* This include file contains all the variables required for h_physics * $Log: hms_physics_sing.cmn,v $ * Revision 1.11 2005/03/23 16:35:04 jones * Add new code s_select_best_track_prune.f and h_select_best_track_prune.f (P Bosted) * * Revision 1.10 2004/02/26 22:14:53 jones * Add parameter hsel_using_scin. When hsel_using_scin= 1 then new code * HTRACKING/h_select_track_using_scin.f which selects track * base on which hits closest to the scintillator hits. * When hsel_using_scin= 0 then previous way of selecting best * track based on chi-squared is used. * * Revision 1.9 2003/09/08 21:03:03 jones * Change h_phicentral_offset to h_oopcentral_offset (mkj) * * Revision 1.8 2002/09/24 20:29:04 jones * add parameters hphicentral_offset, hpcentral_offset, * hthetacentral_offset * * Revision 1.7 1999/02/23 19:16:52 csa * Add some physics vars * * Revision 1.6 1996/09/04 16:11:28 saw * (JRA,DD) Add some egamma variables and some angle/momentum offset * variables * * Revision 1.5 1996/04/30 13:39:20 saw * (JRA) Add pathlength, rf, and photodisintigration variables * * Revision 1.4 1995/09/01 13:03:31 cdaq * (JRA) Add cerenkov position variables * * Revision 1.3 1995/01/27 20:18:34 cdaq * (JRA) Add hms_tmp_stuff array of useful physics quantities * * Revision 1.2 1994/08/05 19:37:37 cdaq * (SAW) Add "CTPTYPE=event,parm" directives for auto generation of CTP reg calls * * Revision 1.1 1994/06/14 03:25:33 cdaq * Initial revision * * CTPTYPE=event * * Event varaibles to calculate REAL*4 HSELAS_COR ! Difference between momentum measured ! by tracking and elastic kinematics COMMON/HMS_PHYSIC_SING/ & HSELAS_COR * * CTPTYPE=parm * * initializiation paramters REAL*4 HPHYSICSA ! Coefficients of p3 in elastic cal REAL*4 HPHYSICSB ! REAL*4 HPHYSICAB2 ! REAL*4 HPHYSICSM3B ! REAL*4 COSHTHETAS ! COS(HTHETA_LAB) REAL*4 SINHTHETAS ! SIN(HTHETA_LAB) COMMON/HMS_PHYSICS_PARAM_R4/ & HPHYSICSA, & HPHYSICSB, & HPHYSICAB2, & HPHYSICSM3B, & COSHTHETAS, & SINHTHETAS * * Parameters that select the best track. Note these should be * loose cuts to make sure we select one track. The final * tighter cuts should be made with tests. * REAL*4 hsel_chi2_fpperdegmax ! Maximun chi2 per degree of freedom ! at the focal plane REAL*4 hsel_dedx1min ! Minimum dedx in chamber 1 REAL*4 hsel_dedx1max ! Maximum dedx in chamber 1 REAL*4 hsel_betamin ! Minimum beta REAL*4 hsel_betamax ! Maximum beta REAL*4 hsel_etmin ! Minimum track et REAL*4 hsel_etmax ! Maximum track et ! following parameters are only used if pruning is selected ! see the code h_select_best_track_prune.f for meaning ! Note: all these limits are for abs(quantity) except df, chibeta real*4 hprune_xp ! Maximum xp angle in radians real*4 hprune_yp ! maximum yp angle in radianss real*4 hprune_ytar ! maximum ytar in cm real*4 hprune_delta ! Maximum delta in percent real*4 hprune_beta ! Maximum beta-1 integer hprune_df ! Minimum d.f. for track real*4 hprune_chibeta ! Maximum beta chisq real*4 hprune_fptime ! Maximum fptime - nominal integer hprune_npmt ! Minimum PMTs for track INTEGER*4 hsel_ndegreesmin ! Minimum number of degrees of freedom INTEGER*4 hsel_using_scin ! =1 select best track using scin info ! = 0 select best track suing just chi2 INTEGER*4 hsel_using_prune ! =1 select best track using new ! routine and prune values ! = 0 then using_scin applies * COMMON/hms_chose_one_track_r4/ & hsel_chi2_fpperdegmax, & hsel_dedx1min, & hsel_dedx1max, & hsel_betamin, & hsel_betamax, & hsel_etmin, & hsel_etmax, & hprune_xp, & hprune_yp, & hprune_ytar, & hprune_delta, & hprune_beta, & hprune_df, & hprune_chibeta, & hprune_npmt, & hprune_fptime * COMMON/hms_chose_one_track_i4/ & hsel_ndegreesmin, & hsel_using_scin, & hsel_using_prune * * CTPTYPE=event * real*4 hsx_dc1, hsy_dc1 real*4 hsx_dc2, hsy_dc2 real*4 hsx_s1, hsy_s1 real*4 hsx_cer, hsy_cer real*4 hsx_s2, hsy_s2 real*4 hsx_cal, hsy_cal integer*4 hsscin_elem_hit(4) COMMON/hms_tmp_stuff/ & hsx_dc1, hsy_dc1, & hsx_dc2, hsy_dc2, & hsx_s1, hsy_s1, & hsx_cer, hsy_cer, & hsx_s2, hsy_s2, & hsx_cal, hsy_cal, & hsscin_elem_hit * * CTPTYPE=parm * real*4 hpathlength_central * * CTPTYPE=event * real*4 hsbeta_p real*4 hspathlength real*4 hspath_cor real*4 hsrftime COMMON/hms_timing_stuff/ & hpathlength_central, & hsbeta_p, & hspathlength, & hspath_cor, & hsrftime * * CTPTYPE=event * real*4 hqx,hqy,hqz,hqabs real*4 hinvmass common/hms_physics_quantaties/ & hqx,hqy,hqz,hqabs, & hinvmass c------------------------------------------------------------------ c For photodisintegration calculations. c M.Miller, NPL UIUC, 10-Sept-1995, miller5@uiuc.edu * * CTPTYPE=parm * real*4 hphoto_mtarget ! Mass of target [Gev/c^2] real*4 hphoto_mrecoil ! Mass of recoil system [Gev/c^2] * * CTPTYPE=event * real*4 hsegamma real*4 hsegamma_p !Egamma, assuming proton real*4 hsegamma_d !Egamma, assuming deuteron common /hms_photo_param/ & hphoto_mtarget, & hphoto_mrecoil, & hsegamma, & hsegamma_p, & hsegamma_d * * CTPTYPE=parm * c D.Dutta, 24th-Apr-1996 real*4 hdelta_offset ! hms delta offset real*4 htheta_offset ! hms scatteringangel offset real*4 hphi_offset real*4 hmomentum_factor ! multiplier for the hms momentum c J.Volmer, 9th-Jul-1999 real*4 hpcentral_offset ! hms central momentum offset real*4 hthetacentral_offset ! hms central angle offset real*4 h_oopcentral_offset ! hms central oop angle offset * * CTPTYPE=event * common /hms_offsets/ & hdelta_offset, & htheta_offset, & hphi_offset, & hmomentum_factor, & hpcentral_offset, & hthetacentral_offset, & h_oopcentral_offset * * CTPTYPE=event * real*4 hs_qvec(4) real*4 hs_kpvec(4) real*4 hs_kvec(4) real*4 hs_tvec(4) COMMON/hs_vectors/ & hs_qvec, & hs_kpvec, & hs_kvec, & hs_tvec