subroutine s_left_right(ABORT,err) * Warning: This routine contains lots of gobbledeguk that won't work if the * number of chambers is changed to 3. * * * This routine fits stubs to all possible left-right combinations of * drift distances and chooses the set with the minimum chi**2 * It then fills the SDC_WIRE_COORD variable for each hit in a good * space point. * d. f. geesaman 31 August 1993 * $Log: s_left_right.f,v $ * Revision 2007/09/10 20:28:01 pcarter * Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX * * Revision 1.12 1999/11/04 20:36:47 saw * Linux/G77 compatibility fixes * * Revision 1.11 1996/09/05 19:54:51 saw * (JRA) Cosmetic * * Revision 1.10 1996/01/17 19:01:59 cdaq * (JRA) * * Revision 1.9 1995/10/10 15:59:06 cdaq * (JRA) Remove sdc_sing_wcoord stuff * * Revision 1.8 1995/08/31 18:44:23 cdaq * (JRA) Fix some logic in small angle L/R determination loop * * Revision 1.7 1995/07/20 18:57:39 cdaq * (SAW) Declare jibset for f2c compatibility * * Revision 1.6 1995/05/22 19:45:42 cdaq * (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts" * * Revision 1.5 1995/05/11 21:05:32 cdaq * (JRA) Fix errors in left right selection. Add some commented out code * * Revision 1.4 1995/04/01 20:42:35 cdaq * (SAW) Fix typos * * Revision 1.3 1994/12/01 21:55:08 cdaq * (SAW) Generalize for variable # of chambers. * Add Small Ang approx for Brookhaven chambers * * Revision 1.2 1994/11/22 21:14:25 cdaq * (SPB) Recopied from hms file and modified names for SOS * (SAW) Don't count on Mack's monster if statement working for * sdc_num_chambers > 2 * * Revision 1.1 1994/02/21 16:14:42 cdaq * Initial revision * * implicit none save include 'sos_data_structures.cmn' include 'sos_tracking.cmn' include 'sos_geometry.cmn' * external jbit ! cernlib bit routine external jieor, jibset integer*4 jbit integer*4 jibset ! Declare to help f2c integer*4 jieor ! Declare to help f2c * * local variables * character*12 here parameter (here= 's_left_right') * logical ABORT character*(*) err integer*4 isp, ihit,iswhit, idummy, pmloop, ich integer*4 nplusminus integer*4 numhits,npaired,ihit2 integer*4 hits(smax_hits_per_point), pl(smax_hits_per_point) integer*4 pindex real*4 wc(smax_hits_per_point) integer*4 plane, isa_y1, isa_y2 integer*4 plusminusknown(smax_hits_per_point) real*4 plusminus(smax_hits_per_point) real*4 plusminusbest(smax_hits_per_point) real*4 chi2 real*4 minchi2 real*4 stub(4) logical smallAngOk * ABORT= .FALSE. err=' ' do isp=1,snspace_points_tot ! loop over all space points do ich=1,sdc_num_chambers gplanesdc(isp,ich) = 0 enddo minchi2=1e10 smallAngOK = .FALSE. isa_y1 = 0 isa_y2 = 0 numhits=sspace_point_hits(isp,1) nplusminus=2**numhits * * Identify which plane the space point is in. * ich = (SDC_PLANE_NUM(sspace_point_hits(isp,2+1))-1) $ /(sdc_planes_per_chamber)+1 do ihit=1,numhits hits(ihit)=sspace_point_hits(isp,2+ihit) pl(ihit)=SDC_PLANE_NUM(hits(ihit)) gplanesdc(isp,ich)=jibset(gplanesdc(isp,ich),pl(ihit)- $ ((ich-1)*(sdc_planes_per_chamber)+1)) c if(pl(ihit).ge.1 .and. pl(ihit).le.6)then c gplanesdc1(isp)=jibset(gplanesdc1(isp),pl(ihit)-1) c else c gplanesdc2(isp)=jibset(gplanesdc2(isp),pl(ihit)-7) c endif wc(ihit)=SDC_WIRE_CENTER(hits(ihit)) plusminusknown(ihit) = 0 if(s_hms_style_chambers.eq.1) then if(pl(ihit).eq.2 .OR. pl(ihit).eq.8) isa_y1 = ihit if(pl(ihit).eq.5 .OR. pl(ihit).eq.11) isa_y2 = ihit endif enddo * djm 10/2/94 check bad sdc pattern units to set the index for the inverse * matrix SAAINV(i,j,pindex). * if(jieor(gplanesdc(isp,ich),'3F'x).eq.0) then pindex=sdc_num_planes+ich else if (jieor(gplanesdc(isp,ich),'3E'x).eq.0) then pindex=(ich-1)*(sdc_planes_per_chamber) + 1 else if (jieor(gplanesdc(isp,ich),'3D'x).eq.0) then pindex=(ich-1)*(sdc_planes_per_chamber) + 2 else if (jieor(gplanesdc(isp,ich),'3B'x).eq.0) then pindex=(ich-1)*(sdc_planes_per_chamber) + 3 else if (jieor(gplanesdc(isp,ich),'37'x).eq.0) then pindex=(ich-1)*(sdc_planes_per_chamber) + 4 else if (jieor(gplanesdc(isp,ich),'2F'x).eq.0) then pindex=(ich-1)*(sdc_planes_per_chamber) + 5 else if (jieor(gplanesdc(isp,ich),'1F'x).eq.0) then pindex=(ich-1)*(sdc_planes_per_chamber) + 6 else pindex=-1 endif * check if small angle L/R determination of Y and Y' planes is possible if( then if(s_hms_style_chambers.eq.1) then if( .AND. then if(wc(isa_y2).le.wc(isa_y1)) then plusminusknown(isa_y1) = -1 plusminusknown(isa_y2) = 1 else plusminusknown(isa_y1) = 1 plusminusknown(isa_y2) = -1 endif nplusminus = 2**(numhits-2) endif else ! SOS chambers * * Brookhaven chamber L/R code * Can we assume that hits are sorted by plane? As best I (SAW) can * tell, we can not. * ihit = 1 npaired = 0 do ihit=1,numhits if(pl(ihit)-2*(pl(ihit)/2) .eq. 1) then ! Odd plane do ihit2=1,numhits ! Look for the adjacent plane if(pl(ihit2)-pl(ihit).eq.1) then ! Adjacent plane found if(wc(ihit2).le.wc(ihit)) then plusminusknown(ihit) = -1 plusminusknown(ihit2) = 1 else plusminusknown(ihit) = 1 plusminusknown(ihit2) = -1 endif npaired = npaired + 2 endif enddo endif enddo endif nplusminus = 2**(numhits-npaired) * Let's hope that following code will work with nplusminus = 1 endif * use bit value of integer word to set + or - do pmloop=0,nplusminus-1 iswhit = 1 do ihit=1,numhits if(plusminusknown(ihit).ne.0) then plusminus(ihit) = float(plusminusknown(ihit)) else if(jbit(pmloop,iswhit).eq.1) then plusminus(ihit)=1.0 else plusminus(ihit)=-1.0 endif iswhit = iswhit + 1 endif enddo if ( .and. pindex.le.14) then call s_find_best_stub(numhits,hits,pl,pindex,plusminus,stub,chi2) if( then write(sluno,'('' sos pmloop='',i4,'' chi2='',e14.6)') & pmloop,chi2 endif if ( then minchi2=chi2 do idummy=1,numhits plusminusbest(idummy)=plusminus(idummy) enddo do idummy=1,4 sbeststub(isp,idummy)=stub(idummy) enddo endif ! end if on lower chi2 else ! if pindex<0 or >14 write(6,*) 'pindex=',pindex,' in s_left_right' endif enddo ! end loop on possible left-right * * calculate final coordinate based on plusminusbest * do ihit=1,numhits SDC_WIRE_COORD(sspace_point_hits(isp,ihit+2))= & SDC_WIRE_CENTER(sspace_point_hits(isp,ihit+2)) + & plusminusbest(ihit)*SDC_DRIFT_DIS(sspace_point_hits(isp,ihit $ +2)) enddo * * stubs are calculated in rotated coordinate system * use first hit to determine chamber plane=SDC_PLANE_NUM(hits(1)) stub(3)=(sbeststub(isp,3) - stanbeta(plane)) & /(1.0 + sbeststub(isp,3)*stanbeta(plane)) stub(4)=sbeststub(isp,4) & /(sbeststub(isp,3)*ssinbeta(plane)+scosbeta(plane)) stub(1)=sbeststub(isp,1)*scosbeta(plane) & - sbeststub(isp,1)*stub(3)*ssinbeta(plane) stub(2)=sbeststub(isp,2) & - sbeststub(isp,1)*stub(4)*ssinbeta(plane) sbeststub(isp,1)=stub(1) sbeststub(isp,2)=stub(2) sbeststub(isp,3)=stub(3) sbeststub(isp,4)=stub(4) * enddo ! end loop over space points * * write out results if sdebugflagstubs is set if( then call s_print_stubs endif return end