subroutine g_trans_misc(abort,errmsg) *------------------------------------------------------------------- * author: John Arrington * created: 1/16/96 * * g_trans_misc fills the gen_decoded_misc common block * * $Log: g_trans_misc.f,v $ * Revision 2008/10/28 20:53:12 cdaq * Added trigger F1 TDC code * * Revision 2007/11/29 18:33:05 cdaq * commented out diagnostic message * * Revision 2007/11/12 03:16:22 cdaq * added timing window for triggers * * Revision 2007/10/29 19:44:07 cdaq * Added handling of multi-hits for HMS and BigCal trigger TDCs * * Revision 2007/10/23 13:23:32 cdaq * Added filling of raw trigger TDC histograms, signals are in the gmisc hit array * * Revision 2007/10/17 15:52:29 cdaq * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 1.2 2002/09/25 14:37:32 jones * character*1024 errmsg changed to character*(*) errmsgCVS: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Revision 1.1 1996/01/22 15:14:10 saw * Initial revision * *-------------------------------------------------------- implicit none include 'gen_data_structures.cmn' include 'gen_event_info.cmn' include 'gep_data_structures.cmn' include 'gep_hist_id.cmn' logical abort character*(*) errmsg character*20 here parameter (here = 'g_trans_misc') integer*4 ihit,rawtime,corrtime integer*4 nH1,nH2,nB,nprt,itrig,j,ncall real hittime save abort = .false. errmsg = ' ' do ihit = 1 , gmax_misc_hits gmisc_dec_data(ihit,1) = 0 ! Clear TDC's gmisc_dec_data(ihit,2) = -1 ! Clear ADC's enddo ncall = ncall + 1 nH1 = 0 nH2 = 0 nB = 0 c write(*,*) 'gmisc_tot_hits=',gmisc_tot_hits do ihit = 1 , gmisc_tot_hits c$$$ if((gmisc_raw_addr2(ihit).eq.1.or.gmisc_raw_addr2(ihit).eq.2) c$$$ $ .and. gmisc_raw_addr1(ihit).eq.2) then c$$$ if(gmisc_raw_addr2(ihit).eq.1) then ! h+ c$$$ write(*,*) 'h+ hit, raw ADC=',gmisc_raw_data(ihit) c$$$ endif c$$$ if(gmisc_raw_addr2(ihit).eq.2) then ! h- c$$$ write(*,*) 'h- hit, raw ADC=',gmisc_raw_data(ihit) c$$$ endif c$$$ endif if(gmisc_raw_addr1(ihit).eq.1) then c write(*,*) 'gmisc TDC hit ctr,TDCraw=',gmisc_raw_addr2(ihit), c $ gmisc_raw_data(ihit) if(gmisc_raw_addr2(ihit).eq.1) then !HMS1 trigger: fill hist hittime = .5*gmisc_raw_data(ihit) if(abs(hittime-gep_h1time_center).le.gep_h1time_slop)then nH1 = nH1 + 1 if(nH1.le.8) then GEP_H1time(nH1) = hittime endif if( then call hf1(gepid_gep_HMS1_rawtdc,float(gmisc_raw_data(ihit)), $ 1.) endif endif endif if(gmisc_raw_addr2(ihit).eq.2) then !HMS2 trigger: fill hist hittime = .5*gmisc_raw_data(ihit) if(abs(hittime-gep_h2time_center).le.gep_h2time_slop)then nH2 = nH2 + 1 if(nH2.le.8) then GEP_H2time(nH2) = hittime endif if( then call hf1(gepid_gep_HMS2_rawtdc,float(gmisc_raw_data(ihit)), $ 1.) endif endif endif if(gmisc_raw_addr2(ihit).eq.3) then !BigCal trigger: fill hist hittime = .5*gmisc_raw_data(ihit) if(abs(hittime-gep_btime_center).le.gep_btime_slop) then nB = nB + 1 if(nB.le.8) then GEP_Btime(nB) = hittime endif if( then call hf1(gepid_gep_bigcal_rawtdc,float(gmisc_raw_data(ihit)), $ 1.) endif endif endif endif c trigger times in F1 TDCs. These arrays allow for multiple TDC hits, c whereas gmisc_dec_data will just have the last hit, if more than one. c Also, correct raw data for trigger time and rollovers if(gmisc_raw_addr2(ihit).ge.11 .and. > gmisc_raw_addr2(ihit).le.16 .and. > gmisc_raw_addr1(ihit).eq.1) then c correct for trigger time and rollovers assuming this is ROC 13 rawtime = gmisc_raw_data(ihit) call CORRECT_RAW_TIME_SANE(rawtime,corrtime) if(nprt then nprt = nprt + 1 write(6,'(''dbg trigs'',6i8)') ncall, gen_event_ID_number, > gmisc_raw_addr1(ihit),gmisc_raw_addr2(ihit), > rawtime,corrtime endif c Add an offset to make all values positive, and convert to nsec corrtime = (corrtime + 3000) * 0.0566 gmisc_dec_data(gmisc_raw_addr2(ihit),gmisc_raw_addr1(ihit)) = $ corrtime c Increment the multiple hit versions of the arrays itrig = gmisc_raw_addr2(ihit) - 10 gep_ntrigs(itrig) = gep_ntrigs(itrig) +1 j = max(1, min(10,gep_ntrigs(itrig))) gep_trigtimes(itrig,j) = corrtime else gmisc_dec_data(gmisc_raw_addr2(ihit),gmisc_raw_addr1(ihit)) = $ gmisc_raw_data(ihit) endif enddo ntrigH1 = nH1 ntrigH2 = nH2 ntrigB = nB return end