * * if preprocessor is on write all events of trig type > 16 * (i.e. all non-physics events) * if(gen_event_type.ge.(gen_max_trigger_types-1) .and. $ g_preproc_on.ne.0) then call g_write_event(ABORT,err) endif * * if preprocessor is on write trig type 0 (scaler events) * if(gen_event_type.eq.0 .and. g_preproc_on.ne.0) then call g_write_event(ABORT,err) else if (gen_event_type.eq.130) then !run info event (get e,p,theta) finished_extracting=.true. write(6,'(a)') 'COMMENTS FROM RUN INFO EVENT' call g_extract_kinematics(ebeam,phms,thms,psos,tsos,ntarg) write(6,'(a)') 'KINEMATICS FROM RUN INFO EVENT' if (ebeam.gt.10.) ebeam=ebeam/1000. !usually in MeV write(6,*) ' gpbeam =',abs(ebeam),' GeV' gpbeam=abs(ebeam) write(6,*) ' hpcentral =',abs(phms),' GeV/c' hpcentral=abs(phms) write(6,*) ' htheta_lab =',abs(thms),' deg.' htheta_lab=abs(thms) write(6,*) ' spcentral =',abs(psos),' GeV/c' spcentral=abs(psos) write(6,*) ' stheta_lab =',abs(tsos),' deg.' stheta_lab=abs(tsos) write(6,*) ' gtarg_num =',abs(ntarg) gtarg_num=ntarg else if (gen_event_type.eq.131 .or. gen_event_type.eq.132) then! EPICS event call g_examine_epics_event else if (gen_event_type.eq.133) then !SAW's new go_info events call g_examine_go_info(CRAW,ABORT,err) else if (gen_event_type.eq.141 .or. gen_event_type.eq.142 .or. & gen_event_type.eq.144) then * write(6,*) 'HV information event, event type=',gen_event_type else if (gen_event_type.eq.146..or.gen_event_type.eq.147) then c write(6,*) 'Cheesy poofs! - picture event' call g_examine_picture_event else if (gen_event_type.eq.251) then syncfilter_on = .true. else call g_examine_control_event(CRAW,ABORT,err) endif ! Go event is last 'nice tag' for point where we should have already seen ! run-info event. if (gen_event_type.eq.18) then write(6,*) "no run information event found" finished_extracting=.true. endif endif !if .not.problems enddo !do while .not.finished_extracting 666 continue !write(*,*) 'skipped run info event loop for mc analysis' call G_initialize(ABORT,err) !includes a total reset IF(ABORT.or.err.NE.' ') THEN call G_add_path(here,err) call G_rep_err(ABORT,err) If(ABORT) STOP err= ' ' ENDIF c write(*,*) 'G_initialize completed successfully' * *-attempt to open FASTBUS-CODA file * c g_data_source_opened = .false. !not opened yet c g_data_source_in_hndl= 0 !none c call G_open_source(ABORT,err) c if(ABORT.or.err.ne.' ') then c call G_add_path(here,err) c call G_rep_err(ABORT,err) c If(ABORT) STOP c err= ' ' c endif call engine_command_line(.false.) ! Set CTP vars from command line c !write(*,*) 'about to call h_fieldcorr' if(gen_run_enable(0).ne.0) then call h_fieldcorr(ABORT,err) endif c c call h_fieldcorr subroutine c to fix problem with setting hpcentral in field programs c applies to experiments using fieldxx.f programs before field02.f c parameter genable_hms_fieldcorr is switch to determine c whether fix is applied. c if(gen_run_enable(1).ne.0) then call s_fieldcorr(ABORT,err) endif c if (genable_sos_satcorr.ne.0) then write(*,*) '*************' write(*,*) ' SOS saturation correction enabled' write(*,*) ' Delta modified for each event' write(*,*) '*************' endif c call G_apply_offsets(ABORT,err) c c initial polarized target field if (SANE_TGTFIELD_B .gt. 0) then c BETA and HMS angle relative to beam direction, need SANE_FIELD_ANGLE_THETA SANE_FIELD_ANGLE_PHI = 180.0d00 SANE_BETA_ANGLE_THETA = bigcal_theta_deg SANE_BETA_ANGLE_PHI = 0.0d00 ! pointing beam left is phi =0 SANE_HMS_ANGLE_THETA = htheta_lab SANE_HMS_ANGLE_PHI = 180.0d00 ! pointing beam left is phi =180 SANE_BETA_OMEGA = abs(SANE_BETA_ANGLE_THETA - SANE_FIELD_ANGLE_THETA) ! used in sane_physics.f c detemine angle of HMS and BETA relative to FIELD direction SANE_HMS_FIELD_THETA = SANE_FIELD_ANGLE_THETA + SANE_HMS_ANGLE_THETA ! used h_targ_trans.f SANE_HMS_FIELD_PHI = 180.d00 ! used h_targ_trans.f if (SANE_HMS_FIELD_THETA .gt. 180.0d00) then SANE_HMS_FIELD_THETA = 360.0d00 - SANE_HMS_FIELD_THETA SANE_HMS_FIELD_PHI = 0.0d00 endif SANE_BETA_FIELD_THETA = abs(SANE_FIELD_ANGLE_THETA - SANE_BETA_ANGLE_THETA) ! used gep_physics.f SANE_BETA_FIELD_PHI = 180.d00 ! used gep_physics.f if (SANE_FIELD_ANGLE_THETA .le. SANE_BETA_ANGLE_THETA) SANE_BETA_FIELD_PHI = 0.d00 call trgInit('trg_field_map_extended.dat') endif c c c call G_apply_offsets which calls s_apply_offsets, h_apply_offsets c which apply offsets to spect. momenta, angles c * Print out the statistics report once... if(g_stats_blockname.ne.' '.and. $ g_stats_output_filename.ne.' ') then file = g_stats_output_filename call g_sub_run_number(file, gen_run_number) ierr = threp(g_stats_blockname,file) endif * * Comment out the following three lines if they cause trouble or * if wish is unavailable. * c$$$ write(system_string,*) './runstats ',file(1:index(file,' ')-1), ' ', c$$$ $ gen_run_number, ' > /dev/null &' c$$$ call system(system_string) * *-zero entire event buffer * DO i=1,LENGTH_CRAW CRAW(i)= 0 ENDDO since_cnt= 0 report_incr = 10 problems= .false. EoF = .false. if(rpc_on.ne.0) then print *,"*****************************************************" print *," " print *,"ENGINE is enabled to receive RPC requests" if(rpc_control.eq.0) then print *," " print *,"ENGINE will HANG waiting for RPC requests" else if(rpc_control.gt.0) then print *,"ENGINE will HANG to waitfor RPC requests after " $ ,rpc_control," events" endif if(rpc_control.ge.0) then print *,"If you don't want this to happen, put one of the" print *,"following in your CTP setup file" print *," rpc_on = 0 ; Turns off RPC handling" print *," rpc_control = -1 ; No Hanging, but RPC handled" endif print *," " print *,"*****************************************************" call thservset(0,0) !prepare for RPC requests endif rpc_pend = 0 start_time=time() lasttime=0 lasttime2 = 0 c c Start data analysis if ( syncfilter_on) then write(6,*) ' ******' write(6,*) ' Analyzing using Syncfilter' write(6,*) ' ******' endif c !write(*,*) 'Entering event loop' DO WHILE(.NOT.problems .and. .NOT.ABORT .and. .NOT.EoF) mss= ' ' g_replay_time=time()-start_time call G_clear_event(ABORT,err) !clear out old data problems= problems .OR. ABORT c !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IF BIGCAL MONTE CARLO DATA, DO ALL EVENT REPLAY HERE!!!!!!!! if(gen_bigcal_mc.ne.0) then c call get_bigcal_mc_event(gen_bigcal_mc,ABORT,err) gen_event_type = 5 if(gen_bigcal_mc.eq.3) then ! fake proton data included gen_event_type = 6 endif !write(*,*) 'Entering monte carlo reconstruction' call bigcal_mc_reconstruction(gen_bigcal_mc,ABORT,err) c$$$ write(*,*) '(rowmax,colmax,adcmax)=',bigcal_iymax_adc, c$$$ $ bigcal_ixmax_adc,bigcal_max_adc EoF = EOF_MC_DAT if(abort) then call g_add_path(here,err) return endif c$$$ recorded_events(gen_event_type)=recorded_events(gen_event_type)+1 c$$$ sum_recorded=sum_recorded+1 c$$$ total_event_count= total_event_count+1 groupname='bigcal' if(gen_bigcal_mc.eq.3) groupname='gep' call g_keep_results(groupname,ABORT,err) if(abort) then call g_add_path(here,err) return endif sum_analyzed = sum_analyzed + 1 gen_event_ID_number = gen_event_ID_number + 1 c write(*,*) gen_event_ID_number goto 667 ! skip the rest of event loop endif c !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!END BIGCAL MONTE CARLO EVENT REPLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if(mss.NE.' ' .and. err.NE.' ') then call G_append(mss,' & '//err) elseif(err.NE.' ') then mss= err endif If(.NOT.problems) Then call G_get_next_event(ABORT,err) !get and store 1 event problems= problems .OR. ABORT if(.NOT.ABORT) total_event_count= total_event_count+1 EndIf if(mss.NE.' ' .and. err.NE.' ') then call G_append(mss,' & '//err) elseif(err.NE.' ') then mss= err endif * * Check if this is a physics event or a CODA control event. * if (.not.problems) then gen_event_type = jishft(craw(2),-16) if (gen_event_type .eq. 13) then gen_event_type = 6 endif if(grun .ge. 72532 .and. > grun .le. 72583) then if (gen_event_type .eq. 1) gen_event_type = 6 endif c write(*,*) 'gen_event_type=',gen_event_type c write(*,*) 'gepid_gep_ev_type=',gepid_gep_evtype if(gepid_gep_evtype.gt.0) then c write(*,*) 'filling gep event type hist, gen_event_type=', c $ gen_event_type call hf1(gepid_gep_evtype,float(gen_event_type),1.) endif if(gen_event_type.le.gen_MAX_trigger_types) then recorded_events(gen_event_type)=recorded_events(gen_event_type)+1 if (gen_event_type.ne.0) sum_recorded=sum_recorded+1 endif * *if preprocessor is on write all events of trig type > 16 * (i.e. all non-physics events) * if(gen_event_type.ge.(gen_max_trigger_types-1) .and. & g_preproc_on.ne.0) call g_write_event(ABORT,err) * * if preprocessor is on write trig type 0 (scaler events) * if(gen_event_type.eq.0 .and. g_preproc_on.ne.0) & call g_write_event(ABORT,err) c if (gen_event_type .eq. 251) then write(6,*) ' Syncfilter event, SYNC type = ',craw(5) insync = craw(5) endif c if (gen_event_type.eq.130) then !run info event (get e,p,theta) write(6,*) " ***********" write(6,*) " A run info event after starting to analyze physics events" write(6,*) " If you are using the kinematics file " write(6,*) " to set HMS and SOS central momentum and angles then no problem" write(6,*) " number of events for event types HMS,SOS,COIN",analyzed_events(1) >,analyzed_events(2),analyzed_events(3) write(6,*) " If no events analyzed yet for HMS,SOS, or COIN then no problem" write(6,*) " ***********" write(6,*) " If you are relying on the run info event " write(6,*) " to set HMS and SOS central momentum and angles then for this run" write(6,*) " it is best to do it using the kinematics file" write(6,*) " ***********" endif if(jieor(jiand(CRAW(2),'FFFF'x),'10CC'x).eq.0) then ! Physics event if (gen_event_type.eq.0) then !scaler event. analyzed_events(gen_event_type)=analyzed_events(gen_event_type)+1 call g_analyze_scalers_by_banks(CRAW,ABORT,err) if (g_writeout_scaler_filename.ne.' ' .and. analyzed_events(0) .gt. 1) then delta_time = max(gscaler_change(gclock_index)/gclock_rate,.000D00) write(G_LUN_WRITEOUT_SCALER,'(i10,10g12.5)') gen_event_ID_number,delta_time, > (gscaler_change(INDEX_WRITEOUT_SCALERS(tindex))/delta_time > ,tindex=1,NUM_WRITEOUT_SCALERS) endif c if (syncfilter_on) then if ( insync .eq. 1 .or. skip_events ) , write(*,*) ' Skipping out-of-sync events' if ( ave_current_bcm(bcm_for_threshold_cut) .le. g_beam_on_thresh_cur(bcm_for_threshold_cut) > .or. insync .eq. 1 .or. skip_events ) then do ii=1,MAX_NUM_SCALERS gscaler_skipped(ii) = gscaler_skipped(ii) + gscaler_change(ii) enddo else do ii=1,MAX_NUM_SCALERS gscaler_saved(ii) = gscaler_saved(ii) + gscaler_change(ii) enddo endif endif c if (analyzed_events(0) .le. 1 ) then write(*,*) '************' c write(*,*)' Will not analyze events until after first scaler read' write(*,*) '************' endif * * if preprocessor is on write trig type 0 (scaler events) * if(gen_event_type.eq.0 .and. g_preproc_on.ne.0) & call g_write_event(ABORT,err) * * dump report at first scaler event AFTER hist_dump_interval to keep hardware * and software scalers roughly in sync. * if((physics_events-lastdump).ge.gen_run_hist_dump_interval & .and.gen_run_hist_dump_interval.gt.0) then lastdump=physics_events ! Wait for next interval of dump_int. !write(*,*) 'about to call g_proper_shutdown. Is this where the seg. fault occurs?' call g_proper_shutdown(ABORT,err) print 112, & "Finished dumping histograms/scalers for first", & physics_events," events" 112 format (a,i8,a) endif else !REAL physics event. c may need to change some of this stuff to look at the testlab data. if (analyzed_events(0) .le. 1 .and. gen_event_type .le. 3) then if (skipped_events_scal .eq. 0 ) then write(*,*) '************' c write(*,*) ' Will not analyze SOS,HMS or coin events until after first scaler read' write(*,*) ' Analyzed events :',(analyzed_events(mkj),mkj=1,4) write(*,*) '************' endif skipped_events_scal = skipped_events_scal + 1 goto 868 ! kludge mkj endif c c if(gen_event_type.le.gen_MAX_trigger_types) then if(gen_run_enable(gen_event_type-1).ne.0) then c if ( insync .eq. 1 .and. gen_event_type .ne. 4 .and. syncfilter_on ) then skipped_badsync_events(gen_event_type)=skipped_badsync_events(gen_event_type) + 1 sum_analyzed_skipped = sum_analyzed_skipped + 1 goto 868 endif if ( skip_events .and. gen_event_type .ne. 4 .and. syncfilter_on ) then skipped_badsync_events(gen_event_type)=skipped_badsync_events(gen_event_type) + 1 sum_analyzed_skipped = sum_analyzed_skipped + 1 goto 868 endif if ( ave_current_bcm(bcm_for_threshold_cut) .lt. g_beam_on_thresh_cur(bcm_for_threshold_cut) > .and. gen_event_type .ne. 4 .and. syncfilter_on) then skipped_lowbcm_events(gen_event_type)=skipped_lowbcm_events(gen_event_type) + 1 sum_analyzed_skipped = sum_analyzed_skipped + 1 goto 868 endif c call g_examine_physics_event(CRAW,ABORT,err) problems = problems .or.ABORT if(mss.NE.' ' .and. err.NE.' ') then call G_append(mss,' & '//err) elseif(err.NE.' ') then mss= err endif if (num_events_skipped.lt.gen_run_starting_event .and. & gen_event_type.ne.4) then ! always analyze peds. num_events_skipped = num_events_skipped + 1 else if(gen_run_starting_event.eq.gen_event_id_number) & start_time=time() !reset start time for analysis rate if(.NOT.problems) then if (gen_event_type.ne.0) then !physics events (not scalers) !write(*,*) 'about to call g_reconstruction, trying to locate segfault' c write(*,*) 'calling g_reconstruction, gen_event_type=', c $ gen_event_type call G_reconstruction(CRAW,ABORT,err) !COMMONs physics_events = physics_events + 1 if (gen_event_type .le. gen_max_trigger_types) then analyzed_events(gen_event_type)=analyzed_events(gen_event_type)+1 endif if (gen_event_type.ne.0) sum_analyzed=sum_analyzed+1 problems= problems .OR. ABORT else !gen_event_type=0, scaler event endif endif if(mss.NE.' ' .and. err.NE.' ') then call G_append(mss,' & '//err) elseif(err.NE.' ') then mss= err endif groupname=' ' if (gen_event_type.eq.1) then groupname='hms' else if (gen_event_type.eq.2) then groupname='sos' else if (gen_event_type.eq.3) then groupname='both' else if (gen_event_type.eq.4) then start_time=time() !reset start time for analysis rate groupname='ped' else if (gen_event_type.eq.5.or.gen_event_type.eq.7.or. $ gen_event_type.eq.8) then groupname = 'bigcal' else if (gen_event_type.eq.6) then groupname = 'gep' else write(6,*) 'gen_event_type= ',gen_event_type, , ' for call to g_keep_results' endif If(.NOT.problems .and. groupname.ne.' ') Then !write(*,*) 'about to call g_keep_results' call G_keep_results(groupname,ABORT,err) !file away results as problems= problems .OR. ABORT !specified by interface EndIf if(mss.NE.' ' .and. err.NE.' ') then call G_append(mss,' & '//err) elseif(err.NE.' ') then mss= err endif * * if preprocessor is on check event for write criteria * if(g_preproc_on.ne.0)then if(.NOT.problems)then call g_preproc_event(preprocessor_keep_event) if(preprocessor_keep_event.eq.1)then call g_write_event(ABORT,err) endif endif endif * *- Here is where we insert a check for an Remote Proceedure Call (RPC) *- from another process for CTP to interpret * if(rpc_on.ne.0) then if(rpc_pend.eq.0.and.rpc_control.eq.0) then do while(rpc_pend.eq.0.and.rpc_control.eq.0) ierr = thservone(-1) !block until one RPC request serviced rpc_pend = thcallback() enddo else ierr = thservone(0) !service one RPC requests rpc_pend = thcallback() endif if(rpc_pend.lt.0) rpc_pend = 0 ! Last thcallback took care of all ! outstanding requests if(rpc_control.gt.0) rpc_control = rpc_control - 1 endif endif endif else if (gen_event_type.eq.131 .or. gen_event_type.eq.132) then ! EPICS event call g_examine_epics_event endif endif !if REAL physics event as opposed to scaler (evtype=0) Else if(gen_event_type.eq.129) then write(6,*) 'CODA 1.4 SCALER EVENT - event type 129!!!!!' write(6,*) ' Will not Analyze this event' ! call g_analyze_scalers(CRAW,ABORT,err) !* Dump report at first scaler event AFTER hist_dump_interval to keep hardware !* and software scalers in sync. ! if((physics_events-lastdump).ge.gen_run_hist_dump_interval.and. ! & gen_run_hist_dump_interval.gt.0) then ! lastdump=physics_events ! Wait for next interval of dump_int. ! call g_proper_shutdown(ABORT,err) ! print 112,"Finished dumping histograms/scalers for first" ! & ,physics_events," events" ! 112 format (a,i8,a) ! endif else if (gen_event_type.eq.133) then !SAW's new go_info events call g_examine_go_info(CRAW,ABORT,err) else call g_examine_control_event(CRAW,ABORT,err) endif mss = err EndIf endif c c skip analyzing data until after first scaler read c also can skip if using syncfilter and beam current is low 868 continue c c * *Now write the statistics report every 2 sec... * if (g_replay_time-lasttime.ge.2) then !dump every 2 seconds lasttime=g_replay_time if(g_stats_blockname.ne.' '.and. $ g_stats_output_filename.ne.' ') then file = g_stats_output_filename call g_sub_run_number(file, gen_run_number) ierr = threp(g_stats_blockname,file) endif endif 667 continue since_cnt= since_cnt+1 * * echo progress at least once every 3 minutes but no more than every 15 sec if (mod(since_cnt,report_incr) .eq. 0) then avrate = float(since_cnt)/max(float(g_replay_time),0.001) tdiff=g_replay_time-lasttime2 instrate = report_incr/max(float(tdiff),0.001) if (total_event_count.gt.99999.or.physics_events.gt.99999.or. > g_replay_time.gt.9999) then write(6,'('' Event = '',i9,3x,''trigger#'',i9,4x,''(time = '', >i6,''s, rate int= '',i5,''/s, diff= '',i5,''/s) '')') > total_event_count,physics_events,g_replay_time,int(avrate),int(instrate) else write(6,'('' Event = '',i5,3x,''trigger#'',i5,4x,''(time = '', >i4,''s, rate int= '',i5,''/s, diff= '',i5,''/s) '')') > total_event_count,physics_events,g_replay_time,int(avrate),int(instrate) endif lasttime2 = g_replay_time if (tdiff.lt.15) then report_incr = report_incr*10 elseif(tdiff.gt.180) then report_incr = report_incr/10 endif endif If(ABORT .or. mss.NE.' ') Then call G_add_path(here,mss) !only if problems call G_rep_err(ABORT,mss) EndIf EoF= gen_event_type.EQ.20 .or. EOF_MC_DAT if(gen_run_stopping_event.gt.0 .and. gen_event_ID_number.gt.0) then EoF=EoF .or. gen_run_stopping_event.le.sum_analyzed+sum_analyzed_skipped-analyzed_events(4) $ .or. EOF_MC_DAT EndIf * *- Here is where we insert a check for an Remote Proceedure Call (RPC) *- from another process for CTP to interpret * ENDDO !found a problem or end of run c write(*,*) 'ncalls_calc_ped=',ncalls_calc_ped c... Calibrate HMS and SOS calorimeters. if(hdbg_tracks_cal.lt.0) call h_cal_calib(1) if(sdbg_tracks_cal.lt.0) call s_cal_calib(1) c calibrate HMS scintilattor tof call h_tofcal_endrun(gen_run_number) c... call to calibration routine for BigCal. if(bigcal_do_calibration.ne.0) then write(*,*) '*****CALLING BIGCAL CALIBRATION*****' c write(*,*) 'Nred=',bigcal_Ncalib c call bigcal_calib(bigcal_Ncalib,abort,err) call bigcal_calib(abort,err) endif c also call bigcal end-of-run hist filling here, so that it is close c to other BigCal stuff and easy to find call b_fill_eff_hists(abort,err) c... print *,' -------------------------------------' IF(ABORT .or. mss.NE.' ') THEN call G_rep_err(ABORT,mss) !report any errors or warnings err= ' ' ENDIF if(rpc_on.ne.0) call thservunset(0,0) print *,' -------------------------------------' * * Print out the statistics report one last time... if(g_stats_blockname.ne.' '.and. $ g_stats_output_filename.ne.' ') then file = g_stats_output_filename call g_sub_run_number(file, gen_run_number) ierr = threp(g_stats_blockname,file) endif call G_proper_shutdown(ABORT,err) !save files, etc. If(ABORT .or. err.NE.' ') Then call G_add_path(here,err) !report any errors or warnings call G_rep_err(ABORT,err) err= ' ' EndIf call g_ntuple_shutdown(ABORT,err) If(ABORT .or. err.NE.' ') Then call G_add_path(here,err) !report any errors or warnings call G_rep_err(ABORT,err) err= ' ' EndIf * * close charge scalers output file. if (g_charge_scaler_filename.ne.' ') close(unit=G_LUN_CHARGE_SCALER) * * close epics output file. if (g_epics_output_filename.ne.' ') close(unit=G_LUN_EPICS_OUTPUT) if (g_preproc_opened) then status= evclose(g_preproc_in_hndl) if (status.ne.0) write(6,*) 'status for evclose=',status endif call sane_close_scalers() call g_dump_peds call h_dump_peds call s_dump_peds call b_dump_peds ! add bigcal print * print *,'Processed:' DO i=0,gen_MAX_trigger_types If(recorded_events(i).GT.0) Then write(mss,'(4x,i12," / ",i8," events of type",i3)') & analyzed_events(i),recorded_events(i),i call G_log_message(mss) EndIf ENDDO write(mss,'(i12," / ",i8," total (neglecting scalers)")') sum_analyzed,sum_recorded call G_log_message(mss) print *,' for run#',gen_run_number if ( syncfilter_on) then write(mss,'(i12," number of analyzed skipped ")') sum_analyzed_skipped call G_log_message(mss) DO i=1,gen_MAX_trigger_types If(recorded_events(i).GT.0) Then write(mss,'(" events of type:",i3, , " # skipped for bad sync:",i12)') & i,skipped_badsync_events(i) call G_log_message(mss) ENDIF ENDDO DO i=1,gen_MAX_trigger_types If(recorded_events(i).GT.0) Then write(mss,'(" events of type:",i3, & " # skipped for low current:",i12)') & i,skipped_lowbcm_events(i) call G_log_message(mss) ENDIF ENDDO endif avrate = float(since_cnt)/max(float(g_replay_time),0.001) tdiff=g_replay_time-lasttime2 write(6,'('' Event #'',i9,'', trigger #'',i9,'', time = '',i6, >''s, rate '',i5,''/s '')') >total_event_count,physics_events,g_replay_time,int(avrate) ierr=thtreecloseg('all') * Comment out the following two lines if they cause trouble call system & ("kill `ps | grep runstats | awk '{ print $1}'` > /dev/null") END subroutine engine_command_line(outputflag) implicit none integer iarg character*132 arg c iargc is a GNU extension (intrinsic) c integer iargc c external iargc logical outputflag * * Process command line args that set CTP variables * do iarg=1,iargc() call getarg(iarg,arg) if(index(arg,'=').gt.0) then call thpset(arg) if (outputflag) write(6,'(4x,a70)') arg(1:70) endif enddo return end