SUBROUTINE H_SATCORR(ABORT,err) *-------------------------------------------------------- *- *- Purpose and Methods : Correct delta or other reconstructed physics variables *- for magnet saturation effects *- *- to decoded information *- *- Required Input BANKS HMS_FOCAL_PLANE *- HMS_TARGET *- *- Output BANKS HMS_PHYSICS_R4 *- HMS_PHYSICS_I4 *- *- Output: ABORT - success or failure *- : err - reason for failure, if any *- *- Created 24-JUN-1998 J. Volmer *- Dummy Shell routine * $Log: h_satcorr.f,v $ * Revision 1.2 2003/12/19 19:53:15 jones * Add fit to 2003 data by T. Horn which should be applicable to data the * using field00.f or later to set magnets. * Change meaning of parameter enable_hms_satcorr. * enable_hms_satcorr = 2000 means use T.Horn parametrization * enable_hms_satcorr = 1999 means use old parametrization * * Revision 1.1 1999/02/10 18:34:42 csa * Initial revision * * * Revision 1.1 1994/02/19 06:16:08 cdaq * Initial revision * *- *- *-------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE SAVE * character*9 here parameter (here= 'H_SATCORR') * logical ABORT character*(*) err integer ierr * include 'gen_data_structures.cmn' INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn' INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par' INCLUDE 'gen_units.par' * * local variables * REAL*4 p0corr *-------------------------------------------------------- * ierr=0 ABORT=.FALSE. p0corr=0. if(genable_hms_satcorr.eq. 1999) then if ( p0corr=-1.1298*(hpcentral-3.215)**2 hsdelta = hsdelta + p0corr*hsxp_fp else if(genable_hms_satcorr .eq. 2000) then p0corr = 0.82825*hpcentral-1.223 hsdelta = hsdelta + p0corr*hsxp_fp endif * hsdelta = hsdelta + 0. ABORT= .or. ABORT return end