subroutine g_extract_kinematics(ebeam,phms,thms,psos,tsos,ntarg) * $Log: g_extract_kinematics.f,v $ * Revision 1.6 2003/09/05 15:41:05 jones * Merge in online03 changes (mkj) * * Revision 2003/04/10 00:41:51 cdaq * Have the engine take the spectrometer angles from the typed field of the run_info event rather than the epics field * * Revision 2003/04/09 02:47:57 cdaq * Update code to look for Target Material instead of Target NUMBER in run info event * * Revision 1.5 2002/09/25 14:38:47 jones * a. IN subroutine parse_line * i. character*132 line changed to character*(*) line * ii. character*20 name changed to character*(*) name * b. in function skip_blanks character*132 string changed to character*(*) string * * Revision 1.4 1998/12/01 15:59:47 saw * (SAW) Make "string" argument of skip_item variable length * * Revision 1.3 1996/09/04 14:36:19 saw * (JRA) Fixes * * Revision 1.2 1996/01/16 18:35:02 cdaq * (JRA) Minor bug fix * * Revision 1.1 1995/11/28 19:10:48 cdaq * Initial revision * *-------------------------------------------------------- implicit none save character buffer*2000 equivalence (craw(5), buffer) integer find_char integer i integer j,evlen integer mode character*20 name real*4 epics_value,typed_value real*4 ebeam,phms,thms,psos,tsos,ntarg integer g_important_length include 'gen_craw.cmn' *-------------------------------------------------------- c c Break up the text stored in the event array into individual lines. If c the line is a comment, print it out, otherwise parse it. c evlen=g_important_length(buffer(1:4*(craw(3)-1))) i = 1 mode = 0 ! Mode 0 => Parse each line do while (i.le.evlen) j = find_char (buffer, i, 10) ! 10 = NewLine character if (i.eq.j) goto 20 if (buffer(i:i+7).eq.'comment') then mode = 1 ! Mode 1 => Print out each line i = i + 24 ! comment has 24 character of 'header' endif if (mode.eq.0) then call parse_line (buffer(i:j), j-i, name, epics_value, typed_value) if (name(1:11).eq.'Beam Energy') then ebeam=typed_value else if (name(1:12).eq.'HMS Momentum') then phms=typed_value else if (name(1:9).eq.'HMS Angle') then thms=typed_value else if (name(1:12).eq.'SOS Momentum') then psos=typed_value else if (name(1:9).eq.'SOS Angle') then tsos=typed_value else if (name(1:15).eq.'Target Material') then ntarg=typed_value endif else if( write(6,'(4x,a)') buffer(i:j-1) endif 20 i = j + 1 enddo 10 continue return end c c Parse a character string c subroutine parse_line (line, line_len, name, value1, value2) implicit none character*(*) line character*132 tmpline integer line_len,new_len integer name_start,name_stop integer value1_start,value1_stop integer value2_start,value2_stop character*(*) name character*20 value_string real*4 value1,value2 ! sample line: sangle {SOS Angle} sangle {29.4} {29.4} name_start = index(line,'{')+1 name_stop = index(line,'}')-1 if (name_start.le.name_stop) name = line(name_start:name_stop) if ( goto 999 tmpline = line(name_stop+2:line_len) new_len = line_len - name_stop - 1 value1_start = index(tmpline,'{')+1 value1_stop = index(tmpline,'}')-1 if (value1_start.le.value1_stop) value_string = tmpline(value1_start:value1_stop) read (value_string,*,err=999) value1 if ( goto 999 tmpline = tmpline(value1_stop+2:new_len) value2_start = index(tmpline,'{')+1 value2_stop = index(tmpline,'}')-1 if (value2_start.le.value2_stop) value_string = tmpline(value2_start:value2_stop) read (value_string,*,err=999) value2 999 continue !if non-numerical vaule, skip reading return end c c Return the offset of the next item c integer function skip_item (string, i) character*132 string integer i, j, find_char, skip_blanks, skip_nonblanks j = skip_blanks (string, i) if (string(j:j).eq.'{') then j = find_char (string, j, ichar('}')) + 1 else j = skip_nonblanks (string, j) endif j = skip_blanks (string, j) skip_item = j return end c c Find the offset of character "char_num" in text string "string" c integer function find_char (string, i, char_num) character*(*) string integer i, j, char_num j = i do while ((ichar(string(j:j)).ne.char_num).and.(ichar(string(j:j)).ne.0)) j = j + 1 enddo find_char = j return end c c Return the offset of the first nonblank character in "string" c integer function skip_blanks (string, i) character*(*) string integer i, j j = i do while ((string(j:j).eq.' ').and.(ichar(string(j:j)).ne.0)) j = j + 1 enddo skip_blanks = j return end c c Return the offset of the first blank character in "string" c integer function skip_nonblanks (string, i) character*(*) string integer i, j j = i do while ((string(j:j).ne.' ').and.(ichar(string(j:j)).ne.0)) j = j + 1 enddo skip_nonblanks = j return end c c Convert a text character to a digit c If the character is not a digit and is not a ".", return -1 c If the character is a ".", return -2 c real function char_to_digit (letter) character letter char_to_digit = ichar(letter) - 48 if (( char_to_digit = -1 if (letter.eq.'.') char_to_digit = -2 return end c c Convert a text string to a real number c real function string_to_number (string) character*(*) string real offset, digit, sign, number integer starting_offset starting_offset = 1 sign = 1 if (string(1:1).eq.'+') starting_offset = 2 if (string(1:1).eq.'-') then starting_offset = 2 sign = -1 endif number = 0 offset = 0.1 do i = starting_offset, 79 digit = char_to_digit (string(i:i)) if ( goto 10 number = number*10 + digit enddo 10 continue if (digit.eq.-2) then do j = i+1, 79 digit = char_to_digit (string(j:j)) if ( goto 20 number = number + offset*digit offset = offset/10 enddo 20 continue endif number = number*sign string_to_number = number return end