subroutine gep_check_bigcal(X_H,Y_H,E_H) implicit none save character*16 here parameter(here='gep_check_bigcal') real X_H,Y_H,E_H include 'gep_data_structures.cmn' include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn' include 'bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn' include 'bigcal_geometry.cmn' include 'bigcal_shower_parms.cmn' integer rowexpect,colexpect,row,col,colcenter,maxcol,cell integer nsearch_y,nsearch_x integer i,j,k integer nbad_near c integer nguessclust,nrealclust integer nclustbefore,nclustafter integer rowbad(10),colbad(10),cellbad(10),imax_bad real eguess_bad(10) real maxebad real xdiff_expect,ydiff_expect c real xmom_expect,ymom_expect c real xroot_predict,yroot_predict c integer bestroot real yedge,xedge ! distance from edge of section real csxp,csyp,csxr,csyr real diffsq,mindiffsq integer bestclstr,cellexpect c$$$ integer ncellclust c$$$ integer cluster_temp_irow(bigcal_clstr_ncell_max) c$$$ integer cluster_temp_icol(bigcal_clstr_ncell_max) c$$$ real cluster_temp_ecell(bigcal_clstr_ncell_max) c$$$ real cluster_temp_xcell(bigcal_clstr_ncell_max) c$$$ real cluster_temp_ycell(bigcal_clstr_ncell_max) c logical fixed_any logical abort character*80 err csxp = bigcal_prot_size_x csyp = bigcal_prot_size_y csxr = bigcal_rcs_size_x csyr = bigcal_rcs_size_y c fixed_any = .false. c write(*,*) 'checking for bad BigCal channels'// c $ 'near the expected electron' yedge = Y_H - bigcal_prot_shift_y if(yedge.le.32.*csyp) then rowexpect = int(yedge/csyp) + 1 else yedge = yedge - 32.*csyp rowexpect = int(yedge/csyr) + 33 endif if( rowexpect = 1 if( rowexpect = 56 if(rowexpect.le.32) then xedge = X_H - bigcal_prot_shift_x colexpect = int(xedge/csxp) + 1 if( colexpect = 1 if( colexpect = 32 cellexpect = colexpect + 32*(rowexpect-1) nsearch_y = nint(3.*gep_sigma_ydiff/csyp) + 2 nsearch_x = nint(3.*gep_sigma_xdiff/csxp) + 2 else xedge = X_H - bigcal_rcs_shift_x colexpect = int(xedge/csxr) + 1 if( colexpect = 1 if( colexpect = 30 cellexpect = colexpect + 30*(rowexpect-33) + 1024 nsearch_y = nint(3.*gep_sigma_ydiff/csyr) + 2 nsearch_x = nint(3.*gep_sigma_xdiff/csxr) + 2 endif xdiff_expect = bigcal_all_xcenter(cellexpect) - X_H ydiff_expect = bigcal_all_ycenter(cellexpect) - Y_H nbad_near = 0 do row=max(rowexpect-nsearch_y,1),min(rowexpect+nsearch_y,56) if(rowexpect.le.32) then if(row.le.32) then colcenter = colexpect maxcol = 32 else colcenter = bigcal_ixclose_prot(colexpect) maxcol = 30 endif else if( then colcenter = colexpect maxcol = 30 else colcenter = bigcal_ixclose_rcs(colexpect) maxcol = 32 endif endif do col=max(colcenter-nsearch_x,1),min(colcenter+nsearch_x,maxcol) if(row.le.32) then cell = col + 32*(row-1) else cell = col + 30*(row-33) + 1024 endif if(bigcal_bad_chan_list(cell)) then nbad_near = nbad_near + 1 if( goto 100 ! probably time to give up well before this ever happens rowbad(nbad_near) = row colbad(nbad_near) = col cellbad(nbad_near) = cell endif enddo enddo c if yes, then check if there are any clusters already in the vicinity: if( then * !write(*,*) '(X_H,Y_H)=(',X_H,', ',Y_H,')' * !write(*,*) '(rowexpect,colexpect)=(',rowexpect,', ', * $ colexpect,')' c guess the energy in each bad channel: * !write(*,*) '(xdiffexpect,ydiffexpect)=(',xdiff_expect,', ', * $ ydiff_expect,')' * !write(*,*) '(nsearch_x,nsearch_y)=(',nsearch_x,', ',nsearch_y, * $ ')' call b_guess_ecell(nbad_near, 10, rowbad, colbad, cellbad,eguess_bad,E_H,X_H,Y_H) bestclstr = 0 do i=1,bigcal_all_nclstr if(rowexpect-nsearch_y .le. bigcal_all_clstr_iymax(i) .and. $ bigcal_all_clstr_iymax(i).le.rowexpect+nsearch_y ) then if(rowexpect .le. 32) then if(bigcal_all_clstr_iymax(i).le.32) then if(colexpect-nsearch_x.le.bigcal_all_clstr_ixmax(i).and. $ bigcal_all_clstr_ixmax(i).le.colexpect + nsearch_x) then diffsq = float(bigcal_all_clstr_ixmax(i)-colexpect)**2 + $ float(bigcal_all_clstr_iymax(i)-rowexpect)**2 if( then mindiffsq = diffsq bestclstr = i endif endif else if(bigcal_ixclose_prot(colexpect)-nsearch_x.le.bigcal_all_clstr_ixmax(i) $ .and. bigcal_all_clstr_ixmax(i).le.bigcal_ixclose_prot(colexpect) $ + nsearch_x) then diffsq = float(bigcal_all_clstr_ixmax(i)-bigcal_ixclose_prot(colexpect))**2 $ + float(bigcal_all_clstr_iymax(i)-rowexpect)**2 if( then mindiffsq = diffsq bestclstr = i endif endif endif else if(bigcal_all_clstr_iymax(i).le.32) then if(bigcal_ixclose_rcs(colexpect)-nsearch_x.le.bigcal_all_clstr_ixmax(i) $ .and. bigcal_all_clstr_ixmax(i).le.bigcal_ixclose_rcs(colexpect) + $ nsearch_x) then diffsq = float(bigcal_all_clstr_ixmax(i)-bigcal_ixclose_rcs(colexpect))**2 $ + float(bigcal_all_clstr_iymax(i)-rowexpect)**2 if( then mindiffsq = diffsq bestclstr = i endif endif else if(colexpect - nsearch_x.le.bigcal_all_clstr_ixmax(i).and. $ bigcal_all_clstr_ixmax(i).le.colexpect + nsearch_x) then diffsq = float(bigcal_all_clstr_ixmax(i)-colexpect)**2 $ + float(bigcal_all_clstr_iymax(i)-rowexpect)**2 if( then mindiffsq = diffsq bestclstr = i endif endif endif endif endif enddo c if there is a cluster near the expected position, try and "fill in the blanks" of any bad c cells in the cluster. If we found a cluster despite a bad channel, then chances are it c already contains a significant fraction of the energy of the cluster. If there is no cluster, c then chances are the maximum should have been in one of the bad channels. if( then if(bigcal_all_clstr_nbadlist(bestclstr).gt.0) then ! try to fill in the blanks: do i=1,bigcal_all_clstr_ncell(bestclstr) if(bigcal_clstr_bad_chan(bestclstr,i)) then do j=1,nbad_near if(rowbad(j).eq.bigcal_all_clstr_iycell(bestclstr,i) $ .and. colbad(j).eq.bigcal_all_clstr_ixcell(bestclstr,i) $ ) then bigcal_all_clstr_ecell(bestclstr,i) = eguess_bad(j) c bigcal_clstr_bad_chan(bestclstr,i) = .false. endif enddo endif enddo c now re-sort the cluster and recalculate important quantities: call b_rebuild_cluster(bestclstr) c fixed_any = .true. endif else * no cluster was found: try to build a cluster around the bad cell with biggest "guessed" amplitude * and see if we find any nearby hits. It OUGHT to be the case that the "good hit" array still contains * the surrounding hits, because the good hit array only gets zeroed if we find a cluster, HOWEVER, it is * also quite possible that the good "detector" array hits around our maximum have been zeroed, so it is * useful here to re-initialize them from the "protvino" and "rcs" detector arrays which don't get zeroed * during the cluster finding. In retrospect it was good to keep those arrays around because they serve to * remember the values of each channel that might get zeroed in the cluster finding which uses the * "all detector" array. do i=1,nbad_near if(eguess_bad(i).gt.maxebad .or. i.eq.1) then maxebad = eguess_bad(i) imax_bad = i endif enddo if( then * initialize the signals in the max. cell and surrounding cells: do row=max(rowbad(imax_bad)-nsearch_y,1),min(rowbad(imax_bad)+nsearch_y,56) if(rowexpect.le.32) then if(row.le.32) then colcenter = colbad(imax_bad) maxcol = 32 else colcenter = bigcal_ixclose_prot(colbad(imax_bad)) maxcol = 30 endif else if( then colcenter = colbad(imax_bad) maxcol = 30 else colcenter = bigcal_ixclose_rcs(colbad(imax_bad)) maxcol = 32 endif endif do col=max(colcenter-nsearch_x,1),min(colcenter+nsearch_x,maxcol) if(row.le.32) then cell = col + 32*(row-1) bigcal_all_good_det(cell) = bigcal_prot_good_det(cell) else cell = col + 30*(row-33) + 1024 bigcal_all_good_det(cell) = bigcal_rcs_good_det(cell-1024) endif enddo enddo bigcal_all_ngood = 1 bigcal_all_iygood(1) = rowbad(imax_bad) bigcal_all_ixgood(1) = colbad(imax_bad) bigcal_all_ecell(1) = maxebad nclustbefore = bigcal_all_nclstr * !write(*,*) 'No cluster near expected electron: '// * $ 'building new cluster around expected max!' call b_find_clusters(bigcal_all_nclstr,bigcal_nmaxima,abort,err) nclustafter = bigcal_all_nclstr call b_calc_shower_coord(abort,err) c for a new cluster we also need to calculate the time if possible. if(bbypass_calc_cluster_time.eq.0) then call b_calc_cluster_time(abort,err) endif c require at least half of the blocks in any new cluster to be real hits if(nclustafter.eq.nclustbefore + 1) then if(bigcal_all_clstr_ncell(nclustafter) - $ bigcal_all_clstr_nbadlist(nclustafter).lt. $ bigcal_all_clstr_ncell(nclustafter)/2) then ! don't include this cluster bigcal_all_nclstr = bigcal_all_nclstr - 1 else c !write(*,*)'built new cluster around expected maximum!' endif endif endif endif endif 100 continue return end