subroutine h_print_stubs * subroutine to dump output of H_LEFT_RIGHT * All the results are contained in * d.f. geesaman 17 January 1994 * $Log: h_print_stubs.f,v $ * Revision 1.2 1995/05/22 19:39:18 cdaq * (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts" * * Revision 1.1 1994/02/19 06:16:52 cdaq * Initial revision * implicit none include "hms_data_structures.cmn" include "hms_tracking.cmn" include "hms_geometry.cmn" * local variables integer*4 i,j write(hluno,'('' HMS STUB FIT RESULTS'')') if( then write(hluno,'(''point x_t y_t '', & '' xp_t yp_t'')') write(hluno,'('' [cm] [cm] '', & '' [rad] [rad]'')') 1001 format(3x,i3,4x,4e15.7) do i=1,hnspace_points_tot write(hluno,1001) i,(hbeststub(i,j),j=1,4) enddo write(hluno,'('' hit HDC_WIRE_CENTER HDC_DRIFT_DIS '', & '' HDC_WIRE_COORD'')') do i=1,HDC_TOT_HITS write(hluno,1002) i,HDC_WIRE_CENTER(i),HDC_DRIFT_DIS(i), & HDC_WIRE_COORD(i) 1002 format(3x,i3,4x,e16.8,2x,e16.8,2x,e16.8) enddo endif return end