subroutine h_one_ev_generate * * $Log: h_one_ev_generate.f,v $ * Revision 1.2 1996/09/04 20:06:16 saw * (SAW) hdc_nrwire already integer, don't nint it. * * Revision 1.1 1996/01/17 16:35:11 cdaq * Initial revision * implicit none include 'hms_data_structures.cmn' include 'hms_tracking.cmn' include 'hms_geometry.cmn' include 'hms_calorimeter.cmn' include 'gen_event_info.cmn' include 'gen_run_info.cmn' include 'hms_one_ev.par' include 'gen_one_ev_gctrak.cmn' include 'gen_one_ev_gckine.cmn' include 'gen_one_ev_gcvolu.cmn' character*4 lnames(0:3) ! volume names integer lnums(0:3) ! volume numbers or copies real xd(3), xm(3) ! coordinates integer error_code ! error return code integer chamhit,scinhit,showhit ! index variables integer wirenum ! indicates GEANT wirenumber character*5 wire !define names and indicies to loop over... character*5 scinname character*4 blockname character*5 layername * * Reset the detector hit indicators... call h_one_ev_det_reset * * Clear any previous drawing * call iclrwk (0, 0) call gtrigc call gtrigi * * define some colors for the various wires, and turn shading on * call iscr(1,1,.5,.5,.5) !make the detectors grey call iscr(1,15,1.,0.7,0.2) !define an "orange" call iscr(1,13,0.,0.65,0.) !define a dark green call iscr(1,14,0.,0.,1.) !define a dark blue call iscr(1,16,0.65,0.,0.65) !define a dark purple call gdopt ('SHAD','ON') * * Now loop over all the detector elements "lighting" each one if it has been hit * xd(1) = 0. ! find the center of the detector xd(2) = 0. ! find the center of the detector xd(3) = 0. ! find the center of the detector * * * Start with the wire chambers * See the file "" for a description of the numbering of the * various detector elements * if (HDC_TOT_HITS .GT. 0) then lnames(0) = 'HHUT' lnums(0) = 1 do chamhit = 1, HDC_TOT_HITS ************************************************************************* *XXX **** if (HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 1) then nlevel = 0 ! initial value for # of levels lnames(1) = 'WCHA' ! level one lnums(1) = 1 ! copy one, higher chamber lnames(2) = 'WAAX' ! X plane lnums(2) = 1 ! copy one wirenum = (hdc_nrwire(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit))) + 1 & - HDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit) if (HDC_WIRE_COUNTING(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1) & wirenum = HDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit) if (wirenum .le. 19) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'AXA',char(64+wirenum) if ((wirenum .gt. 19) .and. (wirenum .le. 38)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') $ 'AXB',char(64 - 19 + wirenum) if ((wirenum .gt. 38) .and. (wirenum .le. 57)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') $ 'AXC',char(64 - 38 + wirenum) if ((wirenum .gt. 57) .and. (wirenum .le. 76)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') $ 'AXD',char(64 - 57 + wirenum) if ((wirenum .gt. 76) .and. (wirenum .le. 95)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') $ 'AXE',char(64 - 76 + wirenum) if (wirenum .gt. 95) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'AXF',char(64 - 95 + wirenum) lnames(3) = wire lnums(3) = wirenum ! wire number call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code) call gdtom (xd, xm, 1) ! transform from detector to MARS call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1) call gsatt (wire,'COLO',13) * call gsahit (1, 4, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit ************************************************************************* *YYY **** elseif (HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 2) then nlevel = 0 ! initial value for # of levels lnames(1) = 'WCHA' ! level one lnums(1) = 1 ! copy one, higher chamber lnames(2) = 'WAAY' ! Y plane lnums(2) = 1 ! copy one wirenum = HDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit) if (HDC_WIRE_COUNTING(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1) & wirenum = (hdc_nrwire(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)))+1 $ -wirenum if (wirenum .le. 26) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'AYA',char(64+wirenum) if (wirenum .gt. 26) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'AYB',char(64 - 26 + wirenum) lnames(3) = wire lnums(3) = wirenum ! wire number call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code) call gdtom (xd, xm, 1) ! transform from detector to MARS call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1) call gsatt (wire,'COLO',13) * call gsahit (1, 5, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit ************************************************************************* *UUU **** elseif (HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 3) then nlevel = 0 ! initial value for # of levels lnames(1) = 'WCHA' ! level one lnums(1) = 1 ! copy one, higher chamber lnames(2) = 'WAAU' ! U plane lnums(2) = 1 ! copy one wirenum = (hdc_nrwire(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit))) + 1 & - HDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit) if (HDC_WIRE_COUNTING(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1) & wirenum = HDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit) if (wirenum .le. 18) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'AUA',char(64+wirenum) if ((wirenum .gt. 18) .and. (wirenum .le. 36)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') $ 'AUB',char(64 - 18 + wirenum) if ((wirenum .gt. 36) .and. (wirenum .le. 54)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') $ 'AUC',char(64 - 36 + wirenum) if ((wirenum .gt. 54) .and. (wirenum .le. 72)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') $ 'AUD',char(64 - 54 + wirenum) if ((wirenum .gt. 72) .and. (wirenum .le. 90)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') $ 'AUE',char(64 - 72 + wirenum) if (wirenum .gt. 90) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'AUF',char(64 - 90 + wirenum) lnames(3) = wire lnums(3) = wirenum ! wire number call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code) call gdtom (xd, xm, 1) ! transform from detector to MARS call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1) call gsatt (wire,'COLO',13) * call gsahit (1, 6, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit ************************************************************************* *VVV **** elseif (HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 4) then nlevel = 0 ! initial value for # of levels lnames(1) = 'WCHA' ! level one lnums(1) = 1 ! copy one, higher chamber lnames(2) = 'WAAV' ! V plane lnums(2) = 1 ! copy one wirenum = (hdc_nrwire(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit))) + 1 & - HDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit) if (HDC_WIRE_COUNTING(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1) & wirenum = HDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit) if (wirenum .le. 18) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'AVA',char(64+wirenum) if ((wirenum .gt. 18) .and. (wirenum .le. 36)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') $ 'AVB',char(64 - 18 + wirenum) if ((wirenum .gt. 36) .and. (wirenum .le. 54)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') $ 'AVC',char(64 - 36 + wirenum) if ((wirenum .gt. 54) .and. (wirenum .le. 72)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') $ 'AVD',char(64 - 54 + wirenum) if ((wirenum .gt. 72) .and. (wirenum .le. 90)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') $ 'AVE',char(64 - 72 + wirenum) if (wirenum .gt. 90) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'AVF',char(64 - 90 + wirenum) lnames(3) = wire lnums(3) = wirenum ! wire number call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code) call gdtom (xd, xm, 1) ! transform from detector to MARS call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1) call gsatt (wire,'COLO',13) * call gsahit (1, 7, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit ************************************************************************* *YYY **** elseif (HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 5) then nlevel = 0 ! initial value for # of levels lnames(1) = 'WCHA' ! level one lnums(1) = 1 ! copy one, higher chamber lnames(2) = 'WABY' ! Y plane lnums(2) = 1 ! copy one wirenum = HDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit) if (HDC_WIRE_COUNTING(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1) & wirenum = (hdc_nrwire(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)))+1 $ -wirenum if (wirenum .le. 26) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'AYC',char(64+wirenum) if (wirenum .gt. 26) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'AYD',char(64 - 26 + wirenum) lnames(3) = wire lnums(3) = wirenum ! wire number call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code) call gdtom (xd, xm, 1) ! transform from detector to MARS call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1) call gsatt (wire,'COLO',13) * call gsahit (1, 5, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit ************************************************************************* *XXX **** elseif (HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 6) then nlevel = 0 ! initial value for # of levels lnames(1) = 'WCHA' ! level one lnums(1) = 1 ! copy one, higher chamber lnames(2) = 'WABX' ! X plane lnums(2) = 1 ! copy one wirenum = (hdc_nrwire(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit))) + 1 & - HDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit) if (HDC_WIRE_COUNTING(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1) & wirenum = HDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit) if (wirenum .le. 19) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'AXG',char(64+wirenum) if ((wirenum .gt. 19) .and. (wirenum .le. 38)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') $ 'AXH',char(64 - 19 + wirenum) if ((wirenum .gt. 38) .and. (wirenum .le. 57)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') $ 'AXI',char(64 - 38 + wirenum) if ((wirenum .gt. 57) .and. (wirenum .le. 76)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') $ 'AXJ',char(64 - 57 + wirenum) if ((wirenum .gt. 76) .and. (wirenum .le. 95)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') $ 'AXK',char(64 -76 + wirenum) if (wirenum .gt. 95) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'AXL',char(64 - 95 + wirenum) lnames(3) = wire lnums(3) = wirenum ! wire number call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code) call gdtom (xd, xm, 1) ! transform from detector to MARS call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1) call gsatt (wire,'COLO',13) * call gsahit (1, 4, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit ************************************************************************* ************************************************************************* *XXX **** elseif (HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 7) then nlevel = 0 ! initial value for # of levels lnames(1) = 'WCHB' ! level one lnums(1) = 1 ! copy one, higher chamber lnames(2) = 'WBAX' ! X plane lnums(2) = 1 ! copy one wirenum = (hdc_nrwire(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit))) + 1 & - HDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit) if (HDC_WIRE_COUNTING(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1) & wirenum = HDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit) if (wirenum .le. 19) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'BXA',char(64+wirenum) if ((wirenum .gt. 19) .and. (wirenum .le. 38)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') $ 'BXB',char(64 - 19 + wirenum) if ((wirenum .gt. 38) .and. (wirenum .le. 57)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') $ 'BXC',char(64 - 38 + wirenum) if ((wirenum .gt. 57) .and. (wirenum .le. 76)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') $ 'BXD',char(64 - 57 + wirenum) if ((wirenum .gt. 76) .and. (wirenum .le. 95)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') $ 'BXE',char(64 - 76 + wirenum) if (wirenum .gt. 95) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'BXF',char(64 - 95 + wirenum) lnames(3) = wire lnums(3) = wirenum ! wire number call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code) call gdtom (xd, xm, 1) ! transform from detector to MARS call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1) call gsatt (wire,'COLO',15) * call gsahit (1, 4, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit ************************************************************************* *YYY **** elseif (HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 8) then nlevel = 0 ! initial value for # of levels lnames(1) = 'WCHB' ! level one lnums(1) = 1 ! copy one, higher chamber lnames(2) = 'WBAY' ! Y plane lnums(2) = 1 ! copy one wirenum = HDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit) if (HDC_WIRE_COUNTING(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1) & wirenum = (hdc_nrwire(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)))+1 $ -wirenum if (wirenum .le. 26) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'BYA',char(64+wirenum) if (wirenum .gt. 26) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'BYB',char(64 - 26 + wirenum) lnames(3) = wire lnums(3) = wirenum ! wire number call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code) call gdtom (xd, xm, 1) ! transform from detector to MARS call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1) call gsatt (wire,'COLO',15) * call gsahit (1, 5, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit ************************************************************************* *UUU **** elseif (HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 9) then nlevel = 0 ! initial value for # of levels lnames(1) = 'WCHB' ! level one lnums(1) = 1 ! copy one, higher chamber lnames(2) = 'WBAU' ! U plane lnums(2) = 1 ! copy one wirenum = (hdc_nrwire(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit))) + 1 & - HDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit) if (HDC_WIRE_COUNTING(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1) & wirenum = HDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit) if (wirenum .le. 18) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'BUA',char(64+wirenum) if ((wirenum .gt. 18) .and. (wirenum .le. 36)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') $ 'BUB',char(64 -18 + wirenum) if ((wirenum .gt. 36) .and. (wirenum .le. 54)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') $ 'BUC',char(64 - 36 + wirenum) if ((wirenum .gt. 54) .and. (wirenum .le. 72)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') $ 'BUD',char(64 - 54 + wirenum) if ((wirenum .gt. 72) .and. (wirenum .le. 90)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') $ 'BUE',char(64 - 72 + wirenum) if (wirenum .gt. 90) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'BUF',char(64 - 90 + wirenum) lnames(3) = wire lnums(3) = wirenum ! wire number call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code) call gdtom (xd, xm, 1) ! transform from detector to MARS call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1) call gsatt (wire,'COLO',15) * call gsahit (1, 6, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit ************************************************************************* *YYY **** elseif (HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 10) then nlevel = 0 ! initial value for # of levels lnames(1) = 'WCHB' ! level one lnums(1) = 1 ! copy one, higher chamber lnames(2) = 'WBAV' ! V plane lnums(2) = 1 ! copy one wirenum = (hdc_nrwire(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit))) + 1 & - HDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit) if (HDC_WIRE_COUNTING(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1) & wirenum = HDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit) if (wirenum .le. 18) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'BVA',char(64+wirenum) if ((wirenum .gt. 18) .and. (wirenum .le. 36)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') $ 'BVB',char(64 - 18 + wirenum) if ((wirenum .gt. 36) .and. (wirenum .le. 54)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') $ 'BVC',char(64 - 36 + wirenum) if ((wirenum .gt. 54) .and. (wirenum .le. 72)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') $ 'BVD',char(64 - 54 + wirenum) if ((wirenum .gt. 72) .and. (wirenum .le. 90)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') $ 'BVE',char(64 - 72 + wirenum) if (wirenum .gt. 90) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'BVF',char(64 - 90 + wirenum) lnames(3) = wire lnums(3) = wirenum ! wire number call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code) call gdtom (xd, xm, 1) ! transform from detector to MARS call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1) call gsatt (wire,'COLO',15) * call gsahit (1, 7, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit ************************************************************************* elseif (HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 11) then nlevel = 0 ! initial value for # of levels lnames(1) = 'WCHB' ! level one lnums(1) = 1 ! copy one, higher chamber lnames(2) = 'WBBY' ! Y plane lnums(2) = 1 ! copy one wirenum = HDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit) if (HDC_WIRE_COUNTING(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1) & wirenum = (hdc_nrwire(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)))+1 $ -wirenum if (wirenum .le. 26) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'BYC',char(64+wirenum) if (wirenum .gt. 26) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'BYD',char(64 - 26 + wirenum) lnames(3) = wire lnums(3) = wirenum ! wire number call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code) call gdtom (xd, xm, 1) ! transform from detector to MARS call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1) call gsatt (wire,'COLO',15) * call gsahit (1, 5, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit ************************************************************************* *XXX **** elseif (HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 12) then nlevel = 0 ! initial value for # of levels lnames(1) = 'WCHB' ! level one lnums(1) = 1 ! copy one, higher chamber lnames(2) = 'WBBX' ! X plane lnums(2) = 1 ! copy one wirenum = (hdc_nrwire(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit))) + 1 & - HDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit) if (HDC_WIRE_COUNTING(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1) & wirenum = HDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit) if (wirenum .le. 19) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'BXG',char(64+wirenum) if ((wirenum .gt. 19) .and. (wirenum .le. 38)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') $ 'BXH',char(64 -19 + wirenum) if ((wirenum .gt. 38) .and. (wirenum .le. 57)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') $ 'BXI',char(64 - 38 + wirenum) if ((wirenum .gt. 57) .and. (wirenum .le. 76)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') $ 'BXJ',char(64 - 57 + wirenum) if ((wirenum .gt. 76) .and. (wirenum .le. 95)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') $ 'BXK',char(64 - 76 + wirenum) if (wirenum .gt. 95) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'BXL',char(64 - 95 + wirenum) lnames(3) = wire lnums(3) = wirenum ! wire number call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code) call gdtom (xd, xm, 1) ! transform from detector to MARS call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1) call gsatt (wire,'COLO',15) * call gsahit (1, 4, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit ************************************************************************* endif enddo endif * * Take a look at the hodoscopes * See the file "" for a description of the numbering of the * various detector elements * if (HSCIN_TOT_HITS .GT. 0) then lnames(0) = 'HHUT' ! relative to the hut lnums(0) = 1 ! copy 1 do scinhit = 1, HSCIN_TOT_HITS * * First the lower X * if (HSCIN_PLANE_NUM(scinhit) .EQ. 1) then nlevel = 0 ! initial value for # of levels lnames(1) = 'HOD1' ! level one lnums(1) = 1 ! copy one, lower hodo lnames(2) = 'HDX1' ! X strips lnums(2) = 1 ! copy one write (scinname,'(a,a)') 'H1X',char(64 + HSCIN_COUNTER_NUM(scinhit)) lnames(3) = scinname ! X strips lnums(3) = HSCIN_COUNTER_NUM(scinhit) ! X strip number call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code) call gdtom (xd, xm, 1) ! transform from detector to MARS * call gsahit (1, 2, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit call gsatt (scinname,'COLO',4) !change the color of the it element call gsatt (scinname,'FILL',5) call gsatt (scinname,'LWID',1) * * now the upper X * elseif (HSCIN_PLANE_NUM(scinhit) .EQ. 3) then nlevel = 0 ! initial value for # of levels lnames(1) = 'HOD2' ! level one lnums(1) = 2 ! copy two, upper hodo lnames(2) = 'HDX2' ! X strips lnums(2) = 1 ! copy one write (scinname,'(a,a)') 'H2X',char(64 + HSCIN_COUNTER_NUM(scinhit)) lnames(3) = scinname lnums(3) = HSCIN_COUNTER_NUM(scinhit) ! X strip number call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code) call gdtom (xd, xm, 1) ! transform from detector * call gsahit (1, 2, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit call gsatt (scinname,'COLO',4) !change the color of the it element call gsatt (scinname,'FILL',5) call gsatt (scinname,'LWID',1) * * now the lower Y * elseif (HSCIN_PLANE_NUM(scinhit) .EQ. 2) then nlevel = 0 ! initial value for # of levels lnames(1) = 'HOD1' lnums(1) = 1 ! copy one, lower hodo lnames(2) = 'HDY1' ! Y strips lnums(2) = 1 ! copy one write (scinname,'(a,a)') 'H1Y',char(64 + HSCIN_COUNTER_NUM(scinhit)) lnames(3) = scinname ! Y strips lnums(3) = HSCIN_COUNTER_NUM(scinhit) ! Y strip number call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code) call gdtom (xd, xm, 1) ! transform from detector to MARS * call gsahit (1, 3, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit call gsatt (scinname,'COLO',4) !change the color of the it element call gsatt (scinname,'FILL',5) call gsatt (scinname,'LWID',1) * * now the upper Y * elseif (HSCIN_PLANE_NUM(scinhit) .EQ. 4) then nlevel = 0 ! initial value for # of levels lnames(1) = 'HOD2' lnums(1) = 1 ! copy two, upper hodo lnames(2) = 'HDY2' ! Y strips lnums(2) = 1 ! copy one write (scinname,'(a,a)') 'H2Y',char(64 + HSCIN_COUNTER_NUM(scinhit)) lnames(3) = scinname ! Y strips lnums(3) = HSCIN_COUNTER_NUM(scinhit) ! Y strip number call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code) call gdtom (xd, xm, 1) ! transform from detector to MARS * call gsahit (1, 3, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit call gsatt (scinname,'COLO',4) !change the color of the it element call gsatt (scinname,'FILL',5) call gsatt (scinname,'LWID',1) endif enddo endif * * Now take care of the shower detector * See the file "" for a description of the numbering of the * various detector elements * lnames(0) = 'HHUT' lnums(0) = 1 if (HCAL_NUM_HITS .GE. 0) then do showhit = 1, hcal_num_hits nlevel = 0 lnames(1) = 'SHOW' ! shower detector lnums(1) = 4 write (layername,'(a,i1)') 'LAY',hcal_cols(showhit) lnames(2) = layername ! x subdivisions lnums(2) = 13 lnums(3) = 1 write (blockname,'(a,i1,a)') 'BL',hcal_cols(showhit), $ char(64 + hcal_rows(showhit)) lnames(3) = blockname call glvolu(4, lnames, lnums, error_code) call gdtom (xd, xm, 1) ! transform from det to MARS * call gsahit (1, 1, 1, lnums(2), xm, ihit) ! store the hit call gsatt (blockname,'COLO',4) !change the color of the it element call gsatt (blockname,'FILL',5) call gsatt (blockname,'LWID',2) enddo endif end