subroutine g_calc_beam_pedestal(ABORT,err) * * $Log: g_calc_beam_pedestal.f,v $ * Revision 2007/10/24 16:59:55 cdaq * added special handling for BigCal light source photodiode * * Revision 2007/09/11 19:14:17 frw * fixed FPP related arrays and limits * * Revision 1.4 2003/09/05 15:33:55 jones * Merge in online03 changes (mkj) * * Revision 2003/04/09 16:53:40 cdaq * Modified so that it does not write out slot = 15 to threshold file (MKJ) * * Revision 1.3 1996/12/12 22:10:20 saw * (SAW) Remove disabling of inputs 3 and 4 in slot 15 (Adds the slow * raster) * c Revision 1.2 96/09/04 14:32:27 14:32:27 saw (Stephen A. Wood) c (JRA) ?? c * Revision 1.1 1996/01/22 15:10:14 saw * Initial revision * implicit none save * character*22 here parameter (here='g_calc_beam_pedestal') * logical ABORT character*(*) err * integer*4 imisc integer*4 ind,ihit integer*4 roc,slot integer*4 signalcount,istart real*4 sig2 real*4 num character*132 file * INCLUDE 'gen_data_structures.cmn' include 'gen_detectorids.par' INCLUDE 'gen_decode_common.cmn' INCLUDE 'gen_run_info.cmn' INCLUDE 'hms_filenames.cmn' include 'bigcal_gain_parms.cmn' * integer SPAREID parameter (SPAREID=67) * * * MISC. PEDESTALS * ind = 0 do ihit = 1 , gmax_misc_hits if (gmisc_raw_addr1(ihit).eq.2) then ! ADC data. imisc = gmisc_raw_addr2(ihit) num=max(1.,float(gmisc_ped_num(imisc,2))) gmisc_new_ped(imisc,2) = float(gmisc_ped_sum(imisc,2)) / num sig2 = float(gmisc_ped_sum2(imisc,2))/ num - gmisc_new_ped(imisc,2)**2 gmisc_new_rms(imisc,2) = sqrt(max(0.,sig2)) gmisc_new_adc_threshold(imisc,2)=gmisc_new_ped(imisc,2)+10. gmisc_dum_adc_threshold(imisc,2)=0 !don't sparsify USED channels. if(imisc.eq.37) then !BigCal light source photodiode bigcal_trig_new_ped(39) = gmisc_new_ped(imisc,2) bigcal_trig_new_rms(39) = gmisc_new_rms(imisc,2) bigcal_trig_new_threshold(39) = gmisc_new_ped(imisc,2) + $ bigcal_trig_nsparse endif if (abs(gmisc_ped(imisc,2)-gmisc_new_ped(imisc,2)) & .ge.(2.*gmisc_new_rms(imisc,2))) then ind = ind + 1 gmisc_changed_tube(ind)=imisc gmisc_ped_change(ind)=gmisc_new_ped(imisc,2)-gmisc_ped(imisc,2) endif if ( .and. then gmisc_ped(imisc,2)=gmisc_new_ped(imisc,2) gmisc_ped_rms(imisc,2)=gmisc_new_rms(imisc,2) endif endif !chose ADC hits. enddo gmisc_num_ped_changes = ind * call g_calc_bpm_pedestal call g_calc_raster_pedestal * * WRITE THRESHOLDS TO FILE FOR HARDWARE SPARCIFICATION * if (' ') then !the ADC is in the HMS ROC. file=h_threshold_output_filename call g_sub_run_number(file, gen_run_number) open(unit=SPAREID,file=file,status='unknown') write(SPAREID,*) '# This is the ADC threshold file generated automatically' write(SPAREID,*) '# from the pedestal data from run number ',gen_run_number roc=1 slot=15 signalcount=1 istart=g_decode_slotpointer(roc,slot) if ( then !uninstrumented slot. write(SPAREID,*) 'slot=',slot endif ccc gmisc_dum_adc_threshold(3,2)=4000 !empty slots after blm. ccc gmisc_dum_adc_threshold(4,2)=4000 call g_output_thresholds(SPAREID,roc,slot,signalcount,gmax_misc_hits, & gmisc_dum_adc_threshold,0,gmisc_new_rms,0) * close(unit=SPAREID) !don't close. needed by h_calc_pedestal.f endif return end