SUBROUTINE H_TOF(ABORT,errmsg) *-------------------------------------------------------- *- *- Purpose and Methods : Analyze scintillator information for each track *- *- Required Input BANKS HMS_RAW_SCIN *- HMS_DECODED_SCIN *- HMS_FOCAL_PLANE *- *- Output BANKS HMS_TRACK_TESTS *- *- Output: ABORT - success or failure *- : err - reason for failure, if any *- * author: John Arrington * created: 2/22/94 * * h_tof finds the time of flight for a particle from * the hodoscope TDC information. It corrects for pulse * height walk, time lag from the hit to the pmt signal, * and time offsets for each signal. It requires the * hodoscope ADC and TDC information, the track, and * the correction parameters. * * $Log: h_tof.f,v $ * Revision 2009/03/31 19:33:00 cdaq * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 2008/12/11 17:11:43 cdaq * For gfortran compiler the arguements generic functions * must be the same type. * * Revision 2008/11/19 12:46:50 cdaq * Add line to reutrn if nparam < 1 * * Revision 2008/11/17 16:03:47 cdaq * Fixed minor bug in printing of ADCHIST * * Revision 2008/11/17 16:00:22 cdaq * Major revision to do tof calibration internatlly * * Revision 2008/10/28 21:03:18 cdaq * Changed default betap to 1 * * Revision 2008/10/27 16:34:54 cdaq * changes for F1 TDCs * * Revision 2007/10/26 16:44:55 pcarter * made the arguments to max() match data types -- GCC 4 is picky about that * * Revision 2007/10/24 16:37:16 cdaq * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 2007/05/16 19:50:02 cdaq * P. Bosted fixed bug in new code to dump TOF data * * Revision 2007/05/10 21:15:10 cdaq * changes for writing dump file for Peter's tof code * * Revision 2007/05/02 21:19:30 jones * Add new code needed for adjusting scintillator timing using P Bosted's method. * * Revision 1.19 2005/03/15 21:08:08 jones * Add code to filter the scintillator tdc hits and group them by time. ( P. Bosted) * * Revision 1.18 1999/06/10 16:52:12 csa * (JRA) Cosmetic changes * * Revision 1.17 1997/03/19 18:43:45 saw * (JRA) Don't neglect negative side of hodoscopes * * Revision 1.16 1996/09/04 13:36:00 saw * (JRA) Include actual beta in calculation of focal plane time. * * Revision 1.15 1996/01/16 22:00:15 cdaq * (JRA) * * Revision 1.14 1995/05/22 19:39:29 cdaq * (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts" * * Revision 1.13 1995/02/10 18:59:41 cdaq * (JRA) Add track index to hgood_plane_time, hgood_scin_time, hgood_tdc_pos, * and hgood_tdc_neg * * Revision 1.12 1995/02/02 16:35:25 cdaq * (JRA) Zero out some variables at start, minph variables now per pmt, * hscin_adc_pos/neg change to floats. * * Revision 1.11 1995/01/31 21:49:32 cdaq * (JRA) Added count of pmt's firing and cosmetic changes. * * Revision 1.10 1995/01/30 22:09:24 cdaq * (JRA) Cosmetic changes. Remove commented out code to dump time of * flight fitting data. * * Revision 1.9 1995/01/27 19:26:13 cdaq * (JRA) Add calculation of time for each plane. Add commented out * code to dump time of flight fitting data. * * Revision 1.8 1995/01/18 16:26:48 cdaq * (SAW) Catch negative ADC values in argument of square root * * Revision 1.7 1994/09/13 21:25:35 cdaq * (JRA) save extra diagnostic variables, require 2 hits/counter, add dedx * * Revision 1.6 1994/08/02 20:11:47 cdaq * (JRA) Some hacks * * Revision 1.5 1994/07/21 13:29:45 cdaq * (JRA) Correct sign on a time correction * * Revision 1.4 1994/07/08 19:43:53 cdaq * (JRA) Keep list of wether hits are on track or not * * Revision 1.3 1994/05/13 02:36:30 cdaq * (DFG) remove h_prt_track_tests call * * Revision 1.2 1994/04/13 16:28:53 cdaq * (DFG) Add check for zero track * * Revision 1.1 1994/02/21 16:06:29 cdaq * Initial revision * *-------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE * character*50 here parameter (here= 'H_TOF') * logical ABORT character*(*) errmsg * INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn' INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par' INCLUDE 'gen_units.par' include 'hms_scin_parms.cmn' include 'hms_scin_tof.cmn' include 'hms_tracking.cmn' integer*4 hit, trk integer*4 plane,ind integer*4 hntof_pairs real*4 adc_ph !pulse height (channels) real*4 xhit_coord,yhit_coord real*4 time real*4 p,betap !momentum and velocity from momentum, assuming desired mass real*4 path,zcor,num_fp_time real*4 sum_fp_time,sum_plane_time(hnum_scin_planes) integer*4 num_plane_time(hnum_scin_planes) integer timehist(200),i,j,jmax,maxhit,nfound real*4 time_pos(1000),time_neg(1000),tmin,time_tolerance logical keep_pos(1000),keep_neg(1000),first/.true./ integer nsv, idetsv(100) real*8 tr0sv(100),psv(100),zcsv(100) real*8 tc1sv(100),adcsv(100) save * *-------------------------------------------------------- * ABORT= .FALSE. errmsg = ' ' nsv = 0 c if(hdumptof.eq.1) write(37, c > '(''ntrk,tothits''2i4,f8.3)') c > hntracks_fp,hscin_tot_hits,hscin_tdc_to_time if(hntracks_fp.le.0 .or. hscin_tot_hits.le.0) then do trk = 1 , hntracks_fp hnum_scin_hit(trk) = 0 hnum_pmt_hit(trk) = 0 hbeta(trk) = 0 hbeta_chisq(trk) = -3 htime_at_fp(trk) = 0 enddo goto 666 endif **MAIN LOOP: Loop over all tracks and get corrected time, tof, beta... do trk = 1 , hntracks_fp ** Initialize counter,flags... hntof = 0 hntof_pairs = 0 sum_fp_time = 0. num_fp_time = 0. hnum_scin_hit(trk) = 0 hnum_pmt_hit(trk) = 0 p = hp_tar(trk) c if p=0, assume electrons if(abs(p).lt.0.1) then betap = 1.0 else betap = p/sqrt(p*p+hpartmass*hpartmass) c put in check for reasonable betap = min(1., max(0.3, betap)) endif do plane = 1 , hnum_scin_planes hgood_plane_time(trk,plane) = .false. sum_plane_time(plane) = 0. num_plane_time(plane) = 0 enddo ! Calculate all corrected hit times and histogram ! This uses a copy of code below. Results are save in time_pos,neg ! including the z-pos. correction assuming nominal value of betap ! Code is currently hard-wired to look for a peak in the ! range of 0 to 100 nsec, with a group of times that all ! agree withing a time_tolerance of time_tolerance nsec. The normal ! peak position appears to be around 35 nsec. ! NOTE: if want to find farticles with beta different than ! reference particle, need to make sure this is big enough ! to accomodate difference in TOF for other particles ! Default value in case user hasnt definedd something reasonable time_tolerance=20.0 if( then time_tolerance=htof_tolerance endif ! Use wide window if dumping events for fitting cc if(hdumptof.eq.1) time_tolerance=25.0 if(first) then first=.false. write(*,'(1x,''Using '',f8.2,'' nsec window for'', > '' hms tof and fp calculations'')') time_tolerance if(hdumptof.eq.1) > write(*,'(/1x,''TOF calibration being done:'', > '' see output in HTOFCAL directory'')') endif nfound = 0 do j=1,200 timehist(j)=0 enddo do hit = 1 , hscin_tot_hits i=min(1000,hit) time_pos(i)=-99. time_neg(i)=-99. keep_pos(i)=.false. keep_neg(i)=.false. plane = hscin_plane_num(hit) xhit_coord = hx_fp(trk) + hxp_fp(trk)*hscin_zpos(hit) yhit_coord = hy_fp(trk) + hyp_fp(trk)*hscin_zpos(hit) if (plane.eq.1 .or. plane.eq.3) then !x plane hscin_trans_coord(hit) = xhit_coord hscin_long_coord(hit) = yhit_coord else if (plane.eq.2 .or. plane.eq.4) then !y plane hscin_trans_coord(hit) = yhit_coord hscin_long_coord(hit) = xhit_coord else !bad plane #. abort = .true. write(errmsg,*) 'hscin_plane_num(',hit,') = ',plane call g_prepend(here,errmsg) return endif if (abs(hscin_center_coord(hit)-hscin_trans_coord(hit)) & .lt.(hscin_width(hit)/2.+hscin_slop(hit))) then if(hscin_tdc_pos(hit) .ge. hscin_tdc_min .and. & hscin_tdc_pos(hit) .le. hscin_tdc_max) then adc_ph = hscin_adc_pos(hit) path = hscin_pos_coord(hit) - hscin_long_coord(hit) time = hscin_tdc_pos(hit) * hscin_tdc_to_time time = time - (hscin_zpos(hit)/(29.979*betap) * & sqrt(1. + hxp_fp(trk)**2 + hyp_fp(trk)**2)) time_pos(i) = time - hscin_pos_invadc_offset(hit) - > path / hscin_pos_invadc_linear(hit) - > hscin_pos_invadc_adc(hit)/sqrt(max(20.,adc_ph)) nfound = nfound + 1 do j=1,200 tmin = 0.5*float(j) if(time_pos(i) .gt. tmin .and. > time_pos(i) .lt. tmin + time_tolerance) > timehist(j) = timehist(j) + 1 enddo endif if (hscin_tdc_neg(hit).ge.hscin_tdc_min .and. !good tdc 1 hscin_tdc_neg(hit).le.hscin_tdc_max) then adc_ph = hscin_adc_neg(hit) path = hscin_long_coord(hit) - hscin_neg_coord(hit) time = hscin_tdc_neg(hit) * hscin_tdc_to_time time = time - (hscin_zpos(hit)/(29.979*betap) * & sqrt(1. + hxp_fp(trk)**2 + hyp_fp(trk)**2)) time_neg(i) = time - hscin_neg_invadc_offset(hit) - > path / hscin_neg_invadc_linear(hit) - > hscin_neg_invadc_adc(hit)/sqrt(max(20.,adc_ph)) nfound = nfound + 1 do j=1,200 tmin = 0.5*float(j) if(time_neg(i) .gt. tmin .and. > time_neg(i) .lt. tmin + time_tolerance) > timehist(j) = timehist(j)+1 enddo endif endif enddo ! Find bin with most hits jmax=0 maxhit=0 do j=1,200 if(timehist(j) .gt. maxhit) then jmax = j maxhit = timehist(j) endif enddo c$$$ if(hdumptof.eq.1) then c$$$ write(37,'(''trk='',2i3,8f8.3)') trk,jmax, c$$$ > hx_fp(trk),hxp_fp(trk),hy_fp(trk),hyp_fp(trk), c$$$ > hp_tar(trk) c$$$ endif if( then tmin = 0.5*float(jmax) do hit = 1 , hscin_tot_hits i=min(1000,hit) if(time_pos(i) .gt. tmin .and. > time_pos(i) .lt. tmin + time_tolerance) then keep_pos(i) = .true. endif if(time_neg(i) .gt. tmin .and. > time_neg(i) .lt. tmin + time_tolerance) then keep_neg(i) = .true. endif enddo endif ! Resume regular tof code, now using time filer from above do hit = 1 , hscin_tot_hits hgood_scin_time(trk,hit) = .false. hgood_tdc_pos(trk,hit) = .false. hgood_tdc_neg(trk,hit) = .false. hscin_time(hit) = 0 hscin_sigma(hit) = 100. enddo do hit = 1 , hscin_tot_hits plane = hscin_plane_num(hit) ** Find hit position xhit_coord = hx_fp(trk) + hxp_fp(trk)*hscin_zpos(hit) yhit_coord = hy_fp(trk) + hyp_fp(trk)*hscin_zpos(hit) if (plane.eq.1 .or. plane.eq.3) then !x plane hscin_trans_coord(hit) = xhit_coord hscin_long_coord(hit) = yhit_coord else if (plane.eq.2 .or. plane.eq.4) then !y plane hscin_trans_coord(hit) = yhit_coord hscin_long_coord(hit) = xhit_coord else !bad plane #. abort = .true. write(errmsg,*) 'hscin_plane_num(',hit,') = ',plane call g_prepend(here,errmsg) return endif ** Check if scin is on track if (abs(hscin_center_coord(hit)-hscin_trans_coord(hit)) & .gt.(hscin_width(hit)/2.+hscin_slop(hit))) then hscin_on_track(trk,hit) = .false. else hscin_on_track(trk,hit) = .true. ** Check for good TDC if (hscin_tdc_pos(hit) .ge. hscin_tdc_min .and. & hscin_tdc_pos(hit) .le. hscin_tdc_max .and. > keep_pos(hit)) then ** Calculate time for each tube with a good tdc. 'pos' side first. hgood_tdc_pos(trk,hit) = .true. hntof = hntof + 1 adc_ph = hscin_adc_pos(hit) path = hscin_pos_coord(hit) - hscin_long_coord(hit) * Convert TDC value to time, do pulse height correction, correction for * propogation of light thru scintillator, and offset. time = hscin_tdc_pos(hit) * hscin_tdc_to_time hscin_pos_time(hit)=time - hscin_pos_invadc_offset(hit) - > path / hscin_pos_invadc_linear(hit) - > hscin_pos_invadc_adc(hit)/sqrt(max(20.,adc_ph)) zcor = (hscin_zpos(hit)/(29.979*betap) * sqrt(1.+ > hxp_fp(trk)*hxp_fp(trk)+hyp_fp(trk)*hyp_fp(trk))) if(hdumptof.eq.1) then c$$$ write(37,'(1x,''1'',2i3,5f10.3)') c$$$ > hscin_plane_num(hit), c$$$ > hscin_counter_num(hit), c$$$ > hscin_tdc_pos(hit) * hscin_tdc_to_time, c$$$ > path,zcor, c$$$ > hscin_pos_time(hit)-zcor,adc_ph nsv = min(100, nsv + 1) idetsv(nsv) = 20 * (hscin_plane_num(hit)-1) + > hscin_counter_num(hit) tr0sv(nsv) = hscin_tdc_pos(hit) * > hscin_tdc_to_time psv(nsv) = path zcsv(nsv) = zcor tc1sv(nsv) = hscin_pos_time(hit)-zcor adcsv(nsv) = adc_ph endif endif ** Repeat for pmts on 'negative' side if (hscin_tdc_neg(hit).ge.hscin_tdc_min .and. !good tdc 1 hscin_tdc_neg(hit).le.hscin_tdc_max.and. > keep_neg(hit)) then hgood_tdc_neg(trk,hit) = .true. hntof = hntof + 1 adc_ph = hscin_adc_neg(hit) path = hscin_long_coord(hit) - hscin_neg_coord(hit) time = hscin_tdc_neg(hit) * hscin_tdc_to_time hscin_neg_time(hit)=time - hscin_neg_invadc_offset(hit) - > path / hscin_neg_invadc_linear(hit) - > hscin_neg_invadc_adc(hit)/sqrt(max(20.,adc_ph)) zcor = (hscin_zpos(hit)/(29.979*betap) * sqrt(1.+ > hxp_fp(trk)*hxp_fp(trk)+hyp_fp(trk)*hyp_fp(trk))) c$$$ if(hdumptof.eq.1.and.hntracks_fp.eq.1.and. c$$$ $ timehist(max(1,jmax)).gt.6) then if(hdumptof.eq.1) then c$$$ write(37,'(1x,''2'',2i3,5f10.3)') c$$$ > hscin_plane_num(hit), c$$$ > hscin_counter_num(hit), c$$$ > hscin_tdc_neg(hit) * hscin_tdc_to_time, c$$$ > path,zcor, c$$$ > hscin_neg_time(hit)-zcor,adc_ph nsv = min(100, nsv + 1) idetsv(nsv) = 20 * (hscin_plane_num(hit)-1) + > hscin_counter_num(hit) + 100 tr0sv(nsv) = hscin_tdc_neg(hit) * > hscin_tdc_to_time psv(nsv) = path zcsv(nsv) = zcor tc1sv(nsv) = hscin_neg_time(hit)-zcor adcsv(nsv) = adc_ph endif endif ** Calculate ave time for scintillator and error. if (hgood_tdc_pos(trk,hit)) then if (hgood_tdc_neg(trk,hit)) then hscin_time(hit) = (hscin_neg_time(hit) + hscin_pos_time(hit))/2. hscin_sigma(hit) = max(0.1,sqrt(hscin_neg_sigma(hit)**2 + 1 hscin_pos_sigma(hit)**2)/2.) hgood_scin_time(trk,hit) = .true. hntof_pairs = hntof_pairs + 1 else hscin_time(hit) = hscin_pos_time(hit) hscin_sigma(hit) = max(0.1,hscin_pos_sigma(hit)) hgood_scin_time(trk,hit) = .true. * hgood_scin_time(trk,hit) = .false. endif else ! if hgood_tdc_neg = .false. if (hgood_tdc_neg(trk,hit)) then hscin_time(hit) = hscin_neg_time(hit) hscin_sigma(hit) = max(0.1,hscin_neg_sigma(hit)) hgood_scin_time(trk,hit) = .true. * hgood_scin_time(trk,hit) = .false. endif endif c Get time at focal plane if (hgood_scin_time(trk,hit)) then hscin_time_fp(hit) = hscin_time(hit) & - (hscin_zpos(hit)/(29.979*betap) * & sqrt(1.+hxp_fp(trk)*hxp_fp(trk)+hyp_fp(trk)*hyp_fp(trk))) sum_fp_time = sum_fp_time + hscin_time_fp(hit) / > hscin_sigma(hit)**2 num_fp_time = num_fp_time + 1./hscin_sigma(hit)**2 sum_plane_time(plane)=sum_plane_time(plane) & +hscin_time_fp(hit) num_plane_time(plane)=num_plane_time(plane)+1 hnum_scin_hit(trk) = hnum_scin_hit(trk) + 1 hscin_hit(trk,hnum_scin_hit(trk)) = hit hscin_fptime(trk,hnum_scin_hit(trk)) = hscin_time_fp(hit) if (hgood_tdc_pos(trk,hit) .and. hgood_tdc_neg(trk,hit)) then hnum_pmt_hit(trk) = hnum_pmt_hit(trk) + 2 else hnum_pmt_hit(trk) = hnum_pmt_hit(trk) + 1 endif if (hgood_tdc_pos(trk,hit)) then if (hgood_tdc_neg(trk,hit)) then hdedx(trk,hnum_scin_hit(trk)) = sqrt(max(0., & hscin_adc_pos(hit)*hscin_adc_neg(hit))) else hdedx(trk,hnum_scin_hit(trk))=max(0.,hscin_adc_pos(hit)) endif else if (hgood_tdc_neg(trk,hit)) then hdedx(trk,hnum_scin_hit(trk))=max(0.,hscin_adc_neg(hit)) else hdedx(trk,hnum_scin_hit(trk)) = 0. endif endif endif endif !end of 'if scintillator was on the track' ** See if there are any good time measurements in the plane. if (hgood_scin_time(trk,hit)) then hgood_plane_time(trk,plane) = .true. !still in loop over hits. endif enddo !end of loop over hit scintillators ** Fit beta if there are enough time measurements (one upper, one lower) if ((hgood_plane_time(trk,1) .or. hgood_plane_time(trk,2)) .and. 1 (hgood_plane_time(trk,3) .or. hgood_plane_time(trk,4))) then call h_tof_fit(abort,errmsg,trk) !fit velocity of particle if (abort) then call g_prepend(here,errmsg) return endif else !cannot fit beta from given time measurements hbeta(trk) = 0. hbeta_chisq(trk) = -1. endif if (num_fp_time .ne. 0) then htime_at_fp(trk) = sum_fp_time / num_fp_time endif do ind=1,4 if (num_plane_time(ind) .ne. 0) then h_fptime(ind)=sum_plane_time(ind)/float(num_plane_time(ind)) else h_fptime(ind)=1000.*ind endif enddo h_fptimedif(1)=h_fptime(1)-h_fptime(2) h_fptimedif(2)=h_fptime(1)-h_fptime(3) h_fptimedif(3)=h_fptime(1)-h_fptime(4) h_fptimedif(4)=h_fptime(2)-h_fptime(3) h_fptimedif(5)=h_fptime(2)-h_fptime(4) h_fptimedif(6)=h_fptime(3)-h_fptime(4) * * Dump tof common blocks if (hdebugprinttoftracks is set if( ) call h_prt_tof(trk) if( then if(trk.eq.1) write(*,'(/1x,''hms tol='',f8.2)') time_tolerance write(*,'(5i3,4L2,7f7.2)') trk,nfound,jmax,timehist(max(1,jmax)), > hnum_pmt_hit(trk), > hgood_plane_time(trk,1),hgood_plane_time(trk,3), > hgood_plane_time(trk,2),hgood_plane_time(trk,4), > htime_at_fp(trk),hbeta(trk),hbeta_chisq(trk), > hdelta_tar(trk),hy_tar(trk),hxp_tar(trk),hyp_tar(trk) endif if(hntracks_fp.eq.1.and. > hdumptof.eq.1.and. > timehist(max(1,jmax)).gt.6) then c if(hdumptof.eq.1) then write(37,'(1x,''0'',2i3,5f10.3)') trk,hntracks_fp, > p, betap call h_tofcal_fill(nsv,idetsv,tr0sv,psv,zcsv, > tc1sv,adcsv) endif enddo !end of loop over tracks 666 continue RETURN END ! Fit TOF for Hall C HMS with the form for each PMT: ! tcorr = time - offset - path * velocity - adccor / sqrt(ADC) ! where offset, velocity, and adccor are parameters ! September 20085 P. Bosted ! Modified to run automatically during replay: no longer ! any need to dump large text files ! To activate, set hdumptof = 1 in hdebug.param in ! the PARAM directory (can also do from command line) ! The output parameters will be in tof/hodoxxxx.param, where ! xxxxx is the run number ! Normal values of invadc_offset are between -50 and 50, ! normal values of invadc_velocity are between 12 and 17 (50 is ! default if not enough data for the fit), and normal values of ! shodo_pos_invadc_adc are 20 to 50. Normal values of the sigmas ! are 0.3 to 0.8 nsec. subroutine h_tofcal_init ! initialize common block variables at begin run implicit none integer i,j ! common block variables integer thist(200,10),adchist(200,18),phist(200,18) integer nhit(200),ip1(200),ip2(200),ip3(200) integer ipdet(600),iptyp(600),nparam real*8 ax(1000,1000),bx(1000),avtime,ntime,avsig(200) common/htofcal/ ax,bx,thist,adchist,phist,nhit, > ip1,ip2,ip3,ipdet,iptyp,avtime,ntime,avsig,nparam nparam=0 do i=1,200 nhit(i)=0 ip1(i)=0 ip2(i)=0 ip3(i)=0 avsig(i)=0. do j=1,10 thist(i,j)=0 enddo do j=1,18 adchist(i,j)=0 phist(i,j)=0 enddo enddo do i=1,600 ipdet(i)=0 iptyp(i)=0 enddo ! Initialize the fitting arrays do i=1,1000 bx(i)=0. do j=1,1000 ax(i,j)=0. enddo enddo avtime = 0. ntime = 0. return end subroutine h_tofcal_fill(n,idet,tr0,p,zc,tc1,adc) ! Fill in the arrays for HMS tof cal ! Inputs are: ! n number of PMTs n ! idet detector code (from 1 to 200) ! tr0 TDCtime ! p path length ! zc time correction due to z ! tc1 corrected time using current variables ! adc ADC implicit none ! local and input variables integer i,j,k,n,idt,idet(100) integer k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6 real*8 tr0(100),p(100),zc(100),tc1(100),p2(100),adc(100),tr(100) real*8 dt,avval logical first_time/.true./ ! common block variables integer thist(200,10),adchist(200,18),phist(200,18) integer nhit(200),ip1(200),ip2(200),ip3(200) integer ipdet(600),iptyp(600),nparam real*8 ax(1000,1000),bx(1000),avtime,ntime,avsig(200) common/htofcal/ ax,bx,thist,adchist,phist,nhit, > ip1,ip2,ip3,ipdet,iptyp,avtime,ntime,avsig,nparam if(first_time) then first_time = .false. call h_tofcal_init endif ! need at least 6 PMTs for fitting if(n.le.5) return c write(6,'(/i3,10f6.1)') n,(tc1(i),i=1,min(10,n)) c write(6,'(i3,10i6)') n,(idet(i),i=1,min(10,n)) ! Loop over all PMTs avval = 0. do i=1,n ! Check for valid detector code if(idet(i).le.0.or.idet(i).gt.200) then write(6,'(''ERROR, in h_tofcal, idet='',2i8)') i,idet(i) return endif ! Fill in ADC histograms k = min(18., max(1., (adc(i)/20.)+1)) adchist(idet(i), k) = adchist(idet(i), k) + 1 ! correct raw times for zpos using betap tr(i) = tr0(i)- zc(i) ! Put 1./sqrt(ADC) in p2 variable p2(i) = 1./sqrt(max(20., adc(i))) ! Histogram path length variable k = min(18, max(1, int(p(i)/7.)+1)) phist(idet(i), k) = phist(idet(i), k) + 1 ! average time avval = avval + tc1(i) enddo avval = avval / float(n) ! Loop over PMTS again ! Get average h_start_time and sigmas for each PMT ! THESE SHOULD BE DONE on a 2nd iteration of the ! TOF calibration for a given run, setting ! h_tof_tolerance to something small like 3 nsec do j=1,n nhit(idet(j))=nhit(idet(j))+1 avsig(idet(j)) = avsig(idet(j)) + > (tc1(j) - avval)**2 ! If first time detector used, assign corresponding parameters ! Note that detector 4 had has a fixed time offset (ip1) of zero ! since all times are relative. if(nhit(idet(j)).eq.1) then if(idet(j).eq.4) then ip1(idet(j))=0 else ! fixed time offsets nparam=nparam+1 ip1(idet(j))=nparam ipdet(nparam)=idet(j) iptyp(nparam)=1 endif ! linear term in path ! Changed 11/08 to make same for both pos. and neg. ends! if(idet(j).le.100) then nparam=nparam+1 ip2(idet(j))=nparam ip2(idet(j)+100)=nparam ipdet(nparam)=idet(j) iptyp(nparam)=2 endif ! 1/sqrt(adc) terms (or could be path length**2 if desired) nparam=nparam+1 ip3(idet(j))=nparam ipdet(nparam)=idet(j) iptyp(nparam)=3 k=idet(j) c write(6,'(''h_tofcal_fill'',i3,4i5)') c > k,nhit(k),ip1(k),ip2(k),ip3(k) endif avtime = avtime + tc1(j) ntime = ntime + 1. enddo ! loop over n ! now loop over all pairs in fill in the matrix ! Also, histogram time differences using current corrections do j=1,n-1 do k=j+1,n if(ip2(idet(j)).gt.0.and.ip2(idet(k)).gt.0) then dt = tc1(j)-tc1(k) idt = min(10,max(1,int((dt+5.))+1)) thist(idet(j),idt) = thist(idet(j),idt) + 1 dt = tc1(k)-tc1(j) idt = min(10,max(1,int((dt+5.))+1)) thist(idet(k),idt) = thist(idet(k),idt) + 1 k1 = idet(j) k2 = idet(k) k1=ip1(idet(j)) k2=ip1(idet(k)) k3=ip2(idet(j)) k4=ip2(idet(k)) k5=ip3(idet(j)) k6=ip3(idet(k)) if( then bx(k1) = bx(k1) - (tr(j)-tr(k)) ax(k1,k1) = ax(k1,k1) + 1. ax(k1,k3) = ax(k1,k3) + p(j) ax(k1,k4) = ax(k1,k4) - p(k) ax(k1,k5) = ax(k1,k5) + p2(j) ax(k1,k6) = ax(k1,k6) - p2(k) ax(k3,k1) = ax(k3,k1) + p(j) ax(k4,k1) = ax(k4,k1) - p(k) ax(k5,k1) = ax(k5,k1) + p2(j) ax(k6,k1) = ax(k6,k1) - p2(k) endif if( then ax(k1,k2) = ax(k1,k2) - 1. ax(k2,k1) = ax(k2,k1) - 1. endif if( then bx(k2) = bx(k2) + (tr(j)-tr(k)) ax(k2,k2) = ax(k2,k2) + 1. ax(k2,k3) = ax(k2,k3) - p(j) ax(k2,k4) = ax(k2,k4) + p(k) ax(k2,k5) = ax(k2,k5) - p2(j) ax(k2,k6) = ax(k2,k6) + p2(k) ax(k3,k2) = ax(k3,k2) - p(j) ax(k4,k2) = ax(k4,k2) + p(k) ax(k5,k2) = ax(k5,k2) - p2(j) ax(k6,k2) = ax(k6,k2) + p2(k) endif bx(k3) = bx(k3) - (tr(j)-tr(k)) * p(j) bx(k4) = bx(k4) + (tr(j)-tr(k)) * p(k) bx(k5) = bx(k5) - (tr(j)-tr(k)) * p2(j) bx(k6) = bx(k6) + (tr(j)-tr(k)) * p2(k) ax(k3,k3) = ax(k3,k3) + p(j)*p(j) ax(k3,k4) = ax(k3,k4) - p(k)*p(j) ax(k3,k5) = ax(k3,k5) + p2(j)*p(j) ax(k3,k6) = ax(k3,k6) - p2(k)*p(j) ax(k4,k3) = ax(k4,k3) - p(j)*p(k) ax(k4,k4) = ax(k4,k4) + p(k)*p(k) ax(k4,k5) = ax(k4,k5) - p2(j)*p(k) ax(k4,k6) = ax(k4,k6) + p2(k)*p(k) ax(k5,k3) = ax(k5,k3) + p(j)*p2(j) ax(k5,k4) = ax(k5,k4) - p(k)*p2(j) ax(k5,k5) = ax(k5,k5) + p2(j)*p2(j) ax(k5,k6) = ax(k5,k6) - p2(k)*p2(j) ax(k6,k3) = ax(k6,k3) - p(j)*p2(k) ax(k6,k4) = ax(k6,k4) + p(k)*p2(k) ax(k6,k5) = ax(k6,k5) - p2(j)*p2(k) ax(k6,k6) = ax(k6,k6) + p2(k)*p2(k) endif enddo enddo return end subroutine h_tofcal_endrun(runno) ! Solve simultaneous linear equations for best values of ! tof parameters, and write to file ! local and input variables implicit none INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn' include 'hms_scin_parms.cmn' include 'hms_scin_tof.cmn' integer i,j,runno,iwork(1000),ifail real*8 toff(200),vel(200),quad(200) character*80 fname ! common block variables integer thist(200,10),adchist(200,18),phist(200,18) integer nhit(200),ip1(200),ip2(200),ip3(200) integer ipdet(600),iptyp(600),nparam real*8 ax(1000,1000),bx(1000),avtime,ntime,avsig(200) common/htofcal/ ax,bx,thist,adchist,phist,nhit, > ip1,ip2,ip3,ipdet,iptyp,avtime,ntime,avsig,nparam ! find the solutions if (nparam .lt. 1) return call deqn (nparam,ax,1000,iwork,ifail,1,bx) ! association of parameters with detectors do i=1,200 toff(i)=0 vel(i)=0. quad(i)=0. enddo do i=1,nparam if(iptyp(i).eq.1) toff(ipdet(i))=bx(i) if(iptyp(i).eq.2) vel(ipdet(i))=bx(i) if(iptyp(i).eq.2) vel(ipdet(i)+100)=bx(i) if(iptyp(i).eq.3) quad(ipdet(i))=bx(i) enddo ! write solutions write(fname,'(''HTOFCAL/htofcal'',i5.5,''.param'')') > runno open(unit=10,file=fname) write(10,'(''; This parameter determines how close'', > '' in time the ''/ > ''; corrected scint. have to be to each other. '', > '' For initial calibrations, use 50. ''/ > ''; For final calibration,use 3. For regular '', > '' running, use about 10.''/ > ''; Used in h_trans_scin.f and h_tof.f''/ > '' htof_tolerance = '',f6.1)') > htof_tolerance write(10,'(/''; This is default (average) value'', > '' of start time for ''/ > ''; drift chambers. It is used in h_trans_scin.f''/ > '' hstart_time_center = '',f6.1)') avtime/ > max(1.,ntime) ! copied from previous hhodo.param write(10,'(/''; This is 1/2 width of winow'', > '' on hstart_time_center''/ > ''; it is used in h_trans_scin.f''/ > '' hstart_time_slop = '',f6.1)') > hstart_time_slop write(10,'(/''; Minimum and Maximum raw TDC'', > '' that will be used ''/ > ''; Check raw TDC spectra to make sure ok''/ > '' hscin_tdc_min = '',i6/ > '' hscin_tdc_max = '',i6)') > int(hscin_tdc_min),int(hscin_tdc_max) write(10,'(/''; TDC time in nsec per channel''/ > '' hscin_tdc_to_time = '',f8.4)') > hscin_tdc_to_time write(10,'(/''; Position tolerance in cm'', > '' used in efficiency calcultions ''/ > ''; used in hms_scin_eff.f''/ > '' hhodo_slop = '', > f5.0,'','',f5.0,'','',f5.0,'','',f5.0)') > (hhodo_slop(i),i=1,4) write(10,'(/''hhodo_pos_invadc_offset ='',3(f8.2,'',''), > f8.2)') (-1.0*toff(i),i=1,80,20) do j=2,16 write(10,'(1x,'' '',3(f8.2,'',''), > f8.2)')(-1.0*toff(i),i=j,79+j,20) enddo write(10,'(/''hhodo_neg_invadc_offset ='',3(f8.2,'',''), > f8.2)')(-1.0*toff(i),i=101,180,20) do j=2,16 write(10,'(1x,'' '',3(f8.2,'',''), > f8.2)')(-1.0*toff(i),i=100+j,179+j,20) enddo write(10,'(/''hhodo_pos_invadc_linear ='',3(f8.2,'',''), > f8.2)')( -1./min(-0.02,vel(i)),i=1,80,20) do j=2,16 write(10,'(1x,'' '',3(f8.2,'',''), > f8.2)')(-1./min(-0.02,vel(i)),i=j,79+j,20) enddo write(10,'(/''hhodo_neg_invadc_linear ='',3(f8.2,'',''), > f8.2)')( -1./min(-0.02,vel(i)),i=101,180,20) do j=2,16 write(10,'(1x,'' '',3(f8.2,'',''), > f8.2)')(-1./min(-0.02,vel(i)),i=100+j,179+j,20) enddo write(10,'(/''hhodo_pos_invadc_adc='',3(f9.2,'',''), > f9.2)')(-1.*quad(i),i=1,80,20) do j=2,16 write(10,'(1x,'' '',3(f9.2,'',''), > f9.2)')(-1.*quad(i),i=j,79+j,20) enddo write(10,'(/''hhodo_neg_invadc_adc='',3(f9.2,'',''), > f9.2)')(-1.0*quad(i),i=101,180,20) do j=2,16 write(10,'(1x,'' '',3(f9.2,'',''), > f9.2)')(-1.*quad(i),i=100+j,179+j,20) enddo do i=1,200 avsig(i) = avsig(i) / max(1,nhit(i)) enddo write(10,'(/''hhodo_pos_sigma ='',3(f8.2,'',''), > f8.2)') (max(0.1,min(100.,avsig(i))),i=1,80,20) do j=2,16 write(10,'(1x,'' '',3(f8.2,'',''), > f8.2)')(max(0.1,min(100.,avsig(i))),i=j,79+j,20) enddo write(10,'(/''hhodo_neg_sigma ='',3(f8.2,'',''), > f8.2)') (max(0.3,min(100.,avsig(i))),i=101,180,20) do j=2,16 write(10,'(1x,'' '',3(f8.2,'',''), > f8.2)')(max(0.3,min(100.,avsig(i))),i=100+j,179+j,20) enddo write(10,'(/''hhodo_pos_ped_limit = 1000,'', > ''1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000''/ > 22x,''1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000''/ > 22x,''1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000''/ > 22x,''1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000''/ > 22x,''1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000''/ > 22x,''1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000''/ > 22x,''1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000''/ > 22x,''1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000'')') write(10,'(/''hhodo_neg_ped_limit = 1000,'', > ''1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000''/ > 22x,''1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000''/ > 22x,''1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000''/ > 22x,''1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000''/ > 22x,''1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000''/ > 22x,''1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000''/ > 22x,''1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000''/ > 22x,''1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000'')') close(unit=10) ! Diagnositc information write(fname,'(''HTOFCAL/htofcal'',i5.5,''.diag'')') > runno open(unit=10,file=fname) write(10,'(1x,''ifail='',i10, > '' (desired value is 0 if fit worked)'')') ifail do i=1,100 if(nhit(i).gt.0 .or.nhit(100+i).gt.0.) then write(10,'(i3,2i6,6f7.1)') i,nhit(i),nhit(100+i), > -toff(i),-toff(100+i),-1./vel(i),-1./vel(100+i), > -quad(i),-quad(100+i) endif enddo write(10,'(''ADCHIST'')') do i=1,200 if(nhit(i).gt.0) write(10,'(i4,16i4)') > i,(adchist(i,j)/10,j=1,16) enddo write(10,'(''THIST'')') do i=1,200 if(nhit(i).gt.0) write(10,'(i4,10i5)') > i,(thist(i,j)/100,j=1,10) enddo write(10,'('' PHIST'')') do i=1,200 if(nhit(i).gt.0) write(10,'(i4,16i4)') > i,(phist(i,j)/20,j=1,16) enddo close(unit=10) return end