SUBROUTINE S_DUMP_CAL(ABORT,errmsg) *-------------------------------------------------------- *- *- Purpose and Methods : Analyze scintillator information for each track *- *- Required Input BANKS SOS_CALORIMETER *- GEN_DATA_STRUCTURES *- *- Output: ABORT - success or failure *- : err - reason for failure, if any *- * author: John Arrington * created: 9/7/95 * * s_dump_cal writes out the raw calorimeter information for the final tracks. * This data is analyzed by independent routines to fit the gains for each * block. * * $Log: s_dump_cal.f,v $ * Revision 1.4 1999/06/10 16:56:30 csa * (JRA) Added ycal, emeas calculations, changed test condition * * Revision 1.3 1999/01/29 17:34:58 saw * Add variables for second tubes on shower counter * * Revision 1.2 1996/01/17 18:07:51 cdaq * (JRA) Put track and delta cuts on what get's written out * * Revision 1.1 1995/10/09 20:17:10 cdaq * Initial revision * *-------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE * character*10 here parameter (here= 'S_DUMP_CAL') * logical ABORT character*(*) errmsg * INCLUDE 'sos_data_structures.cmn' include 'sos_calorimeter.cmn' integer*4 blk real*4 emeas,ycal save * * Write out cal fitting data. * * What should this do for new tubes? * if (abs(ssdelta).le.18 .and. then ycal=ssy_fp + scal_1pr_zpos*ssyp_fp ycal=min(35.,ycal) ycal=max(-35.,ycal) emeas=ssp*exp(-ycal/210.7)/(1+ycal**2/22000.) write(36,'(1x,44(1x,f6.1),1x,e11.4)') & (scal_realadc_pos(blk),blk=1,smax_cal_blocks),emeas ! if( then ! write(36,'(1x,44(1x,f6.1),1x,e11.4)') ! & (scal_realadc_neg(blk),blk=1,smax_cal_blocks),ssp ! endif endif RETURN END