* sos_geometry.cmn * * This include file has all the geometrical coefficients for the * SOS wire chambers. * * d.f. geesaman 1 September 1993 * * modifed dfg 14 Feb 1994 * change SPLANE_PARAM(2,) to sdc_zpos * change SPLANE_PARAM(3,) to sdc_alpha_angle * change SPLANE_PARAM(4,) to sdc_beta_angle * change SPLANE_PARAM(5,) to sdc_gamma_angle * change SPLANE_PARAM(6,) to sdc_pitch * change SPLANE_PARAM(7,) to sdc_nrwire * change SPLANE_PARAM(8,) to sdc_central_wire * change SPLANE_PARAM(9,) to sdc_sigma * change SPLANE_LABEL to sdc_plane_name * add sdc_xcenter * sdc_ycenter * $Log: sos_geometry.cmn,v $ * Revision 1.8 1996/09/04 16:28:21 saw * (JRA) Make hdc_nrwire integer * * Revision 1.7 1995/05/22 19:07:14 cdaq * (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts * * Revision 1.6 1995/01/27 20:21:25 cdaq * (JRA) Remove no longer used drift time->distance parameters * * Revision 1.5 1994/11/22 18:44:30 cdaq * (SPB) Brought up to date with hms_geometry.cmn * (SAW) Cleaned up ?DC_NUM_CHAMBERS and ?MAX_NUM_CHAMBERS stuff * * Revision 1.4 1994/08/05 20:36:42 cdaq * * (SAW) Add makereg directive with required include files * Add "CTPTYPE=parm" directive for auto generation of CTP reg calls * * Revision 1.3 1994/06/14 03:23:06 cdaq * (DFG) Add sdc_plane_time_zero * * Revision 1.2 1994/03/24 18:37:29 cdaq * (DFG) Additional parameters * * Revision 1.1 1994/02/22 14:47:24 cdaq * Initial revision * * The following include statments must precede the inclusion of this * file in each routine that uses it. The *%% syntax is also a * directive to makereg to tell it to include the code in the program * that it generates. * *%% include 'sos_data_structures.cmn' * * CTPTYPE=parm ! Probably don't really want the following registered * real*4 szchi,szpsi ! geometrical coefficients defining z-z0 real*4 sxchi,sxpsi ! x and y for each wire plane. real*4 sychi,sypsi * real*4 sz0 ! z coordinate of intersection of chamber with ! z axis real*4 spsi0,schi0,sphi0 ! psi, chi and phi coordinates where a ! chamber normal passing through the origin ! intersects the chamber. Used in stub fits real*4 sstubcoef ! coefficents used in stub fits ! note these contain one power of sigma real*4 stanbeta,ssinbeta,scosbeta * real*4 sxsp ! coefficents used in space point fits. real*4 sysp * real*8 splane_coeff ! coefficients used in final track fit * integer*4 SNUM_PLANE_COEFF ! number of plane track fit coefficients parameter (SNUM_PLANE_COEFF=9) integer*4 SNUM_RAY_PARAM ! number of ray parameters parameter (SNUM_RAY_PARAM=4) * common/SOS_GEOMETRY/ & splane_coeff(SNUM_PLANE_COEFF,SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES), & szpsi(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),szchi(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES), & sxpsi(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),sxchi(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES), & sypsi(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),sychi(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES), & sz0(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),spsi0(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES), & schi0(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),sphi0(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES), & sstubcoef(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES,SNUM_RAY_PARAM), & sxsp(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),sysp(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES), & stanbeta(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),ssinbeta(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES), & scosbeta(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES) * real*4 sdc_zpos real*4 sdc_alpha_angle real*4 sdc_beta_angle real*4 sdc_gamma_angle real*4 sdc_pitch integer*4 sdc_nrwire real*4 sdc_central_wire real*4 sdc_sigma real*4 sdc_xcenter real*4 sdc_ycenter real*4 sdc_center * real*4 SPLANE_PARAM integer*4 sdc_chamber_planes character*16 sdc_plane_name common/SOS_PLANE_PARAMETERS/ & sdc_zpos(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES), & sdc_alpha_angle(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES), & sdc_beta_angle(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES), & sdc_gamma_angle(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES), & sdc_pitch(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES), & sdc_central_wire(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES), & sdc_nrwire(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES), & sdc_sigma(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES), & sdc_xcenter(SMAX_NUM_CHAMBERS), & sdc_ycenter(SMAX_NUM_CHAMBERS), & sdc_chamber_planes(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES), & sdc_plane_name(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES), & sdc_center(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES) real*4 slocrayzt parameter (slocrayzt=0.) * * CTPTYPE=parm * * parameter file variables. Separate by type to make it easy to add * at the end * REAL*4 * * real*4 sdrift_velocity ! sos drift velocity in cm/ns real*4 sdc_tdc_time_per_channel real*4 sdc_1_zpos real*4 sdc_2_zpos real*4 sdc_3_zpos real*4 sdc_plane_time_zero common/SOS_CHAMBER_READOUT_REAL/ * & sdrift_velocity, & sdc_tdc_time_per_channel, & sdc_1_zpos, & sdc_2_zpos, & sdc_3_zpos, & sdc_plane_time_zero(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES) * * INTEGER*4 * integer*4 sdc_wire_counting ! readout numbering order * common/SOS_CHAMBER_READOUT_INT/ & sdc_wire_counting(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES)