SUBROUTINE S_CER_EFF(ABORT,errmsg) *-------------------------------------------------------- * * Purpose and Methods : Analyze cerenkov information for the "best * track" as selected in s_select_best_track * Required Input BANKS: sos_cer_parms * SOS_DATA_STRUCTURES * * Output: ABORT - success or failure * : err - reason for failure, if any * * * author: Chris Cothran * created: 5/25/95 * $Log: s_cer_eff.f,v $ * Revision 1.4 1999/02/10 18:20:29 csa * Changed sscer_et test to use momentum-normalized variable * * Revision 1.3 1999/02/03 21:13:44 saw * Code for new Shower counter tubes * * Revision 1.2 1995/10/09 20:14:50 cdaq * (JRA) Move calculation of hit position on mirror to s_physics * * Revision 1.1 1995/08/31 15:04:48 cdaq * Initial revision * *-------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE * character*9 here parameter (here= 'S_CER_EFF') * logical ABORT character*(*) errmsg * include 'sos_data_structures.cmn' include 'sos_cer_parms.cmn' include 'sos_physics_sing.cmn' include 'sos_calorimeter.cmn' integer*4 nr * * test for a good electron. Use normalized, tracked shower counter * variable (hsshtrk). * if (sntracks_fp .eq. 1 & .and. sschi2perdeg .gt. 0. & .and. sschi2perdeg .lt. scer_chi2max & .and. ssbeta .gt. scer_beta_min & .and. ssbeta .lt. scer_beta_max & .and. ssshtrk .gt. scer_et_min & .and. ssshtrk .lt. scer_et_max) then do nr = 1, scer_num_regions * * hit must be inside the region in order to continue * if (abs(scer_region(nr,1)-ssx_cer).lt.scer_region(nr,5) > .and. abs(scer_region(nr,2)-ssy_cer).lt.scer_region(nr,6) > .and. abs(scer_region(nr,3)-ssxp_fp).lt.scer_region(nr,7) > .and. abs(scer_region(nr,4)-ssyp_fp).lt.scer_region(nr,8)) > then * * increment the 'should have fired' counters * scer_track_counter(nr) = scer_track_counter(nr) + 1 * * increment the 'did fire' counters * if ( then scer_fired_counter(nr) = scer_fired_counter(nr) + 1 endif endif enddo endif return end