SUBROUTINE H_SELECT_BEST_TRACK_USING_SCIN(ABORT,err) *-------------------------------------------------------- *- *- Purpose and Methods : Select the best track through the HMS *- by see which track is closest to S2y *- or if no S2y then use closest to S2x *- if neither than smallest chi-squared. *- *- Required Input BANKS *- *- Output BANKS *- *- Output: ABORT - success or failure *- : err - reason for failure, if any *- *- *-------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE SAVE * character*50 here parameter (here= 'H_SELECT_BEST_TRACK') * logical ABORT character*(*) err * INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn' INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec' INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par' INCLUDE 'gen_units.par' INCLUDE 'hms_physics_sing.cmn' INCLUDE 'hms_calorimeter.cmn' INCLUDE 'hms_scin_parms.cmn' INCLUDE 'hms_scin_tof.cmn' INCLUDE 'hms_tracking.cmn' * * local variables integer*4 goodtrack,track,i,j real*4 chi2perdeg,chi2min integer pln,cnt integer hit_cnt(hnum_scin_planes) integer nhit,zz,t real*4 y2dmin,x2dmin,zap real*4 hit_pos(hnum_scin_planes),hit_dist(hnum_scin_planes) real*4 stub_x(HNTRACKS_MAX),stub_y(HNTRACKS_MAX) real*4 y2d(HNTRACKS_MAX),x2d(HNTRACKS_MAX) *-------------------------------------------------------- * ABORT= .FALSE. err= ' ' * Need to test to chose the best track HSNUM_FPTRACK = 0 HSNUM_TARTRACK = 0 if( HNTRACKS_FP.GT. 0) then !!! (1) !!! chi2min= 1e10 goodtrack = 0 y2dmin=100. x2dmin=100. zap=0. do track = 1, HNTRACKS_FP if( HNFREE_FP(track).ge. hsel_ndegreesmin) then !!! (2) !!! chi2perdeg = HCHI2_FP(track)/FLOAT(HNFREE_FP(track)) * simple particle id tests if(( HDEDX(track,1).gt.hsel_dedx1min).and. !!! (3) !!! & ( HDEDX(track,1).lt.hsel_dedx1max).and. & ( HBETA(track).gt.hsel_betamin).and. & ( HBETA(track).lt.hsel_betamax).and. & ( HTRACK_ET(track) .gt. hsel_etmin) .and. & ( HTRACK_ET(track) .lt. hsel_etmax)) then *first, fill the arrays of which scins were hit do i=1,4 do j=1,hscin_1x_nr hscinhit(i,j)=0 enddo enddo do i=1,hscin_tot_hits hscinhit(hscin_plane_num(i),hscin_counter_num(i))=1 enddo c hit_pos(4)=hy_fp(track) + hyp_fp(track)*(hscin_2y_zpos+0.5*hscin_2y_dzpos) hit_cnt(4)=nint((hhodo_center(4,1)-hit_pos(4))/hscin_2y_spacing)+1 hit_cnt(4)=max(min(hit_cnt(4),nint(hnum_scin_counters(4))),1) hit_dist(4)=hit_pos(4)-(hhodo_center(4,1)-hscin_2y_spacing*(hit_cnt(4)-1)) ** hhodo_center(4.1) = 31.35 ** hscin_2y_spacing = 7.5 ** hnum_scin_counters(4) = 10 ** hscin_2y_zpos = 318.51 ** hscin_2y_dzpos = 2.12 if( then !!! (4) !!! zap=0. t=0. do j=1,10 if(hscinhit(4,j).eq.1) then y2d(track)=abs(hit_cnt(4)-j) t=t+1 if(t.eq.1) zap=y2d(track) if(t.eq.2.and.y2d(track).lt.zap) then zap=y2d(track) endif if(t.eq.3.and.y2d(track).lt.zap) then zap=y2d(track) endif if(t.eq.4.and.y2d(track).lt.zap) then zap=y2d(track) endif if(t.eq.5.and.y2d(track).lt.zap) then zap=y2d(track) endif if(t.eq.6.and.y2d(track).lt.zap) then zap=y2d(track) endif endif enddo y2d(track)=zap endif !!! (4) !!! if(hntracks_fp.eq.1) y2d(track)=0. hit_pos(3)=hx_fp(track) + hxp_fp(track)*(hscin_2x_zpos+0.5*hscin_2x_dzpos) hit_cnt(3)=nint((hit_pos(3)-hhodo_center(3,1))/hscin_2x_spacing)+1 hit_cnt(3)=max(min(hit_cnt(3),nint(hnum_scin_counters(3))),1) hit_dist(3)=hit_pos(3)-(hscin_2x_spacing*(hit_cnt(3)-1)+hhodo_center(3,1)) if( then !!! (4) !!! zap=0. t=0. do j=1,16 if(hscinhit(3,j).eq.1) then x2d(track)=abs(hit_cnt(3)-j) t=t+1 if(t.eq.1) zap=x2d(track) if(t.eq.2.and.x2d(track).lt.zap) then zap=x2d(track) endif if(t.eq.3.and.x2d(track).lt.zap) then zap=x2d(track) endif if(t.eq.4.and.x2d(track).lt.zap) then zap=x2d(track) endif if(t.eq.5.and.x2d(track).lt.zap) then zap=x2d(track) endif if(t.eq.6.and.x2d(track).lt.zap) then zap=x2d(track) endif endif enddo x2d(track)=zap endif !!! (4) !!! if(hntracks_fp.eq.1) x2d(track)=0. if(y2d(track).le.y2dmin) then if(y2d(track).lt.y2dmin) then x2dmin=100. chi2min=1e10 endif if(x2d(track).le.x2dmin) then if(x2d(track).lt.x2dmin) then chi2min=1e10 endif if( then goodtrack = track y2dmin=y2d(track) x2dmin=x2d(track) chi2min=chi2perdeg endif endif endif endif !!! (3) !!! endif !!! (2) !!! enddo if (goodtrack.eq.0) then chi2min= 1e10 do track = 1, HNTRACKS_FP if( HNFREE_FP(track).ge. hsel_ndegreesmin) then chi2perdeg = HCHI2_FP(track)/FLOAT(HNFREE_FP(track)) if( then goodtrack = track chi2min = chi2perdeg endif endif enddo endif HSNUM_TARTRACK = goodtrack HSNUM_FPTRACK = goodtrack if(goodtrack.eq.0) return ! return if no valid tracks endif !!! (1) !!! return end