subroutine s_trans_cal(abort,errmsg) *======================================================================= *- *- Purpose: Computes the energy deposited in each of the hit *- counters, the energy deposition in calorimeter *- columns and the total energy deposition, using only *- the calorimeter information. *- The energy depositions are not corrected yet for *- impact point coordinate dependence. *- The subroutine also returns the X and Z coordinates *- of the hit block centers. *- *- Input Banks: SOS_SPARSIFIED_CAL, SOS_CAL_CONST,SOS_CAL_MONITOR *- *- Output Bank: SOS_DECODED_CAL *- *- Created: 15 Mar 1994 Tsolak A. Amatuni * $Log: s_trans_cal.f,v $ * Revision 1.8 2004/05/12 15:38:59 jones * Initialize ssshsum and ssshtrk to zero. * * Revision 1.7 2003/04/03 00:45:01 jones * Update to calorimeter calibration (V. Tadevosyan) * * Revision 1.6 1999/02/04 18:18:30 saw * Fix calculation of energy for blocks with two tubes * * Revision 1.5 1999/02/03 21:13:45 saw * Code for new Shower counter tubes * * Revision 1.4 1999/01/29 17:34:59 saw * Add variables for second tubes on shower counter * * Revision 1.3 1995/05/22 19:46:02 cdaq * (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts" * * Revision 1.2 1994/11/23 14:45:40 cdaq * * (SPB) Recopied from hms file and modified names for SOS * * Revision 1.1 1994/02/21 16:42:44 cdaq * Initial revision * *-------------------------------------------------------- implicit none save * logical abort character*(*) errmsg character*11 here parameter (here='S_TRANS_CAL') * integer*4 nb !Block number integer*4 nh !Hit number integer*4 row !Row number integer*4 col !Column number real*4 adc_pos, adc_neg !ADC-PED value * include 'sos_data_structures.cmn' include 'sos_calorimeter.cmn' * * Sparsify the raw data * call s_sparsify_cal(abort,errmsg) if(abort) then call g_add_path(here,errmsg) return endif * snhits_cal =0 scal_e1 =0. scal_e2 =0. scal_e3 =0. scal_e4 =0. scal_et =0. ssshsum = 0. ssshtrk = 0. * scal_e1_pos =0. scal_e1_neg =0. * scal_e2_pos =0. scal_e2_neg =0. if(scal_num_hits.le.0) go to 100 !Return * * Loop over hits * do nh=1,scal_num_hits row=scal_rows(nh) col=scal_cols(nh) adc_pos=scal_adcs_pos(nh) adc_neg=scal_adcs_neg(nh) nb =row+smax_cal_rows*(col-1) * *------Determine position and energy deposition for each block sblock_xc(nh)=scal_block_xc(nb) sblock_zc(nh)=scal_block_zc(nb) if(col.le.scal_num_neg_columns) then ! Blocks with two tubes sblock_de_pos(nh)=adc_pos*scal_pos_cal_const(nb) $ *scal_pos_gain_cor(nb) sblock_de_neg(nh)=adc_neg*scal_neg_cal_const(nb) $ *scal_neg_gain_cor(nb) sblock_de(nh)=sblock_de_pos(nh)+sblock_de_neg(nh) else ! Blocks with single tube sblock_de(nh)=adc_pos*scal_pos_cal_const(nb)*scal_pos_gain_cor(nb) sblock_de_pos(nh)=sblock_de(nh) endif * *------Accumulate the integral energy depositions if(col.eq.1) then scal_e1=scal_e1+sblock_de(nh) if( then scal_e1_pos=scal_e1_pos+sblock_de_pos(nh) scal_e1_neg=scal_e1_neg+sblock_de_neg(nh) endif else if (col.eq.2) then scal_e2=scal_e2+sblock_de(nh) if( then scal_e2_pos=scal_e2_pos+sblock_de_pos(nh) scal_e2_neg=scal_e2_neg+sblock_de_neg(nh) endif else if(col.eq.3) then scal_e3=scal_e3+sblock_de(nh) else if(col.eq.4) then scal_e4=scal_e4+sblock_de(nh) endif scal_et=scal_et+sblock_de(nh) ! Is sblock_de de_pos+de_neg? enddo !End loop over hits snhits_cal=scal_num_hits * 100 continue if( call s_prt_cal_decoded * return end