* * ONLINE ENGINE - Hall C online Analyzer * * $Log: usrmain.f,v $ * Revision 1.2 1994/06/16 18:36:15 cdaq * (SAW) Move register, g_init_filenames call and map file reading to usrdownload * * Revision 1.1 1994/06/16 03:49:26 cdaq * Initial revision * program usrmain implicit none save * * We will be an analysis program so need the analysis services * integer rc_service_eb, rc_service_ana ! Pointers to common blocks common/rc_service_eb/rc_service_eb common/rc_service_ana/rc_service_ana * * * Open communication with Run Control * call rcService(rc_service_eb) call rcService(rc_service_ana) call rcExecute() * Never return from rcService end