subroutine H_GENERATE_GEOMETRY * * This subroutine reads in the wire plane parameters and fills all the * geometrical constants used in Track Fitting for the HMS spectrometer * The constants are stored in hms_geometry.cmn * * d.f. geesaman 2 Sept 1993 * modified 14 feb 1994 for CTP input. * Change HPLANE_PARAM to individual arrays * $Log: h_generate_geometry.f,v $ * Revision 2007/10/22 15:23:06 cdaq * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 1.9 1999/02/10 18:23:48 csa * Added 4/6 tracking code (D. Meekins) * * Revision 1.7 1996/04/30 12:43:54 saw * (JRA) Set up card drift time delay structures * * Revision 1.6 1995/10/10 13:49:33 cdaq * (JRA) Cosmetics and comments * * Revision 1.5 1995/05/22 19:39:13 cdaq * (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts" * * Revision 1.4 1995/04/06 19:28:27 cdaq * (SAW) Remove hardwired plane and chamber counts * * Revision 1.3 1994/11/22 20:05:58 cdaq * (SAW) Add h's in front of fract, aa3, det3, aainv3. * * Revision 1.2 1994/10/12 18:23:47 cdaq * (DJM) Calculate 3x3 matrices and inverses * * Revision 1.1 1994/02/19 06:14:45 cdaq * Initial revision * * implicit none include "hms_data_structures.cmn" include "hms_tracking.cmn" include "hms_geometry.cmn" * * local variables logical missing_card_no integer*4 pln,i,j,k,pindex,ich,icounter real*4 cosalpha,sinalpha,cosbeta,sinbeta,cosgamma,singamma,z0 real*4 stubxchi,stubxpsi,stubychi,stubypsi real*4 sumsqupsi,sumsquchi,sumcross,denom *jv real*4 hdum4of6coeff(hdc_num_planes) real*4 hdum4of6coeff(hmax_num_dc_planes) * * read basic parameters from CTP input file * hdc_zpos(pln) = Z0 * hdc_alpha_angle(pln) = ALPHA * hdc_beta_angle(pln) = BETA * hdc_gamma_angle(pln) = GAMMA * hdc_pitch(pln) = Wire spacing * hdc_nrwire(pln) = Number of wires * hdc_central_wire(pln) = Location of center of wire 1 * hdc_sigma(pln) = sigma * hdc_planes_per_chamber = hdc_num_planes / hdc_num_chambers missing_card_no = .false. do j=1,hmax_num_dc_planes do i=1,hdc_max_wires_per_plane if (hdc_card_no(i,j).eq.0) then missing_card_no = .true. hdc_card_no(i,j)=1 !avoid 0 in array index hdc_card_delay(1)=0. !no delay for wires endif enddo enddo if (missing_card_no) write(6,*) 'missing hdc_card_no, blame JRA' * * loop over all planes do pln=1,hdc_num_planes hdc_plane_num(pln)=pln z0=hdc_zpos(pln) cosalpha = cos(hdc_alpha_angle(pln)) sinalpha = sin(hdc_alpha_angle(pln)) cosbeta = cos(hdc_beta_angle(pln)) sinbeta = sin(hdc_beta_angle(pln)) cosgamma = cos(hdc_gamma_angle(pln)) singamma = sin(hdc_gamma_angle(pln)) * hsinbeta(pln) = sinbeta hcosbeta(pln) = cosbeta * make sure cosbeta is not zero if(abs(cosbeta).lt.1e-10) then write(hluno,'('' unphysical beta rotation in hms plane'',i4, & '' beta='',f10.5)') pln,hdc_beta_angle(pln) endif htanbeta(pln) = sinbeta / cosbeta * * compute chi,psi to x,y,z transformation coefficient(comments are beta=gamma=0) hzchi(pln) = -cosalpha*sinbeta + sinalpha*cosbeta*singamma ! =0. hzpsi(pln) = sinalpha*sinbeta + cosalpha*cosbeta*singamma ! =0. hxchi(pln) = -cosalpha*cosbeta - sinalpha*sinbeta*singamma !-cos(a) hxpsi(pln) = sinalpha*cosbeta - cosalpha*sinbeta*singamma ! sin(a) hychi(pln) = sinalpha*cosgamma ! sin(a) hypsi(pln) = cosalpha*cosgamma ! cos(a) * * stub transfromations are done in beta=gamma=0 system stubxchi = -cosalpha !-cos(a) stubxpsi = sinalpha ! sin(a) stubychi = sinalpha ! sin(a) stubypsi = cosalpha ! cos(a) * parameters for wire propogation correction. dt=distance from centerline of * chamber = ( xcoeff*x + ycoeff*y )*corr / veloc. if (cosalpha .le. 0.707) then !x-like wire, need dist. from x=0 line hdc_readout_x(pln) = .true. hdc_readout_corr(pln) = 1./sinalpha else !y-like wire, need dist. from y=0 line hdc_readout_x(pln) = .false. hdc_readout_corr(pln) = 1./cosalpha endif * * fill hpsi0,hchi0,hz0 used in stub fit * sumsqupsi = hzpsi(pln)**2 + hxpsi(pln)**2 + hypsi(pln)**2 ! =1. sumsquchi = hzchi(pln)**2 + hxchi(pln)**2 + hychi(pln)**2 ! =1. sumcross = hzpsi(pln)*hzchi(pln) + hxpsi(pln)*hxchi(pln) & + hypsi(pln)*hychi(pln) ! =0. denom = sumsqupsi*sumsquchi-sumcross**2 ! =1. hpsi0(pln) = (-z0*hzpsi(pln)*sumsquchi ! =0. & +z0*hzchi(pln)*sumcross) / denom hchi0(pln) = (-z0*hzchi(pln)*sumsqupsi ! =0. & +z0*hzpsi(pln)*sumcross) / denom * calculate magnitude of hphi0 ! =z0 hphi0(pln) = sqrt( & (z0+hzpsi(pln)*hpsi0(pln)+hzchi(pln)*hchi0(pln))**2 & + (hxpsi(pln)*hpsi0(pln)+hxchi(pln)*hchi0(pln))**2 & + (hypsi(pln)*hpsi0(pln)+hychi(pln)*hchi0(pln))**2 ) if( hphi0(pln)=-hphi0(pln) * * hstubcoef used in stub fits. check these. I don't think they are correct. denom = stubxpsi*stubychi - stubxchi*stubypsi ! =1. hstubcoef(pln,1)= stubychi/(hdc_sigma(pln)*denom) !sin(a)/sigma hstubcoef(pln,2)= -stubxchi/(hdc_sigma(pln)*denom) !cos(a)/sigma hstubcoef(pln,3)= hphi0(pln)*hstubcoef(pln,1) !z0*sin(a)/sig hstubcoef(pln,4)= hphi0(pln)*hstubcoef(pln,2) !z0*cos(a)/sig * * xsp and ysp used in space point pattern recognition * hxsp(pln) = hychi(pln) / denom !sin(a) hysp(pln) = -hxchi(pln) / denom !cos(a) * * compute track fitting coefficients * hplane_coeff(1,pln)= hzchi(pln) ! =0. hplane_coeff(2,pln)=-hzchi(pln) ! =0. hplane_coeff(3,pln)= hychi(pln)*(hdc_zpos(pln)-hlocrayzt) !sin(a)*(z-hlocrayzt) hplane_coeff(4,pln)= hxchi(pln)*(hlocrayzt-hdc_zpos(pln)) !cos(a)*(z-hlocrayzt) hplane_coeff(5,pln)= hychi(pln) !sin(a) hplane_coeff(6,pln)=-hxchi(pln) !cos(a) hplane_coeff(7,pln)= hzchi(pln)*hypsi(pln) - hychi(pln)*hzpsi(pln) !0. hplane_coeff(8,pln)=-hzchi(pln)*hxpsi(pln) + hxchi(pln)*hzpsi(pln) !0. hplane_coeff(9,pln)= hychi(pln)*hxpsi(pln) - hxchi(pln)*hypsi(pln) !1. * enddo ! end hdc_num_planes * djm 10/2/94 generate/store the inverse matrices HAAINV3(i,j,pindex) used in solve_3by3_hdc * pindex = 1 plane 1 missing from hdc1 * pindex = 2 plane 2 missing from hdc1 * etc. * pindex = 7 plane 1 missing from hdc2 * pindex = 8 plane 2 missing from hdc2 * etc. * pindex = 13 hdc1 no missing planes * pindex = 14 hdc2 no missing planes * * pindex for 4/6 planes is not as meaningful. you have to know what an * index represents in missing planes. pindex now has a meaningful * range of 1 to 26. from 15 to 26 there are 4/6 planes that fire and * both y and yprime must fire. that leaves 6 possiblities for each * chamber. the only way to setup haainv is to do it manually. pindex * is used in this fashion so that the 3rd index in haainv has meaning * and is contiuous running from 1 to 26 instead of jumping around which * would be the case if it were to contain useful plane information. * see h_left_right.f for a list of plane configurations that are * attached to pindex above 14. do pindex=1, HDC_NUM_PLANES + HDC_NUM_CHAMBERS + 30 * generate the matrix HAA3 for an hdc missing a particular plane do i=1,3 do j=1,3 HAA3(i,j)=0. if( ! HAA3 is symmetric so only calculate 6 terms HAA3(i,j)=HAA3(j,i) else if(pindex.le.HDC_NUM_PLANES) then ich = (pindex-1)/(HDC_PLANES_PER_CHAMBER)+1 do k=(ich-1)*(HDC_PLANES_PER_CHAMBER)+1 $ ,ich*(HDC_PLANES_PER_CHAMBER) if( then HAA3(i,j)=HAA3(i,j) + hstubcoef(k,i)*hstubcoef(k,j) endif enddo else if(pindex.le.(HDC_NUM_PLANES+HDC_NUM_CHAMBERS)) then ich = pindex - HDC_NUM_PLANES do k=(ich-1)*(HDC_PLANES_PER_CHAMBER)+1 $ ,ich*(HDC_PLANES_PER_CHAMBER) HAA3(i,j)=HAA3(i,j) + hstubcoef(k,i)*hstubcoef(k,j) enddo else ! 4/6 planes are hit do icounter=1,hdc_num_planes hdum4of6coeff(icounter)=1 enddo if(pindex.eq.15.or.pindex.eq.30)then hdum4of6coeff(6)=0 !plane 6 did not fire hdum4of6coeff(5)=0 !plane 5 did not fire hdum4of6coeff(12)=0 !plane 12 did not fire hdum4of6coeff(11)=0 !plane 11 did not fire endif if(pindex.eq.16.or.pindex.eq.31)then hdum4of6coeff(6)=0 !plane 6 did not fire hdum4of6coeff(4)=0 !plane 4 did not fire hdum4of6coeff(12)=0 !plane 12 did not fire hdum4of6coeff(10)=0 !plane 10 did not fire endif if(pindex.eq.17.or.pindex.eq.32)then hdum4of6coeff(6)=0 !plane 6 did not fire hdum4of6coeff(3)=0 !plane 3 did not fire hdum4of6coeff(12)=0 !plane 12 did not fire hdum4of6coeff(9)=0 !plane 9 did not fire endif if(pindex.eq.18.or.pindex.eq.33)then hdum4of6coeff(6)=0 !plane 6 did not fire hdum4of6coeff(2)=0 !plane 2 did not fire hdum4of6coeff(12)=0 !plane 12 did not fire hdum4of6coeff(8)=0 !plane 9 did not fire endif if(pindex.eq.19.or.pindex.eq.34)then hdum4of6coeff(6)=0 !plane 6 did not fire hdum4of6coeff(1)=0 !plane 1 did not fire hdum4of6coeff(12)=0 !plane 12 did not fire hdum4of6coeff(7)=0 !plane 7 did not fire endif if(pindex.eq.20.or.pindex.eq.35)then hdum4of6coeff(5)=0 !plane 5 did not fire hdum4of6coeff(4)=0 !plane 4 did not fire hdum4of6coeff(11)=0 !plane 11 did not fire hdum4of6coeff(10)=0 !plane 10 did not fire endif if(pindex.eq.21.or.pindex.eq.36)then hdum4of6coeff(5)=0 !plane 5 did not fire hdum4of6coeff(3)=0 !plane 3 did not fire hdum4of6coeff(11)=0 !plane 11 did not fire hdum4of6coeff(9)=0 !plane 9 did not fire endif if(pindex.eq.22.or.pindex.eq.37)then hdum4of6coeff(5)=0 !plane 5 did not fire hdum4of6coeff(2)=0 !plane 2 did not fire hdum4of6coeff(11)=0 !plane 11 did not fire hdum4of6coeff(8)=0 !plane 8 did not fire endif if(pindex.eq.23.or.pindex.eq.38)then hdum4of6coeff(5)=0 !plane 5 did not fire hdum4of6coeff(1)=0 !plane 1 did not fire hdum4of6coeff(11)=0 !plane 11 did not fire hdum4of6coeff(7)=0 !plane 7 did not fire endif if(pindex.eq.24.or.pindex.eq.39)then hdum4of6coeff(4)=0 !plane 4 did not fire hdum4of6coeff(3)=0 !plane 3 did not fire hdum4of6coeff(10)=0 !plane 10 did not fire hdum4of6coeff(9)=0 !plane 9 did not fire endif if(pindex.eq.25.or.pindex.eq.40)then hdum4of6coeff(4)=0 !plane 4 did not fire hdum4of6coeff(2)=0 !plane 2 did not fire hdum4of6coeff(10)=0 !plane 10 did not fire hdum4of6coeff(8)=0 !plane 8 did not fire endif if(pindex.eq.26.or.pindex.eq.41)then hdum4of6coeff(4)=0 !plane 4 did not fire hdum4of6coeff(1)=0 !plane 1 did not fire hdum4of6coeff(10)=0 !plane 10 did not fire hdum4of6coeff(7)=0 !plane 7 did not fire endif if(pindex.eq.27.or.pindex.eq.42)then hdum4of6coeff(3)=0 !plane 3 did not fire hdum4of6coeff(2)=0 !plane 2 did not fire hdum4of6coeff(9)=0 !plane 9 did not fire hdum4of6coeff(8)=0 !plane 8 did not fire endif if(pindex.eq.28.or.pindex.eq.43)then hdum4of6coeff(3)=0 !plane 3 did not fire hdum4of6coeff(1)=0 !plane 1 did not fire hdum4of6coeff(9)=0 !plane 9 did not fire hdum4of6coeff(7)=0 !plane 7 did not fire endif if(pindex.eq.29.or.pindex.eq.44)then hdum4of6coeff(2)=0 !plane 2 did not fire hdum4of6coeff(1)=0 !plane 1 did not fire hdum4of6coeff(8)=0 !plane 8 did not fire hdum4of6coeff(7)=0 !plane 7 did not fire endif if( ich=1 else ich=2 endif do k=(ich-1)*(HDC_PLANES_PER_CHAMBER)+1 $ ,ich*(HDC_PLANES_PER_CHAMBER) HAA3(i,j)=HAA3(i,j) + hstubcoef(k,i)*hstubcoef(k,j) $ *hdum4of6coeff(k) enddo endif endif endif !end test j lt i enddo !end j loop enddo !end i loop * form the inverse matrix HAAINV3 for each configuration HAAINV3(1,1,pindex)=(HAA3(2,2)*HAA3(3,3)-HAA3(2,3)**2) HAAINV3(1,2,pindex)=-(HAA3(1,2)*HAA3(3,3)-HAA3(1,3)*HAA3(2,3)) HAAINV3(1,3,pindex)=(HAA3(1,2)*HAA3(2,3)-HAA3(1,3)*HAA3(2,2)) HDET3(pindex)=HAA3(1,1)*HAAINV3(1,1,pindex)+HAA3(1,2)*HAAINV3(1,2 $ ,pindex)+HAA3(1,3)*HAAINV3(1,3,pindex) if(abs(hdet3(pindex)).le.1e-20)then write(6,* $ )'******************************************************' write(6,* $ )'Warning! Determinate of matrix HAA3(i,j) is nearly zero.' write(6,*)'All tracks using pindex=',pindex,' will be zerfucked.' write(6,*)'Fix problem in h_generate_geometry.f or else!' write(6,* $ )'******************************************************' hdet3(pindex)=1. endif HAAINV3(1,1,pindex)=HAAINV3(1,1,pindex)/HDET3(pindex) HAAINV3(1,2,pindex)=HAAINV3(1,2,pindex)/HDET3(pindex) HAAINV3(1,3,pindex)=HAAINV3(1,3,pindex)/HDET3(pindex) HAAINV3(2,2,pindex)=(HAA3(1,1)*HAA3(3,3)-HAA3(1,3)**2)/HDET3(pindex $ ) HAAINV3(2,3,pindex)= -(HAA3(1,1)*HAA3(2,3)-HAA3(1,2)*HAA3(3,1)) $ /HDET3(pindex) HAAINV3(3,3,pindex)=(HAA3(1,1)*HAA3(2,2)-HAA3(1,2)**2)/HDET3(pindex $ ) enddo !end pindex loop * for debug write out all parameters if( then write(hluno,'('' HMS PLANE PARAMETERS: '')') write(hluno,'('' plane z0 alpha beta gamma wire '' & '' number center resolution'')') write(hluno,'('' number spacing '' & '' wires position'')') write(hluno,1000) (hdc_plane_num(j), & hdc_zpos(j), & hdc_alpha_angle(j), & hdc_beta_angle(j), & hdc_gamma_angle(j), & hdc_pitch(j), & hdc_nrwire(j), & hdc_central_wire(j), & hdc_sigma(j),j=1,hdc_num_planes) 1000 format(1x,i4,f9.4,3f10.6,f8.4,i6,f10.4,f10.6) write(hluno,'('' plane'', & '' hzchi hzpsi hxchi hxpsi hychi hypsi'')') write(hluno,1001) (i, hzchi(i),hzpsi(i),hxchi(i),hxpsi(i),hychi(i), & hypsi(i),i=1,hdc_num_planes ) 1001 format(i5,6f10.6) write(hluno,'(''plane'', & '' hpsi0 hchi0 hphi0'')') write(hluno,1002) (i, hpsi0(i),hchi0(i),hphi0(i),i=1,hdc_num_planes) 1002 format(i5,3f12.6) write(hluno,'('' plane'', & '' hstubcoef 1 2 3 4'')') write(hluno,1003) (i, hstubcoef(i,1),hstubcoef(i,2),hstubcoef(i,3), & hstubcoef(i,4),i=1,hdc_num_planes) 1003 format(i5,4f15.6) write(hluno,'('' hplane_coeff'')') write(hluno,'('' plane 1 2 3 4 5'', & '' 6 7 8 9'')') do j=1,hdc_num_planes write(hluno,1004) j,(hplane_coeff(i,j),i=1,9) enddo ! end of print over planes loop 1004 format(1x,i3,f10.5,2f8.3,f9.3,4f8.3,f9.3) * endif ! end if on debug print out return end