subroutine S_TRACK_FIT(ABORT,err,ierr) * primary track fitting routine for the SOS spectrometer * * Called by S_TRACK * * d.f. geesaman 8 Sept 1993 * $Log: s_track_fit.f,v $ * Revision 1.8 1996/01/17 18:56:08 cdaq * (JRA) Fill sdc_plane_wirecenter and sdc_plane_wirecoord arrays * * Revision 1.7 1995/10/11 18:15:12 cdaq * (JRA) Comment out MINUIT track fitting for now. * * Revision 1.6 1995/08/31 20:44:56 cdaq * (JRA) Don't fill single_residual arrray * * Revision 1.5 1995/07/20 19:06:05 cdaq * (SAW) Move data statements for f2c compatibility * * Revision 1.4 1995/05/22 19:46:01 cdaq * (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts" * * Revision 1.3 1995/04/06 19:45:16 cdaq * (JRA) Rename residuals variables * * Revision 1.2 1994/11/23 14:24:18 cdaq * (SPB) Recopied from hms file and modified names for SOS * * Revision 1.1 1994/02/21 16:42:27 cdaq * Initial revision * implicit none include "sos_data_structures.cmn" include "sos_tracking.cmn" include "sos_geometry.cmn" * c external S_FCNCHISQ c external S_DPSIFUN c real*8 S_DPSIFUN c real*8 S_FCNCHISQ * * local variables * logical ABORT character*11 here parameter (here='S_TRACK_FIT') character*(*) err integer*4 itrk ! track loop index integer*4 i,j ! loop index integer*4 ierr ! error return flag c integer*4 ivarbl ! dummy MINUIT variable integer*4 ihit, pln, hit c real*8 pos real*8 dray(snum_fpray_param) real*8 TT(snum_fpray_param) real*8 AA(snum_fpray_param,snum_fpray_param) c real*8 error(snum_fpray_param) c real*8 initialray(snum_fpray_param) c real*8 initialsteps(snum_fpray_param) c real*8 zero c real*8 arglis(10) c real*8 bnd1,bnd2 ! unused MUNUIT output variables real*8 chi2 c real*8 fedm,errder ! unused MUNUIT output variables c integer*4 npari,nparz,istat ! unused MUNUIT output variables c character*10 fitnames(4) c data initialray/0.D0,0.D0,.5D-2,.5D-2/ ! starting ray values c data initialsteps/1.D0,1.D0,.5E-2,.5D-2/ c data zero/0.0D0/ c data fitnames/' x_t ',' y_t ','tan(xp)','tan(yp)'/ c save initialray,initialsteps,fitnames ! starting ray, steps, names integer*4 remap(snum_fpray_param) data remap/5,6,3,4/ save remap * ABORT= .FALSE. ierr=0 * initailize residuals do pln=1,sdc_num_planes do itrk=1,sntracks_fp sdc_double_residual(itrk,pln)=1000 sdc_single_residual(itrk,pln)=1000 enddo c fill the 1d arrays from the 2d arrays in h_physics (don't clear here). c sdc_sing_res(pln)=1000 sdc_dbl_res(pln)=1000 enddo * test for no tracks if( then do itrk=1,sntracks_fp strack_fit_num=itrk * are there enough degrees of freedom snfree_fp(itrk)=sntrack_hits(itrk,1)-snum_fpray_param if(snfree_fp(itrk).gt.0) then c* initialize parameters c do i=1,snum_fpray_param c call MNPARM(i,fitnames(i),initialray(i),initialsteps(i), c & zero,zero,ierr) c if( then c write(sluno,'(a,i,a)') ' Unable to define parameter no.',i, c & fitnames(i) c ierr=1 c go to 1000 ! error return c endif c enddo ! end loop over track param c do i=1,10 c arglis(i)=0. c enddo c* Do track fit on track number strack_fit_num (passes in sos_tracking) c Call MNSETI(' Track Fitting in SOS Spectrometer') c Call MNEXCM(S_FCNCHISQ,'MIGRAD',arglis,0,ierr) c Call MNEXCM(S_FCNCHISQ,'MINOS',arglis,0,ierr) c Call MNSTAT(chi2,fedm,errder,npari,nparz,istat) c do i=1,snum_fpray_param c call MNPOUT(i,fitnames(i),ray(i),error(i),bnd1,bnd2,ivarbl) c enddo c sx_fp(itrk)=real(ray(1)) c sy_fp(itrk)=real(ray(2)) c sz_fp(itrk)=0. ! z=0 of tracking. c sxp_fp(itrk)=real(ray(3)) c syp_fp(itrk)=real(ray(4)) c schi2_fp(itrk)=real(chi2) c c* calculate residuals c ray1(1)=dble(sx_fp(itrk)) c ray1(2)=dble(sy_fp(itrk)) c ray1(3)=dble(sxp_fp(itrk)) c ray1(4)=dble(syp_fp(itrk)) c do ihit=2,sntrack_hits(itrk,1)+1 c hit=sntrack_hits(itrk,ihit) c pln=sdc_plane_num(hit) c pos=s_dpsifun(ray1,pln) c sdc_single_residual(itrk,pln)=sdc_wire_coord(hit)-pos c enddo c endif ! end test on degrees of freedom c enddo ! end loop over tracks c endif * initialize parameters do i=1,snum_fpray_param TT(i)=0. do ihit=2,sntrack_hits(itrk,1)+1 hit=sntrack_hits(itrk,ihit) pln=sdc_plane_num(hit) TT(i)=TT(i)+((sdc_wire_coord(hit)* & splane_coeff(remap(i),pln)) & /(sdc_sigma(pln)*sdc_sigma(pln))) enddo enddo do i=1,snum_fpray_param do j=1,snum_fpray_param AA(i,j)=0. if( AA(i,j)=AA(j,i) else do ihit=2,sntrack_hits(itrk,1)+1 hit=sntrack_hits(itrk,ihit) pln=sdc_plane_num(hit) AA(i,j)=AA(i,j) + ( & splane_coeff(remap(i),pln)*splane_coeff(remap(j) $ ,pln)/(sdc_sigma(pln)*sdc_sigma(pln))) enddo ! end loop on ihit endif ! end test on j .lt. i enddo ! end loop on j enddo ! end loop on i * * solve four by four equations call solve_four_by_four(TT,AA,dray,ierr) * if( then dray(1)=10000. dray(2)=10000. dray(3)=2. dray(4)=2. else * calculate chi2 chi2=0. * ray(1)=dray(1) * ray(2)=dray(2) * ray(3)=dray(3) * ray(4)=dray(4) * calculate hit coord at each plane for chisquared and efficiency calculations. do pln=1,sdc_num_planes sdc_track_coord(itrk,pln)=splane_coeff(remap(1),pln)*dray(1) & +splane_coeff(remap(2),pln)*dray(2) & +splane_coeff(remap(3),pln)*dray(3) & +splane_coeff(remap(4),pln)*dray(4) enddo do ihit=2,sntrack_hits(itrk,1)+1 hit=sntrack_hits(itrk,ihit) pln=sdc_plane_num(hit) * note chi2 is single precision sdc_plane_wirecenter(itrk,pln)=sdc_wire_center(hit) sdc_plane_wirecoord(itrk,pln)=sdc_wire_coord(hit) sdc_single_residual(itrk,pln)= & sdc_wire_coord(hit)-sdc_track_coord(itrk,pln) chi2=chi2+ & (sdc_single_residual(itrk,pln)/sdc_sigma(pln))**2 enddo endif sx_fp(itrk)=dray(1) sy_fp(itrk)=dray(2) sz_fp(itrk)=0. ! z=0 of tracking. sxp_fp(itrk)=dray(3) syp_fp(itrk)=dray(4) endif ! end test on degrees of freedom schi2_fp(itrk)=chi2 enddo ! end loop over tracks endif * test if we want to dump out trackfit results if( then call s_print_tracks endif ! end test on zero tracks 1000 return end