SUBROUTINE s_SELECT_BEST_TRACK_PRUNE(ABORT,err) *-------------------------------------------------------- *- *- Purpose and Methods : Select the best track through the HMS *- *- *- Required Input BANKS *- *- Output BANKS *- *- Output: ABORT - success or failure *- : err - reason for failure, if any *- *- $Log: s_select_best_track_prune.f,v $ *- Revision 1.1 2005/03/23 16:34:08 jones *- Add new code s_select_best_track_prune.f (P Bosted) *- * *- *-------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE SAVE * character*50 here parameter (here= 's_SELECT_BEST_TRACK_PRUNE') * logical ABORT character*(*) err * INCLUDE 'sos_data_structures.cmn' INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec' INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par' INCLUDE 'gen_units.par' INCLUDE 'sos_physics_sing.cmn' INCLUDE 'sos_calorimeter.cmn' INCLUDE 'sos_scin_parms.cmn' INCLUDE 'sos_scin_tof.cmn' INCLUDE 'sos_tracking.cmn' c * * local variables integer*4 goodtrack,track,ngood,reject(1000),trk logical first,keep(1000) real*4 chi2perdeg,chi2min,betap,p c integer*4 i,j data first /.true./ *-------------------------------------------------------- * ABORT= .FALSE. err= ' ' * Need to test to chose the best track sSNUM_FPTRACK = 0 sSNUM_TARTRACK = 0 if (first) then write(*,*) ' sos track selection using pruning method' first = .false. ! Make sure limits are reasonable sprune_xp = max(0.04, sprune_xp) sprune_yp = max(0.08, sprune_yp) sprune_ytar = max(4.0, sprune_ytar) sprune_delta = max(25.0, sprune_delta) sprune_beta = max(0.1, sprune_beta) sprune_df = max(2, sprune_df) sprune_chibeta= max(2., sprune_chibeta) sprune_fptime= max(5., sprune_fptime) sprune_npmt = max(6 , sprune_npmt) write(*,'(1x,'' using following SOS limits''/ > 1x,''abs(xptar)<'',f6.3/ > 1x,''abs(yptar)<'',f6.3/ > 1x,''abs(ytar)<'',f6.3/ > 1x,''abs(delta)<'',f6.3/ > 1x,''abs(beta-betap)<'',f6.3/ > 1x,''ndegfreedom trk>='',i2/ > 1x,''beta chisq>'',f6.1/ > 1x,''num PMT hits >='',i3/ > 1x,''abs(fptime-sstart_time_center)<'',f6.1)') > sprune_xp,sprune_yp,sprune_ytar,sprune_delta, > sprune_beta,sprune_df,sprune_chibeta,sprune_npmt,sprune_fptime endif c c if( sNTRACKS_FP.GT. 0) then chi2min= 1e10 goodtrack = 0 ! Initialize all tracks to be good do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP keep(track) = .true. reject(track)=0 enddo ! Prune on xptar ngood=0 do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP if( abs(sxp_tar(track)) .lt. sprune_xp .and. keep(track)) then ngood = ngood + 1 endif enddo if( then do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP if( abs(sxp_tar(track)) .ge. sprune_xp) then keep(track) = .false. reject(track) = reject(track) + 1 endif enddo endif ! Prune on yptar ngood=0 do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP if( abs(syp_tar(track)) .lt. sprune_yp .and. keep(track)) then ngood = ngood + 1 endif enddo if( then do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP if( abs(syp_tar(track)) .ge. sprune_yp) then keep(track) = .false. reject(track) = reject(track) + 2 endif enddo endif ! Prune on ytar ngood=0 do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP if( abs(sy_tar(track)) .lt. sprune_ytar .and. keep(track)) then ngood = ngood + 1 endif enddo if( then do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP if( abs(sy_tar(track)) .ge. sprune_ytar) then keep(track) = .false. reject(track) = reject(track) + 10 endif enddo endif ! Prune on delta ngood=0 do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP if( abs(sdelta_tar(track)) .lt. sprune_delta > .and. keep(track)) then ngood = ngood + 1 endif enddo if( then do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP if(abs(sdelta_tar(track)) .ge. sprune_delta) then keep(track) = .false. reject(track) = reject(track) + 20 endif enddo endif ! Prune on beta ngood=0 do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP p = sp_tar(track) betap = p/sqrt(p*p+spartmass*spartmass) if( abs(sbeta(track)-betap) .lt. sprune_beta > .and. keep(track)) then ngood = ngood + 1 endif enddo if( then do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP p = sp_tar(track) betap = p/sqrt(p*p+spartmass*spartmass) if(abs(sbeta(track)-betap) .ge. sprune_beta) then keep(track) = .false. reject(track) = reject(track) + 100 endif enddo endif ! Prune on deg. freedom for track chisq ngood=0 do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP if(sNFREE_FP(track) .ge. sprune_df .and. keep(track)) then ngood = ngood + 1 endif enddo if( then do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP if(sNFREE_FP(track) .lt. sprune_df) then keep(track) = .false. reject(track) = reject(track) + 200 endif enddo endif ! Prune on num pmt hits ngood=0 do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP if(snum_pmt_hit(track) .ge. sprune_npmt.and. keep(track)) then ngood = ngood + 1 endif enddo if( then do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP if(snum_pmt_hit(track) .lt. sprune_npmt) then keep(track) = .false. reject(track) = reject(track) + 100000 endif enddo endif ! Prune on beta chisqr ngood=0 do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP if(sbeta_chisq(track) .lt. sprune_chibeta .and. > sbeta_chisq(track) .gt. 0.01 .and. keep(track)) then ngood = ngood + 1 endif enddo if( then do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP if(sbeta_chisq(track) .ge. sprune_chibeta .or. > sbeta_chisq(track) .le. 0.01) then keep(track) = .false. reject(track) = reject(track) + 1000 endif enddo endif ! Prune on fptime ngood=0 do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP if( abs(stime_at_fp(track)-sstart_time_center).lt.sprune_fptime > .and. keep(track)) then ngood = ngood + 1 endif enddo if( then do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP if(abs(stime_at_fp(track)-sstart_time_center).ge. > sprune_fptime) then keep(track) = .false. reject(track) = reject(track) + 2000 endif enddo endif ! Prune on Y2 being hit ngood=0 do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP if(sgood_plane_time(track,4).and. keep(track)) ngood = ngood + 1 enddo if( then do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP if(.not.sgood_plane_time(track,4)) then keep(track) = .false. reject(track) = reject(track) + 10000 endif enddo endif ! Prune on X2 being hit ngood=0 do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP if(sgood_plane_time(track,3).and. keep(track)) ngood = ngood + 1 enddo if( then do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP if(.not.sgood_plane_time(track,3)) then keep(track) = .false. reject(track) = reject(track) + 20000 endif enddo endif ! Pick track with best chisq if more than one track passed prune tests goodtrack = 1 do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP chi2perdeg = sCHI2_FP(track)/max(1.,FLOAT(sNFREE_FP(track))) if(chi2perdeg .lt. chi2min .and. keep(track)) then goodtrack = track chi2min = chi2perdeg endif enddo sSNUM_TARTRACK = goodtrack sSNUM_FPTRACK = goodtrack endif ! for debugging if( sNTRACKS_FP.GT. 100) then write(*,'(/)') do trk = 1, sNTRACKS_FP write(*,'(3i3,4L2,7f6.1,L2,i9)') trk,sNFREE_FP(trk), > snum_pmt_hit(trk), > sgood_plane_time(trk,1),sgood_plane_time(trk,3), > sgood_plane_time(trk,2),sgood_plane_time(trk,4), > stime_at_fp(trk),sbeta(trk),sbeta_chisq(trk), > sdelta_tar(trk),sy_tar(trk),sxp_tar(trk),syp_tar(trk), > keep(trk),reject(trk) enddo write(*,'(1x,''good trk='',2i4)') goodtrack endif return end