SUBROUTINE G_examine_go_info(buffer,ABORT,err) *----------------------------------------------------- *- *- Purpose and Methods : examine the go information and gather various *- quantities *- *- Input: buffer - raw data buffer *- : ABORT - success or failure *- : err - reason for failure, if any *- *- Created 30-Nov-1995 John Arrington, Caltech. *- * $Log: g_examine_go_info.f,v $ * Revision 2007/11/02 22:36:16 cdaq * Added code to extract additional prescale factors * * Revision 2007/09/11 19:14:17 frw * fixed FPP related arrays and limits * * Revision 2007/09/10 20:33:37 pcarter * Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX * * Revision 1.4 2003/09/05 15:37:28 jones * Merge in online03 changes (mkj) * * Revision 2003/04/09 02:49:42 cdaq * Update code to look for prescale factors in go_info event from ANY crate, also have it skip the nped=1000 line when extracting prescale factors * * Revision 1.3 1999/11/04 20:35:16 saw * Linux/G77 compatibility fixes * * Revision 1.2 1996/09/04 14:35:16 saw * (JRA) Extract prescale factors * * Revision 1.1 1995/12/08 20:07:54 cdaq * Initial revision * *-------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE SAVE external jishft, jiand, jieor * character*18 here parameter (here= 'G_examine_go_info') * INTEGER buffer(*) LOGICAL ABORT CHARACTER*(*) err * include 'gen_detectorids.par' include 'gen_decode_common.cmn' include 'gen_run_info.cmn' * integer EvType integer*4 pointer,subpntr,ind integer*4 evlen,sublen,subheader,slotheader,numvals integer*4 roc,slot integer*4 jiand,jishft,jieor logical*4 found_thresholds,found_prescale character*80 prescale_string character*80 file character*4 tmpstring integer*4 ilo,prescale_len,ilo2 integer*4 nped * functions integer g_important_length * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- err= ' ' * EvType = jISHFT(buffer(2),-16) if ( then err = 'Event is not a control event' ABORT = .true. call g_add_path(here,err) return endif * found_thresholds = .false. found_prescale = .false. prescale_string = ' ' evlen = buffer(1) c write(6,*) 'evlen=',buffer(1) pointer = 3 !1=#/words, 2=event type roc= (jiand(buffer(2),'FF'x)) c write(6,*) 'roc=',roc,'evtype=',evtype do while (.not.found_thresholds .and. pointer.le.evlen) sublen=buffer(pointer) c write(6,*) ' sublen=',sublen subheader=buffer(pointer+1) c write(6,'(a,z10)') ' subheader=',subheader if (jieor(jishft(jiand(subheader,'FF0000'x),-16),'10'x).eq.0) then !thresholds found_thresholds = .true. c write(6,*) ' THRESHOLDS!' subpntr=2 !skip past main subheader. c write(6,*) ' subpntr=',subpntr do while (subpntr .lt. sublen) slotheader=buffer(pointer+subpntr) slot=jishft(jiand(slotheader,'FF000000'x),-24) c write(6,'(a,z10)') ' slotheader=',slotheader numvals=jiand(slotheader,'FF'x) c write(6,*) ' slot#',slot,' has ',numvals,' thresholds' do ind=1,numvals subpntr=subpntr+1 g_threshold_readback(ind,roc,slot)=buffer(pointer+subpntr) c write(6,*) 'g_threshold_readback(',ind,roc,slot,')=',g_threshold_readback(ind,roc,slot) enddo subpntr=subpntr+1 !skip to next slotheader c write(6,*) 'subpntr=',subpntr enddo !NEED CHECK FOR NEXT HEADER. pointer=pointer+subpntr * * Used to look at TS0 (roc=0) for prescales, but for daq03, there is * no go_info event for TS0, so just take any crate with prescales. * * else if (roc.eq.0 .and. * & jieor(jishft(jiand(subheader,'FF0000'x),-16),'02'x).eq.0) then * else if (jieor(jishft(jiand(subheader,'FF0000'x),-16),'02'x).eq.0) then c write(6,*) 'PRESCALE FACTORS' found_prescale=.true. do ind=2,sublen c write(6,'(3x,a,i4,2x,a4) ') 'ind=',ind,buffer(pointer+ind) write(tmpstring,'(a4)') buffer(pointer+ind) prescale_string(4*(ind-2)+1:4*(ind-1)) = tmpstring enddo prescale_len=4*(sublen-1) pointer=pointer+sublen+1 else c write(6,*) ' NOT THRESHOLDS,NOT PS FACTORS. WHO CARES.' pointer=pointer+sublen+1 endif enddo * write(*,*) 'PRESCALE STRING' write(*,*) prescale_string c WHIT's InSANE HACK file='InSANEOUT/coda_PS_%d.txt' call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number) c 215=philadelphia area code open(216,file=file,status='REPLACE') write(216,*)prescale_string close(216) c END WHIT's InSANE HACK if (found_prescale .and. then prescale_len = g_important_length(prescale_string(1:prescale_len)) ilo=index(prescale_string(1:prescale_len),'nped=')+5 ilo2=ilo+index(prescale_string(ilo:prescale_len),',')-1 if (ilo2 .lt. ilo) ilo2 = prescale_len read(prescale_string(ilo:ilo2),*,err=998) nped ilo=index(prescale_string(1:prescale_len),'ps1=')+4 ilo2=ilo+index(prescale_string(ilo:prescale_len),',')-1 if (ilo2 .lt. ilo) ilo2 = prescale_len read(prescale_string(ilo:ilo2),*,err=998) gps1 ilo=index(prescale_string(1:prescale_len),'ps2=')+4 ilo2=ilo+index(prescale_string(ilo:prescale_len),',')-1 if (ilo2 .lt. ilo) ilo2 = prescale_len read(prescale_string(ilo:ilo2),*,err=998) gps2 ilo=index(prescale_string(1:prescale_len),'ps3=')+4 ilo2=ilo+index(prescale_string(ilo:prescale_len),',')-1 if (ilo2 .lt. ilo) ilo2 = prescale_len read(prescale_string(ilo:ilo2),*,err=998) gps3 ilo=index(prescale_string(1:prescale_len),'ps4=')+4 ilo2=ilo+index(prescale_string(ilo:prescale_len),',')-1 if (ilo2 .lt. ilo) ilo2 = prescale_len read(prescale_string(ilo:ilo2),*,err=998) gps4 ilo=index(prescale_string(1:prescale_len),'ps5=')+4 ilo2=ilo+index(prescale_string(ilo:prescale_len),',')-1 if (ilo2 .lt. ilo) ilo2 = prescale_len read(prescale_string(ilo:ilo2),*,err=998) gps5 ilo=index(prescale_string(1:prescale_len),'ps6=')+4 ilo2=ilo+index(prescale_string(ilo:prescale_len),',')-1 if (ilo2 .lt. ilo) ilo2 = prescale_len read(prescale_string(ilo:ilo2),*,err=998) gps6 ilo=index(prescale_string(1:prescale_len),'ps7=')+4 ilo2=ilo+index(prescale_string(ilo:prescale_len),',')-1 if (ilo2 .lt. ilo) ilo2 = prescale_len read(prescale_string(ilo:ilo2),*,err=998) gps7 endif * goto 999 998 write(6,*) 'WARNING: g_examine_go_info.f >>> error extracting prescale factors, giving up' 999 continue RETURN END