*_______________________________________________________________________ * hms_id_histid.cmn * * This common block contains the HBOOK histogram id numbers * for all hms particle id histograms in which direct hfill * calls are made. * * It also contains the paramter flags to turn on and off histograming * of each of the hard coded blocks. * * Created 9 April 1994 D. F. Geesaman * * $Log: hms_id_histid.cmn,v $ * Revision 2007/10/30 00:28:32 cdaq * added FPP geometric alignment checks * * Revision 2007/10/22 18:39:10 cdaq * adjusted HMS FPP histos * * Revision 2007/08/22 19:09:31 frw * added FPP * * * Revision 1.15 2006/06/22 frw * added FPP hids * * Revision 1.14 2002/12/20 21:52:33 jones * Modified by Hamlet for new HMS aerogel * * Revision 1.13 2002/10/08 (Hamlet) * Add HMS Aerogel histograms * * Revision 1.12 1999/02/23 19:10:42 csa * (JRA) Add hidscindpos_pid, cleanup * * Revision 1.11 1999/02/03 21:13:34 saw * Code for new Shower counter tubes * * Revision 1.10 1996/09/04 15:51:24 saw * Add hidmisctdcs * * Revision 1.9 1996/01/17 16:01:00 cdaq * (JRA) Add hidscintimes histogram * * Revision 1.8 1995/09/01 13:02:31 cdaq * (JRA) Add dpos histid's * * Revision 1.7 1995/08/11 16:30:58 cdaq * (JRA) Add dpos (track pos - hit pos) histograms * * Revision 1.6 1995/07/28 14:26:52 cdaq * (JRA) Add hidsum histogram id holders * * Revision 1.5 1995/05/22 19:07:28 cdaq * (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts * * Revision 1.4 1995/05/12 12:23:39 cdaq * (JRA) Modify/add user histograms * * Revision 1.3 1994/08/05 15:41:18 cdaq * (SAW) Add makereg directive with required include files * * Revision 1.2 1994/08/04 20:51:58 cdaq * (SAW) Add "CTPTYPE=parm" directive for auto generation of CTP reg calls * * Revision 1.1 1994/04/12 21:11:59 cdaq * Initial revision * * The following include statments must precede the inclusion of this * file in each routine that uses it. The *%% syntax is also a * directive to makereg to tell it to include the code in the program * that it generates. * *%% include 'hms_data_structures.cmn' *%% include 'hms_scin_parms.cmn' * * The following don't need to be registered?? * CTPTYPE=parm integer*4 hidscinrawtothits integer*4 hidscinplane integer*4 hidscinallpostdc(HNUM_SCIN_PLANES) integer*4 hidscinallnegtdc(HNUM_SCIN_PLANES) integer*4 hidscinallposadc(HNUM_SCIN_PLANES) integer*4 hidscinallnegadc(HNUM_SCIN_PLANES) integer*4 hidscincounters(HNUM_SCIN_PLANES) integer*4 hidscinposadc(HNUM_SCIN_PLANES,hnum_scin_elements) integer*4 hidscinnegadc(HNUM_SCIN_PLANES,hnum_scin_elements) integer*4 hidscinpostdc(HNUM_SCIN_PLANES,hnum_scin_elements) integer*4 hidscinnegtdc(HNUM_SCIN_PLANES,hnum_scin_elements) integer*4 hidscinalltimes integer*4 hidscindpos(HNUM_SCIN_PLANES) integer*4 hidscindpos_pid(HNUM_SCIN_PLANES) integer*4 hidsumposadc(HNUM_SCIN_PLANES) integer*4 hidsumnegadc(HNUM_SCIN_PLANES) integer*4 hidsumpostdc(HNUM_SCIN_PLANES) integer*4 hidsumnegtdc(HNUM_SCIN_PLANES) integer*4 hidscintimes integer*4 hidcalplane integer*4 hidcalhits(HMAX_CAL_COLUMNS) integer*4 hidcalposhits(HMAX_CAL_COLUMNS) integer*4 hidcalneghits(HMAX_CAL_COLUMNS) integer*4 hidcalsumadc integer*4 hidcaldpos integer*4 hiddcdposx,hiddcdposy,hiddcdposxp,hiddcdposyp integer*4 hidmisctdcs * integer*4 hidhaero_adc_pos_hits integer*4 hidhaero_adc_neg_hits integer*4 hidhaero_adc_pos_pedsubtr integer*4 hidhaero_adc_neg_pedsubtr integer*4 hidhaero_tdc_pos_hits integer*4 hidhaero_tdc_neg_hits c common/hms_id_histid/ & hidscinrawtothits, & hidscinplane, & hidscinallpostdc, & hidscinallnegtdc, & hidscinallposadc, & hidscinallnegadc, & hidscincounters, & hidscinposadc, & hidscinnegadc, & hidscinpostdc, & hidscinnegtdc, & hidscinalltimes, & hidscintimes, & hidsumposadc, & hidsumnegadc, & hidsumpostdc, & hidsumnegtdc, & hidscindpos, & hidcalplane, & hidcalhits, & hidcalsumadc, & hidcalposhits, & hidcalneghits, & hidcaldpos, & hiddcdposx,hiddcdposy,hiddcdposxp,hiddcdposyp, & hidmisctdcs, & hidscindpos_pid, & hidhaero_adc_pos_pedsubtr,hidhaero_adc_neg_pedsubtr, & hidhaero_adc_pos_hits,hidhaero_adc_neg_hits, & hidhaero_tdc_pos_hits,hidhaero_tdc_neg_hits integer*4 hidFPP_tdc(H_FPP_N_PLANES) integer*4 hidFPP_tdcROC integer*4 hidFPP_alltimes(H_FPP_N_PLANES) integer*4 hidFPP_planetime(H_FPP_N_PLANES) integer*4 hidFPP_rate1(H_FPP_N_PLANES) integer*4 hidFPP_time1(H_FPP_N_PLANES) integer*4 hidFPP_time12(H_FPP_N_PLANES) integer*4 hidFPP_driftT(H_FPP_N_DCSETS,H_FPP_N_DCINSET,H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS) integer*4 hidFPP_driftX(H_FPP_N_DCSETS,H_FPP_N_DCINSET,H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS) integer*4 hidFPP_should(H_FPP_N_DCSETS,H_FPP_N_DCINSET,H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS) integer*4 hidFPP_did(H_FPP_N_DCSETS,H_FPP_N_DCINSET,H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS) integer*4 hidFPP_dist(H_FPP_N_DCSETS) integer*4 hidFPP_rawinclust(H_FPP_N_PLANES) integer*4 hidFPP_trk_chi2(H_FPP_N_DCSETS) integer*4 hidFPP_trk_mx(H_FPP_N_DCSETS) integer*4 hidFPP_trk_bx(H_FPP_N_DCSETS) integer*4 hidFPP_trk_my(H_FPP_N_DCSETS) integer*4 hidFPP_trk_by(H_FPP_N_DCSETS) integer*4 hidFPP_Ntrk(H_FPP_N_DCSETS) integer*4 hidFPP_Nhitontrk(H_FPP_N_DCSETS) integer*4 hidFPP_Nrawontrk(H_FPP_N_DCSETS) integer*4 hidFPP_trkrough(H_FPP_N_DCSETS,6) integer*4 hidFPP_fine_mx(H_FPP_N_DCSETS) integer*4 hidFPP_fine_bx(H_FPP_N_DCSETS) integer*4 hidFPP_fine_my(H_FPP_N_DCSETS) integer*4 hidFPP_fine_by(H_FPP_N_DCSETS) integer*4 hidFPP_NickEff(H_FPP_N_DCSETS) integer*4 hidFPP_sclose(H_FPP_N_DCSETS) integer*4 hidFPP_zclose(H_FPP_N_DCSETS) integer*4 hidFPP_thetapol(H_FPP_N_DCSETS) integer*4 hidFPP_phipol(H_FPP_N_DCSETS) integer*4 hidFPP_resol_lin(H_FPP_N_DCSETS) integer*4 hidFPP_resol_ang(H_FPP_N_DCSETS) integer*4 hid_HMSwire(H_FPP_N_DCSETS,H_FPP_N_DCINSET,H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS) integer*4 hid_rawROC(0:15) c common/hms_fpp_histid/ & hidFPP_tdc, & hidFPP_rate1, hidFPP_planetime, & hidFPP_alltimes, hidFPP_time1, hidFPP_time12, & hidFPP_driftT, hidFPP_driftX, & hidFPP_should, hidFPP_did, & hidFPP_dist, & hidFPP_rawinclust, & hidFPP_trk_chi2, & hidFPP_trk_mx, hidFPP_trk_bx, & hidFPP_trk_my, hidFPP_trk_by, & hidFPP_Ntrk, & hidFPP_Nhitontrk, & hidFPP_Nrawontrk, & hidFPP_trkrough, & hidFPP_fine_mx, hidFPP_fine_my, & hidFPP_fine_bx, hidFPP_fine_by, & hidFPP_resol_lin, hidFPP_resol_ang, & hidFPP_tdcROC, & hidFPP_NickEff, & hidFPP_sclose, hidFPP_zclose, & hidFPP_thetapol, hidFPP_phipol, & hid_rawROC,hid_HMSwire * * CTPTYPE=parm * * flags to turn on (.eq.1) or off (.eq. 0) hard coded histograms integer*4 hturnon_scin_raw_hist * common/hms_id_hist_flags/ & hturnon_scin_raw_hist