subroutine s_ntuple_change(ABORT,err) *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * closes one HMS Ntuple file and opens another * * Purpose : switching from one file to the next * * Output: ABORT - success or failure * : err - reason for failure, if any * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none save character*15 here parameter (here='s_ntuple_change') logical ABORT character*(*) err INCLUDE 's_ntuple.cmn' include 'gen_run_info.cmn' character*1 ifile character*80 file character*1000 pat integer*4 ilo,fn_len * functions integer g_important_length *-------------------------------------------------------- call s_ntuple_close(ABORT,err) if (s_ntuple_exists) then ABORT = .true. endif call NO_nulls(s_ntuple_file) !replace null characters with blanks file= s_ntuple_file call NO_nulls(file) !replace null characters with blanks call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number) s_ntuple_filesegments = s_ntuple_filesegments + 1 if (s_ntuple_filesegments .le. 9) then ifile = char(ichar('0')+s_ntuple_filesegments) else ifile = char(ichar('a')+s_ntuple_filesegments-10) endif fn_len = g_important_length(file) ilo=index(file,'.hbook') if ((ilo.le.1).or.( then ilo=index(file,'.rzdat') endif if (( then file = file(1:ilo-1) // '.' // ifile // file(ilo:fn_len) else ABORT = .true. endif IF (.not.ABORT) call s_ntuple_open(file,ABORT,err) IF(ABORT) THEN err= ':unable to change SOS Ntuple file segment' call G_add_path(here,err) ELSE pat= ':changed SOS Ntuple file segment' call G_add_path(here,pat) call G_log_message('INFO: '//pat) ENDIF RETURN END