subroutine g_decode_fb_bank(bank, ABORT, error) * * Purpose and Methods: Decode a Fastbus bank. * * Looks at detector ID for a word in a data bank and passes the * appopriate data structure pointers to the g_decode_fb_detector routine. * That routine will return when it gets to another detector in which * case the the present routine will dispatch g_decode_fb_detector with a * new set of pointers. * * This routine must be modified when new detectors are added. It may * also may need to modified if fastbus modules other than from LeCroy * are used. * * It is the responsibility of the calling routine to call * g_decode_fb_bank only for banks of fastbus data. * * Inputs: * * bank Pointer to the first word (length) of a data bank. * * Outputs: * * ABORT * error * * Created 16-NOV-1993 Stephen Wood, CEBAF * Modified 3-Dec-1993 Kevin Beard, Hampton U. * $Log: g_decode_fb_bank.f,v $ * Revision 2009/09/29 13:58:51 jones * Remove lines: * if(gen_event_trigtype(4).eq.1)then * if(gbeam_helicity_TS.eq.1)g_hel_pos = g_hel_pos+1 * if(gbeam_helicity_TS.eq.-1)g_hel_neg = g_hel_neg+1 * endif * this was overcount the number of T4 helicity plus and minus triggers * since the routine is called multiple times per event. * Moved to g_reconstruction.f * * Revision 2009/09/02 13:38:01 jones * eliminate commented write statements * * Revision 2009/03/31 19:33:00 cdaq * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 2009/01/30 20:33:29 cdaq * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 2008/10/26 19:12:33 cdaq * SEM * * Revision 2008/10/02 17:57:58 cdaq * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 2008/05/15 18:59:21 bhovik * 1'st version * * Revision 2008/01/08 22:44:08 cdaq * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 2007/10/22 15:47:44 cdaq * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 2007/10/20 19:54:19 cdaq * Added decoding of ROC21 (TS) bank to get the trigger input bits * * Revision 2007/10/17 16:10:23 cdaq * Added analysis of roc21 (trigger supervisor) to decode the trig. type bits * * Revision 2007/10/16 23:26:10 cdaq * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 2007/10/16 23:23:34 cdaq * fixed F1 data decoding * * Revision 2007/10/10 13:13:24 puckett * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 2007/09/12 19:25:48 puckett * commented out diagnostic message, don't want this printing out for every event * * Revision 2007/09/12 14:40:03 brash * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 2007/09/10 20:33:37 pcarter * Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX * * Revision 2007/08/22 19:09:16 frw * added FPP * * Revision 1.4 4/2007 frw * added handling of VME data * * Revision 1.33 2006/06/22 frw * added FPP * * Revision 2007/06/20 18:34:43 puckett * Added BigCal Monte Carlo analysis capability * * Revision 2007/06/05 21:26:36 weiluo * Fix typo * * Revision 2007/06/04 15:01:48 puckett * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 2007/05/15 18:55:22 jones * Start Bigcal version * * Revision 1.32 2003/09/05 15:22:56 jones * Merge in online03 changes (mkj) * * Revision 2003/07/24 13:08:11 cdaq * Changes made for adding scaler ROC 5 during Baryon exp. (MKJ for SAW) * * Revision 1.31 2002/12/20 21:55:22 jones * Modified by Hamlet for new HMS aerogel * * Revision 1.30 1999/11/04 20:35:15 saw * Linux/G77 compatibility fixes * * Revision 1.29 1999/02/23 16:58:58 csa * (JRA) Add roc 20 handling * * Revision 1.28 1999/01/29 17:47:44 saw * Fix Typo * * Revision 1.27 1999/01/29 17:23:03 saw * Add second tubes to SOS shower counter * * Revision 1.26 1998/12/17 21:50:31 saw * Support extra set of tubes on HMS shower counter * * Revision 1.25 1998/12/01 15:54:26 saw * (SAW) Slight change in debugging output * * Revision 1.24 1996/11/08 15:48:01 saw * (WH) Add decoding for lucite counter * * Revision 1.23 1996/04/29 19:45:37 saw * (JRA) Update Aerogel variable names * * Revision 1.22 1996/01/22 15:13:56 saw * (JRA) Put BPM/Raster data into MISC data structures * * Revision 1.21 1996/01/16 20:49:40 cdaq * (SAW) Handle banks containing two parallel link ROC banks * * Revision 1.20 1995/12/06 19:04:24 cdaq * (SAW) What is this version? Two bank banks processing lost. * * Revision 1.19 1995/11/28 18:50:03 cdaq * (SAW) Quick hack to accept banks with 2 rocs (from parallel link) * * Revision 1.18 1995/10/09 18:20:51 cdaq * (JRA) Change HCER_ADC to HCER_RAW_ADC * Replace g_decode_getdid call with explicit calculation (for speed) * * Revision 1.17 1995/07/27 19:06:02 cdaq * (SAW) Use specific bit manipulation routines for f2c compatibility * Get FB roc from header on parallel link banks * * Revision 1.16 1995/05/22 20:50:45 cdaq * (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts" * * Revision 1.15 1995/05/22 13:35:40 cdaq * (SAW) Fix up some problems with decoding of parallel link wrappers around * fastbus events. Still doesn't hadle two fb rocs wrapped into one bank. * * Revision 1.14 1995/05/11 17:17:00 cdaq * (SAW) Extend || link hack for SOS. Add Aerogel detector. * * Revision 1.13 1995/04/01 19:44:50 cdaq * (SAW) Add BPM hitlist * * Revision 1.12 1995/01/27 20:12:48 cdaq * (SAW) Add hacks to deal with parallel link data. Pass lastslot variable to * g_decode_fb_detector so it can find 1881M/1877 headers. * * Revision 1.11 1994/11/22 20:13:02 cdaq * (SPB) Update array names for raw SOS Scintillator bank * * Revision 1.10 1994/06/28 20:01:23 cdaq * (SAW) Change arrays that HMS scintillators go into * * Revision 1.9 1994/06/18 02:45:49 cdaq * (SAW) Add code for miscleaneous data and uninstrumented channels * * Revision 1.8 1994/06/09 04:48:28 cdaq * (SAW) Fix length argument on gmc_mc_decode call again * * Revision 1.7 1994/04/13 18:49:10 cdaq * (KBB Fix length argument on gmc_mc_deocde call * * implicit none SAVE external jishft, jiand, jieor * character*16 here parameter (here='g_decode_fb_bank') * logical ABORT character*(*) error integer*4 bank(*) logical SANE_TRUE logical F1TRIGGER_TRUE logical SEM_TRUE * This routine unpacks a ROC bank. It looks a fastbus word to * determine which detector it belongs to. It then passes the * appropriate arrays for that detector to detector independent unpacker * G_DECODE_FB_DETECTOR which will unpack words from the bank into the * hit arrays until the detector changes or it runs out of data. * G_DECODE_FB_DETECTOR returns a pointer to the next data word to be * processed. * include 'gen_detectorids.par' include 'gen_data_structures.cmn' include 'hms_data_structures.cmn' include 'sos_data_structures.cmn' include 'gen_decode_common.cmn' include 'mc_structures.cmn' include 'gen_event_info.cmn' include 'gen_scalers.cmn' cajp include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn' cajp include 'gep_hist_id.cmn' integer*4 iannoyingpulser integer*4 pointer ! Pointer FB data word integer*4 banklength,maxwords integer*4 roc,subadd,slot,lastslot integer*4 stat_roc integer*4 slotp ! temp variable integer*4 did ! Detector ID integer*4 g_decode_fb_detector ! Detector unpacking routine integer*4 last_first,i ! Last word of first bank in || bank * integer*4 jiand, jishft, jieor ! Declare to help f2c integer*4 hplus_ts,hmin_ts,quartet_ts,ntest,ts_input(9) integer*4 ntrig c write(*,*)'Start' banklength = bank(1) + 1 ! Bank length including count last_first = banklength stat_roc = jishft(bank(2),-16) roc = jiand(stat_roc,'1F'X) ! Get ROC from header if(roc.eq.20.or.roc.eq.5) then c write(*,*)'END' return ! scaler ROC endif ntrig = 0 if(roc.eq.21) then do i=1,9 ntest = 2**(i-1) ts_input(i) = 0 if ( jiand(bank(3),ntest)/ntest .eq. 1 ) then ts_input(i) = 1 if(i.le.8) ntrig = ntrig + 1 endif gen_event_trigtype(i) = ts_input(i) if( then call hf1(gepid_gep_trigtype,float(i),float(ts_input(i))) endif if( then call hf2(gepid_gep_trigtype_vs_evtype,float(gen_event_type), $ float(i),float(ts_input(i))) endif enddo hplus_ts = 0 hmin_ts=0 quartet_ts=0 if ( jiand(bank(3),512)/512 .eq. 1 ) quartet_ts = 1 if ( jiand(bank(3),1024)/1024 .eq. 1 ) hplus_ts = 1 if ( jiand(bank(3),2048)/2048 .eq. 1) hmin_ts = 1 gen_event_trigtype(10) = quartet_ts gen_event_trigtype(11) = hplus_ts gen_event_trigtype(12) = hmin_ts if( then call hf1(gepid_gep_ntrigs,float(ntrig),1.) endif if( then call hf1(gepid_gep_trigtype,10.,float(quartet_ts)) call hf1(gepid_gep_trigtype,11.,float(hplus_ts)) call hf1(gepid_gep_trigtype,12.,float(hmin_ts)) endif if( then call hf2(gepid_gep_trigtype_vs_evtype,float(gen_event_type), $ 10.,float(quartet_ts)) call hf2(gepid_gep_trigtype_vs_evtype,float(gen_event_type), $ 11.,float(hplus_ts)) call hf2(gepid_gep_trigtype_vs_evtype,float(gen_event_type), $ 12.,float(hmin_ts)) endif if( .and. hmin_ts.eq.0) then gbeam_helicity_TS = 1 else if(hplus_ts.eq.0 .and. hmin_ts .gt.0) then gbeam_helicity_TS = -1 else gbeam_helicity_TS = 0 endif c write(*,*) ' hel min = ',hmin_ts,' hel plus = ',hplus_ts c > ,ts_input c write(*,*)'END' return ! scaler ROC endif * * First look for special Monte Carlo Banks * if(stat_roc.eq.mc_status_and_ROC) then * call gmc_mc_decode(banklength-2,bank(3),ABORT,error) ABORT = .TRUE. error = 'Monte Carlo Event analysis disabled' if(ABORT) then call g_add_path(here,error) endif c write(*,*)'END' return endif * if( then ABORT = .false. ! Just warn write(error,*) ':ROC out of range, ROC#=',roc call g_add_path(here,error) c write(*,*)'END' return endif * pointer = 3 ! First word of bank * if (roc.eq.7 .or. roc.eq.8 .or. roc.eq.9) then * * These 3 rocs are VME front ends for fastbus crates. At present * we assume that each VME front end is only taking data from one * FB roc and that this FB roc # is in 4 word of the bank. This * hack will not work when we have roc 8 taking data from both * fbch1 and fbch2. But it should work for runs up through * at least 5/31/95. * last_first = pointer + bank(pointer) ! Last word in sub bank stat_roc = jishft(bank(pointer+1),-16)!2 words are fb roc header. roc = jiand(stat_roc,'1F'X) pointer=pointer+2 !using parallel link, so next endif lastslot = -1 do while (pointer .le. banklength) if(pointer.eq.(last_first+1)) then ! Second bank in a two bank bank last_first = banklength ! Reset to end of second bank stat_roc = jishft(bank(pointer+1),-16) !2 words are fb roc header roc = jiand(stat_roc,'1F'X) ! New roc endif * * Look for and report empty ROCs. * if (jieor(bank(pointer),'DCFF0000'X).eq.0) then if (roc.eq.1 .or. roc.eq.2) then !missing hms data if ( then !event type 2 is sos only event. write(6,'(a,i3,a,i8,a,z8,a,i2)') 'roc',roc,' has no data for event' & ,gen_event_id_number,' scanmask=',bank(pointer+1) $ ,', evtype=',gen_event_type endif else !missing sos data if ( then !event type 1 is hms only data. write(6,'(a,i3,a,i8,a,z8,a,i2)') 'roc',roc,' has no data for event' & ,gen_event_id_number,' scanmask=',bank(pointer+1) $ ,', evtype=',gen_event_type endif endif endif * slot = jiand(jishft(bank(pointer),-27),'1F'X) if( .and. $ .and. roc.le.g_decode_maxrocs) then * * for F1 TDCs, the traditional subadd cut will not work! * * we need the header word which contains the trigger time to * * handle roll-over, but the header has the subadd at the very LSB * * * * so we branch depending on externally supplied VME ROC flag to * * properly handle these headers and all data words * * note that we really WANT to see the header words for trigger timing! * * * * for F1 TDC, there are two types of data: * * header/trailer words and data words * * * * ,overflow Xor * * header/trailer: xxxx xxxx 0 ? ?? ???? ???? ???? ? ? ?? ? ??? * * | T_trigger | channel * * event no chip * * * * data: xxxx xxxx 1 0 ?? ? ??? ???? ???? ???? ???? * * chip chan ------ data ------- * * * * in both cases, the first 8 bits (xxxx xxxx) are as follows: * * * * ???? ? ??? * * slot error flags * * * * data have 16 bits for TDC count, i.e. 0-65535 * * but header's T_trigger only has 9 bits, i.e. 0-511 * if (g_decode_modtyp(roc,slot).eq.0) then ! FastBus subadd = jiand(jishft(bank(pointer), $ -g_decode_subaddbit(roc,slot)),'7F'X) elseif (g_decode_modtyp(roc,slot).eq.1) then !VME F1 TDC * * F1 uses 1 as the first channel, not 0!!! if (jiand(ishft(bank(pointer),-23),'1'X).eq.0) then !header subadd = jiand(bank(pointer),'3F'X) + 1 else !data subadd = jiand(jishft( bank(pointer), $ -g_decode_subaddbit(roc,slot) ),'3F'X) + 1 subadd = (subadd - 1) / 2 + 1 endif endif c if (subadd .lt. '7F'X) then ! Only valid subaddress if (subadd .lt. 255) then ! Only valid subaddress ! This skips module headers slotp = g_decode_slotpointer(roc,slot) if ( then did = g_decode_didmap(slotp+subadd) else did = UNINST_ID endif c if(roc.eq.12.and.slot.eq.5) write(6, c > '(''found did with roc,slot'',3i6)') c > did,roc,slot maxwords = last_first - pointer + 1 SANE_TRUE = did.eq.LUCITE_SANE_ID.or.did.eq.LUCITE_SANE_ID2.or. & did.eq.LUCITE_SANE_ID3.or. & did.eq.CERENKOV_SANE_ID.or. & did.eq.CERENKOV_SANE_ID2.or. & did.eq.TRACKER_SANE_X_ID.or. & did.eq.TRACKER_SANE_Y_ID F1TRIGGER_TRUE = did.eq.F1TRIGGER_ID SEM_TRUE = did.eq.SEM_ID c write(*,*)did,roc,slot,slotp,subadd c if(*,*)did,roc,slot,slotp,subadd * * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 *23456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 * if(did.eq.HDC_ID) then pointer = pointer + $ g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), & maxwords, did, $ HMAX_DC_HITS, HDC_RAW_TOT_HITS, HDC_RAW_PLANE_NUM, $ HDC_RAW_WIRE_NUM,1 ,HDC_RAW_TDC,0, 0, 0) else if (did.eq.HSCIN_ID) then pointer = pointer + $ g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), & maxwords, did, $ HMAX_ALL_SCIN_HITS, HSCIN_ALL_TOT_HITS, $ HSCIN_ALL_PLANE_NUM, HSCIN_ALL_COUNTER_NUM, 4, $ HSCIN_ALL_ADC_POS, HSCIN_ALL_ADC_NEG, $ HSCIN_ALL_TDC_POS, HSCIN_ALL_TDC_NEG) c if(gen_event_type.eq.1) then c write(6,'(''dbg'',i4,i14,3i8)') c > roc,bank(pointer), c $ HMAX_ALL_SCIN_HITS, HSCIN_ALL_TOT_HITS c > ,pointer c do i=1,HSCIN_ALL_TOT_HITS c write(6,'(i4,6i8)') i, c > HSCIN_ALL_PLANE_NUM(i), c > HSCIN_ALL_COUNTER_NUM(i), c > HSCIN_ALL_TDC_POS(i), c > HSCIN_ALL_TDC_NEG(i), c > HSCIN_ALL_ADC_POS(i), c > HSCIN_ALL_ADC_NEG(i) c enddo c endif else if (did.eq.HCAL_ID) then pointer = pointer + $ g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), & maxwords, did, $ HMAX_CAL_BLOCKS, HCAL_TOT_HITS, HCAL_COLUMN, $ HCAL_ROW, 2, HCAL_ADC_POS, HCAL_ADC_NEG, 0, 0) else if (did.eq.HCER_ID) then * * Cerenkov has no plane array. Pass it HCER_COR_ADC. Unpacker will * fill it with zeros or ones. (Or whatever we tell the unpacker the * plane number is.) * pointer = pointer + $ g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), & maxwords, did, $ HMAX_CER_HITS, HCER_TOT_HITS, HCER_PLANE, $ HCER_TUBE_NUM, 1, HCER_RAW_ADC, 0, 0, 0) * *====================== HMS AEROGEL ================================== * else if (did.eq.HAERO_ID) then * * Aerogel has two tubes for each "counter". Since we may use all * TDC's, we will tell the decoder that we have 4 signals, array * 3rd and 4th will use for TDC signals. * * HAERO_PLANE is a dummy array. * pointer = pointer + $ g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), & maxwords, did, $ HMAX_AERO_HITS, HAERO_TOT_HITS, HAERO_PLANE, $ HAERO_PAIR_NUM, 4, HAERO_ADC_POS, HAERO_ADC_NEG, $ HAERO_TDC_POS, HAERO_TDC_NEG) * print *,'HAERO_TDC_POS',HAERO_TDC_POS * print *,'HAERO_TDC_NEG',HAERO_TDC_NEG * *====================== HMS Focal Plane Polarimeter ================== * else if (did.eq.HFPP_ID) then * * planes are DC layers of all chambers in order of increasing z-coord * c write(*,*) 'did = fpp, decoding fpp data' pointer = pointer + $ g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), & maxwords, did, $ H_FPP_MAX_RAWHITS, HFPP_raw_tot_hits, $ HFPP_raw_plane, HFPP_raw_wire, 1, HFPP_raw_TDC, 0, 0, 0) * * ************************************************************************ c c SANE DECODER c else if(SANE_TRUE)then call sane_decode(pointer,lastslot, roc, bank, & maxwords, did) *************************************** c c F1 Trigger Decode c else if(F1TRIGGER_TRUE)then call F1TRIGGER_decode(pointer,lastslot, roc, bank, & maxwords, did) else if(SEM_TRUE)then *********************************** c c SEM Decode c call sem_decode(pointer,lastslot, roc, bank, & maxwords, did) *===================== BIGCAL ========================================== else if (did.eq.BIGCAL_PROT_ID) then !write(*,*) 'did = protvino, decoding protvino data' pointer = pointer + $ g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), $ maxwords, did, BIGCAL_PROT_MAXHITS, BIGCAL_PROT_NHIT, $ BIGCAL_PROT_IY, BIGCAL_PROT_IX, 1, BIGCAL_PROT_ADC_RAW, $ 0, 0, 0) !write(*,*) 'protvino data decoded successfully' else if (did.eq.BIGCAL_RCS_ID) then !write(*,*) 'did = rcs, decoding rcs data' pointer = pointer + $ g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), $ maxwords, did, BIGCAL_RCS_MAXHITS, BIGCAL_RCS_NHIT, $ BIGCAL_RCS_IY, BIGCAL_RCS_IX, 1, BIGCAL_RCS_ADC_RAW, $ 0, 0, 0) !write(*,*) 'rcs data decoded successfully' else if (did.eq.BIGCAL_TDC_ID) then !write(*,*) 'did = tdc, decoding tdc data' pointer = pointer + $ g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), $ maxwords, did, BIGCAL_TDC_MAXHITS, BIGCAL_TDC_NHIT, $ BIGCAL_TDC_RAW_IROW, BIGCAL_TDC_RAW_IGROUP, 1, $ BIGCAL_TDC_RAW, 0, 0, 0) !write(*,*) 'tdc data decoded successfully' else if (did.eq.BIGCAL_ATRIG_ID) then !write(*,*) 'did = trig, decoding trig data' pointer = pointer + $ g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), $ maxwords, did, BIGCAL_ATRIG_MAXHITS, BIGCAL_ATRIG_NHIT, $ BIGCAL_ATRIG_IGROUP, BIGCAL_ATRIG_IHALF, 1, $ BIGCAL_ATRIG_ADC_RAW, 0,0,0) !write(*,*) 'trig data decoded successfully' else if (did.eq.BIGCAL_TTRIG_ID) then pointer = pointer + $ g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot,roc, bank(pointer), $ maxwords, did, BIGCAL_TTRIG_MAXHITS, BIGCAL_TTRIG_NHIT, $ BIGCAL_TTRIG_IGROUP, BIGCAL_TTRIG_IHALF, 1, $ BIGCAL_TTRIG_TDC_RAW, 0,0,0) * figure out if this is an annoying pulser event: do iannoyingpulser=1,bigcal_ttrig_nhit if(bigcal_ttrig_igroup(iannoyingpulser).eq.20.and. $ bigcal_ttrig_ihalf(iannoyingpulser).eq.1) then bigcal_annoying_pulser_event = .true. endif enddo *======================= HMISC ================================================ else if (did.eq.HMISC_ID) then * * This array is for data words that don't belong to a specific * detector counter. Things like energy sums, and TDC's from various * points in the logic will go here. Most likely we will set ADDR1 * always to 1, and ADDR2 will start at 1. * pointer = pointer + $ g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), & maxwords, did, $ HMAX_MISC_HITS, HMISC_TOT_HITS, HMISC_RAW_ADDR1, $ HMISC_RAW_ADDR2, 1, HMISC_RAW_DATA, 0, 0, 0) * * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 *23456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 * else if(did.eq.SDC_ID) then pointer = pointer + $ g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), & maxwords, did, $ SMAX_DC_HITS, SDC_RAW_TOT_HITS, SDC_RAW_PLANE_NUM, $ SDC_RAW_WIRE_NUM,1 ,SDC_RAW_TDC,0, 0, 0) else if (did.eq.SSCIN_ID) then pointer = pointer + $ g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), & maxwords, did, $ SMAX_ALL_SCIN_HITS, SSCIN_ALL_TOT_HITS, $ SSCIN_ALL_PLANE_NUM, SSCIN_ALL_COUNTER_NUM, 4, $ SSCIN_ALL_ADC_POS, SSCIN_ALL_ADC_NEG, $ SSCIN_ALL_TDC_POS, SSCIN_ALL_TDC_NEG) else if (did.eq.SCAL_ID) then pointer = pointer + $ g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), & maxwords, did, $ SMAX_CAL_BLOCKS, SCAL_TOT_HITS, SCAL_COLUMN, $ SCAL_ROW, 2, SCAL_ADC_POS, SCAL_ADC_NEG, 0, 0) else if (did.eq.SCER_ID) then * pointer = pointer + $ g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), & maxwords, did, $ SMAX_CER_HITS, SCER_TOT_HITS, SCER_PLANE, $ SCER_TUBE_NUM, 1, SCER_RAW_ADC, 0, 0, 0) else if (did.eq.SAER_ID) then * * Aerogel has two tubes for each "counter". Since there are no * TDC's, we will tell the decoder that we have 4 signals, but pass * a dummy array for the 3rd and 4th signal. * * SAER_PLANE is a dummy array. * pointer = pointer + $ g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), & maxwords, did, $ SMAX_AER_HITS, SAER_TOT_HITS, SAER_PLANE, $ SAER_PAIR_NUM, 4, SAER_ADC_POS, SAER_ADC_NEG, $ SAER_DUMMY, SAER_DUMMY) else if (did.eq.SLUC_ID) then * * Lucite has two tubes for each "counter". The detector * has both ADC's and TDC's signals. * * * SLUC_PLANE is a dummy array. * pointer = pointer + $ g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), & maxwords, did, $ SMAX_LUC_HITS, SLUC_TOT_HITS, SLUC_PLANE, $ SLUC_PAIR_NUM, 4, SLUC_ADC_POS, SLUC_ADC_NEG, $ SLUC_TDC_POS, SLUC_TDC_NEG) else if (did.eq.SMISC_ID) then * * This array is for data words that don't belong to a specific * detector counter. Things like energy sums, and TDC's from various * points in the logic will go here. Most likely we will set ADDR1 * always to 1, and ADDR2 will start at 1. * pointer = pointer + $ g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), & maxwords, did, $ SMAX_MISC_HITS, SMISC_TOT_HITS, SMISC_RAW_ADDR1, $ SMISC_RAW_ADDR2, 1, SMISC_RAW_DATA, 0, 0, 0) * * BPM/Raster ADC values. * else if (did.eq.GMISC_ID) then pointer = pointer + $ g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), & maxwords, did, $ GMAX_MISC_HITS, GMISC_TOT_HITS, GMISC_RAW_ADDR1, $ GMISC_RAW_ADDR2, 1, GMISC_RAW_DATA, 0, 0, 0) * * Data from Uninstrumented channels and slots go into a special array * else if (did.eq.UNINST_ID) then pointer = pointer + $ g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), & maxwords, did, $ GMAX_UNINST_HITS, GUNINST_TOT_HITS, GUNINST_RAW_ROCSLOT, $ GUNINST_RAW_SUBADD, 1, GUNINST_RAW_DATAWORD, 0, 0, 0) else * Should never get here. Unknown detector ID's or did=-1 for bad ROC# * or SLOT# will come here. * print *,"BAD DID, unknown ROC,SLOT",roc,slot,did pointer = pointer + 1 ! Skip unknown detector id's endif else lastslot = slot pointer = pointer + 1 ! Skip Bad subaddresses (module header) endif * else pointer = pointer + 1 ! Skip bad slots endif * enddo ABORT= .FALSE. error= ' ' c write(*,*)'END' return end ************** * Local Variables: * mode: fortran * fortran-if-indent: 2 * fortran-do-indent: 2 * End: