SUBROUTINE G_reconstruction(event,ABORT,err) *---------------------------------------------------------------------- *- Prototype hall C reconstruction routine *- *- Purpose and Methods : Given previously filled data structures, *- reconstruction is performed and status returned *- *- Inputs: *- event Pointer to the first word (length) of an event data bank. *- *- Output: ABORT - success or failure *- : err - reason for failure, if any *- *- Created 20-Oct-1993 Kevin B. Beard *- Modified 20-Nov-1993 KBB for new error routines * $Log: g_reconstruction.f,v $ * Revision 2011/05/31 15:34:47 jones * increment g_hel_pos and g_hel_neg for trigtype=1,2,3 or 4 . * Before incremented just for trigtype=4 * * Revision 2009/09/29 13:59:53 jones * Add lines: * if(gen_event_trigtype(4).eq.1)then * if(gbeam_helicity_TS.eq.1)g_hel_pos = g_hel_pos+1 * if(gbeam_helicity_TS.eq.-1)g_hel_neg = g_hel_neg+1 * endif * This is the number of T4 helicity plus and minus triggers * Used to calculate the computer lifetime * * Revision 2009/09/15 20:39:59 jones * Call gep_hysics for event_type = 1 and 6 instead of just 6 * * Revision 2009/09/02 13:39:35 jones * eliminate commented write statements * * Revision 2009/02/17 21:18:32 cdaq * Changed so b_reconstruction always called * * Revision 2008/10/26 19:12:33 cdaq * SEM * * Revision 2008/10/02 17:58:46 cdaq * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 2008/01/08 22:43:13 cdaq * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 2007/10/19 14:54:58 cdaq * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 2007/10/19 14:49:41 cdaq * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 2007/10/17 16:08:08 cdaq * Changed if-block for beamline analysis. Now call for any event type 1-8 if flag is set * * Revision 2007/10/10 16:24:31 puckett * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 2007/10/08 19:22:59 puckett * Added bad channel list handling for BigCal * * Revision 2007/09/07 16:08:05 puckett * put event type 3 option back in for call to h_reconstruction, just in case somebody wants to use it. Also added event type 7 and 8 for calls to b_reconstruction, for the case of the cosmic/light box trigger for bigcal * * Revision 2007/06/04 14:56:06 puckett * changed hit array structure for trigger related signals * * Revision 2007/05/15 02:55:01 jones * Start to Bigcal code * * Revision 1.13 1996/01/22 15:23:34 saw * (SAW) Add calls to analyze beam position * * Revision 1.12 1995/10/09 18:28:41 cdaq * (JRA) Only call spec analysis routines that correspond to trigger type * * Revision 1.11 1995/05/22 20:50:45 cdaq * (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts" * * Revision 1.10 1995/04/01 19:50:22 cdaq * (JRA) Add pedestal event handling * * Revision 1.9 1994/11/22 20:13:39 cdaq * (SPB) Uncomment call to SOS code * * Revision 1.8 1994/10/11 20:03:27 cdaq * (JRA) Comment out call to SOS * * Revision 1.7 1994/08/04 03:46:31 cdaq * (SAW) Add call to Breuer's hack_anal * * Revision 1.6 1994/06/17 03:36:57 cdaq * (KBB) Upgrade error reporting * * Revision 1.5 1994/04/15 20:37:41 cdaq * (SAW) for ONLINE compatibility get event from argument instead of commmon. * * Revision 1.4 1994/02/02 19:58:47 cdaq * Remove some damn nulls at the end of the file * * Revision 1.3 1994/02/02 18:53:43 cdaq * Actually add call to g_decode_event_by_banks * * Revision 1.2 1994/02/01 21:28:48 cdaq * Add call to G_decode_event_by_banks * *- *- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software *- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993 *- *-------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE SAVE * integer*4 event(*) * character*16 here parameter (here= 'G_reconstruction') * logical ABORT character*(*) err * INCLUDE 'gen_data_structures.cmn' INCLUDE 'gen_event_info.cmn' include 'gen_run_info.cmn' INCLUDE 'hack_.cmn' include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn' include 'bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn' include 'gen_scalers.cmn' * logical FAIL character*1024 why * logical update_peds ! TRUE = There is new pedestal data *-------------------------------------------------------- * ABORT= .FALSE. err= ' ' !erase any old errors * call G_decode_event_by_banks(event,ABORT,err) IF(ABORT) THEN call G_add_path(here,err) RETURN ENDIF C C SORTING F1 TRIGGERS BY COUNTERS C CALL f1trigger_sort_by_counter() c if(gen_event_trigtype(4).eq.1)then c if(gbeam_helicity_TS.eq.1)g_hel_pos = g_hel_pos+1 c if(gbeam_helicity_TS.eq.-1)g_hel_neg = g_hel_neg+1 c endif if(gen_event_trigtype(4).eq.1.or. , gen_event_trigtype(1).eq.1.or. , gen_event_trigtype(3).eq.1.or. , gen_event_trigtype(2).eq.1.)then c if(gen_event_trigtype(4).eq.1.and.nclust.eq.0)write(*,*)0 if(gbeam_helicity_TS.eq.1)g_hel_pos= g_hel_pos+1 if(gbeam_helicity_TS.eq.-1)g_hel_neg = g_hel_neg+1 endif c write(*,*)g_hel_pos_tot,g_hel_pos,g_hel_neg_tot,g_hel_neg, c , gscaler_change(535),gscaler_change(536),gscaler_change(537),gscaler_change(538) * * * INTERRUPT ANALYSIS FOR PEDESTAL EVENTS. * * !!!! Commenting out next 6 lines so peds go to data. - wra c IF(gen_event_type .eq. 4) then !pedestal event c call g_analyze_pedestal(ABORT,err) c c update_peds = .true. !need to recalculate pedestals c RETURN c ENDIF !! added the following line - wra * update_peds = .true. * * check to see if pedestals need to be recalculated. Note that this is only * done if the event was NOT a scaler event, because of the 'return' at the * end of the pedestal handling call. * IF(update_peds) then !write(*,*) 'calling g_calc_pedestal,evtype=',gen_event_type call g_calc_pedestal(ABORT,err) !write(*,*) 'g_calc_pedestal successful' update_peds = .false. c ncalls_calc_ped = ncalls_calc_ped + 1 ENDIF * *-Beamline reconstruction *-for GEp, avoid event types 2 and 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (No SOS!) c IF( .and. gen_event_type.le.3) then !HMS/SOS/COIN trig c$$$ if((gen_event_type.eq.1 .or. gen_event_type.eq.5 .or. c$$$ $ gen_event_type.eq.6) then ! 1 = HMS singles, 5 = BigCal singles, 6 = HMS-BigCal coin. if( then c write(*,*) 'found annoying pulser event, skipping' return endif if( $ .ne.0) then !write(*,*) 'calling g_trans_misc' call g_trans_misc(FAIL,why) !write(*,*) 'g_trans_misc successful' IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN call G_append(err,' & '//why) ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN err= why ENDIF ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL !write(*,*) 'calling g_analyze_misc' call g_analyze_misc(FAIL,why) !UNCOMMENT WHEN WE GET IN HALL AND BEAM ON! !write(*,*) 'g_analyze_misc successful' IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN call G_append(err,' & '//why) ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN err= why ENDIF ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL ENDIF c c c SEM FILL c c call sem_fill_tbpm() call sem_calc_sr_beampos() * *-HMS reconstruction c IF(gen_event_type.eq.1 .or. gen_event_type.eq.3) then !HMS/COIN trig if(gen_event_type.eq.1 .or. gen_event_type .eq. 6 .or. $ gen_event_type .eq. 3) then !HMS/COIN trig c write(*,*) 'calling HMS reconstruction, gen_event_type=',gen_event_type call H_reconstruction(FAIL,why) IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN call G_append(err,' & '//why) ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN err= why ENDIF ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL ENDIF * *-SOS reconstruction IF(gen_event_type.eq.2 .or. gen_event_type.eq.3) then !SOS/COIN trig call S_reconstruction(FAIL,why) IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN call G_append(err,' & '//why) ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN err= why ENDIF ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL ENDIF *-BIGCAL reconstruction c changed to always do pyb Feb. 17 2009 c if(( .and. c > gen_event_type.le.8).or. c > gen_event_type.eq.13) then !5.BIGCAL/6.HMS-BIGCAL COIN/7.COSMIC/8.LIGHT BOX if( then !write(*,*) 'calling b_reconstruction' call B_reconstruction(FAIL,why) !write(*,*) 'b_reconstruction successful' IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN call G_append(err,' & '//why) ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN err= why ENDIF ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL endif *-GEP-COIN reconstruction if(gen_event_type.eq.6 .or. gen_event_type.eq.1) then !GEp-coin. trig * write(*,*) 'calling gep_reconstruction' call GEp_reconstruction(FAIL,why) * write(*,*) 'gep_reconstruction successful' if(' '' ') then call G_append(err,' & '//why) else if(' ') then err = why endif ABORT = ABORT.or.FAIL endif * *-COIN reconstruction IF(gen_event_type.eq.3) then !COIN trig call C_reconstruction(FAIL,why) IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN call G_append(err,' & '//why) ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN err= why ENDIF ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL ENDIF * IF(ABORT .or. err.NE.' ') call G_add_path(here,err) * IF( then call hack_anal(FAIL,why) IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN call G_append(err,' & '//why) ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN err= why ENDIF ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL ENDIF * RETURN END