SUBROUTINE H_TARG_TRANS(ABORT,err,istat) *-------------------------------------------------------- *- *- Purpose and Methods : Transforms tracks from HMS focal plane to *- target. *- *- Required Input BANKS HMS_FOCAL_PLANE *- *- Output BANKS HMS_TARGET *- *- Output: ABORT - success or failure *- : err - reason for failure, if any *- *- istat (integer) Status flag. Value returned indicates the following: *- = 1 Normal return. *- = 2 Matrix elements not initted correctly. *- * $Log: h_targ_trans.f,v $ * Revision 2009/09/16 21:49:20 jones * Use SANE_HMS_FIELD_THETA,SANE_HMS_FIELD_PHI defined in engine.f * in CALL trgInitFieldANGLES * * Revision 2009/09/15 20:36:53 jones * New variables theta_angle_diff,phi_angle_diff used in CALL trgInitFieldANGLES * * Revision 2009/02/11 21:34:54 cdaq * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 2008/12/11 20:26:43 cdaq * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 2008/11/17 01:17:55 cdaq * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 2008/10/31 07:59:10 cdaq * fix bug with enddo in wrong place * * Revision 2008/10/29 06:20:21 cdaq * Set hut(5)=rast_y * Set loop from 4 to 5 * * Revision 2008/10/21 20:33:17 cdaq * target recon with B field added * * Revision 2007/10/27 21:15:32 cdaq * fix erroneous submissions * * Revision 1.16 1999/02/23 18:50:38 csa * (JRA) Correct (another) hut(5) error * * Revision 1.15 1999/02/10 17:47:27 csa * Sign change in hut(5) * * Revision 1.14 1996/09/04 13:32:36 saw * (JRA) Apply offsets to reconstruction * * Revision 1.13 1996/01/17 18:15:53 cdaq * (JRA) * * Revision 1.12 1995/10/10 17:49:31 cdaq * (JRA) Cleanup * * Revision 1.11 1995/08/08 16:01:17 cdaq * (DD) Add detector and angular offsets * * Revision 1.10 1995/05/22 19:39:28 cdaq * (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts" * * Revision 1.9 1995/04/06 19:31:54 cdaq * (SAW) Put in ddutta's pre cosy x-x', y-y' transformation * * Revision 1.8 1995/03/22 16:22:40 cdaq * (SAW) Previous change wrong. COSY wants slopes. * Target track data is now slopes. * * Revision 1.7 1995/02/10 18:46:01 cdaq * (SAW) Convert focal plane slopes to angles before COSY transport. * Target track data is now angles. * * Revision 1.6 1994/10/11 19:11:33 cdaq * (SAW) Are the target traceback calculations right now??? * * Revision 1.5 1994/08/18 04:29:59 cdaq * (SAW) Arrington's changes?? * * Revision 1.4 1994/06/14 04:51:21 cdaq * (DFG) Add fill HLINK_TAR_FP 1 to 1 * * Revision 1.3 1994/06/06 17:03:17 cdaq * (DFG) Protect against asin argument > 1.0 * * Revision 1.2 1994/05/13 02:28:59 cdaq * (DFG) Add call to h_fill_dc_target_hist * Add calculation of HP_TAR * (SAW) Cosmetic changes to source * * Revision 1.1 1994/02/19 06:19:24 cdaq * Initial revision *- Modified 21-JAN-94 D. F. Geesaman *- Add ABORT,err to returns. *- Version: 0.1 (In development) 18-Nov-1993 (DHP) *- * * Abstract: Reconstruct target scattering variables from track variables in * the detectors, using a polynomial (Taylor series) map. The track, * target, and map data are all maintained in common blocks. * * NOTE: This version assumes that the beam is not rastered. * Also, there is no treatment of error matrices, yet. * * Output arguments: * * * Right-handed coordinates are assumed: X=down, Z=downstream, Y = (Z cross X) * * Author: David H. Potterveld, Argonne National Lab, Nov. 1993 *-------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE SAVE * character*12 here parameter (here= 'h_targ_trans') * logical ABORT,ok character*(*) err integer*4 istat real*4 x_coord, y_coord * INCLUDE 'gen_data_structures.cmn' INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn' INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par' INCLUDE 'gen_units.par' INCLUDE 'hms_tracking.cmn' INCLUDE 'hms_recon_elements.cmn' INCLUDE 'hms_track_histid.cmn' INCLUDE 'hms_physics_sing.cmn' INCLUDE 'sane_data_structures.cmn' * *-------------------------------------------------------- * * Misc. variables. integer*4 i,j,itrk real sum(4),hut(5),term real bdl,dx real trg(6),hut_rot(5) integer spect COMMON /hmsfocalplane/sum,hut_rot c real*8 theta_angle_diff,phi_angle_diff logical first data first /.true./ c *=============================Executable Code ============================= ABORT= .FALSE. err= ' ' * Check for correct initialization. if ( then istat = 2 return endif istat = 1 x_coord = -gsry_calib/100. ! SLOW RASTER BEAM X coordinate obtained from the ADCs, in meters y_coord = -gsrx_calib/100. ! SLOW RASTER BEAM Y coordinate obtained from the ADCs, in meters c write(*,*)x_coord,y_coord * Loop over tracks. hntracks_tar = hntracks_fp do itrk = 1,hntracks_fp * set link between target and focal plane track. Currently 1 to 1 hlink_tar_fp(itrk) = itrk * Reset COSY sums. do i = 1,4 sum(i) = 0. enddo * Load track data into local array, Converting to COSY units. * It is assumed that the track coordinates are reported at * the same focal plane as the COSY matrix elements were calculated. * Also note that the COSY track slopes HUT(2) and HUT(4) are actually * the SINE of the track angle in the XZ and YZ planes. hut(1) = hx_fp(itrk)/100. + h_z_true_focus*hxp_fp(itrk) $ + h_det_offset_x ! include detector offset (m) ! includes transformation to actual focus if not at Z=0. hut(2) = hxp_fp(itrk) + h_ang_offset_x !radians hut(3) = hy_fp(itrk)/100. + h_z_true_focus*hyp_fp(itrk) $ + h_det_offset_y !m ! again icludes transformation to true focus. hut(4) = hyp_fp(itrk) + h_ang_offset_y !radians hut(5)= x_coord ! spectrometer target X in meter! ! note that pos. spect. X = neg. beam Y, here should be the coordinate given by the slow raster c hut(5)= x_coord ! spectrometer target X in meter - given by the Slow Raster! ! note that pos. spect. X = neg. beam Y, here should be the coordinate given by the slow raster ! now transform * hx_fp_rot(itrk)= hut(1) + h_det_offset_x ! include detector offset * hy_fp_rot(itrk)= hut(3) + h_det_offset_y * hxp_fp_rot(itrk)= hut(2) + hut(1)*h_ang_slope_x * hyp_fp_rot(itrk)= hut(4) + hut(3)*h_ang_slope_y * hut_rot(1)= hx_fp_rot(itrk) * hut_rot(2)= hxp_fp_rot(itrk) * hut_rot(3)= hy_fp_rot(itrk) * hut_rot(4)= hyp_fp_rot(itrk) * h*_fp_rot never used except here, so remove the intermediate step. hut_rot(1) = hut(1) hut_rot(2) = hut(2) + hut(1)*h_ang_slope_x hut_rot(3) = hut(3) hut_rot(4) = hut(4) + hut(3)*h_ang_slope_y hut_rot(5) = hut(5) * Introducing the target magnetic field option * Compute COSY sums. do i = 1,h_num_recon_terms term = 1. do j = 1,5 if (h_recon_expon(j,i).ne.0.) , term = term*hut_rot(j)**h_recon_expon(j,i) enddo sum(1) = sum(1) + term*h_recon_coeff(1,i) ! xp uT(2) trg(2) sum(2) = sum(2) + term*h_recon_coeff(2,i) ! y uT(3) trg(3) sum(3) = sum(3) + term*h_recon_coeff(3,i) ! yp uT(4) trg(4) sum(4) = sum(4) + term*h_recon_coeff(4,i) ! delta uT(6) trg(6) enddo ! uT(5),trg(5) is z-position along the HMS spectrometer axis ! used in tracking back to the target ! uT(1),trg(1) is xtarget position, measured by slow raster. * Load output values. hx_tar(itrk) = x_coord ! beam slow raster coord. hy_tar(itrk) = sum(2) !cm. hxp_tar(itrk) = sum(1) !Slope xp hyp_tar(itrk) = sum(3) !Slope yp hz_tar(itrk) = 0.0 !Track is at origin hdelta_tar(itrk) = sum(4)*100. !percent. c write(*,*)'1 ',hx_tar(itrk),hy_tar(itrk),hxp_tar(itrk),hyp_tar(itrk),hdelta_tar(itrk) if ( then trg(1) = 1 trg(2) = 0.1 trg(3) = 1 trg(4) = 0.1 trg(5) = 1 trg(6) = 1 * Parameter: * subroutine genRecon(u,x,y,uT,ok,dx,bdl) * u I : focal plane coordinates * u(1,2) : x [m], dx/dz = out of plane coords. (downwards) * u(3,4) : y [m], dy/dz = inplane coords. (perp. on x,z) * u(5) : vert. beam offset [m] (out of plane coord.; downwards) * x_coord I : vert. beam offset [m] (out of plane coord.; downwards) * y_coord I : hori. beam offsey [m] (inplane coord.; perp on x-beam, z-beam) * uT O : target coordinates * uT(1,2) : x [m], dx/dz = out of plane coord. (downwards) * uT(3,4) : y [m], dy/dz = inplane coord. (perp. on x,z) * uT(5) : z [m] = in axis coordinate (towards HMS) * uT(6) : delta = relative deviation of the particle * momentum from p0 * ok IO : status variable * - if false no action is taken * - set to false when no reconstruction is found ok = .TRUE. theta_angle_diff=abs(SANE_HMS_ANGLE_THETA+SANE_FIELD_ANGLE_THETA) phi_angle_diff = 180.0d00 CALL trgInitFieldANGLES(SANE_HMS_FIELD_THETA,SANE_HMS_FIELD_PHI) c write(*,*)dx,htheta_lab,hpcentral, hpartmass spect = 1 ! assume it is proton if ( hpartmass .lt. .01) spect = -1 ! set for electron CALL genRecon (hut_rot, x_coord, y_coord, trg, ok, dx, bdl, > htheta_lab, hpcentral, hpartmass, spect) * CALL genRecon (hut_rot, x_coord, y_coord, trg, ok, dx, bdl, * > hpcentral, mass_electron, -1.) ! set for electrons c hx_tar(itrk) = x_coord ! beam slow raster coord. c hy_tar(itrk) = sum(2)*100. !cm. c hxp_tar(itrk) = sum(1) !Slope xp c hyp_tar(itrk) = sum(3) !Slope yp c hz_tar(itrk) = 0.0 !Track is at origin c hdelta_tar(itrk) = sum(4)*100. !percent. hx_tar(itrk) = trg(1) ! target x hy_tar(itrk) = trg(3) ! target y c write(*,*)x_coord,y_coord,hx_tar(itrk),hy_tar(itrk) hz_tar(itrk) = trg(5) ! target z hxp_tar(itrk) = trg(2) ! slope xp hyp_tar(itrk) = trg(4) ! slope yp hdelta_tar(itrk) = trg(6)*100 !percent. h_bdl(itrk) = bdl c write(*,*)'2 ',hx_tar(itrk),hy_tar(itrk),hxp_tar(itrk),hyp_tar(itrk),hdelta_tar(itrk) c write(*,*)'2 ' * write(*,*)'2 ',hx_tar(itrk),hy_tar(itrk),hxp_tar(itrk),hdelta_tar(itrk) * write(*,*)'++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++' endif ! loop over the magnetic field (on or off) * Apply offesets to the reconstructed variables hdelta_tar(itrk) = hdelta_tar(itrk) + hdelta_offset hyp_tar(itrk) = hyp_tar(itrk) + htheta_offset hxp_tar(itrk) = hxp_tar(itrk) + hphi_offset hp_tar(itrk) = hpcentral*(1.0 + hdelta_tar(itrk)/100.) !Momentum in GeV enddo !End of loop over tracks. * All done... * print target bank if debug flag set if( then call h_print_tar_tracks endif * Fill hardwired histograms if hturnon_target_hist is non zero * if( then call h_fill_dc_target_hist(ABORT,err) if(ABORT) then call g_add_path(here,err) endif endif return end