SUBROUTINE H_AERO(ABORT,err) *- * $Log: h_aero.f,v $ * Revision 2008/10/08 17:23:14 cdaq * updated for F1 TDC * * Revision 2007/09/10 20:28:00 pcarter * Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX * * Revision 1.4 2004/02/27 14:35:20 jones * Summed npe is incremented for all pmts regardless of whether they are * above or below the pedestal. Summing only pmts above the pedestal results * in an incorrect Summed npe for low beta particles. Consult the Fpi-2 * calibration notes for details. ( G. Huber) * * Revision 1.3 2004/02/02 19:23:55 jones * 1) When filling haero_adc_pos_hits,haero_tot_good_hits,haero_adc_neg_hits * changed cut on npe from 0.1 to 0.3 . * 2) When filling haero_npe_sum changed cut on npe_sum from 0.1 to 0.5 * * Revision 1.2 2003/09/05 16:48:01 jones * Merge in online03 changes (mkj) * * Revision 2003/07/28 18:01:38 cdaq * Use haero_new_ped_pos and haero_new_ped_neg instead of aero_new_threshold_neg * and haero_new_threshold_pos in IF statement (mkj) * * Revision 2003/07/18 18:22:49 cdaq * Fix bug that haero_adc_neg was compared to instead * of haero_new_threshold_neg (Vardan) * * Revision 2003/04/15 21:47:35 cdaq * Changed ind to ihit for better readability * add checks on haero_npe_sum (MKJ) * * Revision 2003/04/09 02:46:11 cdaq * Update variable names for the thresholds to match the modified common block * * Revision 2003/04/06 06:20:40 cdaq * updated variables for haero, cleaned up a few of the tests * * Revision 1.1 2002/12/20 21:54:29 jones * New files by Hamlet for new HMS aerogel * * * Revision 1.1 2002/10/21 (Hamlet) * Initial revision * *-------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE SAVE * character*8 here parameter (here= 'H_AERO') * logical ABORT character*(*) err * integer*4 ihit,npmt,rawtime,corrtime * INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn' INCLUDE 'hms_pedestals.cmn' INCLUDE 'hms_aero_parms.cmn' * *-------------------------------------------------------- * c print*,'h_aero: haero_pos_gain =',haero_pos_gain c print*,'h_aero: haero_neg_gain =',haero_neg_gain c pause ABORT= .FALSE. err= ' ' haero_neg_npe_sum = 0.0 haero_pos_npe_sum = 0.0 haero_npe_sum = 0.0 *** aero_pos = 0.0 !not in use any more *** aero_neg = 0.0 !not in use any more *** aero_tot = 0.0 !not in use any more haero_tot_good_hits = 0 haero_adc_pos_hits = 0 haero_adc_neg_hits = 0 haero_tdc_pos_hits = 0 haero_tdc_neg_hits = 0 do ihit = 1,hmax_aero_hits haero_pos_npe(ihit)=0. haero_neg_npe(ihit)=0. enddo ! Correct for trigger time. ! If NOT using F1 TDC's, comment this section out do ihit = 1,haero_tot_hits npmt=haero_pair_num(ihit) rawtime = haero_tdc_pos(npmt) if( then call CORRECT_RAW_TIME_HMS(rawtime,corrtime) haero_tdc_pos(npmt) = corrtime endif rawtime = haero_tdc_neg(npmt) if( then call CORRECT_RAW_TIME_HMS(rawtime,corrtime) haero_tdc_neg(npmt) = corrtime endif enddo do ihit = 1,haero_tot_hits * pedestal subtraction and gain adjustment * An ADC value of less than zero occurs when that particular * channel has been sparsified away and has not been read. * The NPE for that tube will be assigned zero by this code. * An ADC value of greater than 8192 occurs when the ADC overflows on * an input that is too large. Tubes with this characteristic will * be assigned NPE = 100.0. npmt=haero_pair_num(ihit) if (haero_adc_pos(ihit).lt.8000.) then haero_pos_npe(npmt) = haero_pos_gain(npmt) * & (haero_adc_pos(ihit)-haero_pos_ped_mean(npmt)) else haero_pos_npe(npmt) = 100. endif if (haero_adc_neg(ihit).lt.8000.) then haero_neg_npe(npmt) = haero_neg_gain(npmt) * & (haero_adc_neg(ihit)-haero_neg_ped_mean(npmt)) else haero_neg_npe(npmt) = 100. endif c haero_pos_npe_sum = haero_pos_npe_sum + haero_pos_npe(npmt) haero_neg_npe_sum = haero_neg_npe_sum + haero_neg_npe(npmt) * * * sum positive and negative hits * To fill haero_tot_good_hits if (haero_pos_npe(npmt).ge.0.3) then haero_adc_pos_hits = haero_adc_pos_hits + 1 haero_tot_good_hits = haero_tot_good_hits + 1 endif if (haero_neg_npe(npmt).ge.0.3) then haero_adc_neg_hits = haero_adc_neg_hits + 1 haero_tot_good_hits = haero_tot_good_hits + 1 endif if (haero_tdc_pos(npmt).ge.0.and.haero_tdc_pos(npmt).le.8000.) & haero_tdc_pos_hits = haero_tdc_pos_hits + 1 if (haero_tdc_neg(npmt).ge.0.and.haero_tdc_neg(npmt).le.8000.) & haero_tdc_neg_hits = haero_tdc_neg_hits + 1 enddo if ( then haero_npe_sum = haero_neg_npe_sum + haero_pos_npe_sum else haero_npe_sum = 0.0 endif * If the total hits are 0, then give a noticable ridiculous NPE. if ( then haero_npe_sum=0.0 endif * Next, fill the rawadc variables with the actual tube values * mainly for diagnostic purposes. do ihit=1,haero_tot_hits npmt=haero_pair_num(ihit) haero_rawadc_pos(npmt)=haero_adc_pos(ihit) aero_ep(npmt)=haero_rawadc_pos(ihit) haero_rawadc_neg(npmt)=haero_adc_neg(ihit) aero_en(npmt)=haero_rawadc_neg(ihit) haero_rawtdc_neg(npmt)=haero_tdc_neg(ihit) aero_tn(npmt)= haero_tdc_neg(ihit) haero_rawtdc_pos(npmt)=haero_tdc_pos(ihit) aero_tp(npmt)= haero_tdc_pos(ihit) enddo return end