SUBROUTINE h_fill_fpp(ABORT,err) *-------------------------------------------------------- * Hall C HMS Focal Plane Polarimeter Code * * Purpose: fill FPP histograms * histogram IDs are from common block in file * hms_id_histid.cmn and assigned in h_init_histid * * Created by Frank R. Wesselmann, February 2004 * *-------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn' INCLUDE 'hms_id_histid.cmn' include 'gen_detectorids.par' include 'gen_decode_common.cmn' INCLUDE 'hms_fpp_params.cmn' INCLUDE 'hms_fpp_event.cmn' INCLUDE 'hms_geometry.cmn' INCLUDE 'hms_statistics.cmn' character*10 here parameter (here= 'h_fill_fpp') integer*4 rad2deg parameter (rad2deg=57.29578) logical ABORT character*(*) err integer*4 DCset,iChamber,iLayer,iPlane,iWire,iHit,hit2,tdc,iTrack integer*4 iCluster, Nraw, iRaw,hid,hid1,hid2, iROC, ii real*4 dist,time, istat ABORT= .FALSE. err= ' ' * * check if we have any work to do if (HFPP_raw_tot_hits .le. 0) RETURN * * for each ROC, histogram TDC value of trigger reference hid = hidFPP_tdcROC do ii=0,G_DECODE_MAXROCS iROC = HFPP_my_ROCs(ii) if ( EXIT !end of list call hf2(hid,float(iROC),float(HFPP_trigger_TDC(iROC)),1.) enddo !ii * * for each plane, histogram all TDC values seen do iHit=1, HFPP_raw_tot_hits iPlane = HFPP_raw_plane(iHit) iWire = HFPP_raw_wire(iHit) tdc = HFPP_raw_TDC(iHit) if (iPlane.le.H_FPP_N_PLANES) then hid = hidFPP_tdc(iPlane) call hf2(hid,float(tdc),float(iWire),1.) endif enddo * * for each plane, wire, histogram all hit times seen do iHit=1, HFPP_raw_tot_hits iPlane = HFPP_raw_plane(iHit) iWire = HFPP_raw_wire(iHit) time = HFPP_HitTime(iHit) if (iPlane.le.H_FPP_N_PLANES) then hid = hidFPP_alltimes(iPlane) call hf2(hid,time,float(iWire),1.) endif enddo * * for each plane, wire, histogram times of first hit seen do iPlane=1,H_FPP_N_PLANES hid1 = hidFPP_planetime(iPlane) hid2 = hidFPP_time1(iPlane) do iWire=1,HFPP_Nwires(iPlane) iHit = HFPP_hit1idx(iPlane,iWire) if ( then time = HFPP_HitTime(iHit) call hf1(hid1,time,1.) call hf2(hid2,time,float(iWire),1.) endif enddo enddo * * for each plane, wire, histogram time difference between 1st and 2nd hit seen do iPlane=1,H_FPP_N_PLANES do iWire=1,HFPP_Nwires(iPlane) hit2 = HFPP_hit2idx(iPlane,iWire) if ( then iHit = HFPP_hit1idx(iPlane,iWire) time = HFPP_HitTime(hit2) - HFPP_HitTime(iHit) hid = hidFPP_time12(iPlane) call hf2(hid,time,float(iWire),1.) endif enddo enddo * * for each plane, wire, histogram size of clusters do DCset=1,H_FPP_N_DCSETS do iChamber=1,H_FPP_N_DCINSET do iLayer=1,H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS iPlane = H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS * H_FPP_N_DCINSET * (DCset-1) > + H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS * (iChamber-1) > + iLayer hid1 = hidFPP_rawinclust(iPlane) hid2 = hidFPP_rate1(iPlane) do iCluster=1,HFPP_nClusters(DCset,iChamber,iLayer) Nraw = HFPP_nHitsinCluster(DCset,iChamber,iLayer,iCluster) call hf1(hid1,float(Nraw),1.) !number of raw in cluster do iRaw=1,Nraw iHit = HFPP_Clusters(DCset,iChamber,iLayer,iCluster,iRaw) iWire = HFPP_raw_wire(iHit) call hf1(hid2,float(iWire),1.) !hit rate per wire enddo !iRaw enddo !iCluster enddo !iLayer enddo !iChamber enddo !DCset * * for each DCset,iChamber,iLayer, histogram in-layer distance betw hit wires and HMS track do DCset=1,H_FPP_N_DCSETS do iChamber=1,H_FPP_N_DCINSET do iLayer=1,H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS hid = hid_HMSwire(DCset,iChamber,iLayer) if (HFPP_nClusters(DCset,iChamber,iLayer).gt.0) then do iCluster=1,HFPP_nClusters(DCset,iChamber,iLayer) do iHit=1,HFPP_nHitsinCluster(DCset,iChamber,iLayer,iCluster) iRaw = HFPP_Clusters(DCset,iChamber,iLayer,iCluster,iHit) iWire = HFPP_raw_wire(iRaw) dist = HFPP_dHMS(DCset,iChamber,iLayer,iCluster,iHit) call hf2(hid,dist,float(iWire),1.) enddo !iHit enddo !iCluster endif enddo !iLayer enddo !iChamber enddo !DCset * * for each DCset,iChamber,iLayer, histogram drift distances do DCset=1,H_FPP_N_DCSETS do iChamber=1,H_FPP_N_DCINSET do iLayer=1,H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS iPlane = H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS * H_FPP_N_DCINSET * (DCset-1) > + H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS * (iChamber-1) > + iLayer hid1 = hidFPP_driftT(DCset,iChamber,iLayer) hid2 = hidFPP_driftX(DCset,iChamber,iLayer) if (HFPP_nClusters(DCset,iChamber,iLayer).gt.0) then do iCluster=1,HFPP_nClusters(DCset,iChamber,iLayer) do iHit=1,HFPP_nHitsinCluster(DCset,iChamber,iLayer,iCluster) iRaw = HFPP_Clusters(DCset,iChamber,iLayer,iCluster,iHit) iWire = HFPP_raw_wire(iRaw) time = HFPP_drift_time(DCset,iChamber,iLayer,iWire) dist = HFPP_drift_dist(DCset,iChamber,iLayer,iWire) call hf2(hid1,time,float(iWire),1.) call hf2(hid2,dist,float(iWire),1.) enddo !iHit enddo !iCluster endif enddo !iLayer enddo !iChamber enddo !DCset * * for each DCset, histogram simple (Nick's) efficiency: * * if 5+ layers of set have hit, mark all layers (in) efficient * * if the do (not) have a hit do DCset=1,H_FPP_N_DCSETS if (HFPP_Nlayershit_set(DCset).ge.(H_FPP_N_DCINSET*H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS-1)) then hid = hidFPP_NickEff(DCset) do iChamber=1,H_FPP_N_DCINSET do iLayer=1,H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS iPlane = H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS * H_FPP_N_DCINSET * (DCset-1) > + H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS * (iChamber-1) > + iLayer ii = H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS * (iChamber-1) > + iLayer if (HFPP_N_planehits(iPlane) .gt. 0) then call hf1(hid,float(ii),1.) else call hf1(hid,float(ii),0.) endif enddo !iLayer enddo !iChamber endif enddo !DCset * * for each DCset,iChamber,iLayer, histogram expected hits and actual do DCset=1,H_FPP_N_DCSETS do iChamber=1,H_FPP_N_DCINSET do iLayer=1,H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS hid1 = hidFPP_should(DCset,iChamber,iLayer) hid2 = hidFPP_did(DCset,iChamber,iLayer) do iTrack=1,HFPP_N_tracks(DCset) iWire = HFPP_stat_shouldhit(DCset,iChamber,iLayer,iTrack) if (HFPP_stat_diddhit(DCset,iChamber,iLayer,iTrack)) then istat = 1.0 else istat = 0.0 endif call hf1(hid1,float(iWire),1.) ! expected hit frequency call hf1(hid2,float(iWire),istat) ! hit efficiency enddo !iTrack enddo !iLayer enddo !iChamber enddo !DCset * * for each DCset,iChamber,iLayer, histogram min distance betw hits and track do DCset=1,H_FPP_N_DCSETS hid = hidFPP_dist(DCset) do iChamber=1,H_FPP_N_DCINSET do iLayer=1,H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS ii = H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS * (iChamber-1) + iLayer do iTrack=1,HFPP_N_tracks(DCset) dist = HFPP_stat_dist2closest(DCset,iChamber,iLayer,iTrack) call hf2(hid,float(ii),dist,1.) enddo !iTrack enddo !iLayer enddo !iChamber enddo !DCset * * for each DCset,iChamber,iLayer, histogram linear and angular resolutions if ( then do DCset=1,H_FPP_N_DCSETS hid1 = hidFPP_resol_lin(DCset) hid2 = hidFPP_resol_ang(DCset) do iChamber=1,H_FPP_N_DCINSET do iLayer=1,H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS ii = H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS * (iChamber-1) + iLayer do iTrack=1,HFPP_N_tracks(DCset) call hf2(hid1,float(ii),HFPP_track_resolution(DCset,iChamber,iLayer,iTrack),1.) call hf2(hid2,float(ii),HFPP_track_angresol(DCset,iChamber,iLayer,iTrack),1.) enddo !iTrack enddo !iLayer enddo !iChamber enddo !DCset endif * * for each track in each set, track chi**2, mx,bx,my,by, # hits, HFPP_track_fine, * * sclose,zclose,theta,phi do DCset=1,H_FPP_N_DCSETS call hf1(hidFPP_Ntrk(DCset),float(HFPP_N_tracks(DCset)),1.) do iTrack=1,HFPP_N_tracks(DCset) call hf1(hidFPP_Nhitontrk(DCset),float(HFPP_track_Nlayers(DCset,iTrack)),1.) call hf1(hidFPP_Nrawontrk(DCset),float(HFPP_track_Nhits(DCset,iTrack)),1.) call hf1(hidFPP_trk_chi2(DCset),HFPP_track_chi2(DCset,iTrack),1.) call hf1(hidFPP_trk_mx(DCset),HFPP_track_dx(DCset,iTrack),1.) !fp coords call hf1(hidFPP_trk_bx(DCset),HFPP_track_x(DCset,iTrack),1.) call hf1(hidFPP_trk_my(DCset),HFPP_track_dy(DCset,iTrack),1.) call hf1(hidFPP_trk_by(DCset),HFPP_track_y(DCset,iTrack),1.) call hf1(hidFPP_fine_mx(DCset),HFPP_track_fine(DCset,iTrack,1),1.) !chamber coords call hf1(hidFPP_fine_bx(DCset),HFPP_track_fine(DCset,iTrack,2),1.) call hf1(hidFPP_fine_my(DCset),HFPP_track_fine(DCset,iTrack,3),1.) call hf1(hidFPP_fine_by(DCset),HFPP_track_fine(DCset,iTrack,4),1.) call hf1(hidFPP_sclose(DCset),HFPP_track_sclose(DCset,iTrack),1.) call hf1(hidFPP_zclose(DCset),HFPP_track_zclose(DCset,iTrack),1.) call hf1(hidFPP_thetapol(DCset),HFPP_track_theta(DCset,iTrack),1.) call hf1(hidFPP_phipol(DCset),HFPP_track_phi(DCset,iTrack),1.) enddo !iTrack enddo !DCset RETURN END