subroutine H_LINK_STUBS(ABORT,err) * This subroutine compares all the space-point-stubs found in * H_LEFT_RIGHT.f and links together stubs to form tracks. * The criterion are that the stubs are in different chambers and * each of the four track parameters are within limit: * hxt_track_criterion for x_t * hyt_track_criterion for y_t * htx_track_criterion for t_x * hty_track_criterion for t_y * * d.f. geesaman 17 January 1994 * $Log: h_link_stubs.f,v $ * Revision 1.9 2003/04/01 15:21:33 jones * minor change * * Revision 1.8 2003/04/01 13:49:26 jones * Modifications to tracking codes. * Mainly fix problems at high rates. (M. E. Christy) * * Revision 1.7 1996/08/30 19:58:15 saw * (DVW) Added some track tests * * Revision 1.6 1996/01/16 22:02:16 cdaq * (JRA) * * Revision 1.5 1995/08/31 14:53:08 cdaq * (JRA) Calculate dpos (pos. track - pos. hit) variables * * Revision 1.4 1995/05/22 19:39:15 cdaq * (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts" * * Revision 1.3 1995/04/06 19:30:18 cdaq * (JRA) Fix typo * * Revision 1.2 1994/06/06 16:37:57 cdaq * Add switch to include single stub tracks * * Revision 1.1 1994/02/19 06:15:28 cdaq * Initial revision * * * The logic is 1) loop over all space points as seeds isp1 * 2) Check if this space point is all ready in a track * 3) loop over all succeeding space pointss isp2 * 4) check if there is a track-criterion match * either add to existing track * or if there is another point in same chamber * make a copy containing isp2 rather than * other point in same chamber * 5) If hsingle_stub is set, make a track of all single * stubs. * implicit none include "hms_data_structures.cmn" include "hms_tracking.cmn" include "hms_id_histid.cmn" INCLUDE 'hms_track_histid.cmn' !TEMP. JUNK include 'hms_bypass_switches.cmn' INCLUDE 'gen_event_info.cmn' external h_chamnum integer*4 h_chamnum * local variables * logical ABORT character*12 here parameter (here='H_LINK_STUBS') character*(*) err integer*4 isp1,isp2,isp ! loop index on space points integer*4 ihit ! loop index on hits integer*4 spindex,spoint,duppoint integer*4 sptracks ! number of tracks with this seed integer*4 stub_tracks(hntracks_max) integer*4 numhits integer*4 itrack ! loop index on tracks integer*4 track integer*4 track_space_points(hntracks_max,hmax_space_points+1) integer*4 tryflag ! flag to loop over rest of points integer*4 newtrack ! make a new track real*4 dposx,dposy,dposxp,dposyp if (hbypass_track_eff_files.eq.0) then open(unit=13,file='scalers/htrackstubs.txt',status='unknown', $ access='append') endif hstubtest = 0 c if (HNTRACKS_MAX_FP .eq. 0) HNTRACKS_MAX_FP = 10 ! in case not set in param file. if (HNTRACKS_MAX_FP .gt. HNTRACKS_MAX) HNTRACKS_MAX_FP = HNTRACKS_MAX ! in case set too high in param file. c * ABORT= .FALSE. err=' ' hntracks_fp=0 if(hsingle_stub.eq.0 ) then * loop over all pairs of space points if( then ! return if less than 2 space points do isp1=1,hnspace_points_tot-1 ! loop over all points * is this point all ready associated with a track tryflag=1 if( then do itrack=1,hntracks_fp if(track_space_points(itrack,1).gt.0) then do isp2=1,track_space_points(itrack,1) if(track_space_points(itrack,isp2+1).eq.isp1) then tryflag=0 ! space point all ready in a track endif ! end test on found point enddo endif ! end test of >0 point enddo ! end loop over tracks endif * if space point not all ready part of a track then look for matches if( tryflag .eq.1) then newtrack=1 do isp2=isp1+1,hnspace_points_tot * are these stubs in the same chamber. If so then skip if(h_chamnum(isp1).ne.h_chamnum(isp2)) then * does this stub match dposx = hbeststub(isp2,1)-hbeststub(isp1,1) dposy = hbeststub(isp2,2)-hbeststub(isp1,2) dposxp= hbeststub(isp2,3)-hbeststub(isp1,3) dposyp= hbeststub(isp2,4)-hbeststub(isp1,4) ****************************************************** if (abs(dposx).LT.abs(hstubminx)) hstubminx = dposx if (abs(dposy).LT.abs(hstubminy)) hstubminy = dposy if (abs(dposxp).LT.abs(hstubminxp)) hstubminxp = dposxp if (abs(dposyp).LT.abs(hstubminyp)) hstubminyp = dposyp if (hbypass_track_eff_files.eq.0) then if (abs(hstubminx) .gt. hxt_track_criterion) then write(13,*) 'event # ',gen_event_ID_number, $ ' hstubminx = ',hstubminx endif if (abs(hstubminy) .gt. hyt_track_criterion) then write(13,*) 'event # ',gen_event_ID_number, $ ' hstubminy = ',hstubminy endif if (abs(hstubminxp) .gt. hxpt_track_criterion) then write(13,*) 'event # ',gen_event_ID_number, $ ' hstubminxp = ',hstubminxp endif if (abs(hstubminyp) .gt. hypt_track_criterion) then write(13,*) 'event # ',gen_event_ID_number, $ ' hstubminyp = ',hstubminyp endif close(13) endif ****************************************************** if (abs(dposx) .lt. hxt_track_criterion & .and. abs(dposy) .lt. hyt_track_criterion & .and. abs(dposxp).lt. hxpt_track_criterion & .and. abs(dposyp).lt. hypt_track_criterion) then if(newtrack.eq.1) then hstubtest=1 * make a new track if( then ! are there too many hntracks_fp=hntracks_fp+1 ! increment the number of tracks sptracks=1 ! one track with this seed stub_tracks(1)=hntracks_fp track_space_points(hntracks_fp,1)=2 track_space_points(hntracks_fp,2)=isp1 track_space_points(hntracks_fp,3)=isp2 hx_sp1(hntracks_fp)=hbeststub(isp1,1) hx_sp2(hntracks_fp)=hbeststub(isp2,1) hy_sp1(hntracks_fp)=hbeststub(isp1,2) hy_sp2(hntracks_fp)=hbeststub(isp2,2) hxp_sp1(hntracks_fp)=hbeststub(isp1,3) hxp_sp2(hntracks_fp)=hbeststub(isp2,3) newtrack=0 ! make no more tracks in this loop else !! MEC - added the next 3 lines to hntracks_fp = 0 !! fail events with more than the return !! Max # of allowed tracks. endif ! end test on too many tracks else * check if there is another space point in same chamber itrack=0 do while ( itrack=itrack+1 track=stub_tracks(itrack) spoint=0 duppoint=0 do isp=1,track_space_points(track,1) if(h_chamnum(isp2).eq. & h_chamnum(track_space_points(track,isp+1))) then spoint=isp endif if(isp2.eq.track_space_points(track,isp+1)) then duppoint=1 endif enddo ! end loop over sp in tracks with isp1 * if there is no other space point in this chamber * add this space point to current track(2) if(duppoint.eq.0) then if(spoint.eq.0) then spindex=track_space_points(track,1)+1 track_space_points(track,1)= spindex track_space_points(track,spindex+1)=isp2 * if there is another point in the same chamber in this track * create a new track with all the same space points except spoint else if( then ! are there too many hntracks_fp=hntracks_fp+1 ! increment the number of tracks sptracks= sptracks+1 ! one track with this seed stub_tracks(sptracks) = hntracks_fp track_space_points(hntracks_fp,1) $ =track_space_points(track,1) do isp=1,track_space_points(track,1) if( then track_space_points(hntracks_fp,isp+1)= & track_space_points(track,isp+1) elseif(isp.eq.spoint) then track_space_points(hntracks_fp,isp+1)= isp2 endif ! end check for dup on copy enddo ! end copy of track else !! MEC - added the next 3 lines to hntracks_fp = 0 !! fail events with more than the return !! Max # of allowed tracks. endif ! end if on too many tracks endif ! end if on same chamber endif ! end if on duplicate point enddo ! end do while over tracks with isp1 endif endif endif ! end test on same chamber enddo ! end loop over new space points endif ! end test on tryflag enddo ! end outer loop over space points endif ! end if on <2 space points else ! if hsingle_stub .ne. 0 * when hsingle_stub is set, make each space point a track * This will have poor resolution but may be appropriate for debugging * do isp1=1,hnspace_points_tot ! loop over all points if( then ! are there too many hntracks_fp=hntracks_fp+1 ! increment the number of tracks track_space_points(hntracks_fp,1)= 1 track_space_points(hntracks_fp,2)= isp1 else !! MEC - added the next 3 lines to hntracks_fp = 0 !! fail events with more than the return !! Max # of allowed tracks. endif ! end if on too many tracks enddo ! end loop over all space points endif ! end test on hsingle_stub * now list all hits on a track if( then do itrack=1,hntracks_fp ! loop over all tracks hntrack_hits(itrack,1)=0 do isp1=1,track_space_points(itrack,1) spindex=track_space_points(itrack,isp1+1) numhits=hspace_point_hits(spindex,1) do ihit=1,numhits if(hntrack_hits(itrack,1).lt.hntrackhits_max) then hntrack_hits(itrack,1)=hntrack_hits(itrack,1)+1 hntrack_hits(itrack,hntrack_hits(itrack,1)+1)= & hspace_point_hits(spindex,ihit+2) endif ! end test on too many hits enddo ! end loop over space point hits enddo ! end loop over space points enddo ! end loop over all tracks endif if( then call h_print_links endif return end ********* * Local Variables: * mode: Fortran * fortran-if-indent: 1 * fortran-do-indent: 1 * End: