subroutine h_calc_pedestal(ABORT,err) * * $Log: h_calc_pedestal.f,v $ * Revision 1.14 2003/09/05 16:56:59 jones * Merge in online03 changes (mkj) * * Revision 2003/07/28 17:59:01 cdaq * Force h_aero_new_threshold_neg and pos to be 400. (mkj) * * Revision 2003/07/18 18:24:49 cdaq * Eliminate forced setting of haero_new_threshold_pos(pmt) = 400. and * use haero_new_ped_pos(pmt)+15. (Vardan) * * Revision 2003/04/16 12:10:27 cdaq * Modified max(1.,haero_pos_ped_num(pmt)) to max(1.,float(haero_pos_ped_num(pmt))) * and same for haero_neg_ped_num to compile on the Alpha machine (EB) * * Revision 2003/04/09 16:56:40 cdaq * Modified to force haero_new_threshold_neg = 400 and pos = 400 (MKJ) * * Revision 2003/04/09 02:45:33 cdaq * hardwire gas cerenkov thresholds to zero * * Revision 2003/04/06 06:21:28 cdaq * Added (hardwired) output of beamline ADC thresholds and automatic output of aerogel pedestals * * Revision 1.13 2002/12/20 21:53:32 jones * Modified by Hamlet for new HMS aerogel * * Revision 1.13 2002/09/24 * (Hamlet) Add Aerogel * * Revision 1.12 1999/02/23 18:36:12 csa * (JRA) Cleanup * * Revision 1.11 1999/02/03 21:13:23 saw * Code for new Shower counter tubes * * Revision 1.10 1998/12/17 22:02:38 saw * Support extra set of tubes on HMS shower counter * * Revision 1.9 1996/08/30 19:53:01 saw * (JRA) Up thresholds from 10 channels to 15 chans above pedestal * * Revision 1.8 1996/01/24 15:56:28 saw * (JRA) Cleanup * * Revision 1.7 1996/01/16 21:44:03 cdaq * (JRA) Improve Gas Cerenkov pedestals, add misc pedestals, write results to file. * * Revision 1.6 1995/10/09 20:12:10 cdaq * (JRA) Note pedestals that differ by 2 sigma from parameter file * * Revision 1.5 1995/08/31 14:58:48 cdaq * (JRA) Change threshold limits * * Revision 1.4 1995/07/19 18:09:51 cdaq * (JRA) Cleanup statistics calculations * * Revision 1.3 1995/05/22 19:39:06 cdaq * (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts" * * Revision 1.2 1995/05/17 13:56:54 cdaq * (JRA) Float integer accumulators before arithmetic * * Revision 1.1 1995/04/01 19:36:25 cdaq * Initial revision * implicit none save * character*18 here parameter (here='h_calc_pedestal') * logical ABORT character*(*) err * integer*4 pln,cnt integer*4 blk integer*4 pmt integer*4 imisc integer*4 ind,ihit integer*4 roc,slot integer*4 signalcount real*4 sig2 real*4 num ! character*132 file * INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn' INCLUDE 'hms_pedestals.cmn' INCLUDE 'hms_scin_parms.cmn' INCLUDE 'hms_calorimeter.cmn' INCLUDE 'hms_cer_parms.cmn' INCLUDE 'hms_filenames.cmn' INCLUDE 'gen_run_info.cmn' INCLUDE 'hms_aero_parms.cmn' * integer SPAREID parameter (SPAREID=67) * * HODOSCOPE PEDESTALS * ind = 0 do pln = 1 , hnum_scin_planes do cnt = 1 , hnum_scin_counters(pln) *calculate new pedestal values, positive tubes first. num=max(1.,float(hhodo_pos_ped_num(pln,cnt))) hhodo_new_ped_pos(pln,cnt) = float(hhodo_pos_ped_sum(pln,cnt)) / num sig2 = float(hhodo_pos_ped_sum2(pln,cnt))/num - & hhodo_new_ped_pos(pln,cnt)**2 hhodo_new_sig_pos(pln,cnt) = sqrt(max(0.,sig2)) hhodo_new_threshold_pos(pln,cnt)=hhodo_new_ped_pos(pln,cnt)+15. *note channels with 2 sigma difference from paramter file values. if (abs(hscin_all_ped_pos(pln,cnt)-hhodo_new_ped_pos(pln,cnt)) & .ge.(2.*hhodo_new_sig_pos(pln,cnt))) then ind = ind + 1 !final value of 'ind' is saved at end of loop hhodo_changed_plane(ind)=pln hhodo_changed_element(ind)=cnt hhodo_changed_sign(ind)= 1 !1=pos,2=neg. hhodo_ped_change(ind) = hhodo_new_ped_pos(pln,cnt) - & hscin_all_ped_pos(pln,cnt) endif !large pedestal change *replace old peds (from param file) with calculated pedestals if ( .and. then hscin_all_ped_pos(pln,cnt)=hhodo_new_ped_pos(pln,cnt) endif *do it all again for negative tubes. num=max(1.,float(hhodo_neg_ped_num(pln,cnt))) hhodo_new_ped_neg(pln,cnt) = float(hhodo_neg_ped_sum(pln,cnt)) / num sig2 = float(hhodo_neg_ped_sum2(pln,cnt))/num - $ hhodo_new_ped_neg(pln,cnt)**2 hhodo_new_sig_neg(pln,cnt) = sqrt(max(0.,sig2)) hhodo_new_threshold_neg(pln,cnt)=hhodo_new_ped_neg(pln,cnt)+15. if (abs(hscin_all_ped_neg(pln,cnt)-hhodo_new_ped_neg(pln,cnt)) & .ge.(2.*hhodo_new_sig_neg(pln,cnt))) then ind = ind + 1 hhodo_changed_plane(ind)=pln hhodo_changed_element(ind)=cnt hhodo_changed_sign(ind)= 2 !1=pos, 2=neg. hhodo_ped_change(ind) = hhodo_new_ped_neg(pln,cnt) - & hscin_all_ped_neg(pln,cnt) endif !large pedestal change if ( .and. then hscin_all_ped_neg(pln,cnt)=hhodo_new_ped_neg(pln,cnt) endif enddo !counters enddo !planes hhodo_num_ped_changes = ind * * CALORIMETER PEDESTALS * ind = 0 do blk = 1 , hmax_cal_blocks * calculate new pedestal values, positive tubes first. num=max(1.,float(hcal_pos_ped_num(blk))) hcal_new_ped_pos(blk)=hcal_pos_ped_sum(blk)/num sig2 = float(hcal_pos_ped_sum2(blk))/num - hcal_new_ped_pos(blk)**2 hcal_new_rms_pos(blk)=sqrt(max(0.,sig2)) hcal_new_adc_threshold_pos(blk)=hcal_new_ped_pos(blk)+15. if (abs(hcal_pos_ped_mean(blk)-hcal_new_ped_pos(blk)) & .ge.(2.*hcal_new_rms_pos(blk))) then ind = ind + 1 hcal_changed_block(ind)=blk hcal_changed_sign(ind)=1 ! 1=pos,2=neg. hcal_ped_change(ind)=hcal_new_ped_pos(blk)- & hcal_pos_ped_mean(blk) endif if ( .and. then hcal_pos_ped_mean(blk)=hcal_new_ped_pos(blk) hcal_pos_ped_rms(blk)=hcal_new_rms_pos(blk) hcal_pos_threshold(blk)=min(50.,max(10.,3.*hcal_new_rms_pos(blk))) endif *do it all again for negative tubes. num=max(1.,float(hcal_neg_ped_num(blk))) hcal_new_ped_neg(blk)=hcal_neg_ped_sum(blk)/num sig2 = float(hcal_neg_ped_sum2(blk))/num-hcal_new_ped_neg(blk)**2 hcal_new_rms_neg(blk)=sqrt(max(0.,sig2)) hcal_new_adc_threshold_neg(blk)=hcal_new_ped_neg(blk)+15. if (abs(hcal_neg_ped_mean(blk)-hcal_new_ped_neg(blk)) & .ge.(2.*hcal_new_rms_neg(blk))) then ind = ind + 1 hcal_changed_block(ind)=blk hcal_changed_sign(ind)=2 ! 1=pos,2=neg. hcal_ped_change(ind)=hcal_new_ped_neg(blk)- & hcal_neg_ped_mean(blk) endif if ( .and. then hcal_neg_ped_mean(blk)=hcal_new_ped_neg(blk) hcal_neg_ped_rms(blk)=hcal_new_rms_neg(blk) hcal_neg_threshold(blk)=min(50.,max(10.,3.*hcal_new_rms_neg(blk))) endif enddo hcal_num_ped_changes = ind * * GAS CERENKOV PEDESTALS * ind = 0 do pmt = 1 , hmax_cer_hits num=max(1.,float(hcer_ped_num(pmt))) hcer_new_ped(pmt) = float(hcer_ped_sum(pmt)) / num sig2 = float(hcer_ped_sum2(pmt))/ num - hcer_new_ped(pmt)**2 hcer_new_rms(pmt) = sqrt(max(0.,sig2)) hcer_new_adc_threshold(pmt)=hcer_new_ped(pmt)+15. if (abs(hcer_ped(pmt)-hcer_new_ped(pmt)) & .ge.(2.*hcer_new_rms(pmt))) then ind = ind + 1 hcer_changed_tube(ind)=pmt hcer_ped_change(ind)=hcer_new_ped(pmt)-hcer_ped(pmt) endif if ( .and. then hcer_ped(pmt)=hcer_new_ped(pmt) hcer_ped_rms(pmt)=hcer_new_rms(pmt) endif enddo hcer_num_ped_changes = ind *........................................................................ * * * AEROGEL CERENKOV PEDESTALS * * ind = 0 do pmt = 1 , hmax_aero_hits *calculate new pedestal values, positive tubes first num=max(1.,float(haero_pos_ped_num(pmt))) haero_new_ped_pos(pmt) = float(haero_pos_ped_sum(pmt)) / num sig2 = float(haero_pos_ped_sum2(pmt))/num - & haero_new_ped_pos(pmt)**2 haero_new_rms_pos(pmt) = sqrt(max(0.,sig2)) haero_new_threshold_pos(pmt) = haero_new_ped_pos(pmt)+15. c haero_new_threshold_pos(pmt) = 400. ! mkj 4/9/03 force to 400 c *note channels with 2 sigma difference from parameter file values. * JRA - don't have the necessary variables (e.g. haero_all_ped_pos), * and as far as I can tell, this code doesn't work for any detector, * since the h*_all_ped* variables are not filled as far as I can tell *replace old peds with calculated peds if ( .and. then haero_pos_ped_mean(pmt) = haero_new_ped_pos(pmt) haero_pos_ped_rms(pmt) = haero_new_rms_pos(pmt) endif *do it all again for negative tubes. num=max(1.,float(haero_neg_ped_num(pmt))) haero_new_ped_neg(pmt) = float(haero_neg_ped_sum(pmt)) / num sig2 = float(haero_neg_ped_sum2(pmt))/num - & haero_new_ped_neg(pmt)**2 haero_new_rms_neg(pmt) = sqrt(max(0.,sig2)) haero_new_threshold_neg(pmt) = haero_new_ped_neg(pmt)+15. c haero_new_threshold_neg(pmt) = 400. ! mkj 4/9/03 force to 400 if ( .and. then haero_neg_ped_mean(pmt) = haero_new_ped_neg(pmt) haero_neg_ped_rms(pmt) = haero_new_rms_neg(pmt) endif enddo * print *, ' ' * print *, 'haero_pos_ped_mean =', haero_neg_ped_mean * print *, ' ' * print *, 'haero_neg_ped_mean =', haero_pos_ped_mean * print *, ' ' * print *, 'haero_pos_adc_threshold =', haero_new_threshold_pos * print *, ' ' * print *, 'haero_neg_adc_threshold =', haero_new_threshold_neg * print *, ' ' *......................................................................... * * MISC. PEDESTALS * ind = 0 do ihit = 1 , hmax_misc_hits if (hmisc_raw_addr1(ihit).eq.2) then ! ADC data. imisc = hmisc_raw_addr2(ihit) num=max(1.,float(hmisc_ped_num(imisc))) hmisc_new_ped(imisc) = float(hmisc_ped_sum(imisc)) / num sig2 = float(hmisc_ped_sum2(imisc))/ num - hmisc_new_ped(imisc)**2 hmisc_new_rms(imisc) = sqrt(max(0.,sig2)) hmisc_new_adc_threshold(imisc)=hmisc_new_ped(imisc)+15. if (abs(hmisc_ped(imisc)-hmisc_new_ped(imisc)) & .ge.(2.*hmisc_new_rms(imisc))) then ind = ind + 1 hmisc_changed_tube(ind)=imisc hmisc_ped_change(ind)=hmisc_new_ped(imisc)-hmisc_ped(imisc) endif if ( .and. then hmisc_ped(imisc)=hmisc_new_ped(imisc) hmisc_ped_rms(imisc)=hmisc_new_rms(imisc) endif endif !chose ADC hits. enddo hmisc_num_ped_changes = ind * * * WRITE THRESHOLDS TO FILE FOR HARDWARE SPARCIFICATION * if (' ') then * file opened in g_calc_beam_pedestal.f -- if needed ! file=h_threshold_output_filename ! call g_sub_run_number(file, gen_run_number) ! open(unit=SPAREID,file=file,status='unknown') write(SPAREID,*) '# This is the ADC threshold file generated automatically' write(SPAREID,*) '# from the pedestal data from run number ',gen_run_number write(SPAREID,*) '# Slot 13 (beamline stuff) is hardwired in h_calc_pedestal.f' write(SPAREID,*) 'slot= 13' do ind=1,16 write(SPAREID,*) ' 0' !BPM and raster stuff (4blank,2x4BPM,4raster) enddo do ind=17,20 write(SPAREID,*) ' 0' !?? "Paul Gueye" cable (4BPM) enddo do ind=21,32 write(SPAREID,*) ' 4000' !empty enddo do ind=33,64 write(SPAREID,*) ' 4000' enddo roc=1 slot=1 signalcount=2 write(SPAREID,*) 'slot=',slot call g_output_thresholds(SPAREID,roc,slot,signalcount,hmax_cal_rows, & hcal_new_adc_threshold_pos,hcal_new_adc_threshold_neg, & hcal_new_rms_pos,hcal_new_rms_neg) * * JRA - 4/8/03 - Gaskell says he want's unsparsified gas cerernkov for * the '03 running: slot=3 write(SPAREID,*) 'slot=',slot do ind=1,2 write(SPAREID,'(a6)') ' 0' enddo do ind=3,64 write(SPAREID,'(a6)') ' 4000' enddo * slot=3 * signalcount=1 * write(SPAREID,*) 'slot=',slot * call g_output_thresholds(SPAREID,roc,slot,signalcount,hmax_cer_hits, * & hcer_new_adc_threshold,0,hcer_new_rms,0) slot=5 signalcount=2 write(SPAREID,*) 'slot=',slot call g_output_thresholds(SPAREID,roc,slot,signalcount,hmax_cal_rows, & hcal_new_adc_threshold_pos,hcal_new_adc_threshold_neg, & hcal_new_rms_pos,hcal_new_rms_neg) slot=7 signalcount=2 write(SPAREID,*) 'slot=',slot call g_output_thresholds(SPAREID,roc,slot,signalcount,hnum_scin_planes, & hhodo_new_threshold_pos,hhodo_new_threshold_neg,hhodo_new_sig_pos, & hhodo_new_sig_neg) slot=9 signalcount=2 write(SPAREID,*) 'slot=',slot call g_output_thresholds(SPAREID,roc,slot,signalcount,hnum_scin_planes, & hhodo_new_threshold_pos,hhodo_new_threshold_neg,hhodo_new_sig_pos, & hhodo_new_sig_neg) slot=11 signalcount=1 write(SPAREID,*) 'slot=',slot call g_output_thresholds(SPAREID,roc,slot,signalcount,hmax_aero_hits, & haero_new_threshold_pos,haero_new_threshold_neg,haero_pos_ped_rms, & haero_neg_ped_rms) close(unit=SPAREID) endif return end