subroutine s_pattern_recognition(ABORT,err) *-------------------------------------------------------- *- *- Purpose and Methods : Finds SOS Space points *- *- Required Input BANKS SOS_DECODED_DC *- *- Output BANKS SOS_FOCAL_PLANE *- SOS_DECODED_DC hit coordinates *- *- Output: ABORT - success or failure *- : err - reason for failure, if any *- *- Created 30-AUG-1993 D. F. Geesaman *- Modified 19-JAN-1994 DFG Include standard error form * $Log: s_pattern_recognition.f,v $ * Revision 1.10 1996/09/05 20:09:36 saw * (JRA) Cosmetic * * Revision 1.9 1996/04/30 17:34:56 saw * (JRA) Histogram the card id. * * Revision 1.8 1996/01/17 19:01:21 cdaq * (JRA) Add code for easy space points * * Revision 1.7 1995/10/10 16:13:47 cdaq * (JRA) Remove sdc_sing_wcenter, cosmetics. * * Revision 1.6 1995/07/20 18:58:50 cdaq * (SAW) Declare sind and cosd for f2c compatibility * * Revision 1.5 1995/05/22 19:45:43 cdaq * (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts" * * Revision 1.4 1995/04/06 19:36:53 cdaq * (SAW) Hopefully improve wire velocity correction for SOS chambers * * Revision 1.3 1994/12/06 15:33:06 cdaq * (SAW) First pass at wire velocity correction for Brookhaven chambers * * Revision 1.2 1994/11/22 21:48:45 cdaq * (SPB) Recopied from hms file and modified names for SOS * (SAW) Improved some code hardwired for 3 chambers. NOTE: the wire velocity * correction stuff at the end is HMS specific. This needs to * be worked on. * * Revision 1.1 1994/02/21 16:15:19 cdaq * Initial revision * * * This routine finds the space points in each chamber using wire center * locations. * *-------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE SAVE * character*21 here parameter (here= 's_pattern_recognition') * logical ABORT character*(*) err * INCLUDE 'sos_data_structures.cmn' INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par' INCLUDE 'gen_units.par' INCLUDE 'sos_tracking.cmn' INCLUDE 'sos_geometry.cmn' * * local variables integer*4 hit_number(smax_chamber_hits) integer*4 space_point_hits(smax_space_points,smax_hits_per_point+2) integer*4 pln, isp, ihit, hit integer*4 i,j,k,xx,xxprime integer*4 xplane,xprimeplane integer*4 ich, ip logical easy_space_point * real*4 space_points(smax_space_points,2) real*4 xdist,ydist real*4 time_corr real*4 s_drift_dist_calc external s_drift_dist_calc * * temporary initialization ABORT= .FALSE. err=' ' * * ihit = 0 snspace_points_tot = 0 do ich=1,sdc_num_chambers easy_space_point = .false. snspace_points(ich)=0 sncham_hits(ich)=0 * * For this loop to work, sdc_planes_per_chamber must be * the number of planes per chamber. (And all chambers must have the * same number of planes.) * do ip=(ich-1)*sdc_planes_per_chamber+1,ich*sdc_planes_per_chamber sncham_hits(ich)=sncham_hits(ich)+sdc_hits_per_plane(ip) enddo xplane=3+(ich-1)*sdc_planes_per_chamber xprimeplane=4+(ich-1)*sdc_planes_per_chamber if(sncham_hits(ich).ge.smin_hit(ich) .and. $ sncham_hits(ich).lt.smax_pr_hits(ich)) then do i=ihit+1,ihit+sncham_hits(ich) hit_number(i)=i if(sdc_plane_num(i).eq.xplane) xx=i if(sdc_plane_num(i).eq.xprimeplane) xxprime=i enddo if((sdc_hits_per_plane(xplane).eq.1) .and. & (sdc_hits_per_plane(xprimeplane).eq.1).and. & ((sdc_wire_center(xx)-sdc_wire_center(xxprime))** & (sspace_point_criterion(ich))) .and. & (sncham_hits(ich).le.6)) then call s_find_easy_space_point(sncham_hits(ich),hit_number(ihit+1), & sdc_wire_center(ihit+1),sdc_plane_num(ihit+1), & sspace_point_criterion(ich),smax_space_points,xx-ihit, & xxprime-ihit,easy_space_point,snspace_points(ich), & space_points,space_point_hits) if (.not.easy_space_point) call find_space_points(sncham_hits(ich), & hit_number(ihit+1),sdc_wire_center(ihit+1), & sdc_plane_num(ihit+1),sspace_point_criterion(ich), & sxsp(1),sysp(1),smax_space_points, & snspace_points(ich), space_points, space_point_hits) else call find_space_points(sncham_hits(ich),hit_number(ihit+1), & sdc_wire_center(ihit+1), & sdc_plane_num(ihit+1),sspace_point_criterion(ich), & sxsp(1),sysp(1),smax_space_points, & snspace_points(ich), space_points, space_point_hits) endif * if (snspace_points(ich).gt.0) then * If two hits in same plane, choose one with minimum drift time call s_choose_single_hit(ABORT,err,snspace_points(ich), & space_point_hits) * Select on minimum number of combinations and hits call select_space_points(smax_space_points,snspace_points(ich), & space_points,space_point_hits,smin_hit(ich),smin_combos(ich), $ easy_space_point) endif do i=1,snspace_points(ich) k=snspace_points_tot+i sspace_points(k,1)=space_points(i,1) sspace_points(k,2)=space_points(i,2) sspace_point_hits(k,1)=space_point_hits(i,1) sspace_point_hits(k,2)=space_point_hits(i,2) do j=1,space_point_hits(i,1) sspace_point_hits(k,j+2)=space_point_hits(i,j+2) enddo enddo endif snspace_points_tot = snspace_points_tot+ snspace_points(ich) ihit = ihit + sncham_hits(ich) enddo * * Now we know rough hit positions in the chambers so we can make * wire velocity drift time corrections for each hit in the space point * * Assume all wires for a plane are read out on the same side (l/r or t/b). * If the wire is closer to horizontal, read out left/right. If nearer * vertical, assume top/bottom. (Note, this is not always true for the * SOS u and v planes. They have 1 card each on the side, but the overall * time offset per card will cancel much of the error caused by this. The * alternative is to check by card, rather than by plane and this is harder. * if( then do isp=1,snspace_points_tot xdist = sspace_points(isp,1) ydist = sspace_points(isp,2) do ihit=1,sspace_point_hits(isp,1) hit = sspace_point_hits(isp,ihit+2) pln = sdc_plane_num(hit) if (sdc_readout_x(pln)) then !readout from side time_corr = ydist*sdc_readout_corr(pln)/sdc_wire_velocity else !readout from top/bottom time_corr = xdist*sdc_readout_corr(pln)/sdc_wire_velocity endif sdc_drift_time(hit)=sdc_drift_time(hit) - sdc_central_time(pln) & + sdc_drifttime_sign(pln)*time_corr sdc_drift_dis(hit) = s_drift_dist_calc & (pln,sdc_wire_num(hit),sdc_drift_time(hit)) * * djm 8/25/94 * Stuff drift time and distance into registered variables for histogramming and tests. * In the case of two separated hits per plane, the last one will be histogrammed. sdc_sing_drifttime(pln) = sdc_drift_time(hit) sdc_sing_driftdis(pln) = sdc_drift_dis(hit) sdc_sing_cardid(pln) = & sdc_card_no(sdc_wire_num(hit),sdc_plane_num(hit)) enddo enddo endif * * Histogram sdc_DECODED_DC call s_fill_dc_dec_hist(ABORT,err) * write out results if debugflagpr is set if( then call s_print_pr endif * return end