SUBROUTINE g_preproc_event(preprocessor_keep_event) *--------------------------------------------------------------------- * prototype C analysis routine * * purpose and mothods : check the event for defined criteria and * set flag to 1 if it meets these criteria. * * * * created apr-29-1996 Dave Meekins * $Log: g_preproc_event.f,v $ * Revision 1.1 1996/06/10 17:47:43 saw * Initial revision * *--------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE SAVE character*20 here parameter (here='g_preproc_event') integer*4 preprocessor_keep_event * make sure to include all the necessary include files * so that the tests below can be carried out INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn' INCLUDE 'sos_data_structures.cmn' INCLUDE 'hms_scin_tof.cmn' INCLUDE 'sos_scin_tof.cmn' INCLUDE 'gen_event_info.cmn' preprocessor_keep_event=0 * test for good event * ALL COINCIDENCE EVENTS, coin only (should disable tracking * and decoding when analyzing, since no analysis is needed). if (gen_event_type.eq.3 .or. gen_event_type.eq.4) then preprocessor_keep_event=1 endif * ALL HMS (AND COINCIDENCE) EVENTS, (should disable tracking * and decoding when analyzing, since no analysis is needed). ! if (gen_event_type.eq.1 .or. gen_event_type.eq.3 .or. ! & gen_event_type.eq.4) then ! preprocessor_keep_event=1 ! endif * ALL SOS (AND COINCIDENCE) EVENTS, (should disable tracking * and decoding when analyzing, since no analysis is needed). ! if (gen_event_type.eq.2 .or. gen_event_type.eq.3 .or. ! & gen_event_type.eq.4) then ! preprocessor_keep_event=1 ! endif * MEEK'S TESTS. * Keep pedestals, SOS and COIN with good beta_notrk, reject HMS ! if (gen_event_type.eq.1) then !HMS singles trigger ! if (( ! preprocessor_keep_event=1 ! endif ! ! else if (gen_event_type.eq.2) then !SOS singles trigger ! if(( ! preprocessor_keep_event=1 ! endif ! ! else if (gen_event_type.eq.3) then !COIN trigger ! if( (( .or. ! & (( ) then ! preprocessor_keep_event=1 ! endif ! ! else if (gen_event_type.eq.4) then !PED trigger ! preprocessor_keep_event=1 ! ! else ! write(6,*) 'g_preproc_event was called for event type', ! & gen_event_type ! write(6,*) ' should only be called for event types 1-4 (I think-JRA)' ! ! endif RETURN END