subroutine g_analyze_scaler_bank(event,roc,ABORT,err) * * $Log: g_analyze_scaler_bank.f,v $ * Revision 2011/02/25 20:24:28 jones * Fix problem with scaler(503) . It should be 1MHz but before * run 72476 it was 0.998MHz. This 0.998 Mhz clock was also * going into the helicity plus and minus scalers ( 516 and 515). * To get the charge for plus and minus need the fraction of time * for each. Use the scaler(174) which is another 1MHz clock * for the absolute time. Then scale the time by ratio of * 516/503 or 515/503 to get the time for the plus and minus * helicity. * * Revision 2009/11/11 16:22:00 jones * Switch to * delta_time_help = max(gscaler_change(516)/gclock_rate,.0001D00) * delta_time_helm = max(gscaler_change(515)/gclock_rate,.0001D00) * * Revision 2009/11/04 15:34:05 jones * Call scalers 514 and 518 helicity plus and 513 and 517 helicity minus * * Revision 2009/11/04 15:10:38 jones * Fill new variable g_run_time_beam_on * * Revision 2009/09/29 13:57:19 jones * 1) Add variables for calculating charge asymmetry * 2) For runs between 72476 to 72588 calculate the time for each helicity using 0.4926*(total time) instead of direct scaler measurement since there was a problem with the clock signal going to downstairs scalers. * * Revision 2009/09/02 13:34:35 jones * add variable charge_ch * * Revision 2007/11/09 17:17:09 cdaq * added ability to read roc21 scalers * * Revision 2007/09/10 20:33:37 pcarter * Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX * * Revision 1.4 2004/05/11 18:31:22 jones * If using syncfilter and time between scaler reads is larger than 2.5 seconds * then set "skip_event" to true so that g_beam_on_run_time and g_beam_on_bcm_charge are not updated and events are skipped * in engine. * * Revision 1.3 2003/09/05 20:54:28 jones * Merge in online03 changes (mkj) * * Revision 2003/09/04 20:42:17 jones * Changes to run with syncfilter (mkj) * * Revision 2003/08/14 00:40:09 cdaq * Modify so "beam on" scalers for both bcm1 and bcm2 (mkj) * * Revision 2003/04/14 18:05:37 jones * Modified to skip first scaler event. gscaler is sum from first scaler event. * * Revision 1.2 1999/11/04 20:35:14 saw * Linux/G77 compatibility fixes * * Revision 1.1 1999/02/24 15:19:14 saw * Bring into CVS tree * implicit none save external jishft, jiand, jieor integer*4 event(*) integer*4 roc * character*17 here parameter (here='g_analyze_scaler_bank') * logical ABORT character*(*) err * INCLUDE 'gen_scalers.cmn' INCLUDE 'gen_run_info.cmn' INCLUDE 'gen_filenames.cmn' INCLUDE 'sane_ntuple.cmn' * integer ind integer*4 cratenum ! 1=hms,2=sos real*8 realscal logical update_bcms logical update_helicity_bcms integer analyzed_events(0:15) common /aevents/ analyzed_events * integer*4 jiand, jishft, jieor ! Declare to help f2c * * Scaler events have a header in from of each scaler. High 16 bits * will contain the address (the switch settings). Address for hall C * will be of the form DANN, where NN is the scaler number. The low 16 * bits will contain the number of scaler values to follow (this should * be no larger than 16, but we will allow more.) * * * NOTE that the variables gscaler(i) is REAL!!!!! * this is so that we can record the correct value when the * hardware scalers (32 bit <> I*4) overflow. * integer evtype, evnum, evlen, pointer integer scalid, countinmod, address, counter,ii * * Temporary variables for beam current and charge calculations * real*8 ave_current_unser real*8 delta_time,delta_time_help,delta_time_helm * * Find if hms or sos scaler event (assumes first HMS scaler is DA01). * write(6,'("Scaler event: event(3)=",9z)') event(3) if (jieor(jiand(jishft(event(3),-16),'FFFF'X),'DA01'X).eq.0) then !first scaler cratenum=1 !hms else cratenum=2 !sos endif * evtype = jishft(event(2),-16) evnum = jiand(event(2),'FF'x) ! last 2 bytes give event number (mod 256) * * evnum is mod(256), so must reset lastevnum for rollover c Disable out of order detection since it should no longer happen. c if (evnum.eq.0 .and. gscal_lastevnum(cratenum).gt.200) then c gscal_lastevnum(cratenum)=0 c else if (evnum.le.gscal_lastevnum(cratenum)) then c write(6,*) 'STATUS: skipping outoforder scaler event:', c & ' crate,oldevnum,newevnum=',cratenum, c & gscal_lastevnum(cratenum),evnum c return c endif * gscal_lastevnum(cratenum)=evnum * * Should check against list of known scaler events * evlen = event(1) + 1 update_bcms = .false. update_helicity_bcms = .false. if( then ! We have a scaler bank pointer = 3 * do while( * scalid = jiand(jishft(event(pointer),-16),'FF'x) countinmod = jiand(event(pointer),'FFFF'x) if(jieor(jiand(event(pointer),'FF000000'x),'DA000000'x).eq.0) then c Old style header with scaler ID @ 00FF0000 scalid = jiand(jishft(event(pointer),-16),'FF'x) address = scalid*16 * * Might want to check that count is not to big. * * if( then if( then err = 'Scaler module header word has count<>16' ABORT = .true. call g_add_path(here,err) return ! Safest action endif else c c New style header with scaler ID @ FFF?0000 c (If ? is non zero, it means we are starting in the middle of a scaler) c Allows for non multiple of 16 address starts c address = jishft(event(pointer),-16) if (roc .eq. 21) address = address + 230 * * Might want to check that count is not to big. * * if( then if( then err = 'Scaler module header word has count >16' ABORT = .true. call g_add_path(here,err) return ! Safest action endif endif * ccccc address = scalid*16 do counter = 1,countinmod ind=address+counter realscal=dfloat(event(pointer+counter)) if (ind.eq.gbcm1_index) update_bcms=.true. !assume bcms in same crate c c For Gen (7/1998) it is noticed that some scaler channels are randomly c clearing themselves. The following is a lame hack to detect and correct c this random clearing. c if(gscalweirdcorrect_flag.eq.1) then ! Look for random clears if(event(pointer+counter).gt.0) then ! Really saying < 2**31 if(gscalweird_lastval(ind).gt.event(pointer+counter)) then gscalweird_nclears(ind) = gscalweird_nclears(ind) + 1 gscalweird_lostcounts(ind) = gscalweird_lostcounts(ind) $ + gscalweird_lastval(ind) c c If the longint scaler value is negative, but close to 0 (which means that c it is really >> 2**31), then we will get to a point where we can't tell the c difference between an overflow and a random clear. But if a channel is c getting random clears too much, then the channel will never get to 2**31 c anyway. For now, let's assume that nothing counts faster than 5Mhz and that c scalers are read out every 5 seconds, and then round that up to c 2^25=33554432. So if a scaler apparantly overflows, but jumps by more than c 2^25, we assume it was a false clear. We could be cleverer and use some c intellegence to characterize the typical rate of each channel, but let's c not get carried away. c else if (gscalweird_lastval(ind).lt.0 .and. $ (event(pointer+counter)-gscalweird_lastval(ind)) $ .gt.33554432) then gscalweird_nclears(ind) = gscalweird_nclears(ind) + 1 gscalweird_lostcounts(ind) = gscalweird_lostcounts(ind) $ + gscalweird_lastval(ind) endif endif gscalweird_lastval(ind) = event(pointer+counter) endif * Save scaler value from previous scaler event: * write(101,*) 'scaler index=',ind c gscaler_old(ind) = gscaler(ind) c if ( analyzed_events(0) .eq. 1) then gscaler_old(ind) = 0 gscaler(ind) = 0 endif c if ( then realscal=realscal+4294967296. endif if ( (realscal+dfloat(gscaler_nroll(ind))*4294967296. $ +gscalweird_lostcounts(ind)) .lt. gscaler(ind) ) then ! 2**32 = 4.295e+9 !32 bit scaler rolled over. gscaler_nroll(ind)=gscaler_nroll(ind)+1 endif c gscaler(ind) = realscal + gscaler_nroll(ind)*4294967296. c $ + gscalweird_lostcounts(ind) * Calculate difference between current scaler value and previous value: c gscaler_change(ind) = gscaler(ind) - gscaler_old(ind) if ( analyzed_events(0) .gt. 1) then gscaler_change(ind) = realscal + gscaler_nroll(ind)*4294967296. $ + gscalweird_lostcounts(ind) - gscaler_old(ind) gscaler(ind) = gscaler_change(ind) + gscaler(ind) endif gscaler_old(ind) = realscal + gscaler_nroll(ind)*4294967296. $ + gscalweird_lostcounts(ind) enddo pointer = pointer + countinmod + 1 ! Add 17 to pointer enddo else c err = 'Event not big enough to contain scalers' c ABORT = .true. c call g_add_path(here,err) c c Not all banks will have scaler data every event. Don't generate the c error any more. (saw 20.6.1998) c return endif * * Calculate beam current and charge between scaler events if (update_bcms .and. analyzed_events(0) .gt. 1) then c g_run_time = g_run_time + max(0.001D00,gscaler_change(gclock_index)/gclock_rate) delta_time = max(gscaler_change(gclock_index)/gclock_rate,.0001D00) delta_time_help = max(gscaler_change(516)/gclock_rate,.0001D00) delta_time_helm = max(gscaler_change(515)/gclock_rate,.0001D00) if (gen_run_number .lt. 72476) then delta_time_help =delta_time*gscaler_change(516)/gscaler_change(503) delta_time_helm =delta_time*gscaler_change(515)/gscaler_change(503) endif if ( gen_run_number .ge. 72476 .and. gen_run_number .le. 72588) then ! period when problem with clock signal delta_time_help = 0.4926*delta_time delta_time_helm = 0.4926*delta_time endif c skip_events = .false. if (syncfilter_on .and. delta_time .gt. 2.5 ) then write(*,*) ' Skip events for > this scaler read since delta_time = ',delta_time skip_events = .true. endif c ave_current_bcm(1) = gbcm1_gain*((gscaler_change(gbcm1_index) & /delta_time) - gbcm1_offset) ave_current_bcm(2) = gbcm2_gain*((gscaler_change(gbcm2_index) & /delta_time) - gbcm2_offset) ave_current_bcm_help(1) = gbcm1_gain*((gscaler_change(514) & /delta_time_help) - gbcm1_offset) ave_current_bcm_help(2) = gbcm2_gain*((gscaler_change(518) & /delta_time_help) - gbcm2_offset) ave_current_bcm_helm(1) = gbcm1_gain*((gscaler_change(513) & /delta_time_helm) - gbcm1_offset) ave_current_bcm_helm(2) = gbcm2_gain*((gscaler_change(517) & /delta_time_helm) - gbcm2_offset) ave_current_bcm(3) = gbcm3_gain*((gscaler_change(gbcm3_index) & /delta_time) - gbcm3_offset) ave_current_unser = gunser_gain*((gscaler_change(gunser_index) & /delta_time) - gunser_offset) charge_ch=.FALSE. if ( then charge_ch=.TRUE. gbcm1_charge = gbcm1_charge + ave_current_bcm(1)*delta_time gbcm2_charge = gbcm2_charge + ave_current_bcm(2)*delta_time gbcm1_charge_help = gbcm1_charge_help + ave_current_bcm_help(1)*delta_time_help gbcm2_charge_help = gbcm2_charge_help + ave_current_bcm_help(2)*delta_time_help gbcm1_charge_helm = gbcm1_charge_helm + ave_current_bcm_helm(1)*delta_time_helm gbcm2_charge_helm = gbcm2_charge_helm + ave_current_bcm_helm(2)*delta_time_helm gbcm3_charge = gbcm3_charge + ave_current_bcm(3)*delta_time gunser_charge = gunser_charge + ave_current_unser*delta_time * * Check for the beam on condition, and update beam on variables if needed. * * We will use bcm1 for now as it is zero seems more stable. This could change. * * write(6,*) "Checking threshold..." if (ave_current_bcm(1) .ge. g_beam_on_thresh_cur(1) .and. insync .eq. 0 .and. .not. skip_events) then g_beam_on_run_time(1) = g_beam_on_run_time(1) + delta_time g_beam_on_bcm_charge(1) = g_beam_on_bcm_charge(1) $ + ave_current_bcm(1)*delta_time g_beam_on_run_time_help(1) = g_beam_on_run_time_help(1) + delta_time_help g_beam_on_bcm_charge_help(1) = g_beam_on_bcm_charge_help(1) $ + ave_current_bcm_help(1)*delta_time_help g_beam_on_run_time_helm(1) = g_beam_on_run_time_helm(1) + delta_time_helm g_beam_on_bcm_charge_helm(1) = g_beam_on_bcm_charge_helm(1) $ + ave_current_bcm_helm(1)*delta_time_helm * write(6,*) "above threshold (",ave_current_bcm1,")" endif if (ave_current_bcm(2) .ge. g_beam_on_thresh_cur(2) .and. insync .eq. 0 .and. .not. skip_events) then g_beam_on_run_time(2) = g_beam_on_run_time(2) + delta_time g_beam_on_bcm_charge(2) = g_beam_on_bcm_charge(2) $ + ave_current_bcm(2)*delta_time g_beam_on_run_time_help(2) = g_beam_on_run_time_help(2) + delta_time_help g_beam_on_bcm_charge_help(2) = g_beam_on_bcm_charge_help(2) $ + ave_current_bcm_help(2)*delta_time_help g_beam_on_run_time_helm(2) = g_beam_on_run_time_helm(2) + delta_time_helm g_beam_on_bcm_charge_helm(2) = g_beam_on_bcm_charge_helm(2) $ + ave_current_bcm_helm(2)*delta_time_helm endif g_run_time_beam_on = g_beam_on_run_time(bcm_for_threshold_cut) * gscaler_event_num = gscaler_event_num + 1 * Write out pertinent charge scaler rates for each scaler event. if (' ' .and. ave_current_bcm(1) .ge. g_beam_on_thresh_cur(1)) then c write(G_LUN_CHARGE_SCALER,1001) gscaler_event_num, !scaler event num c & gscaler_change(gunser_index)/delta_time, !scaler rate(Hz) c & gscaler_change(gbcm1_index)/delta_time, !scaler rate(Hz) c & gscaler_change(gbcm2_index)/delta_time, !scaler rate(Hz) c & gscaler_change(gbcm3_index)/delta_time, !scaler rate(Hz) c & delta_time !time since last scaler event (sec) write(G_LUN_CHARGE_SCALER,1001) gscaler_event_num, !scaler event num > g_beam_on_bcm_charge(1),g_beam_on_bcm_charge_help(1),g_beam_on_bcm_charge_helm(1), > (g_beam_on_bcm_charge_help(1) > +g_beam_on_bcm_charge_helm(1))/g_beam_on_bcm_charge(1), > g_beam_on_bcm_charge_help(1)/g_beam_on_bcm_charge(1), > g_beam_on_bcm_charge_helm(1)/g_beam_on_bcm_charge(1), > ave_current_bcm(1)*delta_time, ave_current_bcm_help(1)*delta_time_help, > ave_current_bcm_helm(1)*delta_time_helm, > (ave_current_bcm_help(1)*delta_time_help >+ave_current_bcm_helm(1)*delta_time_helm)/(ave_current_bcm(1)*delta_time), > delta_time,delta_time_help,delta_time_helm, > (delta_time_help+delta_time_helm)/delta_time, > g_beam_on_run_time_help(1)/g_beam_on_run_time(1),g_beam_on_run_time_helm(1)/g_beam_on_run_time(1), > (g_beam_on_run_time_help(1)+g_beam_on_run_time_helm(1))/g_beam_on_run_time(1) endif endif endif * * 1001 format(i6,4f13.2,f12.6) 1001 format(i6,17(1x,f8.5)) return end