subroutine h_targ_trans_init(ABORT,err,istat) *______________________________________________________________________________ * * Facility: CEBAF Hall-C software. * * Module: h_targ_trans_init * * Version: 0.1 (In development) * $Log: h_targ_trans_init.f,v $ * Revision 2008/10/21 20:33:17 cdaq * target recon with B field added * * Revision 2007/09/10 20:28:01 pcarter * Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX * * Revision 1.6 2004/02/19 16:41:45 jones * Can set filename for the HMS matrix elements using the parameter * h_recon_coeff_filename . If parameter is not set then uses * hms_recon_coeff.dat * * Revision 1.5 1996/09/04 13:34:30 saw * (JRA) Add target x to track definition * * Revision 1.4 1995/08/08 16:01:37 cdaq * (DD) Add detector and angular offsets * * Revision 1.3 1995/05/11 19:13:27 cdaq * (JRA) Fix errors in reading of focal plane rot coeffs * * Revision 1.2 1995/04/06 19:32:19 cdaq * (SAW) Put in ddutta's pre cosy x-x', y-y' transformation * * Revision 1.1 1994/05/13 03:51:55 cdaq * Initial revision * * * Abstract: Temporary routine to initialize HMS reconstruction coefficients * from a datafile. * * Output arguments: * * istat (integer) Status flag. Value returned indicates the following: * = 1 Normal return. * = 2 Datafile could not be opened. * = 4 Error reading datafile. * = 6 Datafile overflowed the internal arrays. * * Author: David H. Potterveld, Argonne National Lab, Nov. 1993 * Modified: D. F. Geesaman Add Abort, err arguments * Use G_IO_CONTROL to get LUN *______________________________________________________________________________ implicit none * Argument definitions. logical ABORT character*(*) err integer istat * Include files. include 'hms_recon_elements.cmn' !Recon coefficients. include 'gen_filenames.cmn' include 'hms_filenames.cmn' * Misc. variables. integer*4 i,j,k,l,m,n,chan logical*4 opened character*132 line *============================= Executable Code ================================ * Reset flag, and zero arrays. err= ' ' ABORT = .FALSE. h_recon_initted = 0 c ! target field, vertical beam offset do j = 1,hmax_recon_elements do i = 1,4 h_recon_coeff(i,j) = 0. h_recon_expon(i,j) = 0. enddo h_recon_expon(5,j) = 0. enddo h_ang_slope_x=0.0 h_ang_slope_y=0.0 h_ang_offset_x=0.0 h_ang_offset_y=0.0 h_det_offset_x=0.0 h_det_offset_y=0.0 h_z_true_focus=0.0 istat = 1 !Assume success. * Get an I/O unit to open datafiles. c call G_IO_control(chan,'ANY',ABORT,err) !"ASK"="ANY" chan = G_LUN_TEMP * Open and read in coefficients. if ( h_recon_coeff_filename .eq. ' ' ) then h_recon_coeff_filename = 'hms_recon_coeff.dat' endif write(*,*) ' ********' write(*,*) ' Opening HMS matrix element file ',h_recon_coeff_filename write(*,*) ' ********' open (unit=chan,status='old',file=h_recon_coeff_filename,err=92) * Read header comments. line = '!' do while (line(1:1).eq.'!') read (chan,1001,err=94) line enddo * Read in focal plane rotation coefficients. do while (line(1:4).ne.' ---') if(line(1:13).eq.'h_ang_slope_x')read(line,1201,err=94)h_ang_slope_x if(line(1:13).eq.'h_ang_slope_y')read(line,1201,err=94)h_ang_slope_y if(line(1:14).eq.'h_ang_offset_x')read(line,1201,err=94)h_ang_offset_x if(line(1:14).eq.'h_ang_offset_y')read(line,1201,err=94)h_ang_offset_y if(line(1:14).eq.'h_det_offset_x')read(line,1201,err=94)h_det_offset_x if(line(1:14).eq.'h_det_offset_y')read(line,1201,err=94)h_det_offset_y if(line(1:14).eq.'h_z_true_focus')read(line,1201,err=94)h_z_true_focus read (chan,1001,err=94) line enddo * Read in reconstruction coefficients and exponents. line=' ' read (chan,1001,err=94) line h_num_recon_terms = 0 do while (line(1:4).ne.' ---') h_num_recon_terms = h_num_recon_terms + 1 if ( goto 96 read (line,1200,err=94) (h_recon_coeff(i,h_num_recon_terms),i=1,4) $ ,(h_recon_expon(j,h_num_recon_terms),j=1,5) read (chan,1001,err=94) line enddo * Data read in OK. h_recon_initted = 1 goto 100 * File reading or data processing errors. 92 istat = 2 !Error opening file. * If file does not exist, report err and then continue for development err = 'error opening file '//h_recon_coeff_filename call g_rep_err(ABORT,err) goto 100 94 istat = 4 !Error reading or processing data. ABORT=.true. err = 'error processing file '//h_recon_coeff_filename goto 100 96 istat = 6 !Too much data in file for arrays. ABORT=.true. err = 'too much data in file '//h_recon_coeff_filename goto 100 * Done with open file. 100 close (unit=chan) * free lun c call G_IO_control(chan,'FREE',ABORT,err) !"FINISH"="FREE" return *============================ Format Statements =============================== 1001 format(a) 1200 format(1x,4g16.9,1x,5i1) 1201 format(17x,g16.9) end