subroutine g_decode_event_by_banks(event,ABORT, err) *----------------------------------------------------------------------- *- Purpose and Methods: Pull out individual Fastbus banks from event *- for subsequent decoding *- *- Find the beginning of each ROC bank and send it off to *- "g_decode_fb_bank". *- *- Inputs: *- event Pointer to the first word (length) of an event data bank. *- *- Outputs: *- ABORT success or failure *- err explanation for failure *- *- Created 3-Dec-1993 Kevin Beard, Hampton U. *- $Log: g_decode_event_by_banks.f,v $ *- Revision 2009/09/02 13:37:42 jones *- eliminate commented write statements *- *- Revision 2007/09/10 20:33:37 pcarter *- Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX *- *- Revision 2007/05/15 02:55:01 jones *- Start to Bigcal code *- *- Revision 1.6 1999/11/04 20:35:15 saw *- Linux/G77 compatibility fixes *- *- Revision 1.5 1995/07/27 19:09:10 cdaq *- (SAW) Use specific bit manipulation routines for f2c compatibility *- * Revision 1.4 1994/04/15 20:34:42 cdaq * ??? * * Revision 1.3 1994/02/17 21:30:37 cdaq * Move ABORT, err args to end of g_decode_fb_bank call * * Revision 1.2 1994/02/02 19:59:16 cdaq * Rewrite without using fbgen routines * * Revision 1.1 1994/02/01 20:38:58 cdaq * Initial revision * *----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE SAVE * external jiand, jieor integer*4 event(*) * character*30 here parameter (here= 'g_decode_event_by_banks') * logical ABORT character*(*) err integer*4 evlength ! Total length of the event integer*4 bankpointer ! Pointer to next bank integer*4 jiand, jieor * include 'gen_data_structures.cmn' * logical WARN * *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * Assume that the event is bank containing banks, the first of which is * an event ID bank. * * Various hex constants that are used in decode routines should * probably be put in an include file. * ABORT = jieor(jiand(event(2),'FFFF'x),'10CC'x).ne.0 if(ABORT) then err = here//'Event header not standard physics event' return endif evlength = event(1) bankpointer = 3 ABORT = jieor(event(bankpointer+1),'C0000100'x).ne.0 if(ABORT) then err = here//'First bank is not an Event ID bank' return endif bankpointer = bankpointer + event(bankpointer) + 1 WARN = ( ! No ROC's in event IF(WARN) THEN err= ':event contained no ROC banks' call G_add_path(here,err) ENDIF do while( call g_decode_fb_bank(event(bankpointer), ABORT, err) bankpointer = bankpointer + event(bankpointer) + 1 enddo WARN = bankpointer.eq.(evlength + 1) if(WARN) THEN err = ':inconsistent bank and event lengths' call G_add_path(here,err) endif * RETURN END