subroutine h_Ntuple_keep(ABORT,err) *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Purpose : Add entry to the HMS Ntuple * * Output: ABORT - success or failure * : err - reason for failure, if any * * Created: 11-Apr-1994 K.B.Beard, Hampton U. * $Log: h_ntuple_keep.f,v $ * Revision 2009/10/27 15:48:41 jones * eliminate duplicate xtar entry * * Revision 2009/09/15 20:53:10 jones * add variables for coin data * * Revision 2009/06/29 20:00:16 jones * add hsxtar * set units for hszbeam,hsytar and hsxtar to cm * * Revision 2008/11/06 14:35:38 cdaq * Removed S0, added helicte * * Revision 2008/10/11 15:03:54 cdaq * slow raster * * Revision 2007/12/12 15:53:53 cdaq * added focal plane time to ntuple * * Revision 2007/10/29 21:59:41 cdaq * Modifications to HMS ntuple for beam raster/bpm information (MKJ) * * Revision 2007/10/28 01:59:24 cdaq * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 2007/10/26 16:48:14 cdaq * Added number of chamber hits to HMS ntuple * * Revision 2007/08/22 19:09:17 frw * added FPP * * Revision 1.11 2006/06/22 frw * added FPP entries * * Revision 1.10 2004/02/17 17:26:34 jones * Changes to enable possiblity of segmenting rzdat files * * Revision 2003/04/04 12:55:11 cdaq * add beam quantities to ntuple (MKJ) * * Revision 1.8 1996/09/04 14:43:17 saw * (JRA) Modify ntuple contents * * Revision 1.7 1996/01/16 17:01:55 cdaq * (JRA) Modify ntuple contents * * Revision 1.6 1995/09/01 13:38:28 cdaq * (JRA) Add Cerenkov photoelectron count to ntuple * * Revision 1.5 1995/05/22 20:50:46 cdaq * (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts" * * Revision 1.4 1995/05/11 17:37:13 cdaq * (SAW) Change HSDEDXn vars to an array. * * Revision 1.3 1995/01/27 20:10:27 cdaq * (JRA) Add Gas cerenkov to ntuple * * Revision 1.2 1994/06/17 02:44:38 cdaq * (KBB) Upgrade * * Revision 1.1 1994/04/12 16:15:21 cdaq * Initial revision * * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none save * character*13 here parameter (here='h_Ntuple_keep') * logical ABORT character*(*) err * INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn' INCLUDE 'hms_scin_parms.cmn' INCLUDE 'h_ntuple.cmn' INCLUDE 'gen_data_structures.cmn' INCLUDE 'gen_event_info.cmn' INCLUDE 'hms_tracking.cmn' INCLUDE 'hms_physics_sing.cmn' INCLUDE 'hms_scin_tof.cmn' INCLUDE 'gen_scalers.cmn' INCLUDE 'hms_track_histid.cmn' !temp junk. INCLUDE 'gep_data_structures.cmn' include 'sane_ntuple.cmn' include 'b_ntuple.cmn' INCLUDE 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn' * logical HEXIST !CERNLIB function * integer m c integer pln,cnt,ihit,nch1,nch2 real s0x1padc,s0x1nadc,s0x2nadc,s0x2padc real s0x1ptdc,s0x1ntdc,s0x2ntdc,s0x2ptdc c real proton_mass parameter ( proton_mass = 0.93827247 ) ! [GeV/c^2] * *-------------------------------------------------------- err= ' ' ABORT = .FALSE. * IF(.NOT.h_Ntuple_exists) RETURN !nothing to do c if (h_Ntuple_max_segmentevents .gt. 0) then if (h_Ntuple_segmentevents .gt. h_Ntuple_max_segmentevents) then call h_ntuple_change(ABORT,err) else h_Ntuple_segmentevents = h_Ntuple_segmentevents +1 endif endif * ************************************************ m= 0 * m= m+1 h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HCER_NPE_SUM ! cerenkov photoelectron spectrum m= m+1 h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSP ! Lab momentum of chosen track in GeV/c m= m+1 h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSENERGY ! Lab total energy of chosen track in GeV m= m+1 h_Ntuple_contents(m)= gbcm1_charge ! Charge of last scaler event m= m+1 h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSDELTA ! Spectrometer delta of chosen track m= m+1 h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSTHETA ! Lab Scattering angle in radians m= m+1 h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSPHI ! Lab Azymuthal angle in radians m= m+1 h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HINVMASS ! Invariant Mass of remaing hadronic system m= m+1 h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSZBEAM*100 ! Lab Z coordinate of intersection of beam c ! track with spectrometer ray m= m+1 h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSDEDX(1) ! DEDX of chosen track in 1st scin plane m= m+1 h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSBETA ! BETA of chosen track m= m+1 h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSTRACK_ET ! Total shower energy of chosen track m= m+1 h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSTRACK_PRESHOWER_E ! preshower of chosen track m= m+1 h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSX_FP ! X focal plane position m= m+1 h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSY_FP m= m+1 h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSXP_FP m= m+1 h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSYP_FP m= m+1 h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSX_TAR*100 m= m+1 h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSY_TAR*100 m= m+1 h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSXP_TAR m= m+1 h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSYP_TAR m= m+1 h_Ntuple_contents(m)= hstart_time m= m+1 h_Ntuple_contents(m)= hstime_at_fp m= m+1 h_Ntuple_contents(m)= float(gen_event_ID_number) m= m+1 h_Ntuple_contents(m)= float(gen_event_type) m= m+1 h_Ntuple_contents(m)= gfry_raw_adc m= m+1 h_Ntuple_contents(m)= gfrx_raw_adc m= m+1 h_Ntuple_contents(m)= gsrx_raw_adc m= m+1 h_Ntuple_contents(m)= gsry_raw_adc m= m+1 h_Ntuple_contents(m)= gsry_calib ! +Y vertical up in beam coordinate system m= m+1 h_Ntuple_contents(m)= gsrx_calib ! X horizontal in beam coordinate system m=m+1 h_ntuple_contents(m) = float(gbeam_helicity) m=m+1 h_ntuple_contents(m) = hbeta_notrk m=m+1 h_ntuple_contents(m) = float(HDC_TOT_HITS) m=m+1 h_ntuple_contents(m) = float(HSNUM_FPTRACK) m=m+1 h_ntuple_contents(m) = float(hscin_tot_hits) m=m+1 h_ntuple_contents(m) = float(hscin_all_tot_hits) m=m+1 h_ntuple_contents(m) = float(hgoodscinhits) nch1 = 0 nch2 = 0 if ( HDC_TOT_HITS .gt. 0) then do ihit=1, HDC_TOT_HITS if ( hdc_plane_num(ihit) .le. 6) nch1 = nch1 + 1 if ( hdc_plane_num(ihit) .gt. 6) nch2 = nch2 + 1 enddo endif m=m+1 h_ntuple_contents(m) = float(nch1) m=m+1 h_ntuple_contents(m) = float(nch2) m=m+1 h_ntuple_contents(m) = hcal_et m=m+1 h_ntuple_contents(m) = dPel_HMS m=m+1 h_ntuple_contents(m) = X_HMS m=m+1 h_ntuple_contents(m) = Y_HMS m=m+1 h_ntuple_contents(m) = E_HMS m=m+1 h_ntuple_contents(m) = xclust(bigcal_itrack_best) m=m+1 h_ntuple_contents(m) = yclust(bigcal_itrack_best) m=m+1 h_ntuple_contents(m) = eclust(bigcal_itrack_best) m=m+1 h_ntuple_contents(m) = xcal_hexpect_B0 m=m+1 h_ntuple_contents(m) = ycal_hexpect_B0 m=m+1 h_ntuple_contents(m) = xdiff_shift m=m+1 h_ntuple_contents(m) = ydiff_shift m=m+1 h_ntuple_contents(m) = EprimeMeV m=m+1 h_ntuple_contents(m) = nclust m=m+1 h_ntuple_contents(m) = bigcal_all_nclstr m=m+1 h_ntuple_contents(m) = hstubs c m=m+1 c h_ntuple_contents(m) = hz_tar*100 c write(6,'(i8,3f8.1)')gbeam_helicity, c > h_ntuple_contents(m),float(gbeam_helicity), c > h_ntuple_contents(m-1) * Experiment dependent entries start here. * Fill ntuple for this event ABORT= .NOT.HEXIST(h_Ntuple_ID) IF(ABORT) THEN call G_build_note(':Ntuple ID#$ does not exist', & '$',h_Ntuple_ID,' ',0.,' ',err) call G_add_path(here,err) ELSE call HFN(h_Ntuple_ID,h_Ntuple_contents) ENDIF * RETURN END