* gen_one_ev_gcvolu.cmn * include file for One Event Display *-- Original Author : Pat Welch *-- Most recent Author : Derek van Westrum * $Log: gen_one_ev_gcvolu.cmn,v $ * Revision 1.1 1996/01/17 15:44:43 cdaq * Initial revision * * * since I normally use implicit none I'll need to type what is here. * c This common block is described in the GEANT manual on page BASE 030-11 c integer nlevel ! # at which the last medium search stopped c character*4 names ! Volume names at each level c integer number ! User volume numbers at each level c integer lvolum ! System volume numbers at each level c integer lindex ! Physical tree volume indices at each level c integer infrom ! ? c integer nlevmx ! ? c integer nldev ! ? c integer linmx ! ? c real gtran ! (x,y,z) offsets of the cumulative coord xforms c real grmat ! Rotation matrix elements for cumulative xforms c real gonly ! uniqueness flags at each level c real glx ! current poin in local coordinates system INTEGER NLEVEL,NAMES,NUMBER,LVOLUM,LINDEX,INFROM,NLEVMX, + NLDEV,LINMX REAL GTRAN,GRMAT,GONLY,GLX COMMON/GCVOLU/NLEVEL,NAMES(15),NUMBER(15), +LVOLUM(15),LINDEX(15),INFROM,NLEVMX,NLDEV(15),LINMX(15), +GTRAN(3,15),GRMAT(10,15),GONLY(15),GLX(3) C