* * Common block that contains the mapping of physical fastbus locations * to logical detector identification. * * $Log: gen_decode_common.cmn,v $ * Revision 2007/09/11 19:14:18 frw * fixed FPP related arrays and limits * * Revision 2007/09/10 21:18:13 frw * fixed FPP related arrays and limits * * Revision 2007/09/07 21:55:07 puckett * increased maxplanes, maxcounters to 999,changed range of index 4 of array g_decode_roc * * Revision 2007/08/27 20:24:42 puckett * Increased "max planes" from 15 to 56 * * Revision 2007/08/22 19:09:31 frw * added FPP * * Revision 1.5 4/2007 frw * added flag to identify module type in VME bins -- unused for FastBus * * Revision 2007/06/04 15:11:23 puckett * changed hit array structure for trigger-related signals * * Revision 2007/05/15 02:53:02 jones * Start to Bigcal code * * Revision 1.4 1996/01/17 15:40:59 cdaq * (SAW) Change roc index in arrays to start at zero. * (JRA) Add structures needed to produce adc threshold setting files. * * Revision 1.3 1994/10/20 12:26:44 cdaq * (JRA) Increate G_DECODE_MAXROCS from 8 to 9 * * Revision 1.2 1994/04/05 14:31:10 cdaq * Add g_decode_subaddbit for location in FB word of sub address * * Revision 1.1 1994/02/07 19:36:23 cdaq * Initial revision * *%% include 'gen_detectorids.par' * integer G_DECODE_MAXWORDS ! Must exceed number of parameter (G_DECODE_MAXWORDS=10000) ! installed FB channels integer G_DECODE_MAXROCS parameter (G_DECODE_MAXROCS=15) ! Largest ROC # + 1 integer G_DECODE_MAXSLOTS parameter (G_DECODE_MAXSLOTS=25) ! # slots in a FB crate integer G_DECODE_MAXPLANES parameter (G_DECODE_MAXPLANES=99) ! Largest plane # integer G_DECODE_MAXCOUNTERS parameter (G_DECODE_MAXCOUNTERS=999) ! Largest counter # integer G_DECODE_MAXSIGNALS parameter (G_DECODE_MAXSIGNALS=3) ! Largest signal # integer*4 g_decode_slotpointer ! Pointer into map arrays integer*4 g_decode_subaddcnt ! Number of subadds per slot integer*4 g_decode_subaddbit ! bit shift to get subadd integer*4 g_decode_modtyp ! flag to identify module type integer*4 g_decode_slotmask integer*4 g_decode_didmap integer*4 g_decode_planemap, g_decode_countermap integer*4 g_decode_sigtypmap integer*4 g_decode_nextpointer ! Next free in map arrays integer*4 g_decode_roc common /UPCOMMON/ $ g_decode_slotpointer(0:G_DECODE_MAXROCS, G_DECODE_MAXSLOTS), $ g_decode_subaddcnt(0:G_DECODE_MAXROCS,G_DECODE_MAXSLOTS), $ g_decode_subaddbit(0:G_DECODE_MAXROCS,G_DECODE_MAXSLOTS), $ g_decode_slotmask(0:G_DECODE_MAXROCS,G_DECODE_MAXSLOTS), $ g_decode_didmap(G_DECODE_MAXWORDS), $ g_decode_planemap(G_DECODE_MAXWORDS), $ g_decode_countermap(G_DECODE_MAXWORDS), $ g_decode_sigtypmap(G_DECODE_MAXWORDS), $ g_decode_nextpointer, $ g_decode_modtyp(0:G_DECODE_MAXROCS,G_DECODE_MAXSLOTS), $ g_decode_roc(0:MAXID,G_DECODE_MAXPLANES, $ G_DECODE_MAXCOUNTERS,0:G_DECODE_MAXSIGNALS) integer*4 gmax_roc_with_adc integer*4 gmax_slot_with_adc integer*4 gnum_adc_channels parameter (gmax_roc_with_adc=12) parameter (gmax_slot_with_adc=22) parameter (gnum_adc_channels=64) * use slot,roc so that g_threshold_readback(1,3,7) >>> thresholds(*) gives * the thresholds(1-64) = the 64 thresholds in roc3,slot7. integer*4 g_threshold_readback(gnum_adc_channels, & gmax_roc_with_adc,gmax_slot_with_adc) common/gen_threshold_check/ & g_threshold_readback * Local Variables: * mode: fortran * End: