SUBROUTINE H_TRANS_DC(ABORT,err) *-------------------------------------------------------- *- *- Purpose and Methods : Translate HMS raw drift and start time *- to decoded information *- *- Required Input BANKS HMS_RAW_DC *- HMS_DECODED_SCIN *- *- Output BANKS HMS_DECODED_DC *- *- Output: ABORT - success or failure *- : err - reason for failure, if any *- * $Log: h_trans_dc.f,v $ * Revision 2009/09/02 13:40:39 jones * eliminate commented emacs definitions * * Revision 2009/05/18 14:08:00 jones * 1) add code to remove all DC hits for one plane if that plane * has more than h_max_hits_per_plane.. * 2) add code to purge DC hits based on matching the location of * paddles in S1X and S1Y * * Revision 1.15 2002/10/02 13:42:43 saw * Check that user hists are defined before filling * * Revision 1.14 1996/09/04 14:23:38 saw * (??) Cosmetic * * Revision 1.13 1996/01/16 21:37:13 cdaq * (JRA) Change sign on hstart_time * * Revision 1.12 1995/10/11 13:51:04 cdaq * (JRA) Cleanup, add bypass switch to h_dc_eff call * * Revision 1.11 1995/08/30 15:27:39 cdaq * (JRA) Add call to h_dc_eff, warn about invalid plane numbers * * Revision 1.10 1995/05/22 19:39:32 cdaq * (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts" * * Revision 1.9 1995/05/17 14:02:20 cdaq * (JRA) Add hist for all dc tdc's in one histogram. * * Revision 1.8 1995/04/06 19:34:34 cdaq * (JRA) HMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES -> HDC_NUM_PLANES * * Revision 1.7 1994/09/14 14:10:49 cdaq * (JRA) Initialize hdc_center array first time. * * Revision 1.6 1994/08/16 13:24:58 cdaq * (DJA) Move call to h_fill_dc_dec_hist to h_pattern_recognition * * Revision 1.5 1994/06/15 20:35:59 cdaq * (DFG) Add upper and lower limit for valid TDC * * Revision 1.4 1994/04/13 17:59:46 cdaq * (DFG) add histogram call and remove raw dump * * Revision 1.3 1994/03/24 19:48:48 cdaq * (DFG) add print routines and flags * check plane number and wire number for validity * * Revision 1.2 1994/02/22 05:27:06 cdaq * (SAW) Make err ' ' instead of '' * * Revision 1.1 1994/02/19 06:21:23 cdaq * Initial revision * *-------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE SAVE * character*10 here parameter (here= 'H_TRANS_DC') * logical ABORT character*(*) err * include 'hms_data_structures.cmn' include 'gen_constants.par' include 'gen_units.par' include 'hms_tracking.cmn' include 'hms_geometry.cmn' include 'hms_track_histid.cmn' include 'hms_bypass_switches.cmn' c added for pruning of junk wires include 'hms_scin_tof.cmn' * *-------------------------------------------------------- real*4 h_drift_dist_calc external h_drift_dist_calc integer*4 ihit,goodhit,old_wire,old_pln,wire,pln,chamber real*4 histval * c new arrays for checking the two arrays below. integer dcscin(2,16,12,128),plane,counter,ihitsc common/pybtest/ dcscin c hard-wired values of the peak positions c in the DC plane distributions corresponding to c X1 or Y1 hodoscope hit counters. These come from c fitting the distribtuions in dsscin array from c run 72994, April 28, 2009 P. Bosted real iw0(12)/111.5, -11.0, 1.3, 108.1, 64., 2.0, > 115.0, -12.5,-3.0, 113.6, 67., -1.5/ real iwsl(12)/ -6.5, 6.8, 6.4, -6.3, -6.7, 6.5, > -7.0, 7.0, 7.0, -7.0, -7.0, 7.0/ real iwcntr c Tolerance for how many wires on each side of the c peak position will be kept by the "wire cleaning" c code below. Adjusted to keep essentailly all good c hits for now. real iwtol(12)/8., 8., 11., 11., 8., 8., > 7., 7., 11., 11., 7., 7./ c array to decide if a wire should be purged from c the list beacuse does not match a good hodoscope hit logical purgewire(1000) c array to decide if wire purging should take place c for a given plane logical purgeplane(12),first/.true./ c array to count how many RAW hits passing TDC cuts c there are per plane integer wperplane(12) ABORT= .FALSE. err= ' ' old_wire = -1 old_pln = -1 goodhit = 0 c make sure wire purging parameters are reasonable if(first) then write(*,'(//''Using '',f6.1, > '' nsec for wire purging'')') h_iwslop if( then h_iwslop = 0.0 write(*,'(//''*******************************'')') write(*,'(''This is too small to work: reset'', > '' h_iwslop to 0.0 nsec'')') write(*,'(//''*******************************'')') endif if( then write(*,'(''This means wire purging essentially'', > '' is turned off!'')') endif write(*,'(//''Using max of '',i6, > '' hits per plnae'')') h_max_hits_per_plane if( then h_max_hits_per_plane=6 write(*,'(''*********************************'')') write(*,'(''This is too small: Resetting to 6'')') endif first = .false. endif if (hdc_center(1).eq.0.) then !initialize hdc_center if not yet set. do pln = 1, hdc_num_planes chamber = hdc_chamber_planes(pln) hdc_center(pln) = hdc_xcenter(chamber)*sin(hdc_alpha_angle(pln))+ & hdc_ycenter(chamber)*cos(hdc_alpha_angle(pln)) enddo endif ! Inititalize this array do pln=1,12 wperplane(pln)=0 purgeplane(pln) = .false. enddo ! Check if any X1 or Y1 hodoscope hits. Need at least ! cone to purge wires in corresponding planes do ihitsc = 1 , hscin_tot_hits plane = hscin_plane_num(ihitsc) counter = hscin_counter_num(ihitsc) if(hgood_scin_time(1,ihitsc)) then if( > then purgeplane(1)=.true. purgeplane(3)=.true. purgeplane(4)=.true. purgeplane(6)=.true. purgeplane(7)=.true. purgeplane(9)=.true. purgeplane(10)=.true. purgeplane(12)=.true. endif if( > then purgeplane(2)=.true. purgeplane(5)=.true. purgeplane(8)=.true. purgeplane(11)=.true. endif endif enddo * Are there any raw hits if( then * loop over all raw hits do ihit=1,hdc_raw_tot_hits pln = hdc_raw_plane_num(ihit) wire = hdc_raw_wire_num(ihit) ! Initialize all wires in this plane to be purged, ! if there is appropriate X1 or Y1 to test on below purgewire(min(1000,ihit))= > purgeplane(max(1,min(12,pln))) ! Count how many hits passing TDC cuts there are per ! plane (to use later to remove planes with too many hits) if(hdc_raw_tdc(ihit).gt.hdc_tdc_min_win(pln).and. > hdc_raw_tdc(ihit).lt.hdc_tdc_max_win(pln).and. > then wperplane(pln)=wperplane(pln)+1 endif c actually set the purging flag do ihitsc = 1 , hscin_tot_hits plane = hscin_plane_num(ihitsc) counter = hscin_counter_num(ihitsc) if(hgood_scin_time(1,ihitsc).and. > > .and. then iwcntr = iw0(pln) + iwsl(pln)*counter if(plane.eq.1.and.(pln.eq.1.or.pln.eq.3.or. > pln.eq.4.or.pln.eq.6.or.pln.eq.7.or. > pln.eq.9.or.pln.eq.10.or.pln.eq.12).and. > then if( - iwtol(pln) - h_iwslop .and. > + iwtol(pln) + h_iwslop) then purgewire(min(1000,ihit))= .false. endif endif if(plane.eq.2.and.(pln.eq.2.or.pln.eq.5.or. > pln.eq.8.or.pln.eq.11).and. > then if( - iwtol(pln) - h_iwslop .and. > + iwtol(pln) + h_iwslop) then purgewire(min(1000,ihit))= .false. endif endif endif enddo c Increment one-line histograms to see corresponance c of hodoscope and wire numbers for each plane, wire do ihitsc = 1 , hscin_tot_hits plane = hscin_plane_num(ihitsc) counter = hscin_counter_num(ihitsc) if(hgood_scin_time(1,ihitsc).and. > .and. counter.le.16.and. > > > hdc_raw_tdc(ihit).gt.hdc_tdc_min_win(pln).and. > hdc_raw_tdc(ihit).lt.hdc_tdc_max_win(pln).and. > .and. then if( then dcscin(plane,counter,pln,wire) = > dcscin(plane,counter,pln,wire) + 1 endif endif enddo * check valid plane and wire number if( .and. pln.le. hdc_num_planes) then histval=float(hdc_raw_tdc(ihit)) if( call hf1(hidrawtdc,histval,1.) * test if tdc value less than lower limit for good hits if(hdc_raw_tdc(ihit) .lt. hdc_tdc_min_win(pln)) then hwire_early_mult(wire,pln) = hwire_early_mult(wire,pln)+1 else if(hdc_raw_tdc(ihit) .gt. hdc_tdc_max_win(pln)) then hwire_late_mult(wire,pln) = hwire_late_mult(wire,pln)+1 else * test for valid wire number if(wire .gt. 0 .and. wire .le. hdc_nrwire(pln) ) then * test for multiple hit on the same wire c if(pln .eq. old_pln .and. wire .eq. old_wire ) then c added test on number wires in a plane. If too many, c none of them will be used. 4/28/2009 P. Bosted c also added the wire purging based on hodo X1 and Y1 c in this place if((pln .eq. old_pln .and. > wire .eq. old_wire ).or. c 6 is optimum value > wperplane(min(12,max(1,pln))).gt. > h_max_hits_per_plane .or. > purgewire(min(1000,ihit)))then hwire_extra_mult(wire,pln) = > hwire_extra_mult(wire,pln)+1 else * valid hit proceed with decoding goodhit = goodhit + 1 hdc_plane_num(goodhit) = hdc_raw_plane_num(ihit) hdc_wire_num(goodhit) = hdc_raw_wire_num(ihit) hdc_tdc(goodhit) = hdc_raw_tdc(ihit) if(hdc_wire_counting(pln).eq.0) then !normal ordering hdc_wire_center(goodhit) = hdc_pitch(pln) & * (float(wire)-hdc_central_wire(pln)) & - hdc_center(pln) else hdc_wire_center(goodhit) = hdc_pitch(pln) & * ((hdc_nrwire(pln)+(1-wire)) & - hdc_central_wire(pln)) - hdc_center(pln) endif hdc_drift_time(goodhit) = - hstart_time & - float(hdc_tdc(goodhit))*hdc_tdc_time_per_channel & + hdc_plane_time_zero(pln) * find dist in pattern_recognition, after apply propogation correction. * hdc_drift_dis(goodhit) = h_drift_dist_calc * $ (pln,wire,hdc_drift_time(goodhit)) hdc_hits_per_plane(pln) = hdc_hits_per_plane(pln) + 1 hwire_mult(wire,pln) = hwire_mult(wire,pln)+1 endif ! end test on duplicate wire old_pln = pln old_wire = wire endif ! end test on valid wire number endif ! end test on hdc_tdc_max_win endif ! end test on hdc_tdc_min_win else ! if not a valid plane number write(6,*) 'H_TRANS_DC: invalid plane number = ',pln endif ! end test on valid plane number enddo ! end loop over raw hits * * set total number of good hits * HDC_TOT_HITS = goodhit * if (hbypass_dc_eff.eq.0) call h_dc_eff !only call if there is a hit. * endif ! end test on * * * Dump decoded banks if flag is set if( then call h_print_decoded_dc(ABORT,err) endif * RETURN END